Reviews from

in the past

Uma ideia bem original e bem executada pra um joguinho de poucas horinhas.

Pra mim a única crítica fica para os combos, tem alguns impossíveis de descobrir, talvez seja um problema de tradução, mas tive que consultar guias algumas vezes...

This really holds up quite well. Feels like it's from a totally different era of indie games where they were devs were translating what used to be ambitious flash games to full releases that felt like passion projects.

The core gameplay of this is still fun. Setting stuff on fire never really gets old and the combos are a great way to get you to experiment and drive your progress. Some objects and combos are definitely much cooler than others where as some are just blatant fodder to help get you some quick cash. It can be a little disappointing when something cool sounding just ends up burning with zero fanfare.

Also man does that fire still look really damn good!

I remember there being a weirdly large amount of hype for this game building up to its release, presumably coasting off the massive amounts of praise WORLD OF GOO received a few years prior. And then just a few years later, poof, I never heard anyone talk about either again, with nary a critical backlash or reappraisal. Simply just existing.

Anyway it was nice and I liked it. Burning stuff is fun. Picking up the charred remains of a stuffed animal and chucking it against a wall at high velocity is fun. These are like innate human pleasures here. Even if the gameplay loop is pretty stagnant it never really gets boring buying weird shit and seeing how it spews fire in a unique way to the other objects, or how nicely it shatters when you fling it. Those fire sounds sure are nice! The loose story did a lot more for me than I thought it would too, the themes of growing old and moving forward through life, illustrated through brief conversations with a couple characters I feel landed well. The Don Hertzfeldt comparison is incredibly obvious, but it's apt for a reason

I think the game's biggest flaw is its attempt at commentary on time waster type video games is really heavy handed and uninteresting. Woah!!! It's like youre burning the time you could spend doing something by sitting here and waiting for timers to deplete!!! you're so smart for pointing that out to me game holy shit you're so brave oh my fucking god. It hardly ruins the game, it's more eyeroll-worthy than anything else. There are the arbitrary wait times of stuff but the game gives you more than enough shit to alleviate the waiting times if you go for combos like the game wants you to.


Reminds me of a Don Hertzfeldt film. There’s obvious satire here about consumer culture, but more affectingly it’s an existential crisis in miniature that will leave you thinking about all the life you’re not living and all the regrets you’ll have when the time has all gone up up the chimney, like everything else. It can’t last forever.

arson shouldn't be this entertaining

The thing I get from this is the bittersweet feeling of having to destroy every material thing you have and simultaneously being comforted by the warmth of fire

Retrata o ciclo autodestrutivo do escapismo através do entretenimento que a pandemia e isolamento social causaram melhor do que muito game criado durante ou após a pandemia que tenta tratar diretamente o assunto.

I really enjoyed burning images of 2010 memes.

This review contains spoilers

A very interesting and unique gameplay loop that brings up a question and provides a satisfying answer. The combos and new magazines keep this from being a pure sandbox game and actually gives you a goal in mind and makes what you do feel like it has a purpose and that you're progressing. The ONLY thing I could complain about is that some of the combos don't make sense and some toys aren't very interesting, but that's only if I was stretching to find any negatives about this game. It's just fun.

Even before the ending with all the adulthood symbolism, a story is being told in-between letters you receive from 3 different people.

Sugarplumps, Nancy, and the weather man. S.P. is the most important one, and what makes her great is that she's the only person who actually interacts with you in the real world; knocking on your walls, sending you curtains, and dying. I love her affection she seemingly has for the protagonist, whether it's as a friend or something more. The 4 toys she discovered that hide a secret when burned together I guess are a metaphor for how she matured and moved on from childhood and left to see the world, so she tells you the secret so that you may leave after her too. The weatherman letters are so good, the music that accompanies them always felt really sad, because you actually forget that the world you're in is kinda fucked right now and the burning of the toys simply distract you from that fact. His letters always fill you with a sense of hopelessness but also a tinge of hope at the end. It can't keep getting colder forever! Nancy is... Nancy. I kept her ticket all the way to the end.

And then when you finally tire of your toys and decide to see what's going on outside your house. It's a cold and cruel world, but you can go as far as you want because you burned down your house, and there's no going back. S.P. seemingly is relaxing at a beach, and her profile looks different, because she's grown. So the fact that a beach exists just serves to let you know that it's not cold everywhere in the world. There's warmth somewhere, but you'll only find it if you go and seek it out yourself. Seeing all the small references to toys that you've burned in the past was a nice touch and adds to the world you're in. Listening to Nancy talk about her past dreams and how fast time passes again fills you with sadness but also hope. It's a very bittersweet game, and the dark humor found in the toys complements it well. It's pretty much a perfect game, even when I was struggling to figure out the last combos, I was never frustrated, because burning the toys to experiment which ones were correct was still fun.

Good game, would burn my house again

And the fire physics look REALLY good

pyromaniacs rejoice
i remember the story being cool, the world of goo devs really can make surprisingly gripping lil stories, plus finding out stuff to burn together is always a fun time. The shop theme slaps despite it being public domain classical music lmfao. Definitely worth a play just to dick around and burn shit

They wont call it little when I burn the whole neighbourhood

Un juego sobre quemar cosas y quedarse encerrado. Sobre la intimidad que ofrece el fuego. Un placer simple y prácticamente ausente en videojuegos.

Maybe it's the eerie atmosphere or the unique art style, but for such a basic game I really enjoy this one.

Children should be financially compensated for burning down their houses and have unadulterated access to fire

Único e viciante.

A ideia base do jogo por si só é super viciante: QUEIMAR COISAS! O game consegue mesclar a gameplay única junto com referências a cultura no geral + um humor que funciona super bem.

Além disso a história do jogo é contada pela própria mecânica do jogo (e a história que nem era pra ser o ponto alto do game acaba se destacando por ser ótima).

Os combos de objetos queimados que você precisa descobrir tornam o jogo muito desafiador.

Top jogos simples que são incríveis.

Come for the pyromania, stay for the surprisingly impactful and bleak story.

One of my favorite endings of any game. Go in blind if at all possible!

i cannot stress how difficult it is to rate a fireplace simulator

A fun game, it can be kind of slow and your basically just watching stuff burn over and over again. for some reason i still love it though.

feels like a tech demo. at least it’s a cool tech demo

i like puzzles and i like to burn things

I was hoping the ending was going to explain why the surprise snake toy and the protein power jar were both full of dirty syringes, but no dice

I use this to appease my girlfriend's psychotic tendencies.

Incrivelmente simples mas assustadoramente BOM!

arson has never been so satisfying