Reviews from

in the past

Good AC game except you're forced to be british

Why force me to play sassy brit guy when I have sexy assassin lady?

I remember sitting in class with a buddy of mine and talking about how AC Syndicate looked like the lamest entry in the mainline franchise to date. The grungy London setting just did not look appealing and it looked like the franchise had gotten incredibly stale. I still ended up playing through this one and somehow it really pulled me in. It's the only Assassin's Creed game I've 100%-ed to date. It turns out that the storytelling is pretty good, the gameplay loop works, and the time period and locale are well utilized. I never would've expected this to be as fun as it was. It's not perfect since it definitely gets extremely repetitive and the modern day storyline is utter nonsense that should just be removed entirely, but Syndicate gets more right than I expected.

underrated as fuck, jacob and evie are amazing (but I'm biased cause I'm a twin) london is beautiful, having your hideout in a moving train is so fucking fun?? love it

Alright, kinda took a long time to beat this one and dropped I'd for a while, but, this game is good, not anything exceptional, a solid 7 I would put, the stealth is te best part and the missions are engaging, and the city is just beautiful to explore, the combat straight up sucks, just the worst of the whole franchise, Batman Arkham knockoff, but, the stealth makes up for it in many ways, the story, though not the best, is good enough, better than unity in my opinion, but that's about it, I recommend playing

Assassin's Creed Syndicate introduces players to the Victorian Age and a fascinating and immersive London. The story is engaging, the combat system was good, and the parkour mechanics are a bit clunky. Perhaps a solid Assassin's Creed experience with memorable characters (my favorite is Abberline). The DLC is fantastic and I love the WW1 setting <3

Worst Assassin Creed game I have ever played. The game is buggy and gameplay and story is horrible. Please don't waste your time on this the story is just horrible.

idc what people say, i loved this game

After playing almost every other entry in the franchise, this is the final nail in the coffin for me and the reason why I will probably never pick up another AssCreed game.

Earlier this year, I set out to beat every single Assassins Creed game (besides number 1, just because I forgot to buy it and haven't felt like going back.) As of today, I may have failed that. This game's setting is so miserable to look at that every time I pick it up, I quit 15 minutes later. There are good, maybe even great, elements to this game, but I just don't feel like suffering through it. 4 sequences in, I'm fucking done. Onto Origins!

Schade, dass das Game so untergegangen ist. In meinen Augen braucht es sich nicht vor den besten Games der Reihe zu verstecken. Das Setting ist toll, ich liebe die Charles Dickens Murder Mysterys und dass man zwei Haupfiguren steuert, die sich unterschiedlich spielen ist auch ein Pluspunkt. Macht das Beste aus der klassichen AC-Formel.

I was cool I liked the steam trains it it! Never finished it though.

Here's the thing: I have no love or nostalgia for the AssCreed franchise. Mainly because a friend of mine does and she convinced me to buy the first two games on PC, many years after their initial releases, and they were so janky to the point of being unplayable that I ragequit both of them at the beginning levels.

But then I got a PS4 and I figured maybe these games are better with a controller? Or maybe the newer games are more playable since they're probably more streamlined? And I was correct! I picked Syndicate as my next attempt at getting into AssCreed because I love Victorian England/steampunk type bullshit and I thought playing as a girl would be fun, even if poor Evie gets fully shafted at the end.

Basically, I don't care about AssCreed as a franchise or the overarching story that's, let's be frank here, is dumb as rocks anyway. AssCreed to me is about dicking around in a historical setting. That's all it needs to be.

Syndicate is a fun little romp in the style of those Guy Ritchie Sherlock Holmes movies. Is it well-written? No. Is it a Proper AssCreed Game? Hell if I know, and I don't care if it isn't. But is it fun to run around a lovingly recreated Victorian London as a cool assassin in a cool assassin outfit, zipping and zapping across rooftops and dropping onto Templar necks like a particularly fat bird poop? Yes.

Syndicate is for that part of your brain that thought steampunk was cool but you couldn't afford to embrace the style because you were 14 years old and didn't have a personal income. It's for the kid in you that wants a sword cane because they're deadly yet sophisticated, and the kid in you that thinks you could take a guy twice your size if you mind-magic predict all his moves beforehand.

That's all it really needs to be. And you get to stab like a whole bunch of old British dudes with huge mustaches! What else do you need in a videoed game?

I don't get this game. 20-30 hours of doing exactly the same. At least it's kind of fun and beautiful to run around in historic London. Still, the gameplay is just boring.

I actually enjoyed this game a lot. Sister-brother dynamic was top-notch.

I played the first chapter of this before shelving it for nearly 5 years. It took a bit to get into the second time but once I did it was actually quite good, one of the better Assassin's Creed games. The combat is weird but actual fun side content with some of the easiest and most satisfying traversal in the series more than make up for it.


Sometimes fun sometimes not. Parkour has been downgraded and London isn't as pretty as Paris or as detailed. It's a passable game but I can see why this stopped being a yearly franchise after this, the music is great though.

Assassin’s Creed Syndicate is the most fun I’ve had with an Assassin’s game since Black Flag. In fact, I liked it more. Apart from its ill-fitting conclusion, it never takes itself too seriously and delights in the rich possibilities of its Victorian setting and great new grapple gun. As you explore its contrasting boroughs, you glean some sense of what powered this great city in the 19th century. The story missions capitalise on this by exploring different spheres of influence, which when combined with elements like mass transit, heavy industry, and law enforcement, make this feel like a different type of city than has been featured in the series to date. Best of all, Syndicate asks you to take London back in a way puts the last few games to shame.

Ecoutez moi je m'étais bien amusé donc bon

Pros: unity but plays it safe
Cons:Unity but plays it safe

A maratona era pra acabar com o Rogue mas aí eu lembrei que eu tinha essa porcaria na Epic, joguei um pouco achando que seria uma merda e acabei gostando, que se foda....

Eu concordo com absolutamente TODAS as críticas já feitas a esse jogo, mas mesmo assim... Ele é divertido (???)

Isso aí é um Ubisoft game daqueles. Conteúdo até o cu fazer bico, a mesma fórmula de sempre, genérico pra caralho... Fora que como um Assassin's Creed fica MUITO longe dos princípios da franquia, com o parkour trivializado, a história sendo basicamente uma comédia, você andando de carroça como se fosse carro em GTA, o combate usando medidor de combo achando que é um devil may cry ou algo assim... TÁ TUDO ERRADO AQUI, mas se você abraçar o descaso dá pra brincar bastante e aproveitar um mundinho aberto com setting daora, e uma história que tira uns sorrisinhos de canto de boca.

Esse jogo DESGRAÇADO é uma PARÓDIA de Assassin's Creed que eu tentei com todas as forças ODIAR, mas acabei gostando um tanto e me divertindo um pouco, talvez pela quebra de expectativa. Eu tenho absoluto NOJO do fato de que eu gostei tanto dessa merda e estou envergonhado.

The problem with Syndicate isn't that it doesn't do anything right but rather that the things it fucks up are deal breakers.

Not being able to jump and the parkour being reduced to its shallowest form, combat being one button for attack, one for dodge and one to break guard and the enemies taking forever to die. A lighthearted story with a whole lot of cringey jokes doesn't work too well with a setting this grim and depressing. They scaled down on the side content but that doesnt mean quality over quantity but rather the same 4 copy pasted missions in every district, sometimes more than once, the average collectables and the fight club thingy that's fine but not memorable.

But oh well it does some things right, for starters it gets the stealth right. Being able to crouch is thankfully back though having 2 equippable items isnt back so your options are once again more limited. You can use the rope launcher to get yourself from point to point and it makes stealth more dynamic even if otherwise the rope launcher amounts to nothing but press R to skip the parkour.

And it has a few decent missions ig? The blackbox missions are cool yet very easy and feel like a downgrade from Unity since the parkour and combat aren’t as good even if the unique kills and the opportunities are arguably more consistently useful. Besides those there’s the carriage chases which are silly fun and...that’s it tbh.

I want to like Syndicate, I really do, it was one of the first AC games I ever played and the 2nd I finished, I loved it back in early 2017 when I first finished it but going back, it doesn’t hold up to me.

I get why it’s fun to some but idk I found most of it rather boring.

Ubisoft Quebec needs to stay away from Assassin's Creed.

Massive improvement from Unity, they got rid of a ton of the stuff that made both the game and the platinum tedious. Victorian London was a pretty cool setting, had very likeable main characters plus a much needed grappling hook mechanic. Other than that the plot is still kinda mediocre and the villains very forgettable. The platinum still has a fair share of annoying stuff, but again not as bad as Unity.

a silly and fun story with a likeable set of player characters alongside a lot of quality of life improvements (that zipline!) let down by it still being too finicky and a liberal as all hell worldview. what did they do to my boy marx? and why is churchill so epic?

Boring, in my opinion it has its things, but tend to be very boring, and the characters are mostly comedic, the overall parkour system it's a butcher version of unity's parkour, so it's very sad imo. The overall story and systems are repetitive, even more that I'm used to in the Assassin's creed saga lmao.

I didn't really care for Assassin's Creed Syndicate when it first came out; it felt like a step down from Unity in a lot of ways, though I would say it does have the better story of the two. The side quests with Karl Marx, Charles Darwin, and Charles Dickens were probably my most enjoyed moments of the game.

The DLCs, Jack the Ripper and The Last Maharaja, were very fun, though I found the former to be very buggy (vehicle physics bugging out, a problem that also plagued me in the late game of the main story)

its like brotherhood but made by monkeys! and bwi'ish