Reviews from

in the past

if dishonored was a person i would be making out with it sloppy style

Great experience. I wasn't expecting so much when I started this game but it really delivered. I love the kinda steampunk setting with the plague background; it's recognizable enough while still feeling really unique. The gameplay is top-notch; you get enough skills to kill or stealth, even though there probably could've been more (stealth-wise you really only need Blink and maybe Dark Vision and the majority of the weapons are useless when stealthing). The level design is where this game really shines though, and it's really great to finally have a game that shows a route that you can actually take, climbing up ledges on walls and bypassing entire areas. This game will definitely teach you to look up. The writing was engaging enough, I liked most of the characters, even if some aspects of the plot (like everything with the Outsider) could have used some more development, and the ending felt kinda abrupt too. Graphics and soundtrack complemented all the things the story wanted to do. All in all just glad to have experienced this game, as I had a lot of fun with it and always looked forward to playing it.

infinity ways of finishing missions, very realist systems, tho im not a big fan of the graphic style

Rejogado como indicação (minha :3) do clube de jogos.

Continua sendo um dos meus jogos favoritos de todos os tempos. Rejogar me faz perceber o quanto eu gosto do clima, da ambientação e estética desse universo. E o quão interessante é ver minhas experiências mescladas, percebendo novamente como vários detalhes são bem diferentes de acordo com a maneira que você joga.

This review contains spoilers

My copy had a disc-read error before I could get any further in my replay of this game, but uh, for the record, I saw the twist villain coming from a mile away even back in the day - the moment I saw his ass in the pub I had a feeling he was up to no good, and I felt no satisfaction upon realizing I was right, only annoyance that the game kept the transparent charade going for so long. I also strongly dislike how the game bombards you with a lot of genuinely cool murder weapons & terrifying powers to slaughter your enemies with, and yet it punishes you for using them to the point where you'll get the bad ending for having a good time. Being the good guy and doing things non-lethally is a dull, tense, save-scumming experience because of the game's underdeveloped stealth mechanics and Corvo's lack of pacifistic abilities, so shame on Dishonored for having the gall to congratulate you for doing things the boring way and chastising you for having a good time as a stone-cold badass.

Plus, all of Corvo's primary targets are terrible people anyway that absolutely deserve to be killed, so I find it strange that the game views killing these people that are a genuine menace to society as a bad thing. And don't even get me started on how the game views "hand Lady Boyle over to her stalker, turning her into a literal sex slave" as the right thing to do (fucking insane) compared to just putting her out of her misery, because that threatens to completely annihilate the game's already pitiable understanding of morality and valor.

Still, it is a lot of fun to be a murderer, so I'll probably buy a new copy of Dishonored and give this another go. Still, it's funny how in most games it never feels as satisfying to be evil as it does to be good, whereas Dishonored flips this on its head: being good is not only dull, sometimes it's the wrong thing to do. Like, uh, "turning a woman into a sex slave" wrong. That should tell you a lot about how this game's narrative works.

An absolute masterpiece with infinite replayability.

pretty solid gameplay but it's really dumb that a game that's so insistent that you should "play your way" punishes you for using like half of your options. you get a worse ending for using a pretty huge chunk of the abilities you have and that is quite dumb. to be clear, i don't mind the idea of alternate endings, but if you're gonna literally label one of them as the "correct" one and if you're gonna market your game as one that gives you a lot of choices i'm gonna be annoyed.
With that said there is a lot to like here. The level design is actually quite good. The areas all have a really tangible sense of being real places and the game does a good job of providing a lot of ways to accomplish your goals. The really key thing here is that it does this by letting you do things that make logical sense given the areas you're in rather than just giving you multiple rigid routes with little room for creative play.
It's a shame that stealth loses a lot of its tension by how powerful your combat powers are but it hardly ruins the game
It's worth playing if it interests you but do yourself a favor and ignore the part where the game tells you killing bad and just play in the way you enjoy instead.
Or, y'know, play deus ex, because a lot of stuff this game does well is stuff deus ex did first.

I enjoy this game. Its got an interesting story and impressive stealth mechanics. The gameplay is a tad repetitive but the story balances that out.

Fun stealth mechanics, branching paths, unique powers.

This game was too complex for 9 year old me but I'm absolutely gonna finish it one day. The concept in and of itself is amazing.

The gameplay is just so good and satisfying and every frame of the game feels like it is from an oil painting.

Only if the story was anywhere remarkable and I also don't like how it punishes you for a bloodthirsty run I mean C'MON! You have so many cool superpowers and weapons at your disposal and the knife is always on the screen and you are a FREAKING assassin!! and you just expect me to babysleep the enemies?

There should be a chaotic good ending too!

Dishonored war einfach nicht meins.
Ja es gibt mehrere Wege um ans Ziel zu kommen..aber es spielt keine Rolle welchen man nimmt.
Links stehen 2 Wachen, rechts kann man über ein Dach klettern, am Ende kommt man an derselben Stelle raus, völlig egal.
Und.. das war schon das einzige Alleinstellungsmerkmal.

you dont just make one of the most unique and fun stealth games with an incredible visual artstyle

unless your studio name is arkane

I hate when games give you the illusion of choice. Gameplay wise, this is one of the best games of its kind. But story wise, it falls flat. Its kind of a generic plot and then there's my personal biggest issue. The game constantly hands you some of the coolest and creative ways to kill people, to absolutely massacre the world you're in. And then the story actively punishes you for being lethal. I'm not a fan of that at all. A game that touts multiple ways to handle situations, when really there's only one option if you don't want a shitty ending. Be quiet, don't kill, do the "hidden" dispatch.

Não sei muito bem por onde começar pois tenho muita coisa pra dizer sobre esse jogo, mas primeiramente, ele faz parte do meu top 3 jogos DA VIDA, apenas perdendo pro seu sucessor, o dishonored 2 que é meu jogo da vida, porém irei dar o máximo de detalhes sobre o que eu acho sobre ele, vamos começar.

O jogo tem um stealth maravilhoso e intuitivo, pelas DEZENAS de abordagens diferentes, sério, são tantas abordagens pra cada alvo que não consigo nem listar, isso vem bastante pela grande variedade de gadgets e poderes do jogo, que possibilitam varios jeitos de acabar com seu alvo, o level design que é maravilhoso (cada mapa é único e memorável) ajuda muito pra cada abordagem, depois que você rezera o jogo e conhece bem cada mapa fica tudo bem mais divertido

o combate do jogo é consideravelmente simples mas bem desafiador dependendo de como você joga e da quantidade de inimigos que você vai enfrentar, depois que você aprende bem a bloquear os inimigos fica mais fácil, porém ele é bem intuitivo também, isso vem também pelo gore do jogo, é muito legal ver cada execução que o Corvo (nosso personagem) faz em cada inimigo, quando pega o jeito você se sente bem badass matando todo mundo

sobre a história, ela é muito boa, com personagens e acontecimentos incríveis. O Corvo que é o protagonista, não fala uma palavra o jogo inteiro (no 2 ele fala), e isso não impede em nenhum momento que ele seja um personagem carismático e bem desenvolvido, e ele é pra caramba, um dos meus personagens favoritos já feitos

a trilha sonora do jogo é IMPECÁVEL, a minha música favorita (honor for all) vem desse jogo, mais especificamente dos créditos, mas n tenho muito à comentar sobre, apenas que as soundtracks são perfeitas

os gráficos do jogo até hoje continuam bonitos, envelheceram como vinho, cada coisinha no jogo é feita com carinho pelos desenvolvedores, a final, estamos falando da Arkane

há muitos detalhes e ester eggs incríveis no jogo mas que eu não conseguiria listar por aqui, mas tem vídeos no youtube com tudo completo

Uma das DLC's é MARAVILHOSA! Com a minha favorita sendo a Knife of Dunwall, eu acho ela no msm nível da campanha base, ela mostra coisas incríveis que acontecem no meio da história principal, e jogar com o Daud nela é ótimo! Agora as outras 2... Ok.

o jogo não é muito longo, ainda mais depois de já ter zerado, ele só tem 9 missões mas que já é o bastante pra ele ser incrível, quanto mais você joga mais legal ele fica, e mais rápido você zera

finalizando, ele com certeza é um jogo atemporal e uma masterpiece completa, é um dos jogos mais importantes pra mim, amo ele de paixão, é com certeza um 10/10!

Review EN/PTBR

One of my favorite games from the Xbox 360 era that I can't even tell you how many times I've played, many aspects of the story that didn't capture me as much at the time but leave me impressed today, as do the political issues surrounding the universe and how much the game adapts around your playing style

All this without mentioning the fantastic level design with each scenario being so different from the previous one, making it a pleasure to explore all the ways to reach your goals.


Um dos meu jogos favoritos da época do Xbox 360 que não sei nem dizer quantas vezes já zerei, rejogando hoje em dia percebo muitos aspectos da história que não me conquistaram tanto na época mas hoje me deixam impressionados, tanto como as questões políticas envolvendo o universo quanto o jogo se adaptando ao redor do seu estilo de jogo

Isso tudo sem falar no level design fantástico com cada cenário sendo tão diferente do anterior dando gosto de explorar todos os meios de chegar aos seus objetivos.

Incredible 3D stealth-action game with a lot of cool powers and a lot of ways to kill your targets. Enjoyed a bit more if you don't worry about being non-lethal, but still lots to explore regardless.

i felt so empty when i first completed this game

Replayed on PC for the first time. perfect game.

mf doom killing spree

edit: hearing this game described as "a better RPG than most RPGs" made me understand why I love it so much

This might be a superb game– bordering on perfect– but there were elements in my playthrough that marred the experience.

The apocalyptic tone of Dishonored story encouraged me to play villainous eschewing my normal RPG playstyle of a very moral character. I killed so many people, folks, often pointlessly and brutally. There was a lack of grace and a stupidity to my methology so maybe that’s why some mechanics felt so empty? It made the game not as infectious as I would hope. That and the fact I took a multi-month break in the middle of my playthrough.

I can imagine a replay would shine this game brighter, which I am planning down the road. The visuals hold up very well and the world is so immersive. The game length is about just right. So will I adore this game down the road? We’ll see. I think this game is fairly great– maybe I’ll see it for the masterpiece it’s known to be?

Old man corvo gaining supa powa and blink blink whoosh stab

True immersive sim. Never-forgettive visual.
Had fun getting to final without kills and magic

Can't believe I got the bad ending after I brutally slaughtered everyone in my path

I realised after playing Dishonored 2 that what would've have made this game better was if Corvo could talk. The story was average and very predictable. I also didn't care much about the characters and the way the game punishes you for killing is very stupid in my opinion. But I had some fun with this game even though it's very limited in terms of gameplay compared to 2.

My favourite stealth game. The abilities are all very fun to use. Level design is some of the best and the art style makes this game still hold up very well.

The better Assassin's Creed game compared to the recent AC games.

I am Corvo. The only flaw in this game is the giant meaty grabbers that everyone has for hands, but that's also the best part.

Sorry I have no words to describe how good this is. Probably one of the first "proper" games I got, so I'm biased, but oh my god. The atmosphere, the art direction, the music, the worldbuilding, the gameplay? Games are art and I can prove it.

Story is pretty meh but everything else makes up for it. Probably one of the most influential pieces of media I've consumed that still inspires my own creations to this day.

I love you Dishonored kisses it on the mouth