Reviews from

in the past

A little isometric hack and slash gem. Intensely satisfying.

The pixelart is good and the story surrounding this big ass family is also good. But for this being a roguelike the runs themselves and the gameplay loop are boring as FUCK. It just isn't worth playing.

Brilliant narrative roguelike, with emotional stakes I could care about at least a bit. Vibrant, beautifully chunky pixel art and a solid fantasy soundtrack. The slow roll out of each family member and their distinctly unique play styles is a joy, as is the slow reveal of each of their powers and utility as they level up. I didn’t feel like I had to grind much to progress, and it’s a great size; plenty to it but it doesn’t overstay like some roguelikes can.

Interesting concept and a nice visual style, but it's very unfair. Might be too hard for me personally, but I might come back to it at some point.

Está realmente entretenido, y cada familiar es completamente diferente a los otros. Visualmente es potente y tiene unos efectos muy vistosos, pero si que echo en falta algún frame más para deleitarme con el arte. En cuanto a la historia, si bien siento que no acaba de finalizar tan bien como me gustaría, si que me parece más que decente, y muy por encima de la mayoría de juegos del género. Lo único es que si estáis acostumbrados, jugad en difícil, en normal quizás se haga bastante facilón.

F this game for the random mission where I escort a child to his mother but fail and get the child killed.

Cute and wholesome game, play with a friend though.

Good game, but really short, and too grindy, if you want take all achivments in this game.

Absolutely great fun with 2 players couch co-op

Pixel artowy roguelike o rodzinie w świecie fantasy walczącej z "zepsuciem" opanowującym ich krainę. Brzmi nieciekawie, ale co wyróżnia tę opowieść to bardzo duży nacisk położony na pokazywanie relacji pomiędzy członkami tej rodziny, przed wyruszeniem do lochu możemy ich zobaczyć w wielkim domu jak młodzi się bawią, wujek pije, ktoś przygotowuje sprzęt do kolejnego runu, można przeczytać ich kilka przemyśleń, obaw itd. To wszystko zrobione jest subtelnie paroma linijkami tekstu czy animacjami, ale poprowadzone jest super, czuć w tym takie ciepło i że Bergsonowie to faktycznie kochająca się rodzina. W ważniejszych momentach kwestie czytane są przez narratora (jest ok), przeważnie mamy sam tekst. Gameplayowo w "daniu głównym" jest raczej rogalikowy standard, widok od góry, 3 światy do przejścia z których każdy się różni klimatem i wrogami, podczas ich przemierzania możemy trafić na różne zdarzenia losowe jak mieszkańców potrzebujących ochrony czy kogoś zlecającego nam znalezienie jakiegoś przedmiotu. Zdobywamy expa i walutę, za które można kupić ulepszenia na stałe, a dodatkowo podczas runu podnosimy przedmioty, które zapewniają nam moce tylko aż do śmierci. A po śmierci wracamy do domu gdzie niemal zawsze czeka nas cutscenka, coś nowego do odblokowania czy inne zmiany. Początkowo są 2 postacie do wyboru, łuczniczka i chopek z mieczem, wraz z postępem w fabule odblokowujemy ich dużo więcej. I generalnie o wiele lepiej grało mi się tutaj postaciami dystansowymi, a ci walczący wręcz niestety przeważają, ale i tak próbowałem nimi biegać dosyć często, bo gra fajnie do tego zachęca, ulepszając jedną na odpowiedni poziom dostajemy unikalnego boosta do wszystkich innych, także nawet jak ktoś się nie podoba to czas z nim nie idzie "na marne". Muzycznie i dźwiękowo jest ok, ale po paru godzinach uznałem, że to będzie dla mnie idealna gra pod podkasty (prawie zawsze mam rozgrzebaną jedną główną + jedną pod słuchanie), bo podczas samych runów wiele narrator do powiedzenia nie ma, tylko pauzowałem Spotifaja gdy działo się coś fabularnego. To jednak nie Hades, gdzie zagłuszając dźwięk traciłbym całą masę dialogów czy super ścieżkę dźwiękową.

Na Steam Decku gra działała prawie idealnie, jedynie średnio raz na godzinę miałem 1 sekundową ścinkę. Na tyle mały problem, że nawet nie chciało mi się szukać rozwiązania. ;)

Uma maravilha meio apagada em meio a tantos rogue-like. Cada membro da família é divertido de jogar, e os de DLC também. Linda é meu amor e ninguém me dirá o contrário. Mesmo sem diálogos, a história é bem bacana.

Cannot believe the average rating on this game tbh, this game is very underrated.

The game focuses on a fantastic story of a family coming together to save the world, growing up in an extremely hostile environment and learning to hone their skills to fight back against the growing evil. The characters were well developed, the graphics were lovingly made, and the gameplay was a lot of fun as you unlock characters with different abilities and level up through hack and slash dungeons. It's a roguelite, so you don't start from zero constantly, but there is the RNG element that can make some dungeons feel like a breeze and others like a slog. I am not a persistent gamer and will quit things anytime - I love to quit! But the gameplay loop and my emotional investment in the story kept me going through the end and even into a bit of the game+ mode. Also that narrator! Haven't felt that at home with a narrator since Winnie the Pooh.

It's definitely worth playing, and I would recommend giving it a try!

I really like the concept of this game, a family of adventurers who each embody a different class that symbolises their character, but despite how beautiful the game is be prepared for a lot of short repetitive grinds as this game is a miser.

The family house acts as the game hub and upgrading the rooms unlocks permanent in-game upgrades. As the story unfolds family members unlock their class and become new playable characters. It's a cute and cosy approach to the hub and permanent unlocks that is charming, even if you have to sit through the whole 'my family members becoming heroes puts them in danger' drama.

The gameplay meanwhile is very arcade-y. The levels are generated from large interlocking sections of scenery and paths lead to quests, events, or challenges that encourage exhaustively exploring each floor. It's a decent design and the idea of story rooms which offer new narrative threads to be explored each time you get back in the house is a cool aspect.

However I find the gameplay to be a battle of attrition rather than skill as you take damage so unavoidably. I feel like you can only really upgrade your way through the challenge, but it could just be skill issue. At the same time each level is relatively short and heroes become fatigued with over-use so you have to swap characters often. After 54 hours I have 4 characters but I'm only on the 2nd level so it's become a repetitive and dull grind to get anywhere.

While I've barely scratched the surface and I absolutely see the potential, that grind is unappealing. I feel like I've played a lot and it's frustrating to have barely gotten anywhere. The punishing gameplay and repeating the same 2 levels over and over just doesn't keep me engaged like other roguelites do. The game comes off feeling stingy which is a shame because it seems to have so much to offer.

Good game in concept, respect to developers for native linux version, but game has so many bugs which not fixed for years according to forums, if u can handle this u can play this game else you will feel much pain because of that bugs

Wer auf grinden steht, wird Children of Morta lieben.
Kein Run und kein Gegner wirken umsonst gemacht. Es gibt Erfahrung, es gibt Geld, das wiederum in dauerhafte upgrades gestellt werden kann.
Es gibt 7 spielbare Charaktere, die sich alle unterscheiden und auch einen passiven Einfluss auf den Run haben können, es lohnt sich daher auch ...Kevin zu leveln.. Gott wie ich Kevin hasse.

Dazu kommt eine Story, die ehrlicherweise keinen interessiert, aber eine Hubworld (das Haus der Familie), dass sich immer weiter entwickelt. Neue Freunde der Familie laufen im Haus herum, Gegenstände aus den Dungeons liegen in den Zimmern. Alles in allem charmant, statt billig.
Dazu ein Coop-Modus ohne Schikane.

Es gibt natürlich auch Dinge, über die man meckern kann, wie ähnliches Leveldesign und keine große Abwechslung bei den Gegnern, aber das ist bei nem grindigen Roguelike ohnehin nie der Fall, ganz gleich, was die Tests bisher gesagt haben.

sosisimo gameplay, animaciones e historia que no llega a ningun lado

7 - Jogo muito divertido e viciante, principalmente por construir uma atmosfera de progressão mesmo que você perca várias vezes seguidas na mesma fase, exibindo novas cenas de interação dos personagens e possibilitando a compra de upgrades com o dinheiro conquistado.
Porém, tirando isso, não há muito o que destacar, o jogo não tenta inovar em praticamente nada, seguindo um molde bem construído de Diablo e jogo semelhantes.

A charming, engaging, and challenging roguelite that nails it's art style, story, and combat.

I played this entirely on Steam Deck and it played buttery smooth. I completed the main campaign and 64% of the achievements. The game played well at 40fps but it is so much smoother at 60. The 2D graphics in a pixel art style are not that taxing on the system. Visuals, sound and music in this game felt perfect and had a truly unique vibe.

The story of this game feels very deep and well thought out. You follow a family who is fighting a corruption that has taken over the land where they live. It is narrated with little scenes between runs and it really keeps you engaged. The dungeons themselves have little bits of story content in them as well with side quests to complete. I always wanted to explore every part of the dungeon to make sure I didn't miss anything. The story truly felt deep and engaging. I constantly wanted to know more and where the story was taking me.

The world is made up of three zones each with two to three dungeons in them, and all have their own unique style and vibe. Each of those dungeons also have two to four "rooms". The last room of each dungeon has a boss you have to fight to progress to the next dungeon, and each zone has a boss battle to complete the zone. Each of these feels unique and I felt that different characters performed better against different bosses which was a nice touch. I initially thought it was going to feel very short but it truly took me the 21+ hours to get through them all and it didn't feel like a slog. The world of this game kept me very engaged.

Gameplay was very solid. There are seven playable characters you unlock as the story progresses, and each have their own unique abilities, movement, and bonuses. Leveling each character was fun and the abilities you get to pick felt meaning. The skill trees are very simple but effective. The game incentivizes you to use all of the characters by giving bonuses to all characters at certain levels. This was a very clever mechanic that made it worth while to complete a run with a character I may not have been as fond of. You collect money in each dungeon which can be used to purchase additional perks/upgrades that benefit all character. The progression in this game felt very balanced and not too overwhelming. The combat felt very smooth with different enemies requiring different tactics to beat. Overall this game has some really solid gameplay if you enjoy dungeon crawling, roguelites, or just RPGs in general. The game also supports co-op but I did not try that out. It seems like it would be really fun though.

I have been enjoying a lot of indie games lately and this is one of my favorite. It will keep you engaged and charmed from start to finish.

Beaucoup de personnages à jouer avec chacun un arbre de compétences propre, très agréable de level-up un personnage et de la voir dévenir progressivement surpuissant. A l'inverse il y a très peu de niveaux et d'environnements dans lesquels jouer ces personnages, c'est dommage car répéter les mêmes niveaux fait qu'on se lasse du jeu avant d'avoir essayé tous les personnages. Une bonne expérience avec un gros défauts qui limite son potentiel.

Jogo que iniciei em 2023 e fui zerar só 1 ano depois, pixel art maravilhosa, historia legal, disneylike. Vale a pena dar uma oportunidade. Mas não vou jogar ng+ nem ferrando kkkk

The ranged characters are way better than the melee, but everyone is fun to play.

[66 horas e 20 minutos]
A narrativa deste jogo é envolvente, proporcionando uma experiência única na jornada dos grandiosos heróis da família Bergson. A trama é deliciosamente cativante, tornando a leitura dos manuscritos uma verdadeira satisfação. A conexão entre os personagens é profundamente comovente, criando um laço emocional forte que enriquece a experiência do jogador.

Raramente um jogo consegue me prender a ponto de me motivar a completá-lo em 100%, e embora ainda não tenha alcançado esse feito, tenho certeza de que o farei. A trama é incrivelmente persuasiva, mantendo-me intrigado e ansioso para desvendar cada aspecto da história. Além disso, as DLCs acrescentam ainda mais profundidade e vitalidade a este jogo já fantástico.

Estou ansioso para concluir a jornada e explorar todas as nuances deste universo envolvente, proporcionando uma experiência de jogo verdadeiramente impactante.

[NOTA APÓS ZERAR O JOGO]: Conquistei praticamente todos os troféus desta maravilha, alcançando a marca de 39 horas de gameplay quando compartilhei o texto anterior. Agora, com 66 horas e 20 minutos de jogo e após explorar completamente tudo o que o jogo tem a oferecer, posso afirmar que é verdadeiramente uma obra de arte. As DLCs enriquecem ainda mais a experiência, a arte visual e sonora é simplesmente fantástica, e mergulhei profundamente na narrativa através dos relatos do vovô e da vovó Bergson.

Os anciãos da casa transmitiram um vasto conhecimento e clareza, desempenhando um papel crucial para que a família superasse o mal que assolava a sua terra, estabelecendo assim um período de paz duradouro e agradando aos deuses. O resultado final é fenomenal, uma verdadeira obra-prima que me proporcionou momentos inesquecíveis durante essa jornada envolvente. Estou encantado com a riqueza deste universo e a profundidade que o jogo conseguiu alcançar.

I've been looking for a game that game me a similar vibe and gameplay as Dead Cells, and that's just what I got from Children of Morta. I've never seen it recommended in any list like "if you like Dead Cells, you'll like CoM" and just downloaded the demo by random chance. Which was so good I bought the full game. It's a surprisingly well-crafted game where all the elements come together quite naturally. It's quite focused on the story, but it's never intrusive or info dumping you and it adds to the gameplay and goal of the game. Something I think a lot of games don't get quite right.
Maybe I should've added a half star on the rating, we'll see, but it's definitely better than the average rating indicates.

A solid roguelike with absolutely gorgeous pixel art, heightened by its co-op feature and storytelling narration that the player can engage with between runs.

O jogo é lindo, tem uma proposta interessante, um elenco de personagens que se destacam uns dos outros, uma árvore de habilidades bacana, uma gameplay relativamente agradável. O problema pra mim é em o quão extenso são as DGs nesse jogo, coisa de se passar 40-60min em um estágio. Fora isso, o jogo tem um RNG bem chato, são muitos personagens e o jogo te incentiva a jogar com todos ou pelo menos alguns para grindar e desbloquear habilidades q ajudam uns aos outros, porém aqui vai o próximo problema que é: simplesmente existem personagens mais fortes/fáceis q outros, o quanto a Lucy, a Linda e a outra maga são roubadas não tá escrito kk, enquanto a maioria dos meeles são bem sofridos. Dito isso, é um bom jogo, mas não é "a experiência".

Скопирую свой отзыв из стима:
Крайне удивлён такому большому количеству положительных отзывов. Мне, к сожалению, жаль потраченных денег на эту игру. И вот причины:
Пиксель арт вроде бы и хорош, но зачем нужно было делать такое всратое приближение экрана в катсценах, когда пиксели начинают плавать, глаза то пропадают, то появляются... Странная вещь короче. А еще на некоторых уровнях разрабы забыли пол доделать, и то тут то там торчат пустые черные треугольники. Или это просто такое проявление скверны)
Сюжет вроде и есть, но не сказать, что особо затягивает. Люди терпели терпели и решили перестать терпеть. В хабе стоит чудо библиотека с кучей лорного текста, но читать все это совсем нет желания. А еще у некоторых кактсцен порядок нарушен, ибо некоторые из них показываются после вашего поражения в подземелье.
Ну а теперь геймплей... Он скучный, что еще сказать. В игре есть 7 персонажей на выбор, хотя адекватных из них только двое. Ну может три с натяжкой. А все потому что у них дальний бой. Милишником здесь играть просто бесполезно, вас быстро загрызут. Играется довольно уныло. Когда ты в очередной раз умираешь последнем этаже пропадает всякое желание играть, потому что понимаешь, что тебе опять придётся тащиться по тем же самым этажам, в которых не изменилось ровным счетом ничего. Возможно, разнообразие привносили бы разные активки и пассивки, но они все бесполезные и никак особо на игру не влияют. А те, которые влияют, те на ограниченное число выстрелов/ударов/использование способностей. Так что надолго они у вас не останутся
Вот примерно такое мнение у меня об этой поделке. В балловую оценку я не умею, поэтому просто скажу, что не рекомендую сиё творение к покупке.