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in the past

Working backwards through From Soft's catalogue; it's really interesting to see the earlier versions of ideas iterated upon in later From Software games. Also just a solid dungeon crawler borrowing elements from other adventure games like The Legend of Zelda.

This game definitely has some of that FromSoft exploration goodness to it but the game is just way to damn slow to get any sort of enjoyment out of. For what it takes any other game 10 mins to do it'll take you an hour in this.

Quero a falencia da fromsoft

easily the peak of old From's RPG lineup, takes everything 1-3 did and perfects it while also expanding on the atmospheric exploration of the series much more, while also having the best soundtrack of the series

Suprisingly enjoyable. The atmosphere entirely carries it and I found it very nice.

Stunning musical atmosphere and sense of world, but a truly exhausting and tedious world to interact and move around. I feel like one could argue all they want about the jank making the atmosphere but I think KF4 goes a few steps too far off the deep end.

This game is so difficult to get into. The controls are clunky - you move and turn with the analogue sticks, you strafe with the bumpers, and you look up and down with the triggers. It takes a full 10 seconds to rotate 360 degrees, and the game has quite a learning curve.

If you can get through that though, you'll find an absolute masterpiece. A lot of what made From Software's later titles like Dark Souls so compelling are already here - the atmosphere, the interconnected level design, the seriously depressing quests. It's a slow and deliberate game and that works perfectly for it.

Honestly, this game is going in my all time favourites. Playing it inspired me to learn Godot and finally start making games of my own.

I initially wasn't very impressed by this entry compared to the first three and Shadow Tower, but after about a third into the game it REALLY ramps up. this is now quite possibly my favorite game in the entire extended King's Field series. the atmosphere is thick, the setting is labyrinthine and intertwined in a web of passages, rooms, caves, towers, and varying elevations, all filled with all manner of traps, secrets, and foul creatures! it's all you need from a King's Field and more!
This game also introduces many concepts that will go on to influence later Fromsoft titles. It's really interesting to see just how much they've pulled from this one game that elaborates upon a prior series.

FromSoftware's final King's Field game is a culmination of all of the strengths of the original trilogy and Shadow Tower — a gorgeously-atmospheric early PS2 title that feels like the missing link between the unrefined PS1 trilogy and the Soulsborne games that would later take the world by storm. The exploration is some of the best that FromSoftware has ever put out; The Ancient City is a bit more linear than King's Field II, but the myriad secrets and shortcuts back to previous areas give each of the map's areas a satisfying density and reason to revisit. This is also the first (and only) King's Field game to run with acceptable performance out-of-the-box, a feat no doubt aided by the stronger PS2 hardware, but all the more impressive given how well the art design and textures have held up. Furthermore, this game would be incomplete without its beautifully melancholic soundtrack full of inorganic wails, strings, harpsichords, and more.

There are a few issues that hold The Ancient City back, mainly stemming from the combat and movement. The player character is slow in this game, not just in their walk speed, but also in their pathetic turn rate. The slower pace of the game fits with the atmosphere, but I found myself wishing that, at the very least, it did not take me several seconds to completely turn around and leave a room when I was done looting it. The combat is also the same simple attack-backstep-repeat dance that the series has had 1994, but strangely, it's lost some of the additional mechanics of Shadow Tower, namely the manual blocking with shields. The combat is never actively detrimental to the experience, but its rote simplicity is out of place when compared with the absolutely excellent atmosphere and exploration.

The Ancient City is certainly the most well-rounded of FromSoftware's first-person dungeon crawlers (though I have not yet played Shadow Tower: Abyss); any fan of the Soulsborne series who doesn't mind a bit of jank should check it out. Quibbles about the combat and movement aside, it's an engrossing RPG that is a worthy conclusion to an oft-overlooked franchise.

painfully slow, but the vibe is oh so right

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with gratitude and respect to our dear friend.
may you slumber in peace amidst the flames.

King's Field IV is straightforward and fun! It doesn't quite do what I want a King's Field game to do but it looks great, plays pretty well, and has some cool environments.

I love the look of KFIV. The Playstation 2 is the perfect platform for this aesthetic, with enough detail to look great but enough chunky polygons and crunchy sprites to keep the ambiguous King's Field style.
Environments are evocative and interesting and the NPCs approach Dark Souls and King's Field 1 levels of haunting presence and disturbing ambiguity.
There is a ton here that you can see directly referenced by future Dark Souls games, which is awesome. A group of ancient giants, battles against dragons, etc... It is fairly generic fantasy, but I can't help but feel that From is making nods to these games in their current stuff.
The framerate issues that sometimes plague this series are gone, though the movement (especially the turning) is very sluggish and can feel restrictive. I never truly got used to it, but most of the enemies don't stress this flaw too badly.

This is combat you recognize from past games and it doesn't mix things up too much. Getting down the cadence of attacking, dodging and shooting spells is satisfying and like past games, you are extremely powerful by the end. As usual I was able to brute force my way through the end game without too much trouble.
KFIV takes the crystal gathering from King's Field II, where each crystal offers a spell for you to use, and applies the advancement directly to the spells (rather than the general magic type as in KFIII). I like this system the most out of all the King's Fields. I am encouraged to explore to gain power and encouraged to use the spells I like to power them up. It can be a bit grindy for some of them, but it isn't a huge issue.
This usage advancement also applies to weapons, but it doesn't work as well because the curve is much too steep and you are likely to switch weapons throughout the game. I never got one to level 3 (the max) and so I also, unfortunately never got to use Sword Magic, which is locked behind this leveling system. This is just a strictly worse system, especially in a game where most new weapons are straight upgrades. This could have been something like a weapon-type (swords, maces, greatswords, etc...) leveling and it would have worked much better.
This is all on top of your advancement in base level, physical power, and magical power, that just happens as you kill things. Though it isn't super compelling, it is fun to see stats go up.

The narrative here didn't do a ton for me. It takes more from Shadow Tower than the previous trilogy of King's Field, unfortunately. There is a strange idol you receive in the opening cutscene and you are to take it into the Ancient City for some unexplained reason. As you play, there are a number of factions and species you learn about that have been living and dying in this dungeon, but it doesn't feel very connected to your journey or anything outside of the Ancient City's walls. I did like the different environments each group has built up and it is a cool reason for these different architectural styles and varied visuals.
The level design is almost understandable, with a central tower piercing downwards through the city, which you open paths through and explore outwards from -- returning again and again to deeper portions of it as you go. This is very much like Shadow tower, though the multitude of entrances and exits and the general sameyness of the tower itself meant I found navigation and orienting myself basically impossible. I never had a clear idea of where I was or where things were in relation to each other and the central tower itself. The idea is cool, it just stumbled very hard in the execution for me. We need an elevator to easily travel between levels and motifs on each of the four coordinate directions of the tower to allow them to organize themselves thematically.
There are a couple of cool sidequests and optional areas, with the Moonlight Sword being the largest reward for pursuing a satisfying key collection and a cool extra area with some evocative environments.

I like this game, but it definitely doesn't reach the heights of King's Field II for me. It plays well and looks great though, so you could definitely do worse as a starting point for this series if you are interested.

Terrible controls yet I still love this game. Besides all the clunkiness this is definitely a step up from the first 3 games both graphically and in terms of good level design. To top it all off, this game has a brilliant atmosphere and the interconnected world is really really good along with the soundtrack.

What to even say about this, I played this two years ago and still dream of the ancient city. Playing this after Demon souls and Dark souls 2 really made me appreciate what those games where trying to do. Both were an attempt to make something like this a 3rd person adventure game. The weapon system isn't perfect and once I got the moonlight blade I felt like god, basically killing everything with no chance of dying. Much like shadow tower, the slow build from peasant who can't even kill a slime to battle mage that can kill even a hell hound within seconds is great! I hope Fromsoft leaves this series in the past as I don't think they know how to make games like this anymore. The closet we've gotten is Sekiro but that's not an rpg nor does it have great level design

Urgh....this one feels hard because I feel like a lot of this is my own preferences holding me back, but so much of this feels almost needlessly clunky.

There's a ton of things I like, mostly aesthetically. I like how there's essentially no prompts for anything; the game assumes you know how video games work and that the setting is familiar enough that'll you'll know generally what to do (herbs heal you, you may need keys for chests, how to attack, etc) and this really does feel like the Souls experience stripped down to amoeba level: the spooky, desolate and hopeless environment except here mixed in a stew with really traditional and cliche fantasy elements.

It's just inherently so...clunky. The tank controls (literally, with the inverted look which I hate with a burning passion), the slow slow combat and movement; if I needed to play for more hours just to get into the groove of it I just can't. Great music though, and I praise every single one of the King's Field games for their look, I'm just too weak to continue.

Underlooked gem and the precursor to the Dark Souls series. A must play. It's almost criminal how slow the first hour or two of the game is, but once you're past the first area this becomes one of the most immersive games I have ever played, and only gets better the deeper you go.

Hand's down the best dungeon crawler out there. Thankfully this game went back to the interconnected world design from the 2nd game, but this time with the benefit of being developed for more powerful hardware. I still prefer King's Field II (1995) but this is probably the best place to start if you want to check out From Softwares older "pre-souls" titles that aren't Armored Core. I could do without the durability system, weapon leveling and magic leveling though.

Probably one of the most engrossing atmospheres in a game ever.

A few difficulty and an early rough period, but this game is just so fucking amazing. It's bosses suck? It has bad combat? who gives a shit, it has perfect exploration and an atmosphere unlike any else. A perfect soundtrack, it's- it's just perfect man. What a beautiful game, what a beautiful company. We're so fuckign lucky to have these games in our lives from the first king's field all the way to Elden Ring and Armored Core 6. It fills me with life.

Played this the first time a few years ago and after a tough opening it became one of my favorite games ever made. The progression of player speed makes combat is sorta fun, and no other dungeon focused game does exploration anywehre near as well as kings field. Finding locations, enemies, items, and weapons with meaningful differences tucked into 3d environemnts is a seemingly obvious hook for a fantasy game that I've never seen effectively repeated. Great music too. I haven't successfully been able to get into the ps1 kings fields but this is a must play.

The bridge between a budding studio and the powerhouse they've become. What is so inspiring about King's Field IV, and those that came before it, is that From's approach to design is not new. Their fascination with exploration, dying worlds, challenge, and hands-off approach have been cultivated for decades now. These games seem vastly under-appreciated now when compared to this same approach years later finally being embraced.

I think the biggest hurdle with these games now is accessibility combined with a straight-up intolerance to failure. I'm not sure how long it would've taken for me to get through without save states, it surely would've added at least a couple hours. But these are also pretty much unattainable on original hardware. This one alone goes for $170 at the very least, for a US copy, jumping up hundreds of dollars more for sealed/graded copies, but I digress.

I tried playing this years ago and was immediately stumped by controls. Despite moving to the PS2, this title does not use both analog sticks and keeps the same layout set by even the first Japanese title. Forward and looking side to side with the left stick, R2 and L2 to look up and down, and R1 and L1 to strafe. I managed to at least remap to where i could look up and down with the right stick, but still had to strafe with the bumpers. So, if you can get past these insane controls, and it really only takes a little bit to get used to, you are in for a real treat. Also for some reason this title is like, super interlaced and visually breaks if you try to do any higher res rendering. I am now BEGGING for some sort of modern ports, I think these could look and play wonderfully if given the treatment. I'm sure that is not some moneymaker, but maybe From/Bamco/whoever (no clue who owns the rights to these) could package it now as "From the creators of Elden Ring" and it would fly off shelves (probably not but I badly want this.)

This is my favorite of the series, and would make a great starting off point if someone is at all interested in these games. It fits nicely between the smaller scope of the first two titles and the more epic scope of 3 to create a more linear, dense, atmospheric experience. Tsukasa Saitoh's score is incredible, especially the Holy Forest track. It manages to convey the sorrow of a world long gone with the hope that it may be renewed in one track, and really hammers home the tone and themes of the entire game. A one of a kind experience.

So happy to have finally had a chance to play this after like, two decades of wistful searching. Moody, enthralling, and accurately simulates the experience of playing myself in a fantasy game (slow, easily killed, screams a lot)

Are you searching for the Darkness, too?

The most immersive and rewarding medieval fantasy experience I've ever had. This game is a joy to explore, please play it :)

This game effortlessly exudes an atmosphere full of darkness and warmth, weaved perfectly with its classical synth soundtrack. At times you can feel the slowness of the game, especially when backtracking or looking for hidden items, but almost every effort taken to explore for items is met with useful rewards. Exploring the cleverly interlinked Ancient City was deeply satisfying, while still keeping that sense of tension and unease that King's Field is known for. A great conclusion to a great series.