Reviews from

in the past

Cool Star Wars FPS game. It's pretty short but also hard even on normal difficulty. The game ends so suddenly which caught me off guard. I hope this game gets a sequel cuz playing as Clones is raw.

Doesn't age well but I enjoyed the setting of it.

Fun little tactical shooter with a Star Wars coat of paint inspired by the likes of Halo and Counter-Strike!

Delta Squad is your typical group of cliched but enjoyable badass soldiers spouting machismo dialogue. I miss the era of prequel tie-in games for the franchise because they really fleshed out the world-building and expanded the universe.

The campaign is rather short as there are only really 3 main missions (Geonosis, The Prosecutor, and Kashyyyk) but they do take around 1.5-2 hours to complete each. Even on the easiest setting though, it's still quite a challenging experience because your weapons are so underpowered and the enemies (especially the droids) are bullet sponges and I was constantly running low on ammo and my squadmates kept getting downed.

A shame we never got a follow-up as it ends on a cliffhanger or a remaster as I could see it being improved with updated graphics and gameplay.

The only good piece of Star Wars media. PC port is getting more broken by the day.

It's a solid shooter but I didn't really care about the levels.

I like the tone and atmosphere from this game, but the shooting felt basic at best & I just lost passion for it not even halfway through.

O mês de outubro tá rendendo

i audibly said "ooooh republic commando thas a good one"

Rating: 7.5/10 - Pretty good

Pretty bad squad mechanics but pretty good weapons. Kinda wished that we'd got a sequel given how the game ends on a pretty interesting cliffhanger.

Replayed on Series S via backwards compatibility. Honestly? This game barely gets a 4/5. It's a pretty short game I honestly enjoyed, but feel it could've used more time to flesh out its concepts. If they added more weapon variety, did a bit of squad AI polishing, and did a little bit more with the level design, I think RC could've been better.

Overall, Republic Commando is worth the $10 on Steam and the Xbox store. It's a fun romp you could chew through in a weekend and well worth a look if you wanted a Star Wars title that didn't focus on Jedi/Sith characters for once. Still wish we got Imperial Commando to polish these ideas, but alas.

Played on Switch and PC
The Squad is sick and levels fun to explore wish the game was longer and PC can have trouble playing but Switch was perfect with the Star Wars Heritage Pack having updated most games on there.

goddd i wish this game worked on modern computers but its so finnicky. fun as hell though

Team we have one last mission, we need to execute order 66 over the Disney HQ before they ruin our franchise

this is the quintessential Seb game .

Can we please have a remake/remaster/sequel soon please? I need more of this game in my veins.

Republic Commando's selling point of being a "tactical FPS" is certainly overstated, but as a simple, linear FPS experience, you could do way worse. Star Wars fans have enough interesting "boots on the ground" story details fleshed out to them through some interesting Clone Wars battles, and everyone else gets a rather competent shooter, but one that's certainly aged.

While Republic Commando remains to be pretty fun, it cannot escape its age. The old PC port is a total shamble to get going on modern systems, but newer console ports have made it more accessible to play. Nonetheless, there's still plenty of "old game bullshit" to go around: crazy difficulty spikes, wonky controls, and awkward performance dips await those who at least go in on the Switch version.

Starting off with the quality of the port. It's decent aside from the mouse acceleration on the main menu being lightspeed. So I was forced to use the arrow keys to navigate it. Though in game it was fine. If you want a Resolution Higher than 1024p you'll need to install a Widescreen mod.

The game's visuals are great. The game delivers a darker grittier take on Star Wars while still keeping the spirit of the movies intact. I did encounter some bad pop in here and there but it wasn't constant enough to be a major issue. The reload animations for your guns are super slick and the textures are pretty nice. One annoying detail is that your visor can get splattered with blood or oil and it obscures your vision. This happens frequently when you melee weak grunts and gets incredibly irritating. The visor displays all of the info you need to see in a cool stylish way while not being cluttered.

Aside from the usual John Williams score the game features some original music that has songs sung in Mandalorian. All of them really add to the atmosphere of the game and they don't feel out of place at all despite being so different from the norm of Star wars.

The story is rather generic and is really just an excuse to introduce certain things from episode 3 and the OLD EU. Where the game shines in this department is the characters. Every member of delta squad is enjoyable and talkative without coming off as annoying. Temura Morrison stands out in particular as the VA of Boss and spouting out one liners. The story is well paced but ends on a blatant incredibly frustrating cliff hanger. Said cliffhanger has no build up and just happens with no warning. Coming off as desperate.

The biggest issue with the game lies in the incredibly stupid enemy AI and the cheap artificial moments of difficulty. The enemies AI is not affected by the difficulty( this only changes their damage values). So even on hard they will bunch up in a cluster for easy pickings or will stay in one place forever and never bother to flank you. I also had many instances where enemies would get stuck on objects in the environment and stop firing altogether.

The game is very repetitive. You simply clear out one room of enemies, Hack a terminal then rinse and repeat for the majority of your playtime in linear hallways. The game loves to spawn more enemies on you when hacking terminals in order to pad out the difficulty. Two moments in particular stand out. One has you getting swamped by scavenger droids in a narrow hallway and another has SMG wielding mercenaries respawning until you finish hacking a terminal.

There are several moments where you are in a ocean of enemies and need to once again, hack a terminal. The worst example of this being "Belly of the beast" where you have to complete the level in five minutes. I failed this mission enough that I was able to speedrun it. This is just one of the many ways the game pads out it's difficulty. It also loves to load up on enemy turrets in these sections and it also has Droid dispensers that endlessly spawn droids, You disable these by yet again hacking them before you can hack the terminal you need to end the section so the script will trigger. This makes the game a chore to play.

The shooting is fine for the most part aside from the default assault rifle being a little under powered. All of the guns you would expect in an FPS are here and they all look and sound great.

Your Squads AI is actually very impressive. They never got in my way and they always followed what ever command I gave them to a tee. The squad commands are streamlined and intuitive and make the extremely repetitive combat much more enjoyable. Despite this, Your squad mates function all the same and don't feel unique in a gameplay sense. And eventually. Not even using the squad commands makes up for the poor enemy AI and horrendous gauntlets you constantly face.

Overall this game is really only worth playing if you're a big fan of Star Wars and Clone Wars era content, The boring monotonous combat and incredibly stupid enemy AI make actually playing the game a slog. If you really want to play it I recommend getting it for under 5 dollars like I did


I have never played any other FPS game in my life.

This game is really fun. It’s not just a so-so FPS with a Star Wars coat of paint on it. I adored the squad commanding mechanics and how essential they were to progressing.

Can’t forget to mention how fun the characters were. Delta Squad had such a fun dynamic and I wish we got to see more of them just hanging out and talking.

If you got an extra £12 then why not?

Siempre había leído buenas críticas de este juego y la verdad es que me ha sorprendido para bien.
A día de hoy está completamente desfasado en todo. Los gráficos son reguleros, las mecánicas toscas y repetitivas, el sistema de apuntado bastante deficiente (al menos en Switch).

Pero pese a todo, lo he disfrutado bastante y la sensación de equipo que existe en este juego es magnífica. Además de que algunas misiones son bastante buenas.

A día de hoy no es un juego para todo el mundo.

Good ol' campaign shooter fun. Sequel when?

Despite drawing me in with an interesting concept, republic commando ends up falling short of its promises.

Calling it a tactical shooter is an overstatement, yeah you get basic squad commands, but they're basically just attack/follow/defend here, and the way the combat plays blow the (tactical) label completely off, it's more arcade-y turn of the century shooting if anything.

This is a short game - only having 3 missions subdivided into chapters - with all what comes packaged with its length. Enemy variety is a bit lacking, weapons are adequately varied but a lot of them lack a punch, this is a problem because enemies are relatively spongy enough that I found myself depending on the very effective - and somewhat OP - melee attack a lot. So the combat is subpar by any relatively modern standards.

Writing-wise republic commando was... cute. It's a nice concept fleshing out a major event from the viewpoints of the individuals handling the dirty wetworks themselves. Team delta has great character synergy, but the narrative takes a nosedive in the last mission. Not to mention the visual and level design goes from being dull into become irritating.

As a Star Wars fan I've become unfazed by milking the grandiose arcs, if anything interests me now it would be the folds and kinks in the story, that I hoped SW: RC would scratch. With the sequel hastily canned, RC is now just a blemished proof of concept.

An astoundingly well put-together game that’s not afraid to put its systems to full use and force players into mastery, and it is a genuine shame that there isn’t more of it.

Read the full review.

It kinda feels like a Halo clone with Star Wars on top, but it's still pretty solid. The emphasis on tactics provides a unique twist that helps it to stand out a bit.

I've been having a really good time with Republic Commando on and off for a few months now. Usually I'll hop on and spend a few hours being blown away at the competence of the tactics this game utilizes or getting lost in the game's main theme.

I adore the clone wars era of Star Wars and every chapter in the story of the clones is equally interesting to me. As well represented as that is here, the game itself is impressive and fun and almost healthily removed from the clone wars content we've seen before. This is a must play for fans of the FPS genre and games like Rainbow Six or Metal Gear.

Maybe Star Wars can be....good?

Uma joia esquecida dos bons tempos onde Star Wars tinha bons jogos, as vezes o jogo peca, como nas INSUPORTÁVEIS FASES SOLO, Você se acostuma tanto com rushar que fica estranho, ele envelheceu bem, nem se parece com um jogo de quase 20 anos atrás, é um bom FPS principalmente pra fãs de Halo

A fantastic star wars game that's unique in so many regards. If you like Star Wars and tactical shooters, you will love this game.

I am going to go through the past year or so's worth of games that I have been systematically tracking and working my way through, though I haven't been logging or reviewing them anywhere until now. This was the first on my list that I checked off, and I'll be going through chronologically until I catch up to where I am now. Hokay!


Republic Commando is a treat. I never did beat it all those years ago on Xbox, since I was borrowing it from someone back then and had to give it back. A sailor on my last ship told me it was on the Xbox store for like $5 or something, so I snatched it up and finally put it to bed.

It's a great game! The graphics were more dated than I remembered, but they hold up fine. The character models look pretty good and animate well. I love the visor effects a la Metroid Prime, whether it's rain or blood after taking your wrist blade to a Geonosian.

Some things left me wanting a little more this time around. The squad mechanics/orders are kind of light. You get the option of telling them if you want them to breach a door loudly or quietly, but you have no real incentive to pick one or the other in a given situation, and if there ever is a reason to pick one or the other, the game doesn't really tell you.

Otherwise, you get into some pretty insane arena firefights as the game progresses, and you get some more flexibility about how you want to employ your troopers. I didn't get the sense that the battles would unfold one way or the other based on whether I had someone sniping from this position vice that position, or sitting on a turret vice hunkering down with their grenade launcher or whatever. You can also just order them to stand in and secure specific locations, but I guess at the end of the day, I wanted some Rainbow Six or Ghost Recon levels of control that you don't really get. (Though Rainbox Six Vegas has limited options as well, come to think of it.)

The guns are generally fun to shoot, but the main rifle feels weak and the laser bolts can be tricky to aim at moving targets because they fly somewhat slowly. Anyone that's played it or spends enough time on Star Wars meme pages knows the super battle droids are extremely hard to take down in this game, but they weren't as frustrating as I remembered them being. The main problem is I just feel like a pansy whenever I'd fight one. You hunker down behind cover, throw grenades, and dump endless mags into them until they fall. It's not very dynamic shooting, so it kind of slows the pace down somewhat.

It might sound like I'm ragging on the game a lot, but the voice acting, writing, and story are all super solid. The characters are ultra memorable and funny. The gameplay is generally tight if a bit lacking by 2020 Brent's standards, but for what the game offers, it's executed very well. It's still a shining example of a really good franchise game with a lot going for it. Republic Commando is better than it has any right to be, and it's a crime against humanity that they never mined this for more games.

Starwars bumps it up a full star. If this was a generic military theme I wouldn't particularly recommend it. With that in mind it's a very competent star wars tactical shooter in a franchise that deserves more then it's gotten out of some it's games. This is fun, far from perfect

"An FPS With Dumb AI, Unsatisfying Shooting Mechanics, And Bullet-Sponge Enemies"

I already know I will get bashed for disliking this game, but I REALLY dislike this game. I haven't played a shooter in quite a while where I felt like the shooting was so weak. The "tactical" portion of this game only revolves around ordering a squadmate to blow something up, sit in a spot, or hack something, which generally doesn't involve "tactics" - these are just commands that don't sway a battle in any meaningful way (only telling a teammate to get on a turret helps, and even then that is if they listen to your commands to target a specific enemy).

More about the shooting mechanics. Not only are the weapons pretty inaccurate, but they really lack a punch, especially against the droves of super powered enemies thrown at you around every corner. I have sunk multiple clips into basic enemies at times, and even though every bullet hits them, they still withstand my attacks for much longer than expected. I can't tell if it is because the guns are generally weak, or that the enemies are given WAY too much health, but it feels tedious and unsatisfying to have a squad of four shoot at a Super Droid for 45 seconds in order to defeat it.

Furthermore, the squad AI is just plain dumb sometimes. You more often than not have to give a command multiple times in order to have your squad regroup/attack, and these moments of unresponsiveness matter when you are being rushed by dozens of enemies. There is little fluidity in this design, and it creates encounters that feel frustrating, clunky, and ultimately result in squad deaths. It doesn't help when some enemy types can instantly down you and your team, so if somebody doesn't respond to a command to "seek cover", they will undoubtedly be killed in the meantime. These moments, which occur often, frustrated me and ultimately damaged my ability to enjoy the game.

I have more gripes with the game than just its combat. The environments are repetitive and cookie cutter, and I felt chapters dragged on way longer than needed due to repeated color schemes, textures, and only around 3-5 enemy types per chapter (some of which were similar to one another). The story was pretty low stakes, and I didn't feel like the squad I controlled played any important role other than to "gather data" and "support allies". For a game that already makes the player feel weak combat-wise, the story sure made my actions feel unimportant. I also have never experienced a game that has has such a fetish with screen shake as this title does. It really feels like every level has a screen shake effect that repeats every 5-10 seconds, and unlike some other titles, it actually moves your crosshair and messes up your aim. In a game with an already inaccurate arsenal of weapons, this just ends up being poor design and really makes me scratch my head in confusion as to who thought it would add to the immersion/enjoyment of this title. Lastly, I don't think the squad has too much personality to them, with each character repeating lines and having a one-dimensional frame to their personality.

I apologize if it comes off that I am ranting, but all of these aspects hampered my experience. I do think the UI design in decent, with the visor design borrowing aspects from Metroid Prime , and the fact that there is body awareness in a game from 2005 is neat, but it doesn't make up for the other shortcomings one bit. Neither do some of the secondary weapons, which are neat in design but offer such little ammo to go along with them, so you are stuck using the awful assault rifle for a large chunk of the game. If the combat didn't feel so wonky, I might have enjoyed this title more and appreciated some of the more cheesy and predictable jokes/setpieces, but in the end I disliked it as a whole.

Honestly, I find Star Wars Republic Commando to be a bad game, possibly below average at best. These mechanics may have somehow been forgiven 15 years ago, but today they feel outdated for an FPS title, at least in my opinion. The "tactical" squad based gameplay is really just the ability to direct squadmates to use a turret/cover sometimes, and in other cases it is used to open up doors. It's just simplistic and by no means layered when it comes to gameplay. This isn't Rainbow Six: Vegas by any means, it is a Star Wars shooter with very basic squad commands. The game felt much more difficult than it had to be due to the handicapping of weapons combined with bullet-sponge enemies (all of which are in large amounts), and it creates an inconsistent and deeply flawed experience (and I consider myself to be good at FPS games). If you are really desperate for a Star Wars game that is a FPS, and don't care about shooting mechanics, responsive AI, or the fact that you are underpowered in many ways, by all means try this game out. For me, I would Not Recommend this - it was a massive disappointment.

Final Verdict: 4/10 (Below Average)