Reviews from

in the past

Yakuza 0 was my entry point in this series. After the first slow-paced chapters, things got suddenly better. The gripping story escalates more and more — for more than 20 hours. Even the substories, despite their enormous absurdity, are perfectly entangled with the tonality of the overall narrative. Yakuza 0’s great story is topped off by the authentic designs of the Japanese city districts you can freely explore. The exorbitantly exaggerated fight scenes, reminiscent of classics like Streets of Rage, wonderfully sync with the rest of this masterpiece.

It might be the best Yakuza game has ever released. Substorys are top quality, don't have to tell the story is perfect. My completion rate is 33 percent, game is still offering a bunch of substorys, mini games,cabaret club managing etc.

I spent far too long playing this game (over 100 hours) to get the legend stances for Kiryu and Majima. The story is captivating and has a great cast of characters, and if played first, you really get a good grasp of the cast before jumping into the rest of the series. The combat is fun and graphically it is great, I just can't rate it any higher as I have a massive issue with the skill trees and the fact that some important items for sidequests are locked behind bullshit RNG. It's a few improvements away from being an absolute classic and it's absolutely worth your time.

A luta com o Shibusawa mudou minha vida

Fiquei esperando tocar o "dame dane dameo" no final e não toco😢

O jogo tem pontos excelentes, como a história, os personagens carismáticos e o combate. Entretanto algumas mecânicas e o mundo aberto, eu vejo como dar uma melhorada.

Há diversas atividades e missões secundarias, algumas interessantes, outras nem tanto. Se algumas das substories fossem tratadas da mesma maneira que a história principal, com cutscenes cinematográficas e um melhor roteiro, então deixaria a experiência com essas atividades secundarias, muito mais atrativa.

Amei os dois protagonistas, em especial o Majima, com seu rabo de cavalo e breakdance fabulosos. Pena que ele corta o cabelo depois, mas ainda sim adorei o drip ousado.

i kept playing this even when my save glitched, replaced all my equipment with fried chicken, and crashed after four hours of not saving because it is that good

the first couple hours are awesome but the second the extremely boring real estate/ second cabaret managing minigames get introduced everything goes downhill, at that point in the story the sidequests (by far the best part of the game, worth playing for them alone) suddenly stop appearing as frequently as before and so you start noticing how unalive kamurocho and sotenbori actually are when those aren't around, the same old tale of the videogame cities where you follow dots to give your characters a 1.2% boost in how hard they can punch the exact same two types of enemies. even the regular minigames seem trapped in their boxes without the back and forth from the stories (or the possibility that they might be out there somewhere), spending time at arcades and bars (as i used to in the first chapters every time the plot gave me a moment off) starts turning more unappealing when you realize they are all there is to the place, the old guy playing mahjong in the streets stops being a friendly face and becomes Content.

"But there's not a person in this world who knows what's waiting down the road.
All we can do is choose. Stand still and cry...
Or make the choice to take the next step."

Em controvérsia com a maioria dos fãs da série, ter deixado pra jogar por último Yakuza 0 foi com certeza a melhor decisão que fiz. Jogar a prequel com tamanha bagagem de conhecimento da franquia me permitiu uma maior imersão da narrativa.

O game conta a história de como Goro Majima e Kiryu Kazuma se tornaram as lendas da máfia japonesa; Dragão de Dojima e o Cachorro Louco de Shimano.
Durante os anos 80 no Japão, no período denominado "Bubble Economy" o valor do yen estava muitíssimo em alta, as pessoas estavam vivendo sua melhor vida, principalmente para quem estava envolvido em qualquer tipo de negócio, sendo este legítimo ou não. Dessa forma, a trama gira em torno do "Empty Lot" um local que possui um valor exorbitante, e que futuramente se tornaria um local um tanto quanto conhecido e respeitado dentro da série. Enquanto Kiryu está tentando provar sua inocência ao ser incriminado, Majima está tentando voltar a ativa após ser expulso por insubordinação, o caminho de ambos acabam se entrelaçando em meio a um turbilhão de acontecimentos.

Após 6 jogos em perspectiva com Kiryu, confesso que meu maior interesse em Yakuza 0 estava voltado para a lore do Majima; de onde veio tanta loucura?? Procurei por respostas e o resultado me fez passar a admirar o personagem x100 mais!

Isso também me ocorreu em respeito de gameplay, me diverti demais no estilos de luta do Majima. Break é um tanto quanto engraçado, ótimo contra grupos de inimigos e muito efetivo se combado com Slugger, esse que acabou por ser meu estilo favorito. HR!

O que torna Yakuza 0 excepcional é seu enredo dramático muito bem escrito e executado. Não só uma história de um romance melancólico, mas também sobre encontrar a humanidade por trás da sujeira e do lucro. Repleta de emoção e significado, abordando introspecção em prol de gerar sua própria identidade.

Pra você que conhece Yakuza apenas por seus memes, saiba que esses são apenas uma parte meramente significante das várias camadas que formam a franquia que melhor descreve o Japão no universo dos video games, e Yakuza 0 é sua porta de entrada para conhecer essa obra de arte.

I know it's unintended but Kiryu is the best autistic rep ever. I relate to this man more than anyone else.

This game is the 3rd worst game in the franchise and that says a lot considering it's still an 8/10 but my god this game is overhyped to the point where it feels like people are blatantly ignoring this game's flaws

The final antagonists for both protagonists are genuinely so boring that it takes away all the emotions from the final fight, especially for Majima. This is made worse when you consider that Majima is leagues better than Kiryu in this game, I'm guessing for a younger version of Kiryu they wanted to make him more "nuanced", that's why he beats up an innocent man in the beginning
But that nuance takes him nowhere and is quickly forgotten, he's so completely and utterly boring in the story whenever he's not with Nishiki. I love the dynamic those two have, but whenever Kiryu's not playing off of Nishiki, he just becomes so boring.

The game has glaring flaws, it's a really solid story but a few thing hamper it from reaching greatness

Yakuza 3 is better.

>be me
>buy game for $4.99 on sale
>hasn't moved past chapter 4 and has 57.3 hours played on it
>wastes time at Maharaja Dance Hall, Wrestling minigame, Bowling, Karaoke and Call minigame
Life is good

Yakuza 0 é uma obra prima, eu sei que vocês ja devem estar cansados dessa palavra e do quanto ela foi perdendo o significado ao longo do tempo, mas é a unica que eu consigo achar pra definir esse jogo.

Com uma narrativa extremamente cativante, um elenco espetacular e tudo isso se sustentando em seus aspectos técnicos de gameplay, trilha sonora e visuais no geral, eu não consigo achar algo nesse jogo que me desagradou.

Não vou falar muito mais, pois acredito que seja melhor jogar Yakuza 0 sem saber o que vai te atingir, mas é uma experiência sem igual, que eu com certeza recomendo demais

This was a brilliant introduction to a series I've only seen my friend play up til now. It was every bit of the rich, conspiracy filled, double-turn twist, over the top action I expected. I'm honestly not sure why THIS is the one that finally broke through with western audiences, it doesn't really seem too different from the other games in the series I've seen. But it's a hell of a game to kick it off for new fans. Even though it's got its share of problems.

The story was intriguing, filled with some big twists and great characters. I didn't expect Majima's story to be so compelling. Although I wish I understood a little bit more why he's so serious here, but so insane in the other games, it didn't feel like a believable transition. But that's okay, his story was still mostly interesting. Kiryu's started slow and boring, but eventually picked up, and I was happy to see that.

Combat feels great, but battles all feel the same, so it's easy to get sick of them. And with Majima's slugger style, the game just kind of ended up playing itself. So not difficult, but just long with so many waves of enemies. At least the music for fights was great, and the boss fights and especially the boss characters were EXTRAORDINARY. Props to the guy who played Kuze, I will never forget your performance here. S+.

Music, I mean, what do you say? Incredible. IN-fucking-CREDIBLE. These composers are geniuses.

I will say that I thought the final parts of the game were filled with a little too much time wasting, and taking out all those unnecessary scenes and fights, the game would have felt a lot more snug in its runtime. I'm excited to see the rest of the series, I just hope this isn't the peak at the very start and it's all downhill from here.

Why does Shimano have the scariest face in all of gaming holy shit

Tachibana definitely had secret psychic powers he kept hidden to make things fair

This happened to my father, no joke.

Guys it is so funny when muscular Japanese man say funny stuff and sing sad song, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahastfualreadyholyfuckhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

This game is good and credit where it's due saved this series in the west. That said, the consequences of this game being so successful will coat this series in goofy guitar twangs until the day it dies.

I love this 80s gangsters in paradise simulator!

Also: Host club/cabaret is the best mini-game ever!

This game is something else man. I bought this game for the meme (Dame da ne), but found something incredible instead. I truly fell in love with this game and its characters. Its such a wonderful experience I'd recommend to anyone

Apenas aos poucos se tornando um dragão, uma grande história, muito bem escrita, uma luta divertida e diversos minigames que entretém e apresentam uma cultura nova. O primeiro passo, para chegar no like a dragon 8 quando lançar

Realmente no estaba en mis planes jugar Yakuza 0 ahora. Cuando me quiero adentrar a una franquicia, prefiero jugar sus juegos en orden de lanzamiento, ya que cuando sacan precuelas o intercuelas por lo general no las veo como un "punto de partida", y creo que varios devs ni los hacen de esa forma tampoco. A pesar de ser historias de origen, suelen estar llenas a guiños de otras entregas que por ahi y se te escapan o no se adentran a detalles porque son cosas ya explicadas anteriormente, aparte que el atractivo de esa clase de historias que conozco van mas a "viste estos personajes que tanto te gustan? pues aquí comenzó todo y por qué ellos son así" que presentarte su mundo como tal. El caso de Yakuza 0 se me hace chistoso porque puedes encontrarte gente que te dice que lo juegues como lo ultimo de lo ultimo, y otros todo lo contrario, que debes empezar con este. No solo por un tema de historia o lore, sino también mecánico, ya que se supone este fue el máximo estandar en combate, aún a pesar de que luego vino el 6. Justamente por eso no queria tocarlo tan temprano, ya que yo queria ver el proceso evolutivo de su sistema de juego.

Pero al carajo, un pendejo que POR SUERTE NO RECUERDO SU NOMBRE ASI NO LE SACO LA CRESTA me lo añadió a mi lista de "juegos que debo terminar antes de diciembre 2022 o sino me pongo un padoru de perfil" y me cagó esa experiencia. Por suerte estuvo tulón.

Si, fue simplemente una comentario paja mio de por qué juego en orden de lanzamiento las franquicias y la razón por la que jugué 0 antes que el 2 (ya tengo jugado el 1). Está piola el juego igual lo compré a sesenta pesos.

Y no, no jugaré los Kiwami. la historia de majima y makoto de kiwami 2 la veré en youtube.

karaoke and domestic violence. Probably the best OST of the whole series and everything just felt like it followed the rules of cool best.

Man this game is something special

I knew about Yakuza franchise only two things: it's silly and you punch people. That was correct

But this game..... God damn this game is something really amazing.

At first I didn't like it that much. Some cutscenes that I didn't really care about, fighting seemed pretty brain-dead, open-world gameplay seemed kinda pointless, and just "gags forte the sake of gags". But after a couple of hours.... Oh shit, the last time I was that invested in a game was probably dark souls


The thing that hooked me the most was the characters. Oh lord, they are just so simple, so likable, and so easy to understand. It never feels like they do or say something that is out of character. The voice acting, the writing, the dialogues, even in gameplay... Everything just glues together and works, and it makes them one of the best characters I've ever seen. Kiryu is basically my new personality, and Majima is one of the best badasses I've ever seen. Badass with some soft spots, and fucking handsome as fuck holy shit.........

Holy shit this game is Beautifull. It's not the most advance in terms of pure graphics, and it's the prettiest with a unique style. But the world HOLY SHIT so pretty and memorable. Japan of 80 OH SHIT, I didn't know I needed this but I do now. Because the world is so small, you just learn in in hours and it's so compact and hand-crafted... Man, it's one of these games where it feels like home.


At first, I thought it was pretty simple and dumb. And it is, I played it or normal or hard, but it still wasn't that difficult due to the enormous amount of health drinks you can carry. Anyway, what really makes the fighting feel good and non-tiring are: personalities, style, and sound. Man, the sound of enemies dropping money when they are hit.... One of the best sounds in video games... And there are hundreds of unique final blows and animations for different ways of punching ppl. And then personalities.... Kiryu be a hardcore cheeky bastard and punch hard, and Majima is being fucking crazy having the best fighting style I've ever seen- fucking breakdance. Not only it's the most badass and fun style, but for me, it was also the deadliest one. I enjoyed every fight when I was using this style.


Oh my god. Characters being that great help to make the story that good. It's a crime story about fighting for power between the yakuzas and others. But while it's a big epic story, it's actually much more character-driven. It was such a great decision to add Majima... He is such a great character and his story arch is interesting af

Minimages & substories:

A lot of ppl say that yakuza are about mini-games ... And tbh I don't agree. For me, it was more about the main story and the characters + settings, and mini-games and substories were good, maybe even necessary, additions to the game. It makes the characters more alive, and while being silly and unrealistic, the characters are still themselves. IDK, there is a lot of substories, and while they are interesting,I didn't finish them all, cuz also, let's be honest, some of them are pretty lazy and boring

Music & karaoke:
the best


This game is silly, interesting, alive, and just a fucking videogame. The plot, if you describe it might sound like any other story, but god damn.... Everything that this game offers makes the whole picture. It just works. Everything in this game feels like it's in the right place. Even with all this crazy Japanese shit. You never question ludonarrative dissonance cuz it's a game, and it knows it's a game. Fun is in the first place, while realism and making sense are not that important. I love shit like this

Yakuza 0 somehow hit me really well. It's super close to my heart now, and I finished the game with this "empty feeling", which hasn't happened in a fat while. Thankfully there are like a bazillion more yakuza games. Thank you Yakuza 0

Best story ive ever seen in a game, this shit keeps you on edge from start to finish, the combat is a bit wonky at first but its great once you get used to it. Its setting is basically a very detailed recreation of kabukichou from tokyo and dotonbori from osaka and its wonderful. Also contains 2 of the most baller protagonists ever in a game. Highly reccommend.


no começo eu demorei pra engatar pq era minha primeira entrada pra franquia e os vários diálogos não me ajudaram muito, além do fato do jogo não ter localização, mas a história é muito boa e cheia de reviravoltas bem escritas, tô empolgado pra jogar os próximos

shouldn't get a pass for ignoring its 80s setting, and the localization pisses on the script with its decade out of date american meme babble and an insecurity that turns everything into a self-aware joke where the japanese simply played it straight to funnier effect. but . . . . . undeniably some good yackooza