Very fun yet easy (even on hard) FPS romp through a huge variety of straight forward levels with lots of gameplay change-ups thrown at you through out. Mech combat is initially very fun but gets a bit stale by the end.

Felt like it could've been more fleshed out and given more time to some of the more interesting gameplay additions/settings, but I understand not wanting to overstay one's welcome!

Overall worth the 4 1/2 hours and a very chill 'movie-game'.

Great atmosphere, music, world/level design, and the scanner visor is a super neat and unique aspect. Completely understand why it's considered a classic.

However- I found the combat (particularly dodging not achieving much and being pretty luck based) and the slightly excessive backtracking to be major downsides that soured my experience.

Great game worth playing, but not as flawless to me as to some. For its time it was clearly a step above, and the remaster seems to be done well.

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Enjoyable aesthetic, music, and voice acting, but very short and doesn't give enough time to the characters for me to care that much about the emotional moments.

Incredibly unique visually, great sound design, one of a kind game. Highly recommend to anyone that's a fan of ~weird~ games, or turn based JRPG style games. Highly underrated gem.

One of the best games I have ever played. Incredible mechanics, music, sound design, puzzle design, just everything it tries to do it does incredibly. Was on the fence about ever even playing, not realizing what it was and could be. Please play this game.

Absolutely dripping with atmosphere, incredibly voiced, new knowledge and check successes/failures keep things constantly moving and endlessly intriguing, all without mentioning the amount of control the player has over how their version of the main character interacts with the world, and how quickly that moves things from hilarious to incredibly sad and forlorn. Amazing and one of a kind video game.