Reviews from

in the past

I love this game to death but the fact that its a Game Boy game holds it back in so many areas.

The first game i ever beat, the first game to scare me, to make me understand storytelling in games, and the first game to make me cry. A truly fantastic final boss of an angry mother trying to protect her last child and a uniquely beautiful ending afterwards. This was 1991 and it was pushing the medium of storytelling forward light-years without saying a word

Metroid II is a compelling entry in the Metroid series for its ability to tell its narrative through gameplay only, while still make it a fun experience. However the game has aged incredibly, and the need for a remake feels dire. The ability to use a map and graphical enhancements to areas alone would make this game far better than what it is right now, but despite all that Metroid II still remains a fairly good game.

Maybe I’ve been spoiled by games I grew up playing in the late 2000s, but I can’t finish this. Even though it’s technically more advanced and more playable than Metroid 1 with the ability to crouch and shoot, having the long beam from the beginning, etc., the lack of a map is made even worse because of the black and white visuals that makes all the locations blend in. I might come back to this, but I’ll have to have a map by me if I do.

I just bought Samus Returns instead and had a better time.

A bit easier to maneuver around in, but still not a very fun game. The identical grey backgrounds get old after 30 seconds, the sound design is grating, and everything else is very minimalist, as you'd espect from an early 90's Gameboy game. I liked it more than the first game, but that's only because I was more used to the idea this time around.

Um pesadelo, por conta da limitação de um portátil como o Game Boy, consegue ser mais intankavel que o primeiro de NES, level design confuso e controles travados que não respondem corretamente, vou ficar devendo esse.

Wonderful atmosphere and environmental storytelling, especially given hardware limitations

A game solely focused on committing genocide should not have any right being this fun, but here we are


Released on : GameBoy
played on : PC (Mesen)

What i liked :

I was looking foward to playing this one, hoping it would be a improvement at the so-so first game, and in some aspects it very much is.

once again venturing with a fan map to guide me through its smaller dungeon felt just as fun.

the planet is a bit smaller, and thats not a bad thing, its done before it becomes infuriating.

i like samus more chunky armored look, everything got that little unf in the height and art area, even the power ups received an upgrade, tho some are a bit clunky to use, and the beams still are worthless at the final boss.

i like how the creatures evolve, tho it comes to bite my ass at the end.

ThE bAbY !

What i didn't liked :

this is indeed an improvement of the first game but by god, some areas got even worse, you can and will softlock yourself in some areas if you don't have enough missiles or health to deal with it.

the last form of the metroids can go touch grass, how are people supposed to deal with it.

the bigger sprites do look nice, but they come at the expense of the camera sometimes hiding things coming straight towards you most of the time.

Overall : This is an improvement to the first game but still a meh experience that if you don't seek outside help like a map or guide, it will give you a very hard time, its frustrating but not in a fair way, but i somehow can't bring myself to dislike it like i do for the first game, both i respect, but don't have to enjoy, if that makes any sense, this one i like a bit better however, i can't wait to try super metroid and the remakes, specially AM2R

The action packed sequel to the original game. Despite being in black and white, it has incredible detail gor a Gameboy outing. Things like new movement and aiming angles, as well as save stations help this game immensely, However the repetitive boss fights (hunting Metroids), and a bit uninspiring map can turn some away. Something Suggested to play after becoming a bit familiar with the franchise.

Count me in as one of the people who say it's better than the original. That said, I have somewhat of a personal vendetta against Game Boy. I don't like how the thing looks or sounds, so I'm quite glad that some of the most influential games receive remakes.

The game suffers from some pacing issues which mainly stem from there being a lot of repeat minibosses, and while I don't dig the tunes from this one even when they're arranged, I think the atmosphere tops its NES predeccesor easily.

Eh, it's ok. Still a better game than Metroid 1 imo.

Never finished it when I was a kid, but went back and dispatched it via emulator. Gotta say, despite its shortcomings, I had a good time with Metroid 2: Electric Boogaloo. Moreso than the remake Nintendo dropped on us recently. Still haven't played AM2R to compare, though.

Ground breaking sequel and on the game boy in 1991. Deserves to be in the conversation of Game Boy's best.

A huge step up from the original Metroid. Generally pretty paced well, solid platforming and fun to navigate levels make up for some slow movement.

Biggest problem is definitely how zoomed in it is. I also couldn't imagine playing this on original hardware considering how far spaced the save points are sometimes.

Also serious love to the main exploration theme. It fucking rules

Extraordinarily impressive as a Game Boy experiment, repetitive as a playable video game

This game is impossible to play without a walktrough next to you at all times.

Samus' controls are improved from the first game and a number of series mainstays would make their first appearances here (this game is not given the credit it deserves by Metroid fans)
Biggest problem is the lack of visual variety which can make backtracking confusing. I played it with only the official GBC palette for authenticity, but there's a colorization romhack out there that looks good and gives it different color palettes for different areas. Highly recommended, in hindsight I wish I used it.

An overall disappointing Metroid game, only when taken in context of the overwhelming greatness of the series. If this game had a built in map system it would be great, without it I got a frustrating experience with numerous innovating and interesting ideas. Tracking down Metroids and exterminating them is a great premise, the Spider-ball is a fun addition to the formula that I haven't seen in most of the other games. I'm not sure whether I like the non-stacking beam upgrades but it was an interesting experiment. Overall not as bad as it's reputation suggests.

Interesting concept, but game is really boring, and theres a much better remake.

Metroid 2 is a fantastic game for the Game Boy. It's full of atmosphere, eerie music, hostile as fuck Metroids, and the kind of very satisfying progression I've grown used to with the previous Metroid. The only problem I see with the game is the lack of a map system can make it frustrating to nevigate. But there's a reason why this game has a dozen fan remakes. It's a pretty stellar Metroid game. Definitely worth the little time it takes on NSO.

Metroid II feels like a strange middle child between the original and the unrequited masterpiece of Super Metroid but II is not without merit. The gameplay is significantly more evolved and fluid here and the Metroid counter acts as a more clear goal unlike the original game’s utter lack of direction and II’s quest maintains a semblance of non linearity. The story however feels like an odd turn and is somehow more barebones. The original game is the classic fight against the Space Pirates and preventing them from unleashing the Metroids. II’s story is just the ethnic cleansing of the Metroid species, descending down their planet and killing the queen. There’s nothing deeper at play here except from that ending which is a very nice touch. Overall, I found this to be a nice much shorter Metroid experience that was clearly held back by the Gameboy’s limitations and I honestly believe that Dread only being released when the hardware felt right was ultimately a smart move for this franchise as the result could’ve been similar to this.

Beaten for the third time in a week at 1:46. I think it's safe to say that this is my favorite Metroid out of the first 3. Short, sweet, and hella atmospheric. I love it.

a solid action adventure game tbh. very interested in making the player feel uncomfortable.

Joguei por uns 20 minutos em um Switch e achei um puta negócio estranho esse jogo. As cores são praticamente idênticas! Dá nem pra saber onde tem que ir.