Reviews from

in the past

Not exactly perfect, but it was better than the direction Spyro was heading with its franchise.

Incredibly buggy and unfinished, a weird mess of a game. And yet, I love it so.

i like a lot of things here. the level design is cool, the humor is excellent, and crash mostly feels great to control. unfortunately, there are dozens of indicators that this game was shipped before it was finished. never mind the missing content from concept days, sometimes the game struggles to function properly in the face of a fucked camera. sigh...i really wanted to love this one.

OST FODA DMS, cheguei no final e nunca zerei

Juegos que jugué en su momento y les tengo cariño pero seguro estaban culeros.

ما اذكر منها ولا شيء

Primeiro jogo que lembro de ter jogado na vida e depois de anos, zerei ele umas 2 vezes em 100%, hoje em dia não curto tanto o jogo por conta da jogabilidade bugada, mas ainda assim, planejo jogar este jogo mais e mais, é um jogo que vai ficar pra sempre no meu coração! <3

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Love the comedy to this one. The soundtrack is like acapella which is unique.

It's very obviously being held together with sticky tape and prayers, but the actually good humour and overall charm of the game makes it very endearing and unique, especially for the time.

Also, the music slaps no matter what anyone says.

incredible game that was unfortunately rushed and has more cut content than content present in the game and several game breaking bugs including the possibility of bricking your save shortly after the dingodile fight within the evil academy level, with this said the games creativity, brilliant soundtrack and unique charm are huge saving graces paired with the mixture of open-world and traditional crash styled levels seamlessly stitched together make it stand out as my favorite crash game, this game absolutely deserves a remake with restored cut content.

TL:DR rated it a 3 forementioned game breaking issues due to a rushed development cycle however very fun game.

An interesting setup but brought down by its length and cut content. Story's funny though. Have a feeling Traveller's Tales got inspiration from this when working on the Lego games

I came back to this game after 10 years and finally completed it and,while it's undeniably a rushed, buggy,frustrating mess,its a fun way to kill a few hours.

The sheer fore of personality held by Twinsanity is both its greatest strength and what most obviously reveals its weaknesses. The game is unfinished, very obviously so, and the game going from elements that are excellently crafted to some of the laziest parts of the series on serves to underline this.

The game is happy to joke about this, but I am very much of the school that pointing out your own faults does not excuse said faults. The longer the game goes on, the more it becomes obvious just how great it could have been. Nina becomes a throwaway, the final act is visibly hurried, and lots of the cutscenes just don't feature any sound. This would be an absolute scandal in today's market, but at least it could eventually be fixed with matches. Twinsanity is instead an admittedly enjoyable indication towards what could have been.

I appreciate the new directions that Twinsanity took, but I find people saying it is better than Wrath of Cortex confusing, given that this is half a game on all counts, and Wrath of Cortex feels complete and coherent. Still, this has some great moments, but they can only ever be moments.

One of my favorite crash games. It just has everything. Still could be 5 stars if wasnt rushed as hell

Best Crash game. The controls haven't aged well, but this needs a remake!

eu amo tanto saporra q eu escuto a trilha sonora todo dia

The best non-Naughty Dog Crash game. Great writing, but the game is unfinished. The open world always captured my imagination as a kid. This one has a really unique voice, for all its faults. This is a guilty-pleasure game for me.

lowkey awesome concept and twist on the typical crash game.

não ligo se tá incompleto da pra surfar no cortex lol

Despite it being clearly unfinished and unpolished, it's still fun.

rushed to absolute shit mut yllättävän hassu