Reviews from

in the past

Another weird game in the series. It takes most of the elemenst of the first games, specifically 2 and 3, and adds a new teists to them, combining different robot masters, making new remixes and making new levels designs that gives the title a strongr identity despite its name. The presentation is also pretty good for a game boy game

Though it feels like Capcom notices the insane difficulty of the first Game Boy title and decided to... just not make this one difficult as all. Like I suck at these games and despite all of it I was able to go throught this with ot many save states and deaths (which is surprising coming for me lel)

Overall a cool reimagining of the first games that while not doing anything that special, was still a decent time

Also Wily just straight up dies at the end: he tries to escape in space, megmana chases him and throws a missile at him that make him exploed like a nuclear bomb, the the credits roll. That was kinda funny

Mega Man II is annoying.

However, the game is not annoying in the ways you would expect. You'd think I'm annoyed by some sort of unfair or uncalled-for spikes in difficulty, but I'd report the exact opposite; Mega Man II is annoyingly easy. The challenge I love and expect from a classic Mega Man title is nowhere. Levels are simple and bosses are absolute pushovers, even with the mega-buster. This includes Quint, who is supposed to be Mega Man from the future. From that title you'd expect him to be very tricky. A future Mega Man means a Mega Man with more technique and experience than you. Instead, he just hops around on a pogo stick until you shoot him enough. Similarly, the three-phase Wily fight is also a pushover. Attacks are relatively easy to get around as the boss patterns are not complex. Additionally, at this point in the playthrough you'd have maxed out E tanks, so i you actually had trouble here you could just power through it no problem. Nothing on display is at all challenging, and as a result the identity of Mega Man you want to see here is missing.

Another issue is the audio. I don't know if this was intentional or not, but all the music is pitched incredibly high. The ear-splitting noises are quite a shame because you hear hints of an ok melody through it all, and end up just wishing it were all pitched down. Maybe then it would sound good.

Besides those gripes, I find it hard for me to call this a truly bad game. At the end of the day, it's still mega man, just so easy that it's kind of boring. This is nowhere near as excellent as any other console of handheld Mega Man title as of the time this came out, but it's not like this was screwed up so bad that you must avoid it at all costs. If you really want to play through all these handheld Mega Man titles, go ahead. If you're looking for a Mega Man game that's miles easier than the others, pick it up (though Mega Man 2 on the NES is a better option with its normal mode). You won't be angry but you won't be ecstatic either.

best mega man game but you already know. great songs

A good improvement over the first game boy entry. It controls much better and has much less annoying level design. However, I think they overcorrected from the first game's difficulty. This game is just too easy. A lot of levels are also kinda bland in terms of level design. It's pretty alright though.

it's a little funny how well mmdwr and mmII mirror mm1 and mm2, with mm2 and mmII being sequels that did nothing to improve the game gameplay wise, instead choosing to make the game easier. it's not painful like dwr, but it's still not good.

I suck at this game, but still really enjoy it for some reason.

Little has changed in terms of gameplay and yet, this feels like such a weaker game in comparison to the first one. The bosses aren't as good, the new music is interesting but pitched way too high, and Quint has largely been decanonized from the franchise, probably due to the fact that he's a pitiful excuse for a boss that gives you a pretty unimpressive weapon. It's not terrible, just weak.

I mean the slide is back but they don't do much with its adamantly cool concept. It isn't unfair and bullshit like DWR but its too easy. And the soundtrack could have been good with an actually decent sound font but instead they made the Game Boy shit out some of the most obnoxious and ear grating sounds on the entire console. Thankfully it only gets better from here.

Actually decent! Is what I would say if I didn't get softlocked in the final boss fight. Definitely better than the first game but man I've never had my opinion of a game drop so hard so quickly at the end. At least it's short and kinda easy, and you probably know about the music situation.

Ignoring the blatant disregard the composer had for the project when configuring the music (comfirmed btw, dude apologized publicly about it).

This game isn't much worse than base Mega Man 2, i know it isn't even close to being the same game, but weirdly enough, much of the same issues still apply.

It's a very fun game with some nonsensical enemy placement at times, and bonus point to MMII over MM2 for not having absolute garbage for final stages.

Would definitely recommend as a time waster if you don't mind playing on mute.

sooooooooo much better than the first game. kind of a weird one but that gives it some charm and makes it stand out

I played this with the music improvement romhack

You ever wind up being the B-Team to a B-Team and have to make a Mega Man 2 demake for the Game Boy in roughly 6 months?

Imagine if you were in that circumstance, and proceeded to only demake half of Mega Man 2, because that first B-Team already used the other half of the game's bosses in their Mega Man 1 demake. But god help you, you need to pad the game out, so you then throw in half of Mega Man 3 for no fucking reason other than some weird ass sense of tradition, before having you fight the easiest boss in the entire franchise who gives you a weapon that will literally kill you for using it, and will kill you faster than the boss that's supposedly weak to it. Also you've inexplicably made a Mega Man game thats braindead easy for 90% of its runtime, and has a Sonic Chronicles tier soundtrack to top it off.

Honestly, the only point the game made my neurones fire off anything at all was when I walked right onto the second screen of Metal Man's stage and immediately fell onto a pit of spikes, probably the single worst first impression a game has given me.

Well, this was definitely on the much easier and less frustrating side compared to the first Mega Man for Game Boy. I probably enjoyed it more because of this.

The Rock Man World are fine for what they are by the end of the day. They do their job for being 1 hour or less of Mega Man compacted action.

Rush is definitely wasted here. The only one part where you have mandatorily to use it is with the submarine (and maybe for a coil in the first Dr. Wily level). After that nothing.

Not that bad but it's definitely the weakest link of the Game Boy Mega Man games, with some pretty janky graphics and weird music arrangements. It's also a little too easy IMO

same thoughts as Dr Wily's Revenge: Just remember it being a cramped, rough conversion of the NES games, which were already not entirely my thing

Megaman II is the Megaman 2 of Megaman.

Friends I was having a blast with this one on a level that my star rating is not entirely going to reflect but holy shit they did great here. Turns out what I wanted from the first game was just for it to be less hateful and the level design is much improved here. It's really easy but that's fine I would have played this over and over on long car trips in the 90s for sure.

Structurally this is following the formula established by Mega Man (1991) in having four bosses (the four guys from 2 who weren't in the last game) and then a fortress level with four more (half the guys from 3) plus a unique boss and power, then one final level where you fight Wily. For some reason he's really tiny when you fight him in this one. Little baby Wily. The second set of bosses have their own mini levels now so the pacing feels nicer. Like I said, this one is very easy both because of the level design and the fact that you've got energy tanks and slide now; though no charge shot interestingly.

There are a couple of downsides. The first is that the music sounds kinda like a big crunchy dump in this one. It was fine in the last game I dunno what happened. The second is that metal blade is in it, and while it's less overpowered than it was, turns out there's a lot of room to nerf metal blade while still leaving it as the only thing you need to use for 90% of the game.

This one has me really excited to see where things keep developing from here, and I hope it includes more fun stuff like the last power you get in this one, a big jackhammer you ride like a pogo stick.

Fixed a lot of the issues I had with Dr. Wily's Revenge. Too bad the music is awful.

i think its funny that mega man ii is better than mega man 2

It's been a long time since I played it but man this may be the worst soundtrack I've ever heard in a game

It's Mid.
The game's in this weird middle ground where it never goes beyond "mediocre", and aside from the music, there's really nothing worth shitting on either. Granted, you COULD shit on it, but do you REALLY care enough about Mega Man II on the Game Boy to be angry about it? (Yes I know I just wrote a review on the game)

Ow, my ears! They accidentally pitched up the music one octave and it’s not great, and very distracting. This game is like the previous but slightly better. Still not that good, but it’s better. Also this game’s story is dumb. Quint is the most pathetic boss in gaming history btw.

This game is fuckin hilarious dude. They hype up Quint only to have his boss fight be him hopping in place doing nothing, then you beat him with zero fanfare, play one single pathetically easy Wily stage, fight a tiny Dr. Wily in another sad mech, and then you're treated to a scene where Mega Man kills him with a missile. Genuinely bootleg feeling game.

Don't have much to say, they have the same formula but this one did seem a little easier then the first. The boss rush having full stages was cool, not something I'd like in a normal MM game but it worked well here. The ending was also different then the standard which was neat too.

A GB Mega Man game that doesn't have shitty controls

Quando eu vi o final desse jogo... eu chorei... EU CHOREI DE RIR!! SUCUMBA MEGAMAN 7!!!! Isso que é cinema.

Playing on the 3DS Virtual Console, cleared the game multiple times. Despite the game being far less polished than Minakuchi Engineering's outings, the game is not very difficult, and thus makes for quick and easy replays. I will reserve future replays for mGBA on my modded Wii.

This review contains spoilers

im gonna be honest i love this game a lot. part of that is nostalgia but i think most of it is just that this is a really funny and fun so-bad-its-good game. theres so many baffling decisions and goofs, but its also pretty easy, really short, and has enough of a decent base that it doesnt suck too hard to play as a result
the thing everyone notices first about this game is that something about the soundtrack is just really wrong. i think what i heard before is that they messed up the instruments in some way, like the order of them or something? that explanation makes sense to me because the arrangements arent terrible but oh my god they are grating with how they sound and i find it really really funny, also some of them actually do bang harder than if they had correct instrumentals anyways so its a win
i wanna talk about quint because i love him, he's so funny. quint is the game's new story related foe and his story is so weird and convoluted compared to his actual impact that he literally feels like an OC. he fights using a pogo stick (which you inherit for one level and is kind of more inconvenient than using the buster), and is so easy and fought so anticlimactically he might as well be a miniboss. literally a hole opens in the basement where quint chills out and he just jumps around for a bit until you shoot him enough. he doesnt even get a health bar. it is pure comedy
also the game ends with mega man shooting a bullet bill at a very small dr wily in space which proceeds to blow up the tiny dr wily's ship, causing him to fall to the earth and create a mushroom cloud big enough it can be seen from space while somber (and ofc grating) music plays. this game literally ends with mega man killing dr wily and a lot of innocent people as a result. its peak

Honestly not nearly as bad as Dr Wily's Revenge. It's piss easy and the music is pretty bad sometimes but I'd take that any day over the torture I had to go through to finish the first game boy entry.