Reviews from

in the past

A dual pack of some of their best on the go

A dual pack of improved versions of Asteroids and Missile Command for the Lynx and they're overall decent versions of each. Asteroids feels familiar except you get a few power ups this time around and a shield life bar or sorts so you can tank multiple hits before losing a life not to mention I feel like the game is a bit more unwieldy to balance it out in a sense. Missile Command feels traditional except when you clear a few waves and have the option to customize your arsenal. We're talking slower missiles but bigger explosions or vice versa along with a few power ups of sorts like a screen clear if needed used by a money system that rewards you for doing well. Can't really go wrong with either of this games especially on the go.

Asteroids Lynx:

Visually appealing and fun version of Asteroids, I think all versions of Asteroids have some merit, but again this is asteroids.

Missile Command Lynx:

Visually appealing version of Missile Command, however I think the main issue with this one is that, while it does emulate the Arcade version where you have 3 different missile launchers, the issues is the aiming is too slow and you essentially have to fight the game in order to actually aim where you want. I think the best version and most fun is the 2600 version.

Good bundle of 2 iconic games for LYNX. Played on Atari Lynx

Played as part of Atari 50.

Mostly competent ports of two games we've already seen in this collection a million other times. Those bombs that start dropping from the planes(?) in missile command are way too fast to react to, though.

How many times can Atari release these? Serving as the last Lynx game released by Atari, it is truly their "break glass in case of emergency" hail mary. They play as good as they always have, but c'mon.

(played as part of ATARI 50)

Capable Lynx versions of two all-timer classics from the back catalog, but Missile Command fares a lot better than Asteroids, which is too cramped on the handheld screen.

Playing Through My Evercade Collection Part 13: Atari Lynx Collection 1

Eh. I mean I cant exactly say these are bad by any means, both the ports of these arcade games are certainly fine and dandy and work well if you absolutely have to play these on a Lynx but there's something kind of cold and clinical about them, be it the weird slow stage transitions in Super Asteroids or the barebones sound design.

Again, I'm not saying these are 'bad' at all and clearly this was a sort of hail mary on Atari's part for the Lynx but its so by the numbers and soul-less.

(Atari 50)
The missile command port feels like aiming is more slow than the arcade but other than that, they feel very similar to the arcade games aside from minor powerups. Works fine but also feel like they could've evolved more in all the years since the original arcade games.