Reviews from

in the past

Divertido pra caramba porém meio morto no PC.

i can make extremely creative and funny custom characters... or i can put people in revealing outfits

i enjoyed the memes i dont really care for fighting games

The fighting game mechanics are garbage but the character creation is fucking peak. Nothing like pub-stomping until the fat loser with the big titty OC girlfriend fighter 3-0's you in under a minute.

Crio os personagens mais fodas nisso (o jogo é bão também)

An interesting way too make a fighting game but it didn't hook me

I got to create Gideon speers

It's uncommon for me to enjoy fighting games a ton, but this is one of them that I just don't get tired of. The character creator has made me make some abominations, but that's the fun of it. I think that if they really added even more stuff to the character creator, it would be one of the most fun. That being said I enjoy it overall and will probably be playing it for a long time.


How they think they can get away with making shittier entries to established franchises and then charge up the fucking ass for pathetic DLC is beyond me. the current generation of fighting games is so abysmal. it's fucking tragic.

Well... let's just say that the most hours played is just me creating characters

Have 2b so there is most of my enjoyment.

eu sou uma pessoa maluca 2


I´m not a great Soul Calibur fan, but this series has been present in various meetings with my friend trough the years. As I'm not and expert, is hard to compare improvements in the combat and so, but the presentation, roster and graphics are awesome. And the new guest characters are on point.

It's definitely one of the fighting games of all time. While I can't vet for balance (because I only know that in terms of Skullgirls) I can vet that it is a stupidly fun character-meme simulator that people can fight in. While maybe not the best game i've ever played, its definitely fun for the time I spent in it, although I would need a reason to play it, otherwise, i'll stick with fighters I think are better. Otherwise, it's alright.

there is one reason i hated this game they were so genius to make some mine characters DLC i can’t believe this shit fuck you again project soul

The game that's famous for its character creator

I just love goofing off in fighting games, they don't have to be great to be fun.

This was good but as with the previous 2 games the problem is that SCIII was too good and you can just play that instead or even SCII

Not bad. Character creation is a real winner here.

the less famous brother of tekken

Played it mainly for the characters. Which left me surprised that they have so many cool characters to play with. Bouncy boob ladies, witcher and so on. But would i choose this over any other AAA fighting game? Probably not.

If this game had no character creation it’d go down as the actual worst game ever created but you can create jonsey from fortnite so it’s the greatest game of all time

I'm simply not built for these streets

This is the one fighting game of all fighting games that my wife is actually better than me at. And I practice alot but she doesn't, yet she still kicks my ass somehow.

One of my most loved game series, I was excited when this was announced after quite a long dry-spell - and the idea of a reboot was something I was intrigued by.

The combat gameplay itself felt like a standard progression from it's predecessor, but I had a few issues with the story mode/s and the implementation of the reboot.

Rather than a deliberate artistic choice made by the writers, it felt more of a reaction to how Soul Calibur V was received than anything else, like they were saying 'We're really sorry about that, here's more of the same.' I get it from a business standpoint, but it didn't make much sense to me narratively - particularly as the game doesn't make it abundantly clear if it's just a retelling or a new timeline. Turns out it is actually a new timeline, but no explanation is given as to how or why that's happened. If this series continues perhaps this will become clear but for now I'm scratching my head.

Regardless, the concept of a reboot holds a lot of potential for a series like this that has such a lore and story to it - but I do not feel that the potential was met. I think it is well known the development for this game was rushed and so it makes sense that they focused on the core gameplay and character creation above else.

To look at positives, it delivers what you would expect from a modern generation Soul Calibur game well enough.

I do hope that if this series continues they give it the love and attention it deserves, and have the courage to take a few risks.