Reviews from

in the past

"go to hell" is basic. "i hope the developers of some of your favourite games get bought by epic and have to make subpar versions of other games so fortnite can try to compete with roblox" is smart. it's possible. it's terrifying.

I think I'm more positive on this one than most because I actually quite enjoy the core mechanics and track design here. Collision handling is terrible though and makes the middle of the pack racing feel like casino, and I wonder if it's Fortnite's fault cause Rocket League doesn't have this problem whatsoever. If epic has balls they'll turn the collisions off entirely and turn Rocket Racing into their version of Trackmania, crank out wilder and trickier courses, but they won't. Still fun, and kids don't know how to drift for shit so you'll be always second or first until at least the gold rank.

You know a franchise is running out of ideas when they have to make a racing spinoff game. At least it's free and not full price like LEGO 2K Drive or Disney Speedstorm.

I hope Tim Sweeney gets hit by a super toon force blast

Easily the most boring racing game/mode that I’ve ever played.

perfectly serviceable racer that unfortunately can't shake the generic vibes of Fortnite and the Fortnite business model just doesn't seem like a good fit for this kind of thing

All things considered, not a bad racing game. The problem is that the fun varies pretty wildly from track-to-track. The "expert" courses with plenty of obstacles that force you to drive on the walls and ceiling or fly around the course are fantastic because they utilize the Rocket League mechanics that make this racing game unique. Unfortunately, only a handful of courses require that so most the time it's kind of just a generic racing game.

Also, the F2P format could use some work. In paid racing games, there's plenty to chase after as far as car parts, custom stuff for your vehicle, etc. This is little more than a racing minigame and there's no real progression to chase.

Serviceable arcade racer that scratches the itch but loses points for the absence of substantial car collision.

My biggest disappointment with Rocket Racing is that I expected Rocket League on a racing track and this ain't it. Only the car aesthetics carried over and even this is diminshed by the low angle closed up camera.

If it wasn't because of Chocobo GP, this would be the most sauceless racing game I've ever played

Alright, ill say it, i dont like fortnite anymore.

To say that epic games had achieved success with Fortnite back in 2017-2018 wouldve been an complete understatement. This shit took over the world, and for a while it felt like it wasn't trying to be anything it wasn't, it was a bit bare bones sure, but it was an endearing game with a beating heart.

it doesnt feel like that anymore.

It feels like an extension of the fucking Epic Games Store. Where i can purchase random bullshit IP# 55678 and make them shoot other random IP#67431. Originally i was ok with this just being how fortnite was at this point. It wasn't about the gunplay or the building, it was about having a gigantic game with a bunch of different IP running in to each other. Its kinda like smash ultimate, but with the running cohesive thread being simply "they can all shoot each other and dance"

Epic decided that this was not enough, it was time to expand Fortnite into different genres of games! And the response has been! "uhhh.... ok?"

The battle royale mode was originally made to sell people on the co-op PVE mode Save the World, but that clearly didn't end up working out. So why do they think that these will work out any better? People hop onto fortnite to shoot ryu, build battle spiderman, and gangnam style after killing jack skellington, not play a mediocre game that meets the BARE MINIMUM to be considered in the realm of a racing game.

My point being is that epic just needs to understand what they are at this point. They shouldn't be the new fucking roblox, they should just be the funny silly gun game with all your favorite characters!
Lest you worry about how that feeds into capitalistic mindset of video game companies to look at this and see dollar signs waiting to be put in their bank accounts as long as they add peter griffin to their game!

atleast fortnite is one of the better companies doing the whole "grab as much IP as we possibly can!" in terms of how mostly consumer friendly they are and good at listening to their community.
( unlike some companies....AHEM..blizzard....)

where the fuck is my r34 epic

the worst of the three new game modes added in chapter 5 season 1. feels underbaked and repetitive.

let me make my car hit the griddy

Great game but I suck ass at it.

genuinely just a very fun racing game put into fortnite that feels polished and is a little addicting sometimes if you're trying to climb the ranked ladder. it doesn't take too long to get used to and is really easy to pick up and play. also a good way to get some levels for the battle pass since you're heavily rewarded for performing well and ranking up. i do think some of the tracks all blend together a bit and it's hard to tell which track you're about to play on unless youve memorized the track names. also maybe by chance this was just my experience with the game but i did find it odd how the random selection of tracks didn't expand until i got into higher ranks, i feel like way more of them should just be playable from the get go no matter what rank you are. i get that some of the tracks are listed as higher difficulty than others but even still i think it would help with variety and getting better by having most if not all the tracks playable when you start playing this mode. im sure in the near future though the track list will greatly expand and there'll be a lot more to pick from no matter the rank. also one other thing that bugged me a little was that load times between races felt a little long especially when each race only lasts about 3 minutes or so and the wait time between each race is like 1 or 1.5 minutes, hopefully something else that gets addressed in future updates to the mode

I feel like calling this mode a "PS2 Bargain Bin arcade racer release" would likely be an insult to other PS2 bargain bin arcade releases

Better than it has any right to be but not great.

Just enough Rocket League DNA to almost feel intuitive/familiar but it ends up feeling like those F2P driving games made to move microtransactio--oh wait

It can be fun but the gameplay is really simple and repetitive. its basically Mario Kart but without any items. Not anything too great but it is free to play.

Peca em o que todos os jogos de corrida pecam, você tá em primeiro até, ou alguém, jogar uma caixa de nitro em você, passar de Bullet Bill por cima de ti, você escorregar na banana, ou como é no caso desse jogo, alguém vir na sua roda dianteira e fazer você dar um 180° (sim, é fácil desse jeito) aí o cara que tá na sua frente ganha um impulso pq vc bateu na traseira dele (por algum motivo, isso da vantagem pra ele) então você bate na parede de frente E MORRE sem motivo, então até você renascer você terminou a corrida em 8° pq você se achou o bomzão do jogo e quis dar um drift pra pegar um boostzinho de velocidade.
Em suma, jogos de corrida não são pra mim, a partir do momento que eu cometo um errozinho eu arruino toda a minha performance, então jogos competitivos em geral não são saudáveis pra mim, mas o pior é que eu me diverti jogando, quero que saia logo mais mapas, pq quando eu sei jogar, eu humilho as crianças de 9 anos que jogam esse game😎

had to stop playing because this sets my discord activity to "playing fortnite", can't live with that kind of embarrassment

Novamente vou destacar a estranheza de ter que ter baixado Fortnite pra jogar outra coisa.

É uma corridinha legal, não sei o quanto vou jogar, mas me divertiu nas partidas que eu joguei. Seria bem melhor se fosse isolado? Sim, mas ok.

Senti falta de uns poderzinhos pra jogar nos outros tipo mario kart, ou (o melhor jogo de kart) sonic all stars racing transformed.

fun at first with some fun tracks, good controls, great drifting and boosting and flipping, but god it gets disheartening later on by the time you reach gold or diamond rank (because ranked mode is really the only game mode) when you spend the entire race being bumped by 50 other cars aggressively targeting you and by the time you actually do make it to first, the game will just consistently make you crash on literally nothing, i mean flat road will just sometimes kill you, its busted. and then even though you finished the race literally in front of the rick sanchez like 30 feet behind you, he'll still place ahead of you because ping or some shit.
if this game was more balanced and actually functioned, i can see this as being one of the best racing games out there, but as is... no

Ok, not gonna lie out of the three Fortnite games or whatever you call them, this one is the best. Still a really low bar to beat.

Genuinely one of the most fun racing games I've played in a while. I like rocket league's driving style, but I prefer racing games over sports games. And I kinda hoped we would get a racing mode for the game. And this is it!
I love the controls, the addition of flying, air dodges, wall and ceiling driving and the very polished controls make it an extremely fun time. It's fast, it controls wonderfully and the tracks are well designed.
The track design is a little repetitive though, and I hope we get more track themes other than desert and castle. But it's a good start. Especially since it seems like we're getting a track builder.

It has some bugs, I once got trapped under the road, and I once died out of nowhere. But those will likely be fixed. And I feel like at it's core, it's one of the most fun racing games I've played since CTR: Nitro Fueled

Biggest let down of the three new modes. This was the one I was personally most excited for which made it even more painful when it was riddled with bugs and glitches

Barebones and aesthetically a little boring, but the racing itself is fun. Drifting and boosts work in a way that feels good, and I like the 360 degree terrain to race on. Fun to dip in here and there

Bom pra caralho! Consigo ver muito espaço pra uma evolução desse modo pra ter um combate com itens.

I feel no incentive to play this beyond a small burst of joy when I see 45k XP roll in. It feels fun to go fast, but when the map variety, cool tech, and progression is so barebones it's hard to want to play it for anything more than the extrinsic reward of Battle Pass XP.