Reviews from

in the past

This is a game I'm surprised Nintendo hasn't rereleased until the Switch Online. Granted I'm not familiar with V2 so maybe that's just this but better but what is here is a really fun time. It's a cool arena mech fighting game.

There's also a story mode here but sadly I had to use a guide to know where to go because it's all in japanese. I know there's a fan translation but I don't even know if this game is emulated good and I don't have a way to play it on real hardware. It does seem fun though from what I read on the guide that kind of gives a shorten version of what's going on.

There's also an arcade mode where I learned how fun it is to just camp the opponents. So if you ever face me assuming this has multiplayer, you will get camped. I will never approach you. Yes I know I'm lame.

The game hasn't aged graphically at all especially the overworld stuff, it's very ugly but it's not a deal breaker. The music however is some good stuff and while it's not amazing, it's still enjoyable.

If you have the overpriced switch online then give it a try because it's a very fun game. Shame we never got this one, I'm hoping V2 is fun as it seems to have a 2 v 2 mode according to one review on this site. I'll probably play it next year. Seriously though why was this not brought here? Would people not find this appealing here?

Having finally found out about a translation for this I decided to try it and..... yeah Custom Robo rocks!!!

Story wise, it's very similar to Pokemon in that you compete in tournaments and have to stop an evil team but it's such a fun time.
Custom Robo shines in it's battles and it's cool to see how much it nailed in it's first outing. Mechanically there's basically everything from the GCN/DS games just a bit more polygony haha.
It is a little disappointing that it's only 1 on 1 battles but I know V2 brings in 2 on 2 battles so I can kinda understand wanting to focus on 1 on 1 in the first title and making sure it ran well.
The characters are fun, the combat is engaging and the story is decent enough and it all makes for an incredibly solid first outing for an extremely underrated and underappreciated series

Third GOTM finished for April 2022. Really fun arena-style robot fighter, with lots of variety in the weapon and armor customization, and a neat art style. Can show some clunk being an N64 game, but still really enjoyable. You compete in tournaments, listen to some silly childish dialogue, and whoop up on other people's robots. Super fun!

Los combates entre Custom Robo se entienden como una conexión psíquica entre el comandante y la miniatura robótica que controla en la arena, en un duelo cara a cara que pone a prueba la fortaleza mental del usuario y su capacidad de reacción frente al bombardeo del cuadrilátero. Es una analogía adecuada dada la intensidad que llegan a alcanzar estos combates, en los que pueden usarse 3 tipos de armas de manera simultánea y deben tenerse sus trayectorias, la estrategia del oponente y la personalización escogida en la antesala. Es abrumador en primera instancia y lo sigue siendo conforme más se aprende cómo funciona, y cuán puñetera puede ser la IA para leer el input del jugador y saber exactamente donde NO tiene que pisar. Pero ese espíritu competitivo, el cuidado por el detalle y la búsqueda de un equilibrio entre el caos, es lo que convierte a 'Custom Robo' en un videojuego realmente adictivo y especial, incluso dentro del abundante mundo de juegos mecha. Aunque hay configuraciones que se perciban mejores, más chetadas o S Tier [se oye a un pro ofendidito queriendo banearlas], el juego anima mucho a experimentar con las nuevas piezas que obtienes con tal de encontrar tu estilo de juego, y adaptarlo según el oponente que tienes delante. No hay una combinación perfecta que abusar en spam, ser maleables es clave para disfrutar de este deporte en vivo y honrarlo.

'Custom Robo' suele ser confundido como uno de los cuasi inexistentes RPG en Nintendo 64, pero dista mucho de serlo. Su modo aventura dura entorno a 6-8h y consiste en una serie de capítulos divididos por días, en los que el joven protagonista participa en torneos para alzarse con el título del mejor comandante de Custom Robo. No hay stats ni niveles que subir, ni una progresión clara entre las piezas que obtienes al derrotar a otros combatientes, pero el juego se extiende lo justo para no repetirse y romper el magnetismo que posee su bucle jugable. La narrativa dista mucho de ser ambiciosa pero está plagada de personajes entrañables y rivales a mitad camino entre xuloplayas y Gary esperando en un puente a darte tu merecido. También hay una siniestra organización llamada Dread que fabrica robots letales (hmm...) y que debe ser parada a toda costa. En cierta forma puede verse como un largo tutorial o manual de aprendizaje en el arte de Custom Robo, con muchos acompañantes ofreciendo pequeños trucos y estrategias que puedes adaptar a tu forma de combatir. Incluso los toques más minuciosos o a priori insignificantes son mencionados para tener en cuenta, y es que amor por la técnica y su pulido son indispensables para hacerte sentir parte de ese mundillo, y formar piña con tantos semejantes que aspiran a ser los mejores en Custom Robo.

Una vez completada la aventura se obtiene acceso al modo arcade en toda su plenitud, pudiendo emplear otros robots, piezas prohibidas en la aventura principal, y experimentar la pura maldad de la IA en su máximo nivel. Su componente multijugador es bastante sólido y puede llegar a ser especialmente caótico con otras personas, no sé si tóxico al nivel caparazón azul de Mario Kart pero sí particularmente intenso. No hay una gran cantidad de contenido en general, pero en este tipo de juegos es un poco de menos. 'Custom Robo' es una apuesta sorprendentemente sólida aún con el paso del tiempo, probablemente superada por otros representantes del género más actuales y con mayores conocimientos del mundo competitivo y su nomenclatura, pero aún así sobresaliente. La primera de cinco entregas de esta serie de Noise para Nintendo, pese a ser exclusiva del territorio japonés ha gozado de una meticulosa fan-traducción al inglés, por parte de Star Trinket, que la hace accesible al público occidental. Imagino que sucesivas entregas ahondarán más en ese núcleo jugable y/o introducirán elementos RPG y de gestión monetaria, pero este primer 'Custom Robo' es una puerta de acceso estupenda a su universo mecha. Haciendo bueno el dicho de "simple de aprender, difícil de dominar", quizá la máxima a la aspiran tantos videojuegos modernos (y que no saben transmitir en el intento).

PD: ¿¡cómo puede ser que Ray Mk no sea luchador en Smash Bros.!? ¡Sakurai!

Ever since I was a kid, I've loved robots, there's a bond between boys and robots that kinda transcends any medium. Custom Robo is the essence of that bond in every way.

The combat is just the right amount of easy to learn, but hard to master, and it's fast enough to where the battles never overstay their welcome. Everything's flashy and frantic, you're always having to plan your next move before even finishing the first one. The presentation is also amazing, the blocky, chibi models are so charming and expressive, makes me wish they made a Custom Robo model kit series. Every stage was fun too, really made you feel like a little toy rumblin' around.

The only reason it's getting a 3 1/2 is because the rest of the game is just okay. Music, story, characters, and even the customization are all a little bland/under-developed, but it's the first game, so it's understandable. Apparently the sequel, V2, lets you use the other robos instead of just the main guy, which that alone would bump this game up to 4 stars for me.

Also shoutout to the best character, Jake. I'm also an American named Jake who plays as hot mecha women.

I borrowed the GameCube Custom Robo from a friend as a kid and really enjoyed it, but I'd only ever heard about the N64 game. This Japan-exclusive first entry in the series is one that I scored ages ago, but only got to playing recently as something I did on Twitch. I was super out of practice and had forgotten most about the GameCube game, but things slowly came back to me as I went through it. It's definitely a first step rather than some inspired peak of the series, but I had a good bit of fun with it~. It took me around 8 hours to beat it over the course of two streams.

Custom Robo tells the story of you, the main character, who has just moved into a new town. Your cousin happens to live here, and he's a big fan of this new toy craze of Custom Robo. A "Commander" pilots the robos by "diving" their consciousness into the toy and battling other their opponents robot for who can KO their opponent's robot first. Lucky for you, your parents have gotten you your very own Custom Robo toy as a present for the move, and you get right to work as your cousin teaches you how to play. You turn out to be a prodigy as you go basically undefeated through every opponent you come across, winning every tournament their is and even saving the world from a Team Rocket-like evil.

It's a story that's very typically anime for the time, and it gave me very Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh vibes between the relationship the main character has with his family, friends, and even the villains. It's got some really weird pacing and twists at times, and it's hardly gonna set your world on fire, but it's mostly here to give a set dressing for the robot fighting, and it does a more than good enough job at that. At the very least, you'll probably get some giggles from just how campy and expressive the characters' expressions can be when they're emoting their dialogue X3

The gameplay is very much like a prototype for what would eventually be the English-released GameCube game. The two robos launch into different directions from the center of the map, and then your cubes morph into the robots who then begin to fight. You fire your main weapon with A, fire your bomb with B, launch pods with Z, and can jump and boost with R. You can even use a C button to dash towards your opponent eliminating their normal fire coming towards you. There are all sorts of different main guns, bombs, and pod types you can get as you play through the story, and even different legs for your unit to affect things like how long it takes you to start moving again once you hit the ground and how fast your acceleration is. You can tweak your build a ton in the story mode, and there's a ton of skill present in how you can play.

The only major complaint I'd have is that the action feels a bit too clunky/slow at times compared to how the GC version can feel. While that isn't a death sentence, it does mean that you can get punished REALLY hard if you happen to misstep, and the harder battles in the game can very quickly turn against you if you make a couple mistakes. While the game isn't really super hard and the AI is far from the best, the last fights of the penultimate and final in-game days are both super tough, and really drive home just how hard you can punish an unready opponent. I found the challenge quite nice, overall, at least for someone like me who is quite unaccustomed to fighting games, let alone in a 3D fighting genre like this ^^;

Other more minor complaints are things like how you can't change the build of your robot in the story mode. There is an arcade mode you can basically play however you want in, but you're stuck using the all-around fine Ray model in the story mode. Different Custom Robo models have different recovery times, can get knocked down easier or harder, and even have higher defense values and different base speeds. You end up fighting a ton of opponents (there are like ten or so different models in the game), and it becomes a little bit of a bummer that your robo is always just plain ol' Ray (unlike how you can change that in later games).

My only other significant complaint is that a fair few of the weapons in the game aren't just tactical decisions, but are clearly better than others. While that power creep does favor the story mode well (especially for a game this old with no online play and a fully functional arcade mode), it's still a little bit of a bummer for how the fighting itself is designed. It makes it feel like more of an RPG and less like a fighting game, which isn't a fault, per se (it honestly probably made me like it more), but it's definitely something worth mentioning here.

The presentation is about what you'd expect for a Nintendo-published game on the N64 in 1999. Colors and models are really colorful and vibrant, and the game runs really well. The music is also quite good, although there's nothing particularly MP3 player-worthy in my book. Just how cool so many of the other robo models can look made me even more bummed that you're stuck playing as Ray all the time. I wanted to look a that cool too! X3

Verdict: Recommended. This is a pretty darn good game on the N64, especially for a system that is so barren of any competent fighting games (save for a few exceptions). While it's certainly an untraditional fighting game, taking more from something like Virtual On rather than Street Fighter, it's a very competent one. While the sheer amount of text will likely keep any non-Japanese speaker thoroughly confused and unable to play the story mode, the arcade mode can still be enjoyed to a point even if you don't know Japanese. It's certainly navigable with the use of a guide, and it's a cheap import worth checking out if you're a fan of fighting games and neat N64 stuff.

hell yea, i finally got around to playing this

it's a short and sweet lil robo-battlin part-swappin action game. It certainly has those monster collecting genre vibes as it stars a cast of plucky elementary schoolers with their cool robots that they duel for sport; there are tournaments to compete in and a shady underground gang to mess things up. Definitely standard stuff, but comfy nonetheless. The game also runs really damn smoothly on the ol' N64. It ain't the smooth consistent 60 FPS of something like F-zero X or whatever, but it's usually in the 30 and above zone which is honestly an accomplishment on that hardware.

The actual mech combat is pretty cool too! It's like a 3D arena fighter where you got 4 different methods of attack as well as a jump and airdash. The game likes to constantly hammer into you that the ideal playstyle is to use all 4 attacks in conjunction with one another to box in your opponents movement and take them out that way, but I found there's definitely enough variety in parts and customization to suit all sorts of playstyles. The game also has a knockdown mechanic where mechs go into a downed state after taking a large enough hit depending on the mech, and when they get up they have a period of invincibility to back away from. It pretty much exists as a way to prevent infinites as the combo potential this game has is really busted. It do make battles have a more stop-and-go pace because of it, but what can ya do i guess. You can also obviously duel a friend in multiplayer with each player making a custom mech, and I'd imagine theres a solid amount of depth to be had against another human, though also I feel like there would definitely be a "best" combination if you were to develop an actual meta.

It's just an honest fun game from that experimental 5th generation of systems. I'm honestly surprised that it never got an official localization given how strapped for games the N64 library was and its popularity in the west. Especially given how it was at the peak of pokemania, I feel like this game could have been a huge cult classic of the N64 library had they brought it overseas. What is it with mech collecting/customizing games that always makes them remain obscure? Every time I play something like this, gotcha force, LBX, etc, I always think to myself "how didn't this catch on?" There is a fan translation which I used and the translation quality was okay. Sometimes the text would corrupt and be unreadable though so it's certainly not the BEST way to play the game, but it's better than nothing for all you english-only gamers out there. Definitely a fun time and I'd recommend checking it out if you can do so.

peças ilegais deveriam ser ilegais

I really liked this game. It was really fun. Silly nonsense, but it was fun. Really made me think of Virtual-On, but simpler.

Jogado com o patch inglês, então tive alguns bugs no final do jogo mas nada que afetasse muito. Bem facinho, nada no jogo deu muita dificuldade mas eu gosto muito de jogo com customização então foi divertido. Os 2 chefes "finais" são as únicas coisas dificeis, mas nada que um bom macete não resolva.

Custom Robo is a pretty good 3D arena fighter, there is some nuance with the customisation and the control scheme really makes use of everything the N64 controller has to offer.

While playing through the campaign and battle modes, I generally came to the conclusion that this and V2 should have come to the West.

It is an RPG with fighting, a vague comparison would be Pokemon meets Smash Bros. This has a Vs. mode built in, and I hear V2 has 4-player (albeit tag team) which seems perfect for a party set up once you’ve exhausted Mario Kart, Smash and Goldeneye.

The solo story campaign is a lot of fun and familiarises yourself with the different load-outs that can be used.

The plot is familiar to fans of Shonen manga/anime. You start with school rivalries that slowly grow to taking down an evil organisation and the Custom Robo Champion. It’s all fairly linear, using an English language guide is advised, however you could power through relatively easily if you speak with every non-genetic character.

I find the Pokémon comparison sort of reductive, a collectathon this ain’t. Parts are acquired throughout the solo campaign. The RPG traversal is at an isometric angle, which looks cool on the N64 hardware.

This is easily an A to B tier N64 title, I think it is worthwhile for the battle system alone.