Reviews from

in the past

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It Takes Two is a story-based platformer designed around couch co-op. That alone earns some street cred due to the genre's lackluster catalogue in recent years.

There are two things that can be known from It takes Two: the game was designed by an elite team of artists and programmers, but the story feels like it was written by an AI script generator programmed to potentially understand the human condition.

I'll give it to ya straight--sometimes divorce is something that MUST be done. It was difficult for my brother and I (experiencers of divorce-like events) to believe that the best course of action for our story's protagonists was to "maybe just not get divorced because that would be sad".

Off-brand Pixar hackney-ing aside, the GAME is a delicious and marvelous thing to behold. The number of inspired gimmicks and their many unique platforming, puzzle-solving implementations can be compared with the likes of Super Mario Odyssey (to a *degree).

The visuals are stunning. There was hardly a moment where my brother and I weren't in awe of the gorgeous environments.

On a technical level, It Takes Two may as well be called, It Takes So Many--given the fact that there were never any frame hiccups or noticeable bugs.

Back to "howevers"... it runs a bit long and drags in the second act. There got to be a point where the delight and awe turned to "let's get on with it already". This was mostly a pacing issue with the story, but nonetheless kept it from being a spicy five stars.

It Takes Two taught me nothing. And yet my brother and I, sitting side-by-side on our living room, sectional, pull-out sofa-- inherited a world of wonders and excitement along the way. So no, May, it was not "boooring".

Fun for the most part. The puzzles were often a bit too straightforward and the writing loves to slow everything down. Would have been better if that Tim Schafer humor was turned down and the Pixar lite story was minimized.

Mi vida necesita más juegos así, Dios tenga en la gloria a Josef Fares, su mejor juego.

Cute Co-op game, i love the variety of the gameplay, the bosses are really funny. I played it takes two with my girlfriend and we laughed at a couple of jokes but i didn't like the whole idea of "You need to work together for the sake of your baby" the story is a bit cringe and i really didn't like the part where the male MC had to give up his hobby just because his wife didn't support him, i mean it's your hobby not hers so why did you give up? I liked the book as a character. i repeat that the gameplay is really fun, variegated and the graphics are amazing.

Vote : 8
Time used to kill each other on purpose : 17 H 13 M

O Melhor jogo CO-OP que eu joguei na minha vida. O jogo é lindo e completo. Cada fase é uma mecânica diferente. O jogo é absurdo.

A game made with a labor of love! One of the best co-op games I've played. The puzzles and level design are up there with the Portal series. Each level introduces a new mechanic that is completely different from the others. The story while simple and basic does enough to keep the player (me) engaged and wanting to finish. This game fulfills my dream of having a Toy Story type of game and some.

Finished with 11h42m playtime

Essa foi a terceira vez que finalizei o jogo, dessa vez com a Ju, e é um jogo fantástico, é incrível como o jogo o tempo todo te apresenta uma mecânica nova, me diverti do começo ao fim, mais uma vez.

Cute for sure. But it suffers from the same thing most puzzle platformers do for me which is that they don't provide any interesting challenge. It just feels boring to play. Minigames were great though.

The mini-games are very enjoyable and the mechanics of the main game vary a lot, which makes the game lovely to play.

One of the best couch co-op experiences I've had. It's clear how much care and attention to detail has been put into all aspects of this game. The artwork is particularly impressive. I love how detailed the environments are. You can infer so much about May and Cody's life just from looking at all the junk they have in their house. I think that's pretty neat. It's so much fun figuring out how best to interact with the environments and rely on player 2 in order progress. Most of the odd platforming tools are really cool and feel good to use. I'm quite fond of the hammer and nails, as well as the garden tools.

I think the story caused me some dissonance. It's quite hard for any art medium to tackle the collapse of an individual interpersonal relationship in a way that feels nuanced and real, on top of this It Takes Two is a game that is still trying to maintain it's purpose as a piece entertainment that won't alienate a general audience. I don't think it always works, though the open ended nature of the ending feels appropriate. With all that being said I do typically like the usage of therapy in storytelling. Character introspection is just something I really like to see and therapy is an easy way to relay that info to an audience, and it leads to some of the more cathartic moments in the game.

It's just fun. When played with a good friend (or a wife) a super enjoyable experience. The story is kinda meh at times but we still enjoyed it and the couch coop is a bliss.

A truly dull experience. The game is full of mindlessly easy puzzles designed for a 5 year with irritating characters and poor control response. I've not finished this game, but as the whole concept of this game is that the couple have grown apart and a sadistic child is trying to get them to try and stay together despite them not loving each other, this not only sends a terrible message about relationships, but makes regret the whole experience of playing. I should highlight that it's only one of a handful of games that requires teamwork (probably why the puzzles are so linear) and that it's visually really beautiful and there are limited sections that are interesting. All in all could be worse, could be better.

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Es un juego muy agradable para jugarlo con alguien de confianza con el que te puedas picar y además es muy bonito y todo eso, pero sobre todo lo que voy a recordar de él es la puñetera escena del elefante.

Virgen santísima.

Creativo, original, con carácter propio y muy entretenido y divertido. Es probable que tardemos un buen tiempo en ver otro juego así cooperativo.

Super fun game to play with your better half. Amazing visuals and super fun puzzles that requires both of your participation.


Fantastic co-op experience and pretty good story to boot. Highly recommend for anybody looking for a co-op game, even with people that may not be very experienced with playing games

played this on acid with my ex

This game have so much different mechanics to play with and all of them are well builded or acceptable. That means you and your friend will have played 5 games in one game and i love it...

the joy here is that the game throws something new (new in this context meaning borrowed from hundreds of other games) at you every 30 minutes, incredibly imaginative and fun but with a few tonal missteps along it’s slightly strange plot. It also goes on for maybe a couple of hours too many, like every chapter needs to lose about 20% of fat.

O M G! Playing this with my cousin was peak time of my life. I am not finished with it and i think i never will but everything with it is great. The artstyle the gameplay thev voice acting down to the creativity everything is great.

One of, if not the best co-op games I've ever played. An easy enough game to do with someone not too experienced with video games, but is filled with so much creativity, love, wonder, and fun that experienced gamers won't want to put this down till the credits roll.

Great story, amazing level design, and just so jam packed with stuff to do you won't ever stop being engaged.

Best played with a loved one or a close buddy :)

me and my girlfriend when we started the game: oh, it's called "it takes two" because it's a co-op puzzle game. that's clever

me and my girlfriend at the end of the game, tearing up: oh my really DID take two.............

Playing with the girl i love : )

Story is bland af, HOWEVER the gameplay is a 10/10 holy shit