Reviews from

in the past

How is the protagonist both terrified of water and an olympic-level swimmer?

Feels like a game they made to support their water physics engine.

Imagine an action setpiece from Uncharted extended for 3-5 hours.
The sort of game that's very blatantly a "look at our physics engine" game. Not very good but it is interesting. I think the water physics are genuinely nice, it is funny blasting a barrel then watching water knock an enemy around, but everything else in the game feels undercooked. The cover system particularly sucks. The story just stops too since it was meant to be episodic but flopped and took the studio with it. Unfortunate nothing became of this game's engine, it could've been nice.

Uncharted 3 só que se passando todo naquele capítulo do navio, o jogo não tem final e acaba do nada, final deve ser uma DLC sei lá.


I think it would be cool if you didn't have to buy a different game to play the second half.

This game confuses me. The general consensus seems to be that the water physics are amazing, but everything else is really really bad. And while it wouldn't say that it was amazing by any means, I didn't think there was anything particularly wrong with it. It's a fine whatever game with good water physics. It's also really short so it doesn't grate on your patience.

This is a decent little 3rd person shooter with Uncharted style platforming / climbing sections. It's a game that is mostly known for having pretty nice water physics for it's time. It's also very much an unfinished game and ends abruptly. I liked it for the most part. When you die you reload to the last checkpoint within seconds with no loading screen which is pretty cool.

best game ever for 2 hours then gone forever... very sad

The combat is moderately fun, using the environment to kill enemies with exploding barrels, electricity, or by drowning them. The water physics are great, which is pretty much what this game is remembered for. The story isn't too impressive and considering this is only the first chapter and the next one was cancelled, the game ends quite abruptly. The Xbox 360 version also ends earlier than the PS3 and PC versions as those actually have an ending boss fight, whereas the 360 version doesn't, ending randomly after a cutscene instead.

Didn't think I'd have this much to say about this game but here goes. Tried this out since it was free with games with gold, I'm very torn and I'll explain why. On the positive side the game is quite fun. Narrative is easy enough to follow and the water physics are absolutely astounding even by today's standards, the combat is decent enough and the whole hacking mechanic is nice, overall the game's mechanics are what make it so strong in the first place. But going back to the narrative that's the main thing that weighs this game down as it's very dodgy at times but it's not the worst I've ever seen. Also the length is questionable since it only took my a couple of hours to beat.

However I want to dedicate an entire section to the game's ending because wtf. The game doesn't even end, it just stops. Genuinely the most abrupt ending I've ever seen anything ever. So fucking lazy (pardon my French but it's the only way I can think to get across how frustrating it is) and it's a huge shame because I was actually kind of enjoying it up until then. Overall it just seems like they created this game to test water physics, baffles me as I genuinely think this game had big potential.

I liked it. Didn't do anything particularly good. But I had fun.

O jogo esquecido da água surpreendentemente bem feito de 2010. 3 horas de gameplay sofríveis, andando igual barata tonta num titanic que nunca afunda, com dublagem canastrona e uma historia sem final. Daria um excelente contexto pra um jogo de terror.

Não é porque dei essa nota que o game é ruim, longe disso, já zerei 2x, só faltou algum polimento, mas é muito bom se ver imerso a uma gameplay cheio d'água!

I don't know what to say about this game.. it's just.. mid, painfully mid.
It's got its fun moments but the gameplay is a little above average, the story is fairly generic, the voice acting is really mid. The graphics and Visuals were amazing tho, really well done but other than that, the ending was just, weird, really weird so, yeah, this game in one word is mid.

Got this free. It was decently fun to play through.

Played on Xbox One S with Backwards Compatibility
Also Available on PC, PS3, Xbox 360 and Xbox Series with Backwards Compatibility
Playtime: 2-3 Hours
Completion Date: February 25 2022
No Spoilers

Hydrophobia is an action adventure game developed and published by the currently closed Dark Energy Digital. It was recently free for Xbox Live Gold members. I liked the look of the game so wanted to give it a try. Unfortunately, i think it was mostly a waste of time. Here are my thoughts...

The story is set in the near future where there is a spaceship(i think) named Queen of the World built by a giant corporation and of course it's made for the super wealthy. While the civillians on Earth suffers from a fast population increase, these super wealthy people lives on this ship happily ever after. Or course not for long because a terrorist group named Malthusians attacks the ship and our character Kate Wilson, a systems engineer on the ship tries to escape and help other people escape working with one of her co-workers. Maybe her boss actually? I don't remember.

The story is fine. I mean, the world is fine but the story chooses to tell none of these interesting things. You get this information by reading through multiple documents. And unfortunately, i found them boring and ultimately decided to not collect or read any of them. The main story focuses on, nothing really. You go from one place to the other, do somethings, help people and that's it.

The story is weak, very weak. There is a big potential here but it's not used well. Characters? There isn't one. There are like 4 people we know with their full names. One of them only has 1 scene, the other one has like 2 or 3 scenes. So we only have our main character Kate and her boss which we only see one time, but he talks with us so we hear him a lot. Both of these characters are also very weak. Voice acting is going between bad and fine depending on the scene.

So before going to the gameplay, i have to talk about the ending. Originally, this game was going to have 3 episodes. And this is actually episode 1. And i have heard from the internet that the game was ending with a cliffhanger. I was ok with that thinking that the game would at least close one or two doors it opened and it would at least have it's own short story that ends in this episode but is connected to a larger story.

That's not the case, at all. This game ends in a laughably bad spot. Without spoilers, here is the quick summary. You go somewhere, you fight with enemies. You go into one of the rooms, you do something, you get out. A cutscene happens, our character and another character runs from an explosion, and the game ends. Like, that's it. And this is not a big explosion that destroys the whole ship or anything. This ending feels like they were out of money and they had to release this episode. The ending is that bad. It's not exciting, it doesn't close any of the subplots and I don't think this is even a cliffhanger because i wasn't shocked or anything.

The gameplay, is definitely better than the story, but it's still not good. So what do you do in this game? You go from point A to point B, you do some platforming, climbing and there is shooting mechanics. That's pretty much it. Platforming parts are really like Uncharted or old Assassin's Creed. It's very easy but fun. The shooting on the other hand, is very interesting.

Your weapon in this game doesn't have any bullets, at least in the beginning. It fires an electrical shock of some kind. So because of this, you can't kill enemies in one shot. When you first shoot them, they will pass out and you need to shoot them again so that you kill them. You also need to charge your shots by holding the shooting button. You can't press it rapidly, i mean you can but that would do very little damage if it does any.

You get some other ammo types as well in later sections but i only used them to see what they are. On normal, enemies are not a challenge most of the time. You get cover, you shoot. Very simple, very easy. There are some stronger enemies that comes towards the end of the game, but you still do the same thing to kill them so they don't change the flow of combat in any way. Gunplay is not good by the way. It doesn't feel like you are shooting which makes sense because you are shooting a shock wave thingy basically but you don't feel that either.

Speaking of not feeling anything, this game feels like you are not playing anything. Why? Because the game guides you in every single objective. There is no exploration or puzzle angle. You go where the marker is and eventually, you finish the game. It is so boring and so repetitive. There are some puzzles you do with your hacking device but they are very basic, not even worth talking.

There is one good thing though that the game also used to advertise itself, the water. The water graphics and i don't know, the AI of the water, is pretty pretty good. It feels real, it looks nice and swimming gameplay is also pretty good. It's simple but even in 2022, even in AAA games, swimming and underwater combat might be horrible. Hydrophobia doesn't have any of those issues. That's great. And thanks to the water, the atmosphere of this game, is really good as well.

The design of the ship, the dark and narrow corridors and some very surprising locations in the final level does look and feel great. What doesn't feel great, is the frame rate. There weren't any bugs if i remember correctly but the performance is not good. At least on One S. Though it should have been good in my opinion because this game is an Xbox 360 game. Frame rate is not bad at all times, but when it drops, it really drops.

Graphics are ok, this is a 2010 game and it's from an indie developer. I don't remember any music but the sound design was very bad. I started it with headphones and no matter where i was, i was hearing tons of noises, some stronger, some weaker while there was nothing that could make those sounds in the scene. I don't know if they tried to do something like a 3D Audio where you can hear things beyond the walls or something like that but yeah, i switched to TV speakers because it gave me a little bit headache.

I unfortunately can't recommend Hydrophobia. It's a short game, 3 hours at max to finish the story. Main menu said there were challenges but i never looked at them. You might think like me and say "It's a short game. Should be a different experience at least. Let's see what it has." But no. This game isn't worth your time. Even if you got it free from Live Gold or Game Pass Ultimate, i think you should pass this one. It has some good things like the atmosphere but it has a ton of bad things as well. Like the story, the ending and the performance.

Got this free. It was decently fun to play through.