Reviews from

in the past

Every game needs a turbo mode.

Played a stupid amount of this over the past couple of weeks, and the core reason, I think, is the momentum of fights. The game already has a great pace, able to fluidly control fights by dashing up and down lanes and the ability to throw enemies at the end of your combos - but start turning up the speed and you have a game that moves lightning-fast, where even the normally dominant parry starts to become a genuine risk, feeling like a game of chicken against the hyper-lethal enemies that can cross the screen in an instant. Play on the standard speed afterwards, and the game starts to feel positively glacial- a wonderfully transformative option.

Less enthusiastic about the structure; the most obvious path you’ll take on a first playthrough is one of the more repetitive, the midgame bogged down in a dreary set of forests and swamps, before picking back up during the infamous ferry ride (remember your parry)! And despite boasting a massive spreadsheet of endings, what it really entails is a series of grim little detours that merge back onto the main path. On the other hand, go for the best ending and you’re treated to a route that offers exciting fake-outs and unique bosses, and maybe most importantly: a chance to learn the patterns of the penultimate fights.

I mention this because the final room of the game has you fight against a trio of Dobermans and a pair of Jaguars, arguably some of the most dangerous enemies of the game, and, as was the case for me, enemies you wouldn't have fought if you took the main route. It makes for a gnarly difficulty spike, barely overcoming one batch of enemies, only to go into the next room, and fight an even tougher set of opponents that will summarily send you back to the beginning of the sequence. I can appreciate the old-school harshness of it, but even having done multiple playthroughs, it’s still something I dread. (Probably because of the time it takes to find a window to attack them safely) Very much the make-or-break point of any 1CC run.

But, hey, maybe it’s the dash of venom a game like this really needs, something to wake you up and make sure the prior 40 minutes won’t go to waste.

Pretty fun. lots of endings and extra content to play around with after you're done with it. one of my gripes is that all 3 characters work fundamentally the same with only a few marginally unique traits differentiating them from one another. Competent combo system that encourages ultra aggression while still challenging you to handle mobs methodically, great soundtrack, solid asses, devs understand precisely what made the streets of rage series so special.

In my opinion, the value of a spiritual successor can often be measured by this question: "If the inspiration was made when a series/genre was alive, would this be considered plagiarism?" A lot of games I've played are trying to copy a series instead of being truly inspired. What's interesting about Fight'N Rage is that not long after its release, the beat em up genre recieved a bit of a renaissance with some modern revivals, with one of the releases being a Streets of Rage game, a series Fight'N Rage was certainly inspired by. So, can Fight'N Rage hold its own among these newer and bigger releases?

For the most part, yes. Although, Streets of Rage 4 is still the best.

Simply put, this game is fast-paced, short and sweet, and well made all around. By far, the best thing this game has above many modern beat em ups is the replayability. In my review of Streets of Rage 4, I said the game would've been a bit better if there were multiple shorter paths instead of one longer route. That's exactly what Fight'N Rage did, with multiple different paths and endings depending on your actions and where you decide to go, meaning this game has a ton of replay value.

Of course, that would only matter if the game was worth replaying, and it absolutely is. You only have 3 playable characters, and they stick to their archetypes for sure, but they're distinct enough to make a difference, and each takes skill to use efficiently. However, the game generally makes you feel extremely powerful, in between the ease of crowd control, flashy moves and mobility, and how enemies who have been excessively combo'ed burst into a skeleton.

This doesn't stop the game from being difficult though; The difficulty goes up steadily, and you won't be able to mash your way through each encounter. For one, the special system is basically lifted from SoR 3 (One of the few ways the game does 'plagiarize' the series), and just like in that one, you need to pay attention to your meter, make sacrifices, and are allowed to take risks if you're confident in your skill. Many enemies will also counter and dodge in different ways, so you need to be mindful of which you're fighting.

There are a few issues. For some reason, you have to unlock the training mode. Sometimes enemies will go offscreen and you can't hit them. As short as any playthrough of this game is, the ability to save several different runs would've been nice. The game can also throw a bit too many enemies at you occasionally. However, when the visuals and music are on point and you're on your last sliver of health, fighting desperately to keep going against all odds, none of that matters. This one's a new classic, guys. It honestly may be a 9/10.

I'm not really the biggest fan of beat em ups but this is definitely one of the most fun ones I've played. A solid arcade-style game which acts a gold standard in encouraging longevity in arcade games for casual players (there's branching paths in your playthrough, currency and a shop with lots of character skins and other extra modes available, and don't forget the technically 55 endings!). The only major issues for me is that F.Norris and Ricardo feel awkward to play compared to Gal and some of the bosses are pretty meh.

really impressive spritework and animation, satisfying game feel, and easy to pick up combo systems make this game really replayable. catching the bat boss out of his dive attack with fuck norris's hidden izuna drop is pure gaming pleasure

A great game I just Don't like the Ending system and some Achievements other Than that Tt's a Great game.

Now this is an amazing beat em up. I tend to get bored quickly with the genre but thanks to the many alternate routes, alternate outcomes, quick combat and combos with fighting game style inputs i stay engaged the whole time.

A solid beat 'em up. The controls are precise, the art is great, the music is very fitting and the campaign branches out, which means that there are like 8 different routes per character. That's neat, go play it.

Great combat, music, and extras marred by deeply mean-spirited presentation. So much love went into this game, all wasted on a teenage boy's fantasies about women, violence, and violence against women. Play literally any other modern brawler instead.

Excellent Game. Rewrote my brain chemistry. Now I'm a Beat Em' Up snob.

Really great Co-op game and really nice pixel art

Fight'n Rage (2019): El perfeccionamiento de una fórmula. Se me ocurren pocas pegas que ponerle, ya que lo que se propone lo consigue, y lleva a los beat'em up a un nuevo nivel. Quizá la historia, aunque nadie viene a esto por la historia. Además hecho por una sola persona (7,50)

You can beat the crap out of furries as a hot girl. You can't go wrong with this game.

Fight'N Rage is the perfect example of how to ruin a moderately decent combat system with absolute incompetent enemy placement that edges on artificial difficulty.

I finished the campaign on hard using the default character and this game's way of providing any semblance of challenge is by ganking you with multiple bosses at once or rather having you go long stretches with barely any health upgrades or items. And to top it off the difficulty curve is also extremely inconsistent because the game is mostly a cakewalk where you basically fight the same three or four variants of the same mobs but as soon as you get to the last two chapters the game increases the enemy density to almost an autistic level where the game simply spams ganks after ganks almost ruining the whole point of the parry mechanic.
As for the presentation, it's ugly. The pixel art is hideous to look at and it meshes in with the background almost way too often. The music is also lame and forgettable.

If there's any reason anyone would ever recommend this incompetent excuse of a beatemup is because of the constant comparison to Streets of Rage 4 while failing to understand what actually makes it a masterpiece and this one a hot pile of steamy garbage

Beat em up extremamente frenético com gostosas kkkkk
Adoraria jogar ele até o fim, mas o modo livre está bloqueado até o modo arcade ser completado, e tem uma parte em que 4 inimigos atacam de uma só vez que simplesmente não consigo passar... A dificuldade parece que aumentou do nada nessa parte
Fora isso eu recomendo :v

I’m not going to write out a long review for this one but I have to stop and say, holy crap this is a good beat ‘em up. Seriously Fight’N Rage is fantastic.

Fight’N Rage nails the old school look it is going for while still having a bit of its own style. It’s smooth, polished and has a bunch of visual options like scanlines, CRT TV mode and different colour styles. It has great art, animations, and good enemy and environment variety. The soundtrack is really fun and goes well with the visuals and gameplay. The gameplay just hits the sweet spot. It is challenging but never feels unfair or cheap. It is easy to pick up and start playing but difficult to master. I think this game made me a better beat ‘em up player and it has sparked a greater interest in this genre. It’s just fun and so replayable and there is so much content here. There’s plenty to unlock, different modes and multiple endings.

I think the main drawback for me is that it’s slightly too long. I wish a run through was a shorter blast but honestly that’s probably mostly a skill issue on my end. Yeah, that’s possibly the biggest problem with the game, I kind of suck at it. But I’m getting there and it’s been rewarding to improve. Some other minor issues are that the bosses could have been a bit better, there’s some unnecessary repetition and occasionally there’s too much going on which obscures the action a bit. You could find fault with the story too I guess but that’s not why you play this.

Fight’N Rage was made by one guy, with another person doing music and I think a handful of testers and it’s really impressive. I haven’t ventured too far into beat ‘em ups but this has to be one of the best. If you like fun and a challenge go buy this, easy recommendation.


Probably one of the most impressive solo efforts I've seen since Cave Story, Fight'n Rage is another throwback beat 'em up made by someone who is obviously a genre enthusiast. The combat is fast, satisfying, very flexible and diverse between the 3 characters and there's a good variety of enemies in the mix. The branching story paths lead to a surprisingly wide array of different levels so no one playthrough has to be the same thing every time and the game is loaded with unlockables giving it excellent replay value. It's not perfect though, the very intense and busy visuals can make this game a headache to look at after extended play so I really can't recommend the game for photo-sensitive people. (you can modify the visuals to tone down some of the effects but there is a limit to it) On a more general note, it's a very difficult and not beginner friendly game at all. While it has many modern conveniences, the enemy count is very high, and they can drain your health in a hurry. That can just as easily be a pro for some people though, so I don't count it against the game that much. If you love classic beat 'em ups but would like something that has the control feel of a Vanillaware game, give this one a check.

Really good feeling game, looked pretty, sounded great, was a damn fun time and there's a ton of replay value here! Amazing that this entire game was developed by one guy and his friend did the OST. Bravo.

If you took Streets of Rage, Final Fight, and River city Ransom and combined them together, this is what you get. the game is beautiful and plays very smoothly, the music is actually really energetic and your 3 main characters all fight differently. The game is actually longer than it feels because you can take alternative paths and see different events and fight different enemies. The game definitely has an edge of challenge to it on it's default difficulty.

The only drawback the game has is very minor, but Fight'N Rage tends to lean too heavily on it's homage to other beat em ups to the point, it's a great mix of nearly every mainstream beat em up you can think of with many references to them but....the problem is, the game lacks it's own identity, nothing in this game stands out as something of it's own, if you've played a lot of beat em ups you'll instantly see references to past games all over this game, but nothing this game can call it's own.

from incredible well made sprites that are 100% smooth, rocking good music and combat asking you to style on enemies to both look cool and survive, it goes above and beyond despite being a relative unnoticeable title among the genre, that's without accounting a lot of stuff it leaves you to do, like actual branching paths, more endings and lots of modes

the fact this was done all by a single guy and his musician friend really puts into perspective everything involving about this game. colored me impressed

this game rules! all the enemies are hot buff furries or dominatrixes!! my only complaint is that i'm expected to fight back instead of just letting them beat me up? seems fake.

Put Final Fight, Streets of Rage and Alien vs Predator in a blender and you get this game. The swarms are the only thing keeping this game from being fully perfect, but still is the most amazing modern beat 'em up experience.

Couldn’t really get into it, but I like the style and OST. Maybe I’ll give it a full playthrough eventually.

Que increíble beat em up. Su pixel art es muy pero muy bueno y su gameplay está bastante bien

One of the BEST Beat Em Ups around! Very simple to learn but difficult to master with TONS of depth in the combat.

Really only thing I can complain about is no online play unless you use Parsec or Steam Remote Play

Looks great, sounds great and plays great. It's the whole package

Insanely in depth combat for a 2d beat em up. Also crazy replay value and tons of unlockables, this game will keep you busy for a long time. Beautiful spritework and kick ass music too.

Jogo mt bom mas tem uma dificuldade amarga e forçada chegando a irrita o jogador pois enche a merd4 da tela de inimigo enchendo o saco fazendo tu querer quebrar a tela
É gostosinho de jogar mas tem esse porem q enche o saco

I like these kind of games and this plays pretty smooth
But overall i just find this really unappealing