Reviews from

in the past

From what little I've played, it seems to merge the gameplay of Metroid, The Legend of Zelda and Super Mario Bros surprisingly seamlessly, it feels like a love letter to the blockbusters of its console

Typical obnoxiously hard NES difficulty.

this game has a lot of features that go unsaid and is actually kinda cool i just wish it wasnt aids to play

Really a pain to play, but it’s probably still my favorite NES game

This game controls like shit

The FDS or 3D Classics version is great. NES is an absolute stinker.

Apesar da primeira fase passar uma impressão que Kid Icarus será um jogo de plataforma com fase de rolagem vertical, ele surpreende bastante. Há um intercalamento entre 3 modelos de level design: um vertical contínuo, um horizontal contínuo e um modelo de mosaico, similar às masmorras de RPGs, com foco maior na exploração.

Essas masmorras coincidem com as fases onde encontramos os chefões, por isso elas são recheadas de locais pra grindar o dinheiro necessário para comprar os martelinhos que serão usados pra quebrar as estátuas dos guerreiros que auxiliam no combate contra o chefe, além da tocha e do lápis pra que o Pit possa se localizar e desenhar o mapa da dungeon.

Há uma boa variedade de salas especiais ao longo das fases lineares, acessadas por meio de portas. Um desafio de força, uma sala cheia de inimigos, um jogo de sorte, uma loja, uma fonte termal, sempre há algo que quebra a progressão linear daquele estágio para permitir ao jogador se equipar com itens que ajudam a sobreviver e a ficar mais forte.

Apesar disso, o level design do jogo não tem muita consideração em relação a desafios específicos. Aparenta ser algo criado de forma orgânica, sem exatamente um propósito além de simplesmente existir. Na verdade, a estrutura de níveis é bem similar a alguns arcades. Temos praticamente a mesma estrutura de fase linear, fase linear, masmorra, chefe. Sempre com as mesmas mecânicas, o que não é uma surpresa para um título de 1986.

Boa parte da narrativa, inclusive, se encontra no manual do jogo, onde o prelúdio é apresentado com ilustrações toscas cheias de charme e personalidade, mas que curiosamente não aparentam ter sido feitas com o nível de qualidade que normalmente se atribui a uma empresa profissional.

A impressão que tive foi de que aproveitaram material do GDD primitivo do jogo e puseram no material final do manual, mas eu repiso: apesar desse traço amador, tem um carisma inexplicável e ilustra o que muitos chamam de charme oitentista.

Mas a história está lá e trata de uma guerra entre seres angelicais e demônios, com as fases servindo de progressão para a batalha final contra o chefe final. São 3 setores contendo 3 tesouros especiais e uma fase final concluindo com o último combate.

Essa última fase também traz uma reviravolta: a sua mecânica transforma o jogo em uma espécie de shoot’em’up, conduzindo de forma ludonarrativa a um desfecho épico de luta no espaço aéreo.

Após a cena final, como quase todo jogo da época, uma “New Game Plus” reseta o jogo, mantendo os atributos e itens especiais que o jogador tinha ao finalizar a primeira “run”.

E lá em cima, também característica da época, o sempre presente Hi-Score para registrar o desempenho do jogador.

Kid Icarus é um dos jogos que surpreende bastante com suas peculiaridades que fogem de alguns chavões da época, do console, e até mesmo da empresa. Ele se destaca bastante de outros jogos de plataforma não só pelo seu design recheado de ideias criativas e elementos diversos, mas também por sua estrutura, o que em conjunto com todos os outros elementos fazem dele um título com características bem marcantes.

Tive muitas surpresas com ele, já que sempre espero o pior de títulos dessa época.

This game is odd. There's obvious inspiration from Metroid and The Legend of Zelda here, but the difficulty is rough and everything is just executed in weird ways. I like the grid-based dungeon stages, but the boss fights take way too long to fight.

One of the very few genuinely awful Nintendo games. It is just frustrating to play. The enemies are vastly overpowered and you die in way too few hits. The dungeons are slogs to get through, and the fact that you are expected to grind an absurd amount of hearts just to get a freaking map is bull crap. Did I mention the bosses that take LITERALLY ONE HUNDRED hits to kill?! The Bosses also don't play fair, like the snake dragon boss that bounces around the room, making him not only hard to hit, hard to doge also, especially when you only have like three platforms above death lava below. Oh and how about those eggplant wizards who permanently leave you with no way to attack until you make an outrageously long hike to a doctor's room (which you may not even no where one is if your in a dungeon because of the ripoff map prices). I cannot recommend that you AVOID this game more. The soundtrack and unique style are the only things stopping this from being a half star rating.

I really like this one! It has kind of an awkward difficulty spike in the very first two levels, but once that's overcome, it's SUCH a gem.

Kid Icarus (1986): Como juego no es gran cosa, pero me gusta pensar en él como un camino post-Súper Mario que nunca se terminó de explorar. No llega a metroidvania, ni es un plataformas particularmente destacado, pero como mezcla es curiosa . Contextualizado, está muy bien (6,20)

Influential and important, but... not something I enjoy playing. Kid Icarus: Uprising, on the other hand...

While I played the original Kid Icarus on the NES, most of my tenure was spent playing it on the Wii virtual console. Often maligned as Metroid's deformed cousin, Kid Icarus is hard. Especially the first world, which was often a common breaking point that people failed to get past. God knows I stubbornly grinded my face against it for hours until I got to 1-4 and the game opened up. Figuratively and literally, the 4th levels of each world are dungeons where the Metroid comparisons come into play. Also the power curve of Pit through the game bears some similarities with Metroid.

Truth be told? I like Kid Icarus more than the original Metroid. It's linear, sure, but the tightness of the controls makes it feel good to play and unlike Metroid you won't spend the entire game getting lost. They really aren't comparable though. I think as far as platformers go on the NES, you can do a lot worse than Kid Icarus. I'd even call it "good".

I played this because I'd never, EVER met someone who actually knew anything about the series before Uprising, and it's a perfectly serviceable NES game, marred mostly by 1-3 being the hardest level in the game (by no small margin).

It fits nicely with some other NES games in the category of being a snippet of gaming history that manages to still be more playable than not in the modern day.

Baffling for any modern player, but reasonably entertaining.

I wanna like it. I wanna like it sooooooo bad. The music is great. The combat is surprisingly good for NES. The controls are great. But it's just so ass-puckeringly hard it's impossible.

Lowkey not as bad as people make it out to be. Almost at the level of Pokemon Arceus ngl. Not trash but not good, just mediocre ok

It's like Ice Climbers but a little worse!

It's fun at first, then you have to figure out what items do and what they are used for otherwise you'll end up running around in circles and being brutally murdered by some extremely strong enemies. No thanks.

Listen, I'll try to make this review shorter than this game's levels. The summary of the review is... cut the levels by half, and this could've been an infinitely better game.

As much as the upgrade systems were a little difficult to grasp (that's on me for not reading the manual...), I did enjoy the feeling of scaling my way up the vertical stages, and strategically taking down the enemies in my way. The dungeon-like levels and horizontal ones weren't too bad either.

My willingness to replay this game again however, is ruined by the exhausting length of each stage, its layout copy-pasted several times to pad things out. If they wanted Kid Icarus to feel like a grand adventure through how big it is, that's fine, but you're gonna have to do a lot more than this. As it stands, there's too much here for too little gain.

I Appreciate more then I personally have any love or connection to, but its always fun to go back to the NES and see everything in the early stages.

Obnoxious difficulty, tedious maze levels, mediocre art direction. Outside of some good music tunes, this game is not worth the effort it takes to complete it.

Not a good NES game by any stretch of the imagination.

don't remember where I first played this. Obviously reskinned Metroid 1 which I already didn't like

Now I dislike eggplants even more

Felt like a fun melding of a few different NES platformers/action titles, kinda frustrating but very cute