Reviews from

in the past

theres a funny character called little jay and i think hes cool

Love, love this game. The platforming and controls feel so good and the core gameplay loop is so satisfying. Whenever I die it's hard for me not to just restart and go for another run. The level generation can feel a bit samey at times, but gosh it doesn't diminish any enjoyment I get out of this game.

Hoping to get my first ironman completition eventually!

Wish i was better at it but the game fucking rules

Don't be fooled by its cartoon charm; Spelunky 2 is one of the most devilish games in existence.

Being one step away from death really makes you appreciate life.

i wanna snip that girls fat red nose off

- I have played this game A LOT. -

Beat it for the second time EVER in the daily challenge! Super excited! Was 6th on the leaderboards for the day, and 1st in another category! Just under 19 minutes. 03/01

UPDATE: And I beat it again on 4/24!

UPDATE: And again on 9/29! First win on Switch!

UPDATE: Got my 5th win during the Daily on 10/18, and ANOTHER a day later on 10/19!

Pretty much the same as the first but bigger. The perfection required for Cosmic Ocean runs kinda bring the game down.

This review contains spoilers

Completed the game at 100% on everything. Currently grinding for CO 7-99, absolutely my favorite game this year.

When I feel sad, i play Spelunky 2 and then I become sad & angry.

9.5/10 Derek has changed indie roguelites once again!

A masterful sequel that expands on everything from the original. New worlds, new characters, better visuals, and online. Literally the definition of a perfect sequel on top of the already engaging and “one more try” gameplay.

I've never played a roguelike I enjoyed; I don't know why I keep trying them haha. I have to say though this one looks and controls great, and has some cool features I haven't seen in this kind of game before. If you're into roguelikes I think you should definitely give this a try.

coop goes like this. Purposely kill all your friends. Realize game is hard and start being for serious just to accidently kill your friends even more.

I prefer the original, it feels like it has more passion but this one does too!

it's me reviewing this game for the 5th time as "played" bc i can't and never will finish this piece of shit

this game would be great if I could actually get past the starting area

Strict upgrade from the previous, and the only complaints I have might be seen as unfair so this game is well worth your time if you enjoyed the predecessors.

The game feels almost TOO ambitious. The endings requiring certain paths is a bit lame when each one sends you on a specific route. There feels to be less interesting subversions to each path, while each one clearly serves a purpose in the first game some of the side quests would clearly be just for something silly like a costume or some gimmicky side thing.

It's not worse for this, but this game requires a lot more commitment to be worthwhile. For some this might come naturally and not be a deterrent but for me this felt a bit astray from the formula I had grown to love in the first place. I love this game to pieces and have spent an absurd amount of time in the multiplayer but this time I feel like it's for different reasons than it's previous. It's up to you if that really means it's worthwhile....

Wild how that works, huh?

Hands down one of my favourite games ever & also one of the best games I've ever played.

gives me immense physical and mental pain

In theory better than the original but suffers more from uncontrollable bullshit and there's way too much deterministic stuff this time. All of the bosses are terrible. I feel mixed on this game but I do still enjoy playing it.

Tbh I just like the first game a lot more, but unfortunately it's overshadowed by the lack of content in comparison to this game. I feel like the first game has way better balance, stable rng (never have I ever been fucked by map rng so many times before playing 2), small things were more consistent, and god I hate every single new enemy introduced to 2

não tem mais a música da yeti caves 😭😭😭

this game SUCKS! never have I played a more INFURIATING and POORLY DESIGNED mess of a VIDEO game. DEREK YU from MOSSMOUTH should be ASHAMED.

This is the funniest game ever made.

My favorite is starting a co-op game, immediately throw rope, throw partner, throw bomb, jump into bomb with partner immediately ending the run.

Works every time

El primer Spelunky es uno de los roguelikes mas completos y adictivos que he jugado nunca, pero su secuela, y pese a que se le ven buenas ideas y mejoras a muchisimos de los aspectos donde el primero fallaba, se nota algo falta de frescura y incluso demasiado cargada de ideas y mecanicas que se meten en medio de un paquete casi perfecto en el original.

Aún así, Spelunky2 es un gran roguelike que todo amante del genero deberia probar sin duda alguna.

Firstly, beating the first game is sort of a requirement to play this one, that being said...
This game cranks everything from the first game to 11.
A tad more frustrating, as there are now significantly more ways to die, but the sheer content and quality here is insane. Somehow the sequel to one of the greatest roguelikes ever made managed to surpass the original and not overcomplicate itself too much. The gameplay mechanics are constantly combining and creating unique situations that either catapult you closer to victory or (more likely) catapult your corpse the other direction.

the best game of all time ?

damn these bats got hands though