Reviews from

in the past

Tremendously underrated. The first one was Resident Evil with dinosaurs, and this one anticipates RE4 by taking the same basic mechanics and turning it into an action game. One of my favorite shits when I was 10-ish

Algo genial es la variedad de dinosaurios que hay y que los dos personajes se distinguen en armamento es incluso mejor, siendo ahora un juego de acción con un sistema de puntos que recompensa matar a todo lo que nos ponga delante, sin embargo Dylan y Regina son de lo mas aburridos en personalidad, siendo el chico con frases cool y la chica seria. y la historia principal tampoco llama mucho la verdad.

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I played this game and the exact moment I needed to.
I was a dumb, elementary school kid, who loved dinosaurs and videogames, and wanted nothing more than to see glorious amounts of violence I wasn’t supposed to (because kids)

However… when I first beat this little gem, I was left with a feeling I had only felt with certain movies back then…

It connected me with the story, the characters, and the world they I habited, and for the first time, allowed me to play a story, much more than just a game.

I am aware the game isn’t perfect, some sections drag a little too much, some battles play horribly, some characters feel wasted and underutilized, but….just like any other B movie that grows into a cult classic, Dino Crisis 2 managed to connect with me in more ways than I was ready to handle.

This game woke up in me the love for RE-styled games.

Now, while I already liked them thanks to RE 3, I had never felt the need to be the best at them before…. To try speed runs, to unlock every secret and unlimited ammo….

And with this game, I did… oh god did I go crazy with it….

I think it stands unbeaten ‘till this day as one of my most replayed games ever…

First beat it like 5 or 6 times on PS1, then 2 on PC, 2 on emulators, and 3 on PS Vita.

And it was the first game to show me, just how good videogames were for telling a story, and it definitely changed my viewpoint on gaming as a whole.

This 10/10 is based on my personal experiences and pure nostalgia, I know.
But, to those interested in retro games and exploring the early days of gaming blockbusters, I would definitely recommend to try this one out…

It’s a shame we never got a continuation to that awesome cliffhanger ending…

I still desperately await the day Capcom realizes they can wake up this dormant giant once again, just like they once did with all their currently active and popular IP’s…

Come on Capcom…. We’re waiting….

Seu sucessor não faz feio com gráficos mais bonitos e com os comandos mais precisos, porém peca no fator quebra-cabeça que inexistente e era o charme do seu antecessor. com seu clima de terror bem suavizado.

This is one of my top games for the PS1, perhaps my favorite on the console. There's nothing to not love about this game.

Attempted replay. Not in the mood. Prefer the first - and that's mostly toss and all.

Stupid. Fun. Sure.

But there's a reason Capcom isn't rebooting these things. Nostalgia is doing a lot of heavy lifting for some of you. There's not a lot there when it comes to this series.

First time playing this game, truly is a gem of the PS1 era.

I finished this a bunch of times. Arcade gameplay that rewards playing hard and fast. A shame Capcom seems to have buried this franchise.

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Showed this to my uncle and he said it was more entertaining and fun than the games he usually plays w 🥸 (he had problems with amo tho that mf dunno how to shoot)

Gostei mais da continuação que do original, o original apesar de ter uma ambientação quase que única nos videogames (aquele clima de jurrasic park) tem diversos problemas ao meu ver por tentar simular resident evil, já esse, apesar dos pesares, personagens rasos, level design ainda sendo um pouco abaixo do normal, é um dos melhores jogos de ação do PS, como disse, o jogo começa lento pelos controles "tankies", a tua arma é fraca, e o level design como dito, pouco atrativo, mas, conforme se vai pegando novas armas, se torna altamente prazeroso joga-lo, destruir os mais diversos tipos de dino, a história é meio galhofa mas okay para seu ano, no fim, recomendo jogar, um dos melhores e mais divertidos jogos de ação do PS.

Deve ser o jogo que mais zerei na vida. A cutscene inicial é mt foda para um jogo de ps1.

Went on something of a nostalgia trip recently and this is a special one for me.

This is one of the first games I remember finishing.

So many little moments of it stand out too. I was a dinosaur kid and loved encoutering all the different species as you went along.

Never played the first and my understanding was this was the last good one in the series.

I don't really have much intention of playing the first one, but hey. Never say never. Until then this reamins a sweet little nostalgic nugget from childhood.

cópia extremamente competente de resident evil

decente, mas bem estranho existir como sequel do 1

resident evil com dinossauros 2.

Como foi mais pra ação,diverti mais, principalmente a variedade de cenário

To start, I think there are a lot of things this game does better than the first, the amount of weapons/variety you're granted is stellar (miss the darts tho from 1), and every single one feels great to use. The enemy variety is much better which spices up the encounters more which was an issue I had with 1, and conceptually this game is much more interesting and unique than DC1. It really stands out more as its own identity.

I love everything about this game conceptually. However, in its execution, I think it lacks the tightness of the first game in the design apartment if you ask me, I have a feeling the reason I feel the way I do is because this game was much more experimental, it went such a different route than the survival horror that was in the first game. I love the idea of a run-and-gun arcade-style game with traditional tank controls similar to Resident Evil's Mercenaries mode, but I feel like some things didn't translate well here, you can see that some of the traditional stylized mechanics, like the aiming/fixed camera angles (with the slight turning lag).
I absolutely love them in horror titles because of the ambiance and unsettling feelings they provide, however, they just feel really strange to me here sometimes. Not at all because of the angles themselves, but more so the system and results behind it.

Considering it's a more fast run and gun-styled game, I dislike how the game has a habit of whenever you turn into a new camera angle out of nowhere a random bunch of enemies will spawn, even if you killed all of them in that particular angle, on normal difficulties it isn't much of an issue but on hard I think this is really inconsistent and annoying, however, this problem I have is mostly when I play as Dylan and not Regina. Dylan focuses mostly on close-range weapons, whereas Regina is more medium/long-range automatic weapons, this is completely fine, but with these systems, I think it makes Dylan's sections frustrating at times even though he feels great too.

But this begs the question, between Dino Crisis 1, and 2, one game is a type of game that has been done before and shares less of an identity than the other, but feels more tightly designed, and executed well, whereas 2 is much more experimental, unique, and fine-tuned in different areas with some ridges around it. I respect both.

I love to play short, yet replayable games like these and would love to see a remake of this one in particular because of how well it would translate with run-and-gun gameplay systems today when taking a look at the recent Resident Evil Remakes like 4 so hopefully it comes to fruition Capcom!

Wish we got to play as Regina a little bit more though cus she's the best ;p

En esta oportunidad, Capcom tomó la decisión de desechar el survival horror y apostó por algo con más acción, lamentablemente. Dino Crisis 2 deja a un lado todas las características que hicieron de su predecesor una joya en la industria y ofrece al público un título que tiene como base el sobrevivir a punta de balazos. Aún cuenta con alguno que otro acertijo digno de recordar y unas gráficas que sobresalen demasiado para su generación, pero no es lo mismo o, mejor dicho, está enfocado hacia otro público, uno más sencillo que no extrañe la complejidad de verse obligado a sobrevivir para avanzar. Es un juego mucho más lineal y con una historia un tanto rebuscada que le dio un giro a una saga que prometía bastante. Es un juego divertido a pesar de todo, pero infinitamente diferente a su primera parte que continúa siendo uno de los mejores títulos de su generación.

This game definitely defied my expectations in a great way. Considering both the fact that this is one of the last fixed-perspective tank-controlling capcom games left that i haven't played, plus the fact that the first dino crisis didn't really leave any real impact with me besides "resident evil but the zombies are dinosaurs and the worlds are rendered in-engine instead of pre-rendered", I was semi-skeptical about what I was gonna play. I also knew that reportedly the game leans more towards the action side of things rather than the survival horror side of things, not really unlike RE in its future, but I didn't expect it to be at the level of "killing enemies gives you EXTINCTION POINTS, which increase with kill combos" and "YOU START THE GAME WITH LIKE 100 BULLETS" when it comes to action. This game is about just being dumb and fun and I'm all for it. I think this game is best enjoyed if you have at least some prior experience with other games of its ilk, such as the first 3 resident evils or the first dino crisis, so you can really see how this subverts like every expectation of that genre. All in all, this game was hella better than I was ever expecting it to be and will deffo be remembered for time to come. it is a very exciting feeling to personally be the meteor that made the dinosaurs extinct

I always come back to this game everytime i open my ps1

De los juegos mas rejugables de la ps1

I did not know what to think as I played this game. Not only do I not recognise some of these characters, but the game play has taken a turn, going from being like Resident Evil to a far more action-intense game. Reflected more in regards to respawning enemies and a points system to buy supplies that you need.

However, this difference doesn't make it bad and there's still an interesting mystery going on too in regards to the humanoids seen in the shadows.

Can't remember too much beyond this, which I guess I'll leave as a surprise for you if you choose to look into it, but I wouldn't hold it against you if you didn't.

Stream + gameplay

At it's best it's a fairly solid action horror game with a delightfully stupid B-movie plot with dinosaurs and time travel and more. At it's worst it's that stupid water section what the fuck that shit sucked so hard why did they even put that in lol

Jogo que me dava um medo, mas eu gostava muito

Too scared when I was a kid to finish it