Reviews from

in the past

Killing Nazis is always fun and always good. Fuck Nazis.

Jogo vergonha alheia escrito por uma adolescente progressista de 15 anos.

The New Colossus holds a mythical, unkillable love at its core. Once again, it takes the masculinity of action and applies it directly to protection and advocacy and love for people that deserve to be stood up for, especially in times where natural-born privilege means that your voice is a tool to pave paths and lift up those around you who have needs that aren't being heard. B.J. is a modern golem, a point driven further with plot beats throughout this game, he is the embodiment of uncompromising love and justice and the strength that comes from that emotional unity.
This is a ridiculously strong duology, even more successful I'd say than Doom 2016 and Eternal. I don't always love Machinegames' sense of humor, harmless as it is, and Eternal is the peak of it ruining the vibe for me, but Wolfenstein never fails to hit its emotional beats when it needs to and so the balance of comedy and drama works just fine. The characters really shine here, down to NPCs you get a line or two out of in passing. The way they're handled shows a real depth of care from the developers and parallels Metro Exodus' train segments fantastically in making the hub feel like a lived in space full of real people fighting for a cause. The gunplay, again much like Metro, feels weighty in all the right ways and makes the stunts you pull off feel even more legendary before one-upping them with fantastic setpieces one after the other. The design doesn't get old, either, and I never found myself wearing down while going through the extra content. I still haven't played the SAS extras, and I don't know if I will, but everything provided through B.J.'s campaign is just about perfect to me

"you're among wolves now... And these are our woods"

Holy shit this so fucking badass!

Action shooter that is cover based. Absolutely oxymoronic. But presentation and style is pretty great. Horrible to play though.

This shit was ass lol

Unironically one of the worst stories I've ever witnessed in a video game in recent memory. It feels tonally a lot different than New Order, with this game completely relying on spectacle and shock value with no well thought out story beats to accompany it, like a bootleg Tarantino movie. So many annoying characters that really don't serve any significance to the story.

The gameplay feels really good in terms of the movement and guns but it really doesn't do anything significant to separate itself from New Order besides doing the bare minimum.

In my experience, this game was way shorter than it’s predecessor. I beat this game in 8 hours while The New Order took me about 14 hours to beat. Part of that could’ve been the fact that New Colossus felt way easier than New Order but generally there were less levels in New Colossus anyways. The levels for the length weren't anything amazing either, however the art style of some of the levels like the Manhattan level do look gorgeous.

On surface level this game seems fine but the more you even remotely think about it, the much worse this game gets.

I would give this game a much higher rating if the story wasn't so offensively bad and the game was generally longer.

Much better than TNO and TOB in almost every way. Especially enjoyed the story this time around, a fun romp with a fantastic cast of characters. Had a really, really fun time with this. Much better than I expected.

Pretty good, and improves on the predecessor a lot. Doesn't stop it from having one of the worst final bosses in history. It's literally just two goons. Two mooks. Two thugs. Two palookas. It also has one of the worst end credit themes ever, like Jesus Christ my ears were bleeding.

A sequel to make it even better but has some downsides.

While it might not be everyone's cup of tea, this game is unapologetically over-the-top and oozes with personality. The gunplay is satisfyingly chaotic, allowing you to turn your enemies into Swiss cheese with an arsenal of ridiculous weapons.

The story takes unexpected twists and turns, with wacky characters that will leave you both amused and intrigued. And let's not forget the joy of mowing down hordes of Nazi soldiers while wearing a suit of power armor.

This game killed my love for games for a few months.

it's a pretty good game but where the fuck is the wolf?

Gets bonus points for the main villain's death scene. The game is at its best when it embraces a schlocky, grindhousey sort of ridiculous tone. Solid soundtrack except for the end credit song which is a weak-ass Twisted Sister cover.

There seemed to maybe by a little balancing trouble towards the end. I grinded through the game on the hardest difficulty having fun, but had to go all the way down to the easiest setting for the end boss fight; not a fun final encounter

As a game, it's fine. Fun for what it is even if it does nothing new.

As a sequel storywise to The New Order, it's absolute dogshit. Take all the political neuance and theme of "war sucks and forces people into fighting for ideologies they don't agree with" and replace it with a generic, purely black and white "NAZIS R BAD!!!" story. What made TNO work was how it wasn't just a simple alt history WW2 story where America is the good guys, but a dissection of war as a whole and just how far it can go in ruining people's lives. The few new gameplay concepts like the contraptions are fun but it'll never save how this game started the complete downfall of this reboot storyline's plot.

Edit: This game loses a half star beacause I watched nick play it again and it's worse then I remembered holy fucking shit

Only thing better than unaliving not-sees, is continually failing that one mission on Venus where you can curb-stomp Mustache-Man into oblivion before you finish the objectives you’re supposed to do. (Sorry for the TikTok censorship, new to this site, don’t know what’s allowed and what’s not).

I really wanted to like this game. I bought this the day of release, I even bought the collectors edition...and then quickly sold it after I beat the game. The New Order was a decent shot at a reboot and had some interesting story beats like with Blazkowicz coming to terms with the Nazi's winning the war and seeing the atrocities that they have inflicted upon the world. It had some dark moments that struck a little close to home coupled with some silly campy moments with fun action that somehow worked. New Colossus dials all of that up to 11. It goes from silly to absurd and obnoxious. The gunplay is okay and pretty similar to the first entry but the enemy spawns feel like they're never-ending and are also walking bullet sponges which drags things on for far too long. The map design of the levels also feels like they're too big for no particular reason that you'll find yourself getting lost in some spots. The graphics are impressive, it's a very good looking game and the sound design and voice acting is great. My main problem is the story, map design and overall gameplay just weren't fun or interesting for me which was a big let down as I enjoyed the New Order and Old Blood quite a lot.

how i wake up knowing my enemies are ontologically evil and there is no act against them which is wrong

O jogo é MUITO bom, a gameplay, os gráficos, toda gunplay é muito satisfatória e recompensadora.
Infelizmente, a história não é muito bem dirigida, as cinemáticas as vezes parecem um pouco distantes do resto do jogo.
Como um todo, é uma ótima experiência, ansioso pela sequência e definitivamente irei jogar os outros títulos da franquia.

so. mechanics and graphics were improved from the last games. shooting nazis feels even better. but that's just it. the story is a piece of shit - the writers didn't make a minimal effort to make the game remotely credible, and what they did to wyatt should be a crime. side quests are okay, but boring and the process of having to replay the areas to kill commandants and finding collectibles - that for some reason aren't trackable on the map - is VERY annoying. this game is a complete joke

i think it's kinda silly that i enjoyed the gunplay out of every other aspect the least

Futuristic Inglorious Bastards 2.

This review contains spoilers

The head transplant scene has to be one of my favourites in all of gaming.

good game. every time you think it can't get any more wild, it calls you an idiot and immediately proves you wrong. sick soundtrack.

Absolutely fucking nuts. I thought it was pretty clunky and the story kinda sucks, but it feels like Nazi Doom. And that's exactly what I paid for

The best Wolfenstein game I've ever played so far. Just beat the main objective. Awesome DLC also.. don't know what to add here anyhow. If you're a Wolfenstein fan, this is probably for you.

Another fantastic Wolfenstein game!

The Wolfenstein reboot games The New Order and The Old Blood have been nothing but an action packed blaste in the first-person shooter genre and this sequel is no different!

Gameplay: This game plays like the first two games but with much improved combat and agility. This time around we used a super battle suit to help our character move around most of the missions and later we get some new wacky abilities to help us jump high up and climb though pipes, giving old missions some replay value if you come back with the upgrades. The stealth gameplay is just as satisfying and smooth as the regular gun combat unfortunately you definitely aren’t prompted to use stealth as much this time around with most missions and levels being more centered around shooting then stealth. You pick up armor and health off the level and enemies similar to the first couple games with new collectibles and things to do. Think like the new Doom reboot games but slightly less over the top but still very much over the top compared to most other shooters. A core dynamic of this game is the return of The New Orders 2 timelines you can follow given almost like an A and B scenario system, you make a choice at the beginning of the game on which timeline you want to continue which then alters the timeline giving you 2 slightly different playthrough, though I have to say the differences aren’t as big in this game with only a few hub missions and one weapon upgrade difference in each timeline they don’t feel as impactful as the differences in TNO which they aren’t that much better in that game either. I found myself wanting to try both timelines more in TNO over 2 mostly because of the NPC difference and what they do in each timeline. Similar to doom there are a bunch of difficulties to replay the game on which gives this game a bunch of replay value. Speaking of difficulty this game is a lot harder than the first 2 and even on some of the easier difficulties get a lot thrown at you, I also didn’t enjoy a whole lot of the level design as much as the levels in the first 2 with only a few standing out to me.

Voice acting, Music & Graphics: The voice acting is fairly top notch with some fantastic performances all round from the cast with a very fun and fitting soundtrack to boot. Some nice combat metal theme but nothing as crazy as the Doom remakes have. The graphics are great, and the environments look awesome! Love all the levels, enemy and character designs they put together in this game with freaky cybernetic monsters, enemies and machinery.

Story/ Minor Spoilers: The story of the The Old Blood is basically agent B.J. Blazkowicz escape from Wolfenstein’s castle, The New Order is about the switch in timelines and building a rebellion to take down Deathshead and this game is about taking back America and starting a new American Revolution. The story, character development and bada moments of this game is what really makes it. The arch BJ goes through with confronting his past was intense and the over-the-top way he pushes though the story (if you play, you’ll know what I’m talking about) is cool as hell. Most of your allies are great and fallout New York was probably one of the cooler missions in this game. The main villain of this game Engle is a much better villain then Deathshead in my opinion. She was one of the best parts of TNO delivering one of the most intense scenes and is also far more interesting than any of the other foes of the reboots. There is also a mission where you get to see what the USA is like since the Nazis took over and man is it wild and really makes you think about the horrors of that ‘what if’ scenario, games that take risks like this especially in todays over offended day and age I really respect and enjoy. Another intense moment I won’t say with who or what but the execution scene and follow up to that in this game was so good! And really caught me off guard. If you love WW2 games, Doom, FPS games or just being bada as hell then I can’t recommend this game enough. Overall, this is a great action game that I found myself really enjoying. The DLCs for this game were cool too but not anything I was crazy into but if you find yourself loving this game then you would probably enjoy them too. Basically, they are episodes that tell you a story about different characters in the universe, but they don’t bring much of anything new to the table giving each one of them one of the upgrades from the main story. Anyways I’d give this game a 9/10.

messy sequel that's mostly propelled forwards by a decent core