Reviews from

in the past

I found this game abandoned on the sidewalk and I wish I left it there

This left such a visceral impression on me when I was a kid that it gained a symbolic meaning as the first thing that pops into my mind as the platonic ideal of a "shit game"

Pra falar a verdade,o jogo envelheceu bem.
Os controles sao simples mas funcionam e o boss final é bem meh.
Ultima vez q joguei esse jogo foi a anos atras,na epoca foi numa lan house onde eu costumava morar,entao foi a muito tempo mesmo.

Awful game, hard as fuck for no reason and the gameplay sucked even at the game

Fun at first, flying around in the Iron Man suit is really cool, but boy is this game repetitive, and you get knocked around so much (your aim is changed when you get hit) that it becomes frustrating. Not one I would recommend unless you are a hard core Iron Man fan.

No idea what's going on. You fly around like a dumbass.

Enemies never stop coming and environment is always full of them,
And the controls...
I'll remove two stars for those.

Titanium Man is a thing I guess and not just a bad O.C.

its a pretty fun game for what it is. its quite challenging too. its really cheap go grab it today.

Eu joguei a versão de PS2 e era tão ruim que eu fiz questão de destruir meu CD com um martelo.

Meu deus... Eu não lembrava mais desse jogo aqui, cara.. me desbloqueou uma memoria muito boa, nossa saudades.

The flight system is so bad that i became grateful for having feet

8 year old me thought this was fun.

This was hard (on the eyes) to play lol

Até gostava da parte de voar, mas o resto creindiospai

En effet, c'est pas fou, répétitif, et pas très agréable à prendre en main.
Je reste persuadé qu'un Insomniac pourrait faire un banger de cette licence

Eu me lembro muito pouco desse jogo. Lembro das primeiras missões e lembro de ter gostado. Mas como provavelmente eu não terminei o jogo, não posso dizer muito a respeito.

All versions of this game suck.

me acuerdo que tenia los medio graficos

only played the demo but that flying felt great though these nostalgia googles