Reviews from

in the past

its been years and i can't stop replaying this

Yes, the dungeons are copypasted; no, we never leave kirkwall for almost a decade; yes, it's only one possible origin this time around.

And yet, this is the game I've replayed more than any other due to how intimately the narrative resonated with me. Marian Hawke is truly one of the best and most relatable protagonists of all gaming for me, and Bioware will never top the Isabela f!romance - nudge nudge wink wink

yeah the game reuses a lot of locations, but it's got a good story, fun combat, satisfying quests, and good party members.

bixo parecia que em todos os mapas eu tava preso em um labirinto e era tudo tao monotono bixo, a historia era boazinha mas meh

I really dislike playing it but really like 90% of everything else going on with it. In particular the concept of spending years in the same place over a long period of time is fantastic and it's shocking more games haven't experimented with the idea

A much better cast than the first game, although two characters are very annoying, one completely butchered from the previous game's expansion. Sarcastic femHawke is probably the best protagonist of all time. Combat can look cool but will also grate after a while, as waves of enemies just spawn in seemingly endlessly. Headbutting your desk is more fun than playing a Warrior. Technically not very impressive; the reuse of dungeon layout is very disappointing, considering they didn't have to do any extra work on the main hub, Kirkwall. The idea of focusing your story on a character arc and seeing them grow throughout the years is pretty neat, but the story doesn't do quite enough with it, and it can struggle to connect to the real main plot that goes on in this game.

I'd put this at the same level as the original. I vastly preferred the cast of characters and the story (even if Act 3 is a bit of a mess) and maybe even the combat, but the game has a ridiculously smaller scope than the original. That's not an inherently bad thing, obviously (I even tend to prefer games with smaller scopes), but it doesn't feel...intentional here at all. Seemed like it was either a budgetary issue or a time management one, or both.

Still, I had fun and I really don't think it deserves all the hate that it gets.

No matter what, I can't seem to get into it. It feels boring to me. I'll give it a try again in the future.

Historia y gameplay entretenido, pero decayó como RPG si comparamos con el origins.

Ah well... I liked one of the romance characters and hoped for the best for the 3rd game. Combat was stinky but the story was alright.

Uma ótima história e um bom sistema de combate que acabam se perdendo em meio a cenários reaproveitados e muita repetição. Um passo para trás em comparação ao antecessor.

There's only so many times you can fight your way through the exact same goddamn cave.

Decent ideas but it could use like 2 years more in development.

The story and characters at times feels
like fan fiction.
You can only play a human.
Enemies spawn in waves of out thin air.
The combat feels repetitive (probably unfinished).
The story feels disjointed (probably unfinished)
There is a lot of reused assets (unfinished asset base).
Support go cut after a second post launch dlc.

A disappointing sequel to an iconic masterpiece. Seriously, the only good thing about this game is Varrick.

pretty chill little less than half

Quite possibly the single worst video game I have ever played. Definitely the single worst video game I have ever 100%d.

on two separate playthroughs, i lost my save right as i was about to beat the same so i have never beat it again out of spite and a loss of interest in anything 2010s bioware (excluding mass effect)

You know how video games try to make you into a cool relevant hero that changes the world. That is not this game. Here you are an errand boy in a hack & slash that could be sold alongside the Werehog segments of Sonic Unleashed

La segunda entrega de Dragon Age tuvo en su día muy mala fama (por No Ser Origins, básicamente). Y aunque es verdad que tiene apartados que dejan mucho que desear (debido a una producción apresurada, seguramente), este juego es MUY bueno. Y esencial si quieres comprender qué pasa entre DA: Origins y DA: Inquisition. Que la historia se escape a cierto punto de tu control es un elemento narrativo más: aquí no eres realmente el héroe, sólo Alguien que Pasaba Por Allí Mientras Pasan Las Cosas, y es algo que se debe aceptar antes de jugar. Dicho esto: siéntate, disfruta, y paséate por Kirkwall para conocer sus secretos.

I think between the them, I prefer DA1, but 2 has a lot going for it and was a lot of fun to play.

I can't say I was absolutely in love with every aspect of 'Dragon Age: Origins', but I can say I thoroughly enjoyed it for a majority of its runtime. 'Dragon Age II' had enjoyable moments, moments that explored the more complicated relations in the Dragon Age universe, such as the Templars and Mages. It's how they constructed, and ultimately executed said examination that left me yearning for more. The game takes place in a single city and with the amount that changes throughout the narrative the world never changed with it. This left a stagnant world that, also, forced combat scenarios without any narrative significance. Speaking of which, although choices do matter (in fact more so than I initially realized), the dialogue system was stripped bare of its organic flow that was seen in 'Origins'. Gone are the multilayered conversations and here we have, mainly, three options. Diplomatic/helpful, cheeky/charming, and aggressive/authoritative are the central choices at your disposal. This led to static conversations at times, with another downside being the protagonist's voice being a bit wooden mostly. There were moments where I enjoyed conversing with people like my companions, who had backstories and information I wanted to indulge in. Sadly, the game never allowed you to converse with them outside of their personal quests which left me waiting until they had something they wished to discuss. I can go on and on but my final feelings on the game are empty. I could go on and on but what's the point of doing so for a game that left me with such little satisfaction outside of some characters and scenes. Great moments doesn't equal a great game.

Not as bad as people make out! Okay, the environments are horrible, but the cast are engaging and the story moves along pretty nicely for the most part. Less good if you were super into Origins combat, but personally I was happy to stick it on a low difficulty and blast through with spells for the whole time.

Good story, love when the conflict is between two extremist groups.

Making the whole game in one town was a bad idea.

It's still on my backlog and the story is interesting but the world gets repetitive and it never feels like your on a real adventure just looking at the same five blocks and same forrest again and again which makes it hard to keep that engagement.

5 stars for Fenris
-1 star for annoying combat

i love holding down the 'R' button

Better than I remember it being. I picked this up the year it came out since I was a huge fan of Dragon Age Origins, and sadly, Origins this is not, but that does not mean it isn't a good game!

Expecting an actual followup on Origins storytelling style this was a disappointment, but now, a decade later and those feelings mostly detached. I found a pretty good story, a likable protagonist (sarcastic Hawke) and some interesting and complex companions yet again. These companions especially genuinely feel like a ragtag group of friends who have built up real feeling rapport and opinions on each other, and multiple fun scenes of them just hanging out exist and it's great. One of the best found family narratives and genuine feelings in any game. The companions are great and the driving force of this game.

The story is fine, even good at many points, the writing especially for side quests and several main quests is stellar with good worldbuilding and characterization. Where the game falls apart is well... Where it also fell apart in development. This was an obviously rushed game and it shows, certain plotpoints are rushed, many dungeons are outright re-used, and the world is especially small and samey looking. The combat while fun, is sadly crutched by some decisions like the waves of enemies in nearly every fight.

If this was simply a side-game in the series rather than being called and presented like a direct followup to Origins it would have been a lot more understandable and viewed positively in my opinion. View it as a side-game to Origins rather than a full fledged sequel. Just change that name to "Dragon Age: Tales of the Champion" rather than Dragon Age 2 in your mind and view it as side content before the proper sequel Inquisition, and with that interpretation it's a fantastic time in the world of Thedas, a great smaller exploration with a contained and engaging story, characters, and plenty of worldbuilding that has large ramifications for the sequel and books.

If you can withstand some very samey levels, a smaller story, and less main character roleplay customization, you will find an enjoyable story and characters in an interesting setting that makes you want to keep playing to see what happens next with those characters and world. But you can get away with listening to a podcast while doing minor sidequests in the same ten dungeons.