Reviews from

in the past

Com praticamente nenhum lançamento confirmado me interessando, decidi fazer de 2024 o ano de limpeza e acredito que não existe nada melhor do que começar justamente com a coleção de “jogos velhos” que foi responsável por me fazer desistir de jogos multiplayer. Curiosamente, faz mais ou menos 10 anos desde que encostei em Obscure e apesar de nunca ter finalizado pois na época eu não sabia nada de inglês e estava aprendendo coisas básicas, ele ainda ficou marcado na minha memoria como um jogo que eu precisava experimentar algum dia.

Voltar para um título que você jogou na infância e nunca finalizou é um aprendizado impactante, por um lado sua memória ativa os músculos e faz você seguir os mesmos passos enquanto aquela sensação de nostalgia vem com uma força absurda, porém agora com uma carga de conhecimento, os elementos que eram impossíveis se tornaram simples e os questionamentos de “como não consegui passar disso” tomam conta da nossa mente.

Assim como muitos gostam de dizer, Obscure é realmente o primo engraçado de Sillent Hill e Resident Evil, ou seja, ele tenta pegar de tudo um pouco e no fim se torna só uma mistura sem identidade própria, o que não é algo ruim se analisarmos que a maioria dos jogos populares possuem a mesma receita. Apesar das várias críticas justificadas em relação a apresentação de alguns personagens, do combate fácil e da ambientação sem graça atrelada a péssima câmera, Obscure consegue ser interessante o suficiente para o jogador finalizar sua campanha e, no fim do dia, é exatamente isso que um jogo precisa fazer, afinal já imaginou como seria desgastante se todos os jogos tivessem um contexto sentimental, psicológico ou carregado de informações?

Como tenho o costume de jogar coisas velhas acabei não sentindo os problemas de adaptação na gameplay que muitos escreveram e até achei ela bem melhor do que em jogos como Resident Evil 1 Remake (ou seria um remaster?). Contudo, preciso dizer que a soundtrack mesmo sendo muito bem feita acaba estragando totalmente a experiência em determinados momentos, deixando a sensação de ‘estou aqui para atrapalhar então pare de aproveitar o ambiente ou de escutar o diálogo entre os personagens'.

Outro elemento que causa confusão é a forma como os desenvolvedores escolheram explicar a história, sei que na época era popular mostrar tudo de uma vez através de filmagens e documentos, mas a falta de explicações profundas para certas situações lógicas é questionável. Sei que existe a questão dos protagonistas não terem ligação com nenhum outro personagem e tudo sendo novidade para eles, porém poderiam ter abordado algumas questões com maior cuidado e não só jogando um artigo dentro de um lugar para o jogador ser obrigado a parar a exploração e ficar 5 minutos lendo.

Por ser um jogo de uma geração marcante, Obscure representa uma pequena dedicatória marcada em algum livro esquecido no fundo das gigantes bibliotecas que pouco a pouco perdem o público graças as novas tecnologias que se desenvolvem a cada geração. Para alguns é necessário guardar com carinho, mas para outros é só mais um pedaço de papel rabiscado entre tantos que encontramos todos os dias, sendo uma escolha bastante pessoal manter ou esquecer.

In the same way Resident Evil owes much to Night of the Living Dead, and Silent Hill owes much to Jacob's Ladder, Obscure owes a deal to titles such as The Faculty and Urban Legend - specifically 90s teen horror.
And thus, Obscure often looks and plays similar to the aforementioned game titles and has some creepy moments of its own; but having the multiple teen protagonists lightens the mood significantly, even when it tries its hand at Lovecraftian horror.
That said, it's definitely worth a shot if you can find a copy, and I found myself much more attached to these teenagers than the ones in Until Dawn.


Finally, a survival horror game I can play with my brother on the couch.

This game was fun, and the concept is cute and should be done again.
However - everything in this game kinda felt like ass.
The story isn't real and the stakes are not real. "I can't leave - I gotta find out what's going on!".
This game features limited saving, limited healing and limited ammo, along with 5 characters having permadeath. None of these things mattered. I'd reckon playing on hard is the way to go, but I can only imagine it would just enhance the clunkiness of how game feels and plays.

wait...there's a sequel....wha..

It's pretty fun as far as survival horror goes, with a cool unique gimmick in that you can switch your party members around. And the cast is all a bunch of 2000s B-Movie goobers. Actually really liked that aspect of it a lot.
I really don't have too much to say about it other than I had a good time playing it, even though the difficulty spike in the last area gave me a fucking haemorrhage.

I remember being a kid and watching my sister play this on the PS2. This game is a product of its time, the fixed perspective was the coolest thing in horror before Resident Evil 4 and every main character would fit perfectly in a reality show from the early 2000's.
I thought it was pretty decent, it's fun to fight photophobic plant monsters. It's also cool how you can permanently lose a character and the story just continues, although everyone must survive for the best ending.

Obscure é uma bela transposição do terror teen dos cinemas para o vídeo-game, proporcionando ao player a mesma sensação que os filmes do gênero oferecem.

A qualidade deste jogo é impressionante, nota-se a paixão dos desenvolvedores em cada ponto. Aliás, esse é um game tecnicamente complexo e revolucionário para a época, pois os personagens podem morrer permanente durante a gameplay, assim disponibilizando diálogos dos demais integrantes do grupo acerca desse evento, além de alterar as cutscenes. Ressalto, obscure em questão gráfica é lindíssimo.

O único ponto que não agradou-me, trata-se do design dos monstros, são bem simples e não tem nenhum aspecto "UAU".

Bizarre design on so many levels, not least the retention of the fixed camera of the early Resi and Silent Hill while also making each room more cluttered with objects that hinder navigation and shooting, and with enemies way too fast for these environments. This is compounded by the most mundane puzzles imaginable and a barebone horror storyline, not interesting enough to leave a lasting impression and not campy enough to be thrilling while played with a friend. Also, teenagers are inherently not made equal, there is little incentive to swap between characters as most of them clearly have better abilities than the rest overall.
What a weird, weird experience.

O jogo é bacana, mas eu fui com as expectativas altas pelas reviews da Steam
Coopzinho survival horror que joguei com meu mano meninho, a gameplay é oq se espera, os monstros são legais, a história é surpreendentemente bacana e a campanha em si é divertida de jogar, tive algumnas frustrações envolvendo algumas decisões idiotas dos devs, mas tudo bem, é um jogo bem meh.

that girls that get it, get it.. this game is awesome! i randomly bought it a while ago & decided to pick it up for halloween month. i've never heard of it (must be.. obscure.. :3) but was extremely surprised by how good it was.

each character has their own skill, they're all helpful but not too helpful to where you feel like you need a certain character. i played the whole thing with josh & stan then picked up ashley for the final boss! josh's skill has to be the best (if you don't have a classic red/blue RE map), but i did bother shannon once in a while to get a hint. such a cool idea! also the music is just amazing- someone really was composin the SHIT out of this teeny little game.

i can't believe there's nothing else besides 2 & a small spinoff by this studio- this concept was amazing! :(

ObsCure apresenta uma experiência diferente e divertida, tendo como premissa um grupo de adolescentes descobrindo uma conspiração oculta dentro da escola onde estudam após tentar encontra um de seus amigos que desapareceu misteriosamente. O jogo em si funciona como uma espécie de Resident evil, só que o jogador pode controlar até 5 personagens diferentes e uma campanha que pode ser jogada inteiramente com duas pessoas, sendo esses 5 personagens com diferenças em suas personalidade e habilidades especiais. Isso também trás uma dinâmica interessante ao(s) jogadores podendo trocar entre os personagens, tanto para utilizar suas funções únicas quanto como recurso para economizar em itens de cura. Contudo, é pertinente falar que a morte dos personagens é permanente, trazendo essa dinâmica de sobrevivência clássica dos filmes slashers para a gameplay.
Há pontos negativos que provavelmente são reflexos da época do seu lançamento, como os controles padrões serem bem esquisitos, menus confusos e câmera no multiplayer bem ruim, pois ela só acompanha um jogador por vez, fazendo com que em mapas maiores, um dos jogadores fica bem prejudicado. O melhor resumo que posso dar desse jogo é “E se Resident Evil fosse um filme de terror com adolescentes e em multiplayer”, e isso se escala para diversos pontos dele, como a história simples, atuação pastelona e reviravoltas bem previsíveis. É um jogo extremamente curto, cerca de umas 5/7h, barato e, com a possibilidade de jogar em coop, uma opção muito divertida para passar um dia jogando.

realmente es bueno y una reverenda poronga a la vez, la jugabilidad es tosca y el inventario es horrible, es lento y a tiempo real y tus enemigos demasiado rapidos, no esta equilibrado, la historia y todo eso zafa que se yo pero esta hecho medio con las nalgas

Bought this for 20 bucks on day 1 sold it for 250 bucks today lol great game though.

All things considered though it is a pretty good game. It really is the faculty the game. Single player and multiplayer co op horror games are pretty rare and this one does it pretty well so it's special in on it's own just for that. I enjoyed it.

Classic survival horror framed in an early 2000’s college setting. The Until Dawn/Alan Wake prototype.

As one of the only sources of health, it just goes to show teenagers are unstoppable on Monster energy drinks. Their pee probs was green asf by the time it hit the end creds ong

Nice Resident Evil wannabe, cool mechanics and a feeling close to The Faculty The Game

Existe muita competência neste jogo e um carisma bem típico dos survival horrors do início dos anos 2000. Um survival horror cooperativo não poderia ser mais consciente de sua proposta. Uma trama que exagera em tropos escolares com um toque tão simples que te faz querer terminar o jogo só para ver o quão genuína será sua execução. Pois eu me surpreendi com o quão coeso este jogo é e o quão contemplativo ele pode ser! Enquanto os personagens têm um sabor meio ameno, a trilha sonora conduz os pontos de intensidade com um esmero absurdo! Sério, este jogo é como um frasco de guloseimas que você esqueceu atrás do armário e acaba de encontrar! Ele vai te deixar ainda mais feliz ao compartilhar com alguém!


Way back when I was a babychild, I remember playing Biohazard: the Resident Evil video game, and thinking to myself: What if I was not alone? What if in hell with me was my brother, my friend, what if the path towards true horror spooks was lined with companionship? What if surviving and horring could only truely be experienced with another human - as part of our shared experience on this earth? Someone made that game.

It's really bad, though.

a horror classic but too short. can playable local coop a plus

Y2k-flavored survival horror. The original Resident Evil 5?

Co-op was fun and I was lucky to have a partner to play with (Thanks Patrick). Putting aside the weird troubleshooting to get two controllers working on a PC version of this game, I don’t think this is one I’d come back to regardless.

It starts out interesting enough. I think you could sell anyone on ObsCure with the elevator pitch alone: early 2000s survival horror with multiple playable characters, permadeath, and drop-in/drop-out local co-op.

It’s unfortunate that the co-op feels incongruous, an afterthought. There are too many encounters where the camera would focus directly opposite to enemies, or Player 1 would get too far ahead, leaving Player 2 unable to do much of anything.

For some people, maybe that’s a selling point. Maybe awkward camera angles and janky combat enhances the survival horror experience for you. It wasn’t my cup of tea here.

There’s also the (coincidentally) proto-Alan Wake combat, which was underlined by my most recent replay of Alan Wake. You have to “burn away” the darkness surrounding enemies using a flashlight, although here it’s more of a miasma which can damage you, I think? Also, enemies regenerate their “darkness” almost immediately, making it a tug-of-war between using the flashlight, and dealing damage. Again, it’s awkward, but that might be what some people find endearing about it. I couldn’t help but think that Alan Wake did it better though!

Coming to grips with some of the mechanics, the early game was novel. My partner and I found ourselves running out of healing items and ammo, having to switch characters to not die, and it was a genuinely rigid and tense survival horror experience. Eventually, however, we settled into our preferred characters – I stuck with Josh, whose ability allowed him to sense if there were any useful items available in any given room; my partner chose Shannon, whose ability was to turn into a AAA game protagonist, dropping extremely obvious hints as to what to do next at regular intervals.

Honestly, the idea of a character designed around giving hints is pretty smart. The map is also generous, marking POIs and objectives which definitely made this playthrough a breeze.

Our final playthrough clocked in at 6 and a half hours, with regular breaks and pizza in between. I think we could’ve cleared it in 4-5 hours otherwise. Its brevity almost demands a second playthrough, but… I don’t know about that.

I recently finished Resident Evil 1 remake for the first time (Chris’ story, that is, I finished Jill’s story about a year ago). I couldn’t help but compare the experience of both games.

RE1 demands a lot of backtracking, with very few hints, limited inventory space, and such tight difficulty scaling and pacing that its gameplay loop becomes a rhythm of expeditions into the Spencer Mansion, which feel decidedly methodical and calculated.

ObsCure is comparatively linear, with backtracking that is rarely required, and squeezes players of their resources during stretches of heavy combat, leaving voids of enemies and supplies that offer zero utility in revisiting.

The bombastic soundtrack also completely kills any kind of atmosphere this game would’ve had. There’s also no options to lower any music OR sound, so you’re stuck with this the entire game. Compare this to regular RE1 ambience and you’ll understand. One intends to create dread, another panic – but it’s hard to create panic when nothing is happening, at all.

This feels like half of an average survival horror game, and it unfortunately didn’t grab me. Hard to recommend unless you’re a genre enthusiast.

This game is such a gem!

Obscure is a title I have been wanting to play for awhile now but I have just been lazy to start it up but finally got the urge to finally do it. I have stayed away from everything about this game so I went in 100% not knowing a single thing about the game and honestly I am really glad I did. This game is pure Teen horror cheese and I just fell in love with the vibe of this game.

With that being said the story isn't anything to write home about its there but it won't blow you away its a very basic story. Voice acting? cheesy as all hell and it honestly worked in this game's favor a lot imo.

For me what I really enjoyed about this game was its gameplay and character swapping mechanics. In this game you play as 4 students trying to survive and save their friend but what I did not know was that you can play as each character each having their own skill and you will always have 1 other character with you in which you can swap out at anytime if you are near the others. This honestly made the game more interesting as I would sometimes think about who I should bring or specific parts of the game. The AI is fine enough I didn't feel bothered by the AI but I felt like this game would have been a blast to play through with a friend.

The gameplay itself feels like a mixture of Silent hill and RE and while the camera can get in the way sometimes overall the gameplay was fun. The environments were as well fun to traverse and roam but sometimes it could get awkward as some areas can be small but the game still would throw big enemies in very narrow areas but if you get used to the gameplay its really not an issue.

Overall if you can understand this is pure Teen horror cheese you will enjoy this. It isn't game changing but its a good time with some good 2000s horror vibes and that alone was enough for me.

Tive a honra de jogar este jogo durante a era do PS2, e a experiência foi bastante legal. A narrativa é envolvente e segue a mesma atmosfera dos filmes de terror do final da década de 90 e início dos anos 2000.
Nesse contexto, gostaria de recomendar o filme "Prova Final/The Faculty", pois "Obscure" segue uma abordagem semelhante.

I will never forget the experience of this entire game. I will NEVER stop recommending this damn game, especially if you have friends to play with.

El juego no está del todo mal, pero la jugabilidad es demasiado tosca, el menú de armas el cómo se implementó era buena la idea pero Fue muy mal implementada, y se sentía como personajes de play 1 con enemigos de play 2, eso no me dejo disfrutar del todo pero lo demás safa

didn't realize co-op horror games could actually be fun until I played this on parsec with a friend.

This was a fun coop horror game. Lots of good one-liners too.

A really really great "Resident Evil clone".
The survival horror aspect is explored pretty well. It has an interesting cast of characters and intriguing story.
One of my favorite horror games.

what the fuck why is this game this good and why is it coop