Reviews from

in the past

Perfeição gótica e lovecraftiana

our eyes are yet to open

fear the old blood

would be 5 stars if it was 60 fps

too little weapon variety for me, but still great

One of my all time favourite games and my introduction to the Souls series. I absolutely love Bloodborne, both the first time I played it in 2015, and then again to get the platinum in 2017. The fast paced gameplay alongside one of the most oppressively scary worlds one can play in, I love this game so much. I do long for a sequel or spiritual successor.

en mi opinión, el segundo mejor juego hecho por from software, una ambientación que te deja inmerso en su mundo, una velocidad que te hace estar siempre atento a todo, unos jefes dignos de pesadillas como el mismo juego quiere mostrar, una historia bastante enrevesada si no le tomas atención, su único defecto es su consola, cargas lentas y pocos FPS.

Good if you know what dark souls is

Takes the already fantastic combat system that FROM introduced in Dark Souls, and kicks it into high gear. Along with its fantastic setting and unforgettable bosses, Bloodborne is sure to leave you sastisfied

I'm not sure why I can't continue this game. I always say bc too scary but it isn't super scary, might just be that I'm at a point in the game where I'm overwhelmed bc of multiple viable paths. I'm sure if I pushed past that I'd end up invested again
Love the faster combat in this, and the weapon stances or whatever oh em gee literally so satisfying I love this combat so much. Personally don't care for the artistry in it bc it is a lil scary, so yes it may look very interesting and unique and cool but it translates to me as just anxiety lol so I'm not able to appreciate it that much. The characters are def interesting though
I also don't own the game I played it at my friends, so not sure how I'll continue it maybe I'll emulate n start over

The only thing holding this baby back is its framerate.

Jogo impecável, queria muito uma versão de pc pra poder rejogar essa obra prima, a estética é mto eu

alguma coisa nele não me cativou tanto quanto dark souls e sekiro, mas é uma média super aceitável sabe (platinei dia 30/10/2020 e mudei de opiniao!)

one of the best games i've ever played

weird fromsoftware game, good world building

lady maria my beloved, only in this game can you tear the flesh off those you love, with love, every bite from a dagger like a kiss in the dark, each pound of flesh measured with the weight of your soul for anubis

If this game had some sort of ps4 pro update or PC port it'd be phenomenal

lovecraftian mastapiceeeee
sony fix fps pls i wanna replay

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Stellar world and fights. Sometimes pushes the blood to comic levels which breaks immersion. I don’t like the NPCs as much in this one. Found myself skipping their dialogue a lot.

fiquei preso no boss mais fácil do jogo durante 2 dias

Some boss fights are really tedious ngl. It's challenging alright, still.