Reviews from

in the past

Campaign Review:

Yeah, took me a while to get around to finishing this. Like Halo 4, it's a mostly forgettable campaign that's saved by some solid action in the last 4-5 levels. But far more than any previous Halo, this made me realize how much I hate it when modern AAA titles craft huge, detailed, yet forgettable areas that you just walk through without interacting with anything. There were a few times where my team of four Spartans was just walking across an alien planet with nothing else going on. It was all style over substance, but the style wasn't impressive or memorable. To be clear, I love a lovingly crafted environment in a game, but if it's in a linear level and you pass through an area in 30 seconds without engaging with the environment in any way... what was the point?? It doesn't contribute anything to the game, it just felt like adding more work to the dev team for the sake of adding more work. I dunno man, it got me real cynical.

Speaking of style over substance, Halo 5 has a habit of putting stuff in cutscenes that we should actually be playing, like killing the Elite boss in the beginning level, or a set piece in which Spartans are jumping across falling panels over lava. There's a cutscene where Locke briefly fights Chief, and I can't think of a single reason why it wasn't playable other than "it looks cooler this way". I'm not here to watch characters do cool stuff, I'm playing games to DO the cool stuff AS the characters!

Anyhow, everything I said in my Multiplayer review still applies to the core mechanics. The weapon variety is unmatched, and being able to use The Answer to take down a couple of bosses was just delightful. It's still frustrating that there's no split-screen, but whatever. My wife and I beat this with one of us on XCloud and one on console, and the streaming was fine about 80% of the time. At least when we play the Infinite campaign we'll be able to actually install in on a PC. Why is this the only Halo not on computers?!?

It's a fine campaign, but definitely the weakest in the series. Ending felt kind of pointless, and there really wasn't much in terms of standout sequences other than the huge numbers of enemies in the Battle of Sunaion. Glad I've finally beaten it, just wish it was better!

The campaign was pretty bad, but the multiplayer was fun. Not a big fan of the Req-packs mechanic though.

More like Halo 5: Out of Ten

Halo 5 does not feel like a Halo game. It may look like one, but when you get your finger on the triggers, its overhauled systems are plain to see and more akin to more generic blockbuster shooters like COD. While the new gunplay and traversal systems aren’t bad, they do not feel at home on this sort of game, watering down the experience which results in some of Halo’s identity being lost in the process. While the game is gorgeous and there is some intrigue to the story, it isn’t memorable. Halo 5 is not an awful experience, but it’s a misstep which unfortunately tarnishes the name of this fantastic franchise. Here’s hoping that the shift in momentum back in the right direction initiated by Infinite can make people fall in love with Halo once again.

2015 Ranked
Halo Ranked

Enemies keeps coming and you shoot that's the game... yeah. I mean literally the game is all about this. And this is boring. Other halo games were cool and story rich.

I didn't think you could get much worse than Halo 4. Props to you, 343!

Halo 5 is atrocious.
Every single thing about it is wrong.

Halo 4's campaign is a mess that had so much more potential, but at least plays okay enough and honestly I actually don't mind the art direction, and the OST is great.

Halo 5 on the other hand is misdirected in every single regard: the story has no idea what it wants to do or where its going mixed together with expecting you to have read every fucking book 343i put out since Halo 4, and every stupid goddamn web series/movie too in order to even remotely understand anything that's happening. It might be worse than FF15 in that regard, and that's a fucking low bar. I have no idea why they hired star actors and then gave up halfway and only used them for face scans and then got other people to voice them either.

The art direction is a mess and goes way too far in making it look less like Halo and more like generic over-detailed scifi. Even on a technical level, the game runs at 60 FPS but animations drop to 20-30 FPS for any enemies or NPCs two feet in front of you. It was definitely done for the sake of trying to get the game to run stable on the original Xbox One, but it's thoroughly distracting and I don't think was a good sacrifice to make.

The composers obviously got little direction in the tone they needed to make for sections and story moments because it's incredibly generic and rarely stands out despite having one of the two same composers as Halo 4; the most distinct song that comes to mind is one that plays in the final chapter, and even then it doesn't come close to anything from 4's campaign, let alone the Bungie titles.

Combat is a mixed bag that i know works better for multiplayer, but I don't care very much for the PvP of this game and that also doesn't excuse how badly it's balanced for the campaign; somehow they made the max ammo problem Halo 4 had significantly worse and it's far too common to end up in scenarios where you're just completely out of ammo and there's nothing around to pick up because weapons despawn in this game?

Enemy AI is braindead and is only "challenging" because despite being Spartans, everybody snaps like a twig if you get looked at wrong. Co-op ruins the game and the friendly AI is somehow even worse than the enemies; me and a friend were regularly screaming when you mash the button to get the AI to help revive you, only for them to stand there and watch you die while also getting shot at. It boggles my mind how a game from fucking 2001 had smarter AI than this.

The level design is the worst of the entire franchise also probably thanks to having to design around co-op because Halo 5 has no concept of what quiet time is. You walk from combat arena to combat arena, nonstop, no breaks; your breaks are scripted escape sequences half the time because stuff is blowing up, not even cutscenes are free and always have stuff blowing up and characters talking nonstop. Halo 5 is a COD game in everything but title, and frankly I would rather just play something like Black Ops 3 because they do a better job with gunplay and movement than H5 does.

I have faith in Halo Infinite again because there is no possible way it can be worse than Halo 5. Fuck Halo 5. I will never play it again after this replay. I will sleep better knowing that I don't have to think about it ever again.

I'm fairly certain the last time I played this through to the end that it glitched out and skipped some levels. I know I finished it as I remember pondering the orb at the end. Yet half of the levels leading up to it I have zero recollection of and I only got the achievements for finishing them on this play through. Which is weird.

As much as enjoyed the 2nd half of this campaign, it took a lot of warming too. I didn't like playing as Spartan Locke. I play these to Master Chef, dammit. But once the story progresses I found myself warming to the characters a bit more and come the finale, I was INTO IT.

I feel like we're thrown in halfway through what the full story should be as there's just blanks between the end of 4 and the start of this one. I know they're filled in through conversation and cut scenes, but a bit more of that at the beginning would've helped me warm to the characters more, even the chief who comes across as annoyingly stubborn at times.

I know the split story lines and new characters add something a bit fresh to proceedings, but you know what else might? Getting rid of the sterile grey and white buildings that make you feel like you're in a Hannah-Barbera corridor animation. The greeneries and cities look great, but the constant reliance on drab grey structures for the finale outstayed its welcome in the first game.

Still, great gameplay, lovely graphics and top sound design give that great AAA blockbuster game you just got for Xmas vibe, and once it bedded in, I had a great time. I've now finished all the Halo games over the course of the last 12 months. I'm ready for Infinite.

Speaking exclusively of campaign, there's a solid mechanical skeleton here, but it falls short of almost everything else.
1. Being balanced around coop means arenas are crammed with fodder which, despite advanced movement, force you to engage in shooting galeries since the density of enemy fire is so damn high all the time.
2. Bots' stupidity constantly creates these frustrating moments when they push forward and thoughtlessly die leaving you stand on the defensive alone against the horde of enemies.
3. Elite AI didn't recover since Halo 4, and promethians, while being a noticeable improvement, still aren't as interesting to fight on their own.
4. Levels stop being a repetitive drag and attempt something of a creative objective and encounter design just when the game is nearly over.
5. Don't think this story is possible to parse unless you're studied Halo scholar who has read all Halo novels
6. With all said and done it's not even close to being misery fiction that is Halo 2, at least it's functional

This review contains spoilers

I honestly had no idea what I was getting into when starting this for the first time, especially taking into consideration the immense negative feedback most fans have towards this game. After playing it I can say that I…kind of understand their viewpoint to an extent.

The story is the biggest detraction I would say, and I definitely see the hatred towards it. Apparently you needed to brush up on a ton of external material (books, tv shows, podcasts, in addition to games) in order to understand what’s even going on, and even after looking into the main gist of what occurred during the story I STILL don’t fully understand what was happening. Apparently Cortana is a villain now which basically undermined the impact of Halo 4’s great ending, that’s something I did pick up on and wasn’t very happy with. And on top of that, the game just ends so abruptly, like after you “deal” with Cortana the way the game leaves you at the end credits is just super weird and unsatisfying, maybe that’s something I’ll be more satisfied on when I get to Halo Infinite, but I digress.

Gameplay is more or less similar to Halo 4 with a few changes. Firstly the game is squad based, you get paired up with 3 other AI companions aiding you throughout the course of the campaign, and their contributions are hit or miss. If you get downed, they can revive you meaning effectively you can restart at checkpoints way less than usual. I’m on and off about this feature because the AI in this game really REALLY loves you, like if you call for help they will straight up make a beeline to your location in an attempt to revive you. Now while this usually worked for me, it also makes them a sitting target in the line of huge enemy fire, meaning all 3 of them could blow up before they even get the chance to revive you. In my experience though they pulled their own weight just fine so they weren’t really a detraction.

In addition to new weapons and vehicles, you also get a thruster, a…ground pound technique(?), and a tackle, and honestly I actually dig these changes to your moveset quite a bit, adds a ton more mobility to your arsenal. Unfortunately the enemies are aware of these abilities too, so in exchange they’re MUCH more accurate with their weapons than previously, meaning in a heated battle your shield depletes VERY quickly. This does effectively turn the game into more of a cover shooter slowing the pace down. I don’t think it’s as egregious as Halo 2 though, you don’t really feel like a glass pigeon in Halo 5. Not helping things are some of the enemies in this game. I don’t know WHAT they did to the Promethean Knights in this game but they are literal bullet sponges, tanking so much damage and knocking you out in like 1-2 hits max. I don’t recall them being this much of an issue in Halo 4.

The bosses suck though. Oh sorry, did I say “bosses” as in, more than 1? My mistake, I just meant “boss”. The Warden is basically the only boss you ever face and the game just lazily copy pastes him throughout the course of the campaign. The first couple of times you fought him, it was cool, neat, whatever, but for the 60th time and with the addition of fighting more than one on screen at once, sorry but it’s starting to get old.

The game looks gorgeous visually, the landscapes and environments are crisp and very well detailed all around. In general this game just exists to me. I can’t really get gamer angry at it because truth be told it’s not really giving me anything to get angry AT, nor is it really giving me anything to have fun with either. A middle of the road score given to a middle of the road game.

Still better than CE though I’ll give it that.

Campaign review

Just an overall really good time. 343 solved a lot of my issues with 4. The Prometheans are a blast to fight in this one and the sound design is back where it should be. Guns feel great to shoot and the moment to moment gameplay is so solid.

I know people hate the Wardens but they didn't bother me much. They're just as annoying as Hunter pairs which show up through the series. Which is to say that they're fine.

The story stuff is real good too. Cortana as a villain works well and I liked Locke. Having Buck back is also a major plus. Finally visiting a certain alien planet and seeing an old friend again was awesome.

I expected this to be absolute garbage by the way some people talk about Halo 5. It's not that at all.

Halo 5 tem uma das histórias mais sem pé nem cabeça, principalmente que continua do 4 que não tem nenhuma explicação dos eventos, mas o jogo é bom, a gameplay dele é incrível super rápida e dinâmica, é bem gostoso de jogar, mas em história é até mais fraco que o 4.
Minha nota é 6/10

This is the most lame game of all time. It's not bad. Just generic, and boring.

Halo 5 Dollars Used Only a Few Years After Launch

okay let me begin with saying that this was thankfully less of a fucking slog to get through its campaign than Halo 4 and let me Celebrate that...

having said that however, this is definitely lacking in any of the highs that existed in the earlier (pre-4 tbh) games of the series and kinda just blends together. the sense of homogenization with other titles that started with Reach has carried on here with this being the Big Cinematic effort on top of having new series additions like aim down sights (which feels like they just took the prior zoom from earlier titles and made no further adjustments at times lmao).

i'm past the point of trying to get into the lore and characters of Halo but if i was into it, this would've been a disaster. things in this game just come and go with no build or impact. it almost felt like there was a game missing between this and 4.

would like something more with Infinite but i'm not getting my hopes up.

Honestly, couldn't bring myself to finishing this one. Been playing this on xCloud since there is no proper PC port yet and it also hurts the experience.

The gameplay itself is actually not bad but man did 343 ruin the lore of Halo with this game. Everything about the story sucks and ruins the character of Master Chief and Cortana even further. Really crappy campaign, with the slight benefit of good gameplay. It deserves better.

Halo 5 is summed up as:
- Worst campaign in the series
- Best multiplayer and weapon variety in the series...
- ...but no split-screen.

This entry in the Halo franchise does one thing exceptionally well, and that's single-player matchmaking. Super Fiesta is the most fun I've ever had online. Weapons like the Blood of Suban, Whispered Truth, The Answer, and Ad Victorium are just a blast to use, along with the completely OP Halo CE Pistol and Halo 2 Battle Rifle. I've played a lot of Infinite, but it's never quite reached the greatness of Halo 5 Super Fiesta. Warzone is also a great time if you manage to get a reliable team together, and you really don't have to sink any money into REQ packs to do well. But the decision to remove split-screen was the worst choice in the history of the series!

Despite the campaign's glaring flaws, the online multiplayer really is THAT good if you like your Halo fast and sweaty.

lol what the fuck were you thinking

Talvez alguns considerem um pecado gostar desse jogo, mas eu gostei de verdade. Halo é divertido sempre, e acho que Halo 5 entrega uma diversão equilibrada, muita variedade de missões, ambiente, armas e inimigos.

Halo 5 Guardians comete erros na narrativa fraca, mas entrega um ótimo FPS, que pode agradar até (principalmente) os menos fãs da série.

Gostei mais que do 4. Esse tem a jogabilidade melhor, os visuais são daora mas que história confusa e burra. Porém valeu a pena

Starts out about as unremarkable and yawn-worthy as Halo 4, but around the halfway point takes a serious dive in the level and encounter design that ends up making it worse. The locales and arenas are so banal with enemy placement ranging from uninspired to complete fucking Adderall abuse. The story's completely uninteresting with characters I have zero attachment to other than Blue Team...whom you get to play as for exactly one fifth of the game's missions. Each level has a collection of audio logs to find that attempt to and fail to flesh out the story, but you can only hear them diegetically from the exact sources which you find them and they don't have subtitles. System Shock got this right in 1994, for Christ's sake. The score is generic fluff you'd expect to hear in a Michael Bay blockbuster; Martin O'Donnell is sorely missed. Forerunner enemies and weapons still suck my ass. I can keep bullet-pointing all the flaws here until my fingers cramp. It's just all around a genuine, bona fide, 1000% not good.

It's so horrible. 343 strays even further from the path laid out by Bungee. Mockery of a story, shitty gameplay that cashed in on the 'advanced movement' craze of back then, and an overall very poor showing in other departments such as Forge and Multiplayer.

Locke is cool character but he really didn’t belong in this game. Maybe an odst style contained spinoff. Ping ponging between the Chief and Locke really hampered the campaign. I also wasn’t a huge fan of the multiplayer.

Okay I know the other Halo fans will crucify me for this one but I don't care, Halo 5's story was fantastic, I loved seeing the events unfold from both Chief's and Locke's perspectives and the gunplay was the best it has ever been. The enemy variety is brought back from Halo 4 but with campaign map design that's actually solid and well-built! It also provides an incredible challenge on Legendary, especially when running solo, but the AI is actually well designed enough that it's perfectly doable if you learn to use them properly, but it's even better with friends. Not to mention that this game's online, ESPECIALLY the Firefight, are the best the series have ever seen, this game is an amazing time and I 100%ed it because of that!

This review contains spoilers

This is heroic campaign only.
I actually enjoyed this campaign. Not up to the standards Bungie set but it is still fun. Most of my problems with 4's gameplay were at least slightly improved here (sometimes it is night and day) but it's real problem is the story. I see that they probably had a really good pitch but the execution fell apart. Spartan Locke is not interesting, most of the details require you to have payed attention to extra media, and Cortana's return almost spoils the end of 4. Arbiter's inclusion is much appreciated, and Buck isn't really necessary even though I loved him in ODST.

Most of the missions were varied with better map design and beautiful environments. The movement is fun, and gunplay is standard. Prometheans are much improved: more variety and easier to differentiate from a distance. They are more fun to fight than they were in 4 (and their weapons have a bit more personality) but they are still the weakest enemy type in Halo.

Favorite mission: Enemy Lines/ Blue Team
Least favorite mission: The breaking

"Halo 5: Guardians" was a real let down. With a campaign that's poorly paced, near incomprehensible plot and a jankyness to the tight feel that Halo has had. The gameplay even botches neat concepts it introduces like healing downed team mates by making it a constant chore throughout battles. The game moves at a decent frame rate, but character models for some reason drop to almost the single digits it seems, making for a very inconsistent game to take in visually. There were a couple strengths. As puzzled as I was over the story, I did enjoy the deeper look into the nature of Master Chief and Cortana and their connection together. I've also enjoyed the time I spent with the multiplayer and it seems like it still has a stable player base. None of that kept this from being a drag to me.

Man, what a game. The bad decisions and terrible executions are on an epic scale. The story is abysmal, the characters are flat at best and the gameplay is the definition of monotonous. It does get redeeming points for all of the free content updates they did in the years since that made this game actually quite fun in multiplayer. Too bad I can't play it with my friends when they come over.

1 estrela nn reflete o quão ruim esse jogo é.