Reviews from

in the past

Do I recommend it...? Yyyyeahhhh I GUESS. It's polished, and plays pretty nicely. It's very SAFE and comfortable. But it's scares aren't really there, the game constantly pulls you away from gameplay with flashback cutaways, the enemies are kind of whatever, and overall I just don't think there's anything standout about it. I still think about SOMA, but I can barely remember this one now.

The best game in the series imo. Irrational took the lessons they learned from SOMA and while this doesn't reach that narrative peak, it offers something beyond the excessive lore dumps that cursed their previous main-line game. It suffers from some major bloat and unfortunate game design that lacks consequence but the emotional narrative keeps everything engaging. It's nothing mindblowing but it's far more effective than it gets credit for. Bloober Team should take notes.

Well, I never expected to be playing a game as a heavily pregnant woman before...

Very compelling story! It's just a shame the gameplay is so linear and that most of the horror is made up of scripted sequences...

I personally found Tasi to be the most well-rounded & most rootable protagonist of the series, and through that personal determination to protect & rescue her new baby easily helped Rebirth have the most engaging finale to any of the games so far, including The Bunker.

The Amnesia series is always fantastic with suspense though, and Rebirth is no exception. There are plenty levels where you're evading something or being chased through a series of tight hallways. However, I did find the tension drop a ton whenever I'd get "caught" and then... respawn? And the threat would just no longer exist? I'm confused as to whether there were any instances of failing or dying, and it just removed the tension in a lot of the later half...

Still, that's the thing with this series. You've got the more compelling story-led games (Rebirth and A Machine For Pigs), that are let down in the gameplay-department; and then the much more involved and replayable horror-focused ones (The Dark Descent and The Bunker) that are more convoluted or just lighter in the story department. To be honest, I've enjoyed them all! I don't think any are particularly bad. I just wish they'd manage a game that's BOTH highly involved in the gameplay AND intriguing with the story.

Overall rating: 6.5/10

I think it's quite funny that being an Amnesia game is what ends up dragging this game down. Some cool story concepts that present themselves so damn slowly that the game ends up feeling an absolute slog. Puzzles, darkness, stealth sequences, chases, everything that belonged to the series core feels like an annoying ass obstacle, either because they're that badly done (it's attempts at scaring you feel like a joke) or because the plot takes sooo long to develop that you end up tired of repetition. Game takes every chance it has to take you to a giant ass puzzle room because, idk, it's Amnesia I guess. The lamp is basically a legacy object because it has almost no use, it drains so quickly and oil is so scarce. Matches aren't that good but they can light torches and stuff and that makes them miles better. There's no mystery or anxiety about the monsters, there's just a few of them actively chasing you and they're easy af to avoid. It never really gets to be atmospheric because Tasi can't shut up about the little one. Nothing about Dark Descent works here because the game is way too centered in the protagonist and her journey, even the flashback format of telling you stuff doesn't work here because there's so much to tell you that you get one every 5 seconds.

God I got so bored playing this.

Even after increasing the brightness, the game is a bit too dark for my poor eyesight. I might pick it up again someday.

Though Amnesia Rebirth is a far cry from the level of psychological horror achieved in The Dark Descent, or the phenomenal storytelling from SOMA, it kinda mixes the two to give you a great narrative that keeps you on your toes for most of it's 6-7h story.
The story is definetly the focus here and learning what happened to all of the characters and the nature of the parallel world you often encounter yourself in is fun and interesting and keeps you wanting to learn more till the end, even if most of the lore is explained through notes and letters (which i didn't mind much). The setting and atmosphere is great and incredibly immersive, in great part due to the increible work of the voice actors, especially the voice of Tasi, the protagonist, making you really feel everything she is feeling all throught the journey.
What i also particularly enjoyed was the multiple elements that connect the events of this game to the events of tdd with elements such as the orb, the shadow, brennenburg, and even letters to alexander himself being present in the game, which gives you even more insight into the events of tdd and what led to these events.
The horror element does serve it's purpose, and the fort level shows that there was a lot of potential in that regard, but most of the times the horror parts are relatively short and don't offer that much challenge or panic as tdd manages to achieve, though i was still quite scared when they were present. It doesn't help either that the monster designs are quite uninspired, especially in comparasion to the horrors seen in tdd and even SOMA (althought miles better than a machine for pigs).
The ending is also another disapointment due to how quick everything comes to an end once you reach the final sequence of events, and none of the three different endings being particularly satisfying or bringing much closure to the story, plus all three of them make the whole journey feel kind of pointless since most of what happens in them is decided in the final moments.
Overall, a really enjoyable game, with a great narrative and some horror elements, but doesn't really achieve the highs seen in The Dark Descent or SOMA.

First and foremost - it's not scary and has no atmosphere. This game is a parasite, trying to look like a Dark Descent prequel. You can't die in this game and - surprise - IT'S A SPOILER TO A PLOT TWIST. The plot is predictable, the gameplay is old, just like the engine and the graphics. And also this game has a lot of all those letters and notes to read and you need to do it to understand what's going on until you get the whole idea. SOMA had all those digital journals, but they weren't mandatory to understand it all.

Recentemente, foi lançado o jogo Amnesia: The Bunker, e eu, que não tinha jogado o trabalho anterior da Frictional, decidi testá-lo e completá-lo. O jogo em questão é Amnesia: Rebirth, que é uma sequência de The Dark Descent.

Logo de início, é evidente que um dos trabalhos mais incríveis da equipe de desenvolvimento é a ambientação e a atmosfera do jogo. Ele se passa nos desertos da Argélia nos anos 1930 e mergulha os jogadores em um mundo sombrio, onde o desconhecido espreita em cada canto.tudo nesse jogo contribui para uma experiência de terror incrível, desde os gráficos, a iluminação, a trilha sonora e até mesmo a história. Criam uma sensação de tensão constante, fazendo com que você se sinta genuinamente ameaçado e desconfortável em vários momentos ao jogar o game assim como foi nossos games anteriores da nossa querida Frictional, os caras realmente são fera em fazer isso.

A jogabilidade de Amnesia: Rebirth concentra-se na exploração e na resolução de quebra-cabeças, algo que era muito comum em seu jogo anterior, The Dark Descent. Os jogadores devem encontrar pistas, manipular objetos e usar táticas de furtividade, frequentemente com a ameaça de monstros. O jogo também oferece uma opção interessante para aqueles que não gostam de terror, o que é um tanto controverso, afinal, se você joga Amnesia, é justamente pelo seu terror e pelos outros elementos que compõem o jogo, como a jogabilidade de mover objetos, os quebra-cabeças, entre outros. No entanto, essa opção ela é mais focada na narrativa e nos quebra-cabeças é intrigante e bem-vinda, pois permite que pessoas que têm muito medo se acostumem com o jogo e aprendam a lidar com as situações que ele apresenta.

Uma outra adição notável é o medidor de medo de Tasi, a protagonista, que influencia sua sanidade mental. Dependendo da situação, ela pode entrar em pânico, afetando sua capacidade de se mover ou até mesmo distorcendo sua percepção da realidade. Essa mecânica acrescenta uma camada extra de tensão, incentivando os jogadores a equilibrar a exploração com a necessidade de preservar a sanidade da personagem. Essa mecânica de jogo torna a experiência muito mais imersiva e se encaixa perfeitamente no contexto do jogo. Em qualquer outro jogo de terror mais frenético, isso poderia ser prejudicial e até mesmo chato, mas aqui funciona muito bem.

Amnesia: Rebirth oferece uma experiência de terror incrível. O jogo como um todo é muito bom e eu adorei. Fiquei grudado na minha cadeira do início ao fim, e foram cerca de 8-9 horas de gameplay para concluir a história, o que fiz em duas jogadas em mais ou menos dois dias. Com sua ambientação sombria, narrativa cativante e mecânicas de jogo bem executadas, Amnesia: Rebirth é uma sequência digna do amado Amnesia: The Dark Descent. Se você é fã do gênero de horror como eu, não pode deixar de jogar qualquer trabalho da nossa querida Frictional, que é uma desenvolvedora incrível e faz um trabalho excepcional.

Portanto, se você busca uma excelente experiência de terror, Amnesia: Rebirth certamente merece um lugar em sua coleção de jogos. E, para mim, foi melhor do que Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs, que, apesar de ter gostado, me deixou um pouco decepcionado.

- Atmosfera imersiva e tensa de terror.
- Narrativa bem construída.
- Quebra-cabeças interessantes.
- Design de níveis incrível.

- Jogabilidade um pouco limitada.
- O jogo demora um pouco para engrenar.

The emotional catharsis of this game is really memorable and most of the story works, but once you've figured out how to play it just isn't scary anymore.

I like this game a lot, especially when it gets real dang weird.

Reminds me of Prometheus, a lot of people don't like it because it pulls back some of the curtains of the story and what's really going on, I personally don't mind it, main complaint is some of the gameplay sections should be better but I like Tasi as much as Daniel from the first game (Daniel is just more interesting)

My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.

Das neue Setting gefällt. Horror in der Wüste / Tunneln mit Scifi-Touch. Einiges hat mich an Film "The Descent" erinnert. Story ist auch sehr interessant. Synchro leider nur in English, aber dafür gut!

Those familiar with Amnesia: The Dark Descent will find Amnesia: Rebirth a little too slow to start. Up to half of the game features no monster at all, with only jump scares to entertain, its puzzles were simplistic to the point through which we asked ourselves if they were actually puzzles.

Foetus mechanics are awkwardly presented to the player, just a really strange choice for a horror game mechanic that tramps on the sanity and light control introduced in its sequels. Its main character constantly talks about things we would not give a tinker's damn about; while Dark Descent would tell its story through its environments, Rebirth annoyed us with its "little one", aimlessly self-referenced.

Overall, Justine is the better follow-up to The Dark Descent, starring a female protagonist, which does not overstay its welcome. Not without credit, Rebirth certainly has some hair-raising moments, such as the maze three-quarter into the game. Unfortunately, other moments were scripted to the point of becoming detached with its monsters' presence.

The most boring game I've played this year. Could only put about an hour in before I wanted to fall asleep.

Full of really fantastic stuff despite its flaws. I was interested to play through this after seeing the mixed reception it had (Frictional even wrote a post-mortem on their site going over how surprised they were by some of the push-back) and, minus a few significant caveats, I ended up mostly loving it.

When it comes to the good stuff, the story here is absolutely the star. It's a bit overstuffed in places - the expedition cast definitely needed trimming - but Frictional managed to find a solid balance between the dual plotlines of what happened to the crew and exploring the world of the Gate-Builders. I was afraid that the game would reveal too much about that second piece and rob the franchise of its opacity, but I think they mostly nailed it in terms of explaining elements of the bigger picture without robbing the setting of too much mystery. I also love the alien world aesthetically - that first image of the crumbled statue holding the orb next to an ever-eclipsed emerald sun is gonna stick with me for a while, I think.

Gameplay-wise, the results are mixed. Tasi's fear mechanic isn't a bad idea per se, but the lack of a death mechanic defuses the tension too often, especially in some of the later levels. The level design also feels like a misguided compromise between TDD and AMFP - I prefer the hub-based vibe of TDD's world, but beyond a handful of excellent sections, it feels like Frictional followed the example of AMFP and went with a more linear design. It does work for a few levels, but the back half of the game definitely could have used a better balance between the two styles.

With that in mind, as a horror game, I'm not sure it totally works. There's plenty of wonderful atmosphere and tension in its best moments, but I actually found a few of the later sequences to be more frustrating than scary. The stealth sequences aren't all bad - I especially liked the Hunting Grounds setpiece - but every time I think about the end-game sections with Ghosts I can feel my jaw clench in remembered rage. The Ghouls work for me just fine, even if they aren't too interesting visually, but the Ghosts have an infuriating teleportation mechanic that borks the player's ability to navigate those sequences safely. If those segments had been redesigned/reconfigured, I wouldn't have as much of an issue, but they ultimately took the experience down a notch or two for me.

Now, on to the greatest point of contention for this game: Tasi Trianon. The general direction of someone's feelings toward Rebirth seem dependent on whether they found her and her plight empathetic. Personally, I think she's fantastic - I teared up a few times learning about the backstory of her family, and seeing how that informed her decisions in the main plot helped to make her one of the best written horror protagonists I've seen in a while. She's clever, driven, and I never felt like her dialogue became so frequent as to be annoying like some other folks have stated. I admit that the "rub your pregnant belly to not be scared" mechanic was goofy, but at the same time, I felt like it did ground me much more fully in her physical experience as the game progressed. Not to be too galaxy-brained, but I get a lot of casual misogyny vibes from the reviews that virulently despise Tasi. Part of it is probably because playing as her requires a willingness to engage with a game that doesn't shy away from what being a pregnant woman in these circumstances would feel like. Other women protagonists in horror games can feel interchangeable with male characters sometimes - i.e. Ripley in Alien: Isolation or Jill Valentine in Resident Evil - and Frictional seems much more committed to fully embracing the interiority and physicality of Tasi's pregnancy in ways that other developers would shy away from. Has there been another game that includes a breastfeeding scene that's as tasteful as the one here? Have any other games had you play as a woman desperate for help after her water breaks? Maybe it's just me, but I wouldn't be surprised if the gaming sphere's inherent sexism is part of what led to this game's reputation being as contentious as it is.

In short: it's not perfect, but this deserves a hell of a lot more credit than it gets in the Amnesia discourse. I'd love to see Frictional take the more hands-on storytelling here and mix it with The Bunker's gameplay evolutions whenever they get back to this series. They've built up the foundations for a truly special experience down the road, and I can't wait to see it.

After the armory you can probably drop the game because it's the highpoint of the game, there's kinda only 1 type of monster stalking you most of the game, the story is really not that good or interesting as the first game, the characters you hear about in cutscenes are not interesting, the idea of the game having flashback each 3 minutes was fuckin terrible and yo why the fuck the protagonist doesn't ever shut up, it ruins the immersion with her bad dialogue during the entire game.

Mesmo eu tendo gostado da narrativa, ela não é tão boa quanto The Dark Descent, e não chega nem perto de SOMA, o plot twist final foi muito mais simples do que fora sugerido durante todo o game, além da problemática final ser bem imatura. Contudo, Amnesia: Rebirth foi o retorno que a franquia precisava, mantendo a excelência em atmosfera, bons puzzles, e uma imersão invejável.

Rebirth was made very much for the old fans that have been speculating about deep lore for years, it further connects and explores the amnesia universe, yet it doesn't lean too much into nostalgia bait. The overarching narrative is about motherhood, past trauma and the fears associated with it.

"But is it scary thought?" Well horror is subjective. But if you are a thrill seeker and in it just for the spooky monsters and scary jumpscares, rebirth has some stand out intense moments but if you are expecting non-stop chases à la outlast you will be dissapointed. It is a slower paced deal.

do they know how pregnant women act

In this installment of the series, they TRIED to bring back all the horror of the original and they sort of succeeded. They did, in fact, make the game look, feel and play a lot better than it's predecessors, the game does feel a lot psychologically scarier than the last, and it is a lot more challenging, except for a really stupid feature that I still don't understand why they added in this installment of the franchise in which the game holds your hand if you die by despawning the monster in the area. Why did they do this? atleast give me a chance to try again and don't treat me like a child, that would be the decent thing to do. Story is great and levels and environments are spectacular, puzzles and enemy variety also received a good bump from the last game. Not bad, IMO. Also, if you have a pregnancy fetish you will enjoy this game ;)

Cara, que doideira. Eu amo como esse jogo se conecta com os anteriores. Isso sim é Amnésia.

As much as I personally loved Rebirth, I can see why a lot of others didn't like it as much

-There is a noticeable amount of visual bugs which ruin the immersion.
-The forced cutscenes are kind of invasive when I was trying to explore, especially at the beginning of the game.
-Some people may find the breastfeeding scene uncomfortable to watch.
-I much preferred tinderboxes as opposed to the matches that you use in this game.
-Tasi talking to herself throughout the game sometimes ruins the immersion.

The reviews others left on the game ended up being a lot harsher than I expected, and I think that may be partially caused by the fact that this was the first release in this series in a very long time. In other words, I think some people are biased by nostalgia.

-Puzzles are for the most part satisfying and interesting, taking a different approach than a lot of games do when it comes to making puzzles.
-Some of the music was reminiscent of the previous games which was a nice touch.
-The game looks beautiful, from the desert to the alien environments.
-Custom stories allow the community to create endless content.
-Lots of lore which connects deeply to Amnesia: The Dark Descent

Story was pretty good on paper but the dump at the end was awful, gameplay got boring at the halfway point.

[Played on SteamDeck (verified), batterylife wasn't great, but it ran perfectly and I had no issues with it.]

The best part of the first two Amnesia games, in my opinion, was piecing together the mystery alongside your character. I unfortunately didn't have this same experience with Rebirth, I figured out nearly the whole "mystery" not even half-way through my playthrough. The atmosphere was really good, the environments were interesting, puzzles were a mixed bag, and I liked the monster designs. Overall it's not a bad game, but I'd rather play the other games in the series to be honest.

so sad. i wanted to play this so bad, i was so excited; i loved soma, the bunker was too scary for me to play (/pos), & the narrative/plot looked right up my alley.

sadly, i just think amnesia games might not be for me. the lighting mechanic was really bad.. they give you a VERY limited amount of matches/lamp oil, but she freaks out if she's in the dark. i literally tested it, lit a ceiling lamp then stood in the corner & it started to do the crunchy audio cues & wobbly camera. the jump scares felt really cheesy & as much as i wanted to be engrossed in the story, the poor design choices didn't do it for me. :( very sad, just not for me.

Compelling, disorienting, and rather tense, this installation of Amnesia isn't as simple or tight as the other iterations but offers a more complex story with a grounded, thorough experience that is unsettling to say the least. The game balances between keeping tension and not desensitizing you to the dread-filled moments, throwing you off balance and creating the feeling Tasi has as she tries to remember and find her friends. Solid visuals, art direction, and voice acting also aid the experience. Perhaps a little drawn out and lacking satisfaction in some areas, but a very solid entry nonetheless.

A fine return to Amnesia though underwhelming coming from SOMA. It’s not very scary like TDD was and the pacing felt off to me, but made up for it with a better story and more varied environments that kept it interesting throughout. Frictional’s engine is really starting to show its age though.

This review contains spoilers

A dreadfully slow game that tries to be scary, but ends up hampered by some stupid design decisions.
I had previously played Amnesia: A Machine For Pigs before picking this up. The trailers made this game look like it would be a combination of bone-chilling horror, gripping storytelling, and great gameplay. Well, it has one of those. Sort of.
The game takes the "walk around and run around and solve puzzles and hide in the dark" approach of A Machine For Pigs (and, I assume, The Dark Descent) and adds a hefty dose of "boring." It follows the story of Tasi, a pregnant lady who will not stop talking. After a plane crash in the desert, she must try to reunite with the other members of her expedition while at the same time avoiding Lovecraftian horrors beyond her comprehension.
Good concept, right? How could they mess this up? Well, Amnesia: Rebirth is plagued by a number of stupid mechanics that make the experience more frustrating than fun. Let us count them.
1. The game is dark. Really dark. If you stay in the dark too long, you'll start to go "insane." What this means is that you will hear a noise like a bunch of insects crawling and then you will see a bunch of stupid jump scare images pop out at you. These are not scary. More like frustrating.
2. The game is very dark. So you have matches and a lantern. These last about two seconds and three seconds, respectively. Good luck getting through a dark area without going into the options menu and turning the gamma all the way up.
3. This is a horror game about avoiding monsters. If the monsters catch you, they kill you, right? Wrong. Instead, you see a cutscene of you running away from the monster, interspersed with some more non-scary jump scares. Yes, if you don't run away from the monster, you will be punished by the game making you run away from the monster whether you like it or not.
3.5. This gets even better. Sometimes, when you are attacked by the monster and involuntarily run away, the game will just warp you past the monster to the next part of the level. Yes, you can cheese the game by just running headlong into the monsters and warping past each chase sequence. What were they thinking?
4. Puzzle hints are provided by drawings in your notebook, which are terribly opaque. Personally, I am terrible at puzzles and have to look most of them up. These vague hints were unhelpful, and honestly more infuriating than no hints at all.
5. The storyline came to a very unsatisfying conclusion. Throughout the game, there were hints that Tasi's baby was dead and she was just imagining that she was still pregnant. For example, at one point she found herself going from something like four months pregnant to eight months pregnant. This would have been a somewhat predictable twist, but it would have been dramatically effective. Instead of this, the game doesn't do anything with these hints and goes off into semi-Lovecraftian space opera for the finale. The ending is mildly creepy, but doesn't really feel like the ending of a psychological horror game. The game also has multiple endings--I looked up the other two, and they don't do anything with this plot point either.
6. The inventory has far more slots than you will ever use in the game. Why?
7. There are closeable doors and cabinets (or something) that you can hide in, making it seem like the gameplay will involve running from ghouls and very quickly closing a door to hide yourself in a room or closet or something. You never have to do this.
In conclusion, this game felt like a chore to play. And yet, it did have some very memorable sequences, especially the beginning encounter with the ghoul in the fortress, which was very scary to me. There were some great ideas here, but they were ultimately hampered by terrible execution that made the game more boring than scary.

A common mistake game developers usually make is to try and apply their previous game design mechanics to their new games, what worked once for your game will surely work again for your new game, right? nope!

Rebirth is a desperate attempt to get back and capture that same magical feeling that happened with the first Amnesia but it failed for many reasons some of which are.
The game has no new ideas, the story is as generic as ever and the game mechanics are the same tired out mechanics that have been done many times throughout the decade.
The atmosphere is weaker because of the inferior setting, sound design and music, and lovecraftian aspect is completely absent.
There is less gameplay and much more reading and listening to voiceovers, the ratio between playing the game and reading notes is abysmal something the first game managed to balance greatly, it also didnt help that unlike Soma the story here is much less interesting and more bloated and badly paced.

So its a total of lack of inspiring ideas, repetitive game mechanics that feel tired out, inferior art direction and sound design, badly paced and less interesting story and setting.

All of which make for an utterly forgettable, boring and uninspired sequel.

Frictional Games should always make one game per IP.