Reviews from

in the past

Adjective: okay
Satisfactory but not especially good.

This pretty much sums up my thoughts on Chasm. It's a Metroidvania with nice 2D pixel art but it simply doesn't excel at anything. It uses a 'seed' system as it's stand out feature. Though main rooms are in the same set places, the corridors and side rooms are procedurally generated so it's different each run. However having played through it twice in quick succession for the platinum I can tell you it's utterly pointless as the game feels the same regardless. What it does effect is the level design which just comes across as kind of bland or unfathomable for the most part. As an example at the bottom of a shaft might be a shrine to give you more XP for 30 seconds but the nearest enemy is 20 seconds of platforming away so there just isn't any point.

Combat is okay. It's functional but just not interesting. You get a main melee weapon and a magic spell which is basically a Castlevania sub weapon. (throw knife, axe, shuriken etc.) The magic attacks are just dull to use and don't do enough to warrant it. I ended up doing the bare minimum in fighting anyway because the loot drops are wildly inconsistent and the drop rates from enemies is laughable I think on my first playthrough I changed armor once to a craft gold set and didn't get anything better as I wasn't spending an hour trying to gain anything better by grinding.

The game is about 10 hours long to 100% going in blind, I did a speed run on hard in about 5 hours afterwards and I did kind of enjoy my time with it overall but I will forget all about it with in a couple of weeks. It just didn't have any real lasting impact. It's 'ok'.

+ Some nice pixel art.
+ Ok.

- Seed system is pointless and feels like it impacts level design negatively.
- Loot and drop rates are poor.

The Chiptune soundtrack is nice, at least for the Mines area. The Catacombs were a bit lackluster for music and the Gardens were decent.

I think the procedural generation can only take the game so far, as it's a fun idea, but it has distinct limitations imposed on it that hamper its ability to create fun and memorable environments. Honestly, some of the room designs were nice and if the game needed anything, it was polishing in terms of what/how many spawns in a given area and more unique rooms to add to the queue when generating an area.

As an example, there's a room in the Mines area that you can enter from the left side. It has an area below that you can drop down to, though you can't initially see the bottom. It also has an area above you with platforms letting you head up to whatever's awaiting you above. On the right side of the screen is an exit you can't go through yet because there's a metal barrier blocking the way that you need to find a switch for.

In that same room, you can drop down to the bottom and work your way over a very basic set of small acid pools and find the first switch, which opens a metal barrier all the way up in the top-left area of the room. On your way up to that area, you'll fight a goblin-like creature that throws rocks at you as you move across the platforms toward it.

When you get up to the top and hit the switch, you'll remove the barrier from the passage on the right side of the screen, across from where you initially came in. On your way back down, you might notice that there's a dead-end passage available on the right and also another passage in the top-right you can't reach yet.

Why do I mention all of this in several paragraphs? Because for all that environment, the goblin-like creature was THE ONLY ENEMY YOU ENCOUNTER IN THE ENTIRE ROOM. This is an issue that repeats itself depending on room structure, but the enemy count seems fixed to the room-type based on what I saw from watching speedruns where people got the same room I did.

The end result is that even if the rooms themselves might be clever, the sparseness of enemies leaves the rooms feeling rather lifeless...for some mines (and other locations) that are populated by monsters, there's a distinct lack of population density that creates an uninhabited look and feel for the areas.

I can't help but think that this game needed either to never be procedurally-generated or needed way more rooms and room care for the arrays. Instead, this is a very okay game and I might go back and finish it at some point, but I'm not in any hurry to do so with potentially better Metroidvanias waiting in the wings.

A game I backed on Kickstarter, so I probably came into it with my expectations set too high. Great pixel art style, but poor controls and lackluster dungeon design made it boring to play.

Super fun search-action/metroidvania game. Its not meant to be this super original game because it plays a lot like SOTN even down to being able to jump cancel attacks! My only critique is actually with the music. Its not terrible in fact serviceable, but I was hoping for more catchier melodies and sounds.

It's a Symphony of the Night clone, through and through.

Entertaining though, you should definitely give it a try if you enjoy Metroidvanias.

At first I thought the jump was a little weightless, but it’s precise and the feel of the combat is very SOTN classic. Jumping into the Arcade mode gives a Dead Cells pure-Rogue energy. A good one to play until you die.

Chasm for me was a blast .. For the first playthrough at least. Great gameplay, enemies and combat. Really cool use of abilities and the need to come back to certain levels. Boss mechanics were great and the platforming was thoroughly enjoyable. Overall gameplay was 9/10
Don't have a clue what the random seed does as my three playthroughs were almost identical and made the game, what i thought would be more enjoyable, just the same dull corridors. Enjoyed 100%ing this either way

A pretty bog-standard fantasy metroidvania. It was okay while I was going through it, but I lost interest so quickly. Very standard and boring combat, environment, and power ups. Not really doing anything unique or special.

Muy buen metroidvania, recontra disfrutable. Tiene la posibilidad de jugarlo en "nuevo juego+" para más dificultad y placer.

arte hermoso pero el juego falla en ser lo que quiere ser

Its kinda neat, but it doesn't have enough draw to keep you playing.

Cliché, boring world. Clunky, unpleasant controls. A shame, since "Metroidvania RPG" is exactly in my wheelhouse. But this was just "meh."

Also the first game I've ever asked for a Steam refund for.

The gimmick of generating a random world for each playthrough, but then sticking with that world through the whole game is neat, but the game would have probably been better if the developer spent that time on making one complicated map instead of a system that can connect more simple rooms to each other.

It's not very creative or inventive, but Chasm is a well crafted, streamlined metroidvania with fun enough SOTN style combat to keep me engaged for 8 hours. And honestly, that's enough for me.

It's just one of those games you play through, enjoy and forget about. It was fun while it lasted but it's too derivative of generic fantasy tropes setting-wise and SOTN gameplay wise to stand out. It's not exactly glowing praise, but if you want something fun to play for a bit that doesn't require too much brain power, play Chasm.

It's also pretty clear to me that 7 out of those 8 years was spent drawing sprites and backdrops, because that's really the highlight. Really some fantastic pixel art in this one. The music was pretty alright, but nothing memorable, so I recommend playing your own.

Also, play on Normal. Hard is kind of balanced like shit since dodging late game attacks is borderline impossible because your character is slow. You also can't turn it down, and I probably would have liked the game more if the damage was turned down a pinch.

Basically a Rogue-Like Symphony of the Night.

Good shit.

um jogo na formula de metroidvania sem nada interessante ou criativo para se sustentar

Metroidvania com um certo carisma, mas nada que o faça valer mais a pena que os concorrentes.

i almost feel bad for the dev because, on paper, a procedurally generated metroidvania has potential. the problem is that we usually remember metroidvanias for specific designs and map layouts. if you're going to design a procedurally generated metroidvania, you absolutely need a map that's going to do more than just long corridors with little variation. maybe the technology's not up to par, or maybe there was just a design flaw in the pitch. couldn't tell you.

I really want to like this game a lot more, but it's legit so slow-paced, too big, and the randomized elements don't make much for an interesting experience as its all the same set pieces just swapped around.

The real highlight is the pixel art and the boss designs are quite nice, everything else just feels so phoned in it doesn't feel like any effort went in despite the long dev time. There's a lot better to play than this, honestly.


I got a lot of fun out of this where I was controlling and my daughter was helping come up with ideas of where to go next and what we can do.

A very standard Metroidvania that copies way too much from the CV games. It has so many mechanics from them but executed them so poorly that it just makes for an overall average experience. Though the frustration this game's level design gave me puts it below average for me. This game is bad, and I'm sorry to the devs because I know that they're great people but I just don't like this game. I was hoping for a great igavania, but instead what I got was a frustrating SOTN clone with a very lame story.

I don't know why I bothered getting the plat. Maybe I'm stubborn. Visuals aside, it's just overall mediocre and the proxedural generation is pointless.

Surprisingly solid metroidvania

I really hated the controls for this game when I played it. I tried to push through it for a while, but finally ended up ultimately giving up. I'm sure it's an awesome game, but the control clunkiness caused me to not care to take the time to find out.

Um metroidvania procedural bastante competente.