Reviews from

in the past

Nice little one-sitting puzzle-by-way-of-point-and-click-adventure game. Took me about 3.5 hours, all said and done. Absurd, yet dry sense of humor, with a surprising amount of jump-scares and spooks. Nice, consistent art style which matches the overall tone.

I wish there was less puzzle repetition and I felt like some necessitated a little trial-and-error, which sort of went against the whole scoring system, but it's not too big a gripe. Worth your time if you like a little brain tease and simple, small-town mystery stories.

Puzzle Agent brilliantly takes advantage of how deeply unnerving the idea of a town obsessed with logic puzzles would actually be to visit, even if you too enjoyed logic puzzles.

I appreciate this Fargo and Twin Peaks-flavored Professor Layton clone for showing a town full of people pathologically addicted to puzzles and saying "oh yeah, their sanity is shattered from the ancient horror communicating with them" rather than having it be an unspoken eccentricity.

Sadly, no one comments on the main character eating used bubble gum off the floor.

The first 3 hours of the game kept getting better and better, with some more interesting puzzles and building mystery, then suddenly it wrapped up with some extremely easy "final boss" style puzzles and none of the story getting resolved. Hmm. I really like the art style and characters so I hope the second one does a better job.

me extraña que estos sean los unicos juegos que conozco que imiten la formula narrativa-puzzles de los Layton siendo estos titulos muy populares en el género

este imita la estructura muy bien pero lamentablemente se les olvidó escribir un final

Never has fear struck this swiftly than getting jumpscared by a garden gnome in the middle of a puzzle

Started replaying recently (after 13 years?! Slow the hell down, time!), and appreciating its dry, wry sense of humour. And how creepy it is. I couldn't remember much of it, too, so it feels fresh. But I did remember puzzle instructions not always being very clear, and that's something I've unfortunately already run into. Good game, though.

A very fun game with lots of puzzle solving, I'd highly recommend this if you are a fan of puzzles. the story is also quite involving where you enter the small town of Scoggins where you run into many suspicious people, kinda like a Lovecraftian town where the people wish to be let along and make the visitor feel unwelcome. Beware, some puzzles will have you pulling out your hair.

Professor Layton and the Army of Gnomes

those gnomes are up to something

I remember nothing about this game other than I liked it, so there you go.

It's cool that Graham Annable got a video game, but his distinctive artwork is all that I can remember from either of the two basic puzzle games.

markedly unfunny for a coen bros newgrounds mashup

A nice new IP from telltale. It is a professor Layton clone but it's not as good as the source. It also ends when the story begins to be interesting. But the art style and humor are good. I wonder if they will make more.

Pořizovat si to samostatně se nevyplatí (poměrem cena/výkon a ani kvalitami), ale Puzzle Agent je tak častou „výplňovou vatou“ různých bundlů, že pokud se vám do rukou přeci jen dostane, tak není třeba se mu vyhýbat jak čert kříži; a to i navzdory tomu, že jde o prachsprostou (a co hůře nepovedenou) vykrádačku nintenďáckého Laytona. A vykrádačka je to stejně tak neskrývaná jako důsledná; stejný princip děje, obrazovek, nápovědy, stylu… Jen shodná laťka kvality nebylo převzata. Že je děj střelený a poněkud „dada“ by až tak nevadilo, to je ostatně i u Laytona (byť ten aspoň drží pohromadě a má svůj styl). Ovšem že zdejší puzzly a hádanky jsou nenápadité, stavící na opakujících se principech a s mnohdy nejasným (nikoli záměrně dvojsmyslným) zadáním, tak to už je horší.

Ve své podstatě se pouze do zemdlení opakují variace na puzzly „z bodu A do bodu B“ či „najdi řešení, když víme že pokud platí XY, tak YX…“ čili ne, přicházet na kloub zdejším puzzlům není na rozdíl od Laytona zábava. A zatímco u něj jste po vyřešení zvlášť zapeklitého hlavolamu měli pocit zadostiučinění, tak tady si maximálně tak oddechnete, že jste o jeden hlavolam blíže konci. Ten naštěstí přichází poměrně záhy již po cca třech hodinách hraní.

An odd puzzle game that presents chalk drawings and bears some similarities to the early Professor Layton games. Somehow, its abnormally low fps count is not problem and adds to its style.

Gnome jumpscare got me again 13 years later.

Maybe you didn't want to know this, but Puzzle Agent has puzzles. Maybe more than you bargained for, in fact, the story is also a giant puzzle as well with absolutely absurd characters, humor and... gnomes. What are those pesky devils up to!? I had way too much fun trying to comprehend the sheer absurdity of it all. Makes sense for a nifty little detective puzzle game, eh? (Nelson is the coolest!)

Twin Peaks by way of Professor Layton, making it unironically cool.
I swear to god though that I had at least 2 puzzles where my solution was right according to the rules, but it still didn't accept it

Puzzle Agent is a delightful, short point-and-click adventure game that will leave you scratching your head while enjoying its quirky and charming style. The graphics may not be the sharpest, but they perfectly suit the game's almost chalkboard-like art style, which features some zany characters that will keep you entertained throughout.

Although the game follows the classic point-and-click formula, it deviates from tradition by completely removing the inventory system. Instead, you'll solve puzzles and brain teasers, including literal puzzles, mirror puzzles, math puzzles, logic puzzles, and sliding puzzles. Some of these are easy to solve, while others can be quite challenging, leaving you scratching your head for a while. However, the explanations for some of the puzzles can be a bit sparse, making it tough to understand the logic behind them.

Despite that, you'll feel an immense sense of accomplishment when you crack a particularly tough puzzle, and the game rewards you with a satisfying jingle. The game's setting has a Gravity Falls, Twin Peaks, small-town vibe, with something off-kilter at every turn. You can't quite put your finger on what's wrong, but you know it's there. This unsettling atmosphere runs throughout the entire game, which unfortunately ends on a massive cliffhanger. Puzzle Agent 2 is the next game in the series, but Puzzle Agent 1 finishes on a frustrating note.

In conclusion, Puzzle Agent is an excellent game that combines charming visuals with entertaining puzzles, but it suffers from a sparse explanation of some of the tougher brain teasers and a disappointing ending. Overall, if you're looking for a short and sweet point-and-click adventure game with a touch of mystery and brain-tickling puzzles, Puzzle Agent is well worth your time.

I liked the story even if the length of the game is pretty short. Price is justified, puzzles are just ok, not the best but they're still decent, wish they were more varied. Ended off on a cliffhanger if that puts anyone off the game.

ghhhrghhhh good game! good puzzles i guessed on all of them

a fine game, no more than that

A Layton-esque puzzle game with great writing, a lot of style and... mediocre puzzles. It's unfortunate really, the presentation is very very strong. The game's art has a really unique look to it, and there's a ton of great cutscenes and such that nail a vibe somewhere between Twin Peaks and Fargo. It's super well done and very funny too! The problem is the puzzles aren't fun to solve either being too basic or too fiddly. It's unfortunate, but playing the game is a lot less fun than watching.

If you're after a hidden gem try this, fun puzzles, Interesting story and setting, great characters... Really nice game to play during Winter or Christmas. Mix of Fargo and Twin Peaks

pre-game thoughts: really hoping its a fun little mystery/puzzle game !! playing on ps+

ok so: after thoughts is this.. WHY was this game released on console ?? it had no business being released anywhere but PC given the control scheme. easy puzzles thats became endlessly frustrating just because the controls were nonsensical sometimes. wouldve been a really fun 4 hours if i had played on pc. a shame really.

good art tho!! i like a stylistic design, and i liked the story. just nothing else… voice acting was also unfortunately a little stale.

This is a single-play adventure, once you've solved the case, you've seen all there is to see.

Pretty great, although quite short

All puzzles completed, no wrong answers, no hints used. It's been very interesting to see this example of Telltale Games' earlier work! Similar in many ways to the 3DS's Professor Layton series, Puzzle Agent is essentially a series of standalone puzzles tied together with a narrative based on investigation of a missing-person investigation by an agent of an imagined 'puzzle division' of the FBI (which despite some 'dark' themes, is told in a generally light-hearted manner). There's a nice variety to the puzzles, and while none are especially difficult, solving each once always brings a sense of satisfaction.

The game does come across as somewhat unpolished, with simplistic 'cartoon' graphics and low-frame animation, though that may be by design - and ultimately, for both the puzzles that are the game's core and the accompanying story, this was an enjoyable experience.

É uma cópia até que competente de Professor Layton, mas a história é bem mais mortinha.