Reviews from

in the past

Its rare for a game to be as light hearted and action focused as this. You can either perfect counter every strike and wait for an opening, or throw a bucket at an enemy and kick them down the stairs. Or do both because its funny and satisfying. Short game, great music, main character is awesome. Give it a shot

La mecánica jugable es muy buena, el estilo artístico también. Tal vez una variedad mayor de enemigos y de bosses le hubiera venido mejor.

Great little game that takes inspiration from puss and boots and batman type combat mechanics, a solid recommend from me even tho the game is a little short

Lovely game. It oozes charm. Great art and pretty fun combat. It has the perfect length too. Loved the voice acting and the accents, super fun writing.

I loved the visuals and combat mechanics. The bright colors aren't overwhelming and add a nice "pop" to everything in the game, and the swordplay was a blast to figure out. The humor was clean, and spot on it was so much fun. The game is on the smaller side but I would still definitely recommend checking it out.

You can see my entire review here:

The saw "El Zorro" and wanted to call the game "La Zorra" but dismissed the name for obvious reasons.
Gameplay is difficult and tight, characters are funny (paella con chorizo jaja) and graphics are colorful.

Great, short game. I wish more games would tackle this setting/type of combat. It gets a massive difficult spike at the end game though.

This game is cute and fun and not everything needs to be Russian and depressing for it to be art no I don't want to go to another screening of STALKER.

i wanted to love this game more than i do, i wish it had more variety and a less shitty last boss

Short action adventure game with some sort of Sekiro-lite combat. Use the environment to stun groups of enemies, and then use a mix of parries and dodges to defeat enemies one on one. It's fun to wreak havok by kicking everything in the environment, but the combat starts to get repetitive towards the end, and it's a pretty short game, so that says a lot. It's an okay diversion, but I don't think I would recommend it to anyone.

O jogo é muito divertido, dá uma sensação boa jogar. Mas peca pq é MUITO curto. Coisa de 2-3hrs vc finaliza. Se tiver em promoção de uns 50% acho q vale a pena comprar.

Finished in one sitting. A great combat mixed with great hispanic vibes. It is super impressive to see how a student project turned into a full, easily recommended game.

This game is great, but for the price I would've wanted more than a 3 hour campaign that only gets harder because of more enemies and not because of real evolution in their design. That's the only real valid criticism from me- which basically boils down to "I wanted more". I wish some of the attacks were more obvious, right now all I really did was react- which is fine too if that's only what you wanted me to do. I wanted more environmental stuff, I wanted some more attacks (some kind of air kick or maybe the jump-on-head thing from Sekiro) and I think the item pick-up system was a bit finicky at times. Nitpicks, that's what I have for this game.

I love the style, I love the combat and the story is simple and fun. There are a couple of problems here, but as a package right now- for a cheaper price- this is amazing and TRULY just all-out fun, even if it did get pretty hard in the end.

Jogo com combate interessante que utiliza um sistema de parry bom, bem-humorado, meio clichezao engraçado. Eu peguei em uma promoção, mas nao acredito que vale o preço cheio, por tem uma duração media um pouco mais de 3 horas.

Divertido, pero se queda un poco a medio cocer en todo: corto, poco profundo, poco variado, historia poco ambiciosa... Tiene buenas ideas, pero necesita desarrollarlas más

Muy simpático, pero se me cae un poco con la duración y con lo de que los jefes sean gauntlets en lugar de uno contra uno (siendo una excepción muy grata la tercera jefa)

Divertido el tema de los parros, eso sí.

É divertido, mas mesmo sendo curto fica repetitivo

Charming little action game. Kicking stuff into enemies never gets old and Adalia is a great protagonist.

Tremenda aventurilla con un combate muy divertido. Siempre es gracioso lanzarle morralla a unos guardias.

El humor y los chascarrillos también creo que están muy bien metidos y me ha sacado alguna risilla.

They don't make them like that anymore...

Wish it took itself a little more seriously

Does this game deserve 4 stars ? No ... probably not . Do I love it regardless ? Yes ... definitly, yes

Has a few organized fights that are kinda cheap, but has a to-the-point charm and arcadey fun in its direct but loose combat system and potential in its replay value with arena challenges and achievements. The platforming's a little iffy but it usually lasts a second and then you get to some real fun arena fights and it's all good. UPDATE: Bumping up to 3.5 because its post-game arena mode expands on the promise of mastering this combat system better than the simple thread of the story mode.

Very charming game with satisfying Sekiro-style combat which doesn't overstay its welcome, all you can really ask for in this kind of indie gem

This was something I wasn’t expecting to play but the art style and it being an action game grasped me. However, it falls short in a few areas. The story itself is okay. Nothing crazy but it was very enjoyable for what it was and I have to admit that I had fun with a lot of the characters. I super love the way this game looks and as mentioned before I love the way the game looks. Everything looks so vibrant and I took some time to just admire the areas in the game. The gameplay itself is… just okay. It’s definitely not bad. It has a lot of cool mechanics like a parry that I ever so crave when wanting to play action games. However it sorta falls short. Only having one main combo kinda makes things a bit stale the more you play the game despite its very short length. Having more moves could alleviate this and the super moves you get later in the game do somewhat solve this issue but not by much. By the end of the game most encounters feel the same. The bosses on the other hand are good. Nothing crazy but I had a good time trying to learn them. Overall, I had fun with this game despite its shortcomings. I don’t know if I could really recommend purchasing it because of the short length and wanting 100% it.

honestly just too basic to keep me interested

save me swashbuckler yuri
swashbuckler yuri
swashbuckler yuri... save me..

Juego indie rebosante de carácter, buen combate estilo Sekiro, bonito y con un tono original. Se nota en la cantidad y variedad que es un proyecto chiquito que empezaron como estudiantes, pero también todo el cariño que hay detrás. Gran debut

En Garde! is a fun action game and one of the few out there where its approach to a refined design outweighs its problems.