Reviews from

in the past

It's neat, and I'm glad to see a crossover game like this so well preserved.

Lots of cool content, however very glad that this game never had a huge tournament thing, would of been a nightmare to unlock everything.

This is way better than it should be. Fighters on old handhelds always sucked balls, but this one is really good. It's fun to play, it's responsive and it's super charming.
Worth playing.

Absolutely fantastic game for what it is. So much charm and detail in the character dialogue and animations. Controls are great and the ost is a lovely collection of chiptune versions of iconic themes. Olympic mode is a also a great side mode. 100% recommended if you are even marginally interested

Bacana até, mas aquele akuma é mto OP vsf

SNK vs Capcom é um jogo incrível, joguei a versão de Neo Geo e entrei com um pensamento limitado sobre e me arrependi, um jogo bem completo para um console que na minha visão era bem limitado, luta bem fluida na parte de gameplay e gráficos bonitos apesar de ser bem simples para caber com o contexto do console. A parte que me pegou foi a ''mini'' história que tem e seus chefes que apesar de não ser tão dificil tem todo o desafio de que tem vezes que você vai lutar contra três personagens com apenas uma barra de vida que derrotando um continua de onde parou. Em pouco tempo você consegue derrotar o chefe com cada personagem e terminar o game e dando gancho para uma continuação; e com isso vemos que foi um ótimo trabalho e me deu uma vontade imensa de explorar mais ainda os games desse console que na época nem fazia ideia de sua existência.

The greatest portable fighting game ever!

I didn't know how to play charge characters so I started playing this in an emulator and messed with Guile. I don't know why I didn't just try it in Street Fighter 2. I can play chargers now.

There is always someone more talented than you, that old saying? I think this game is encompasses that. I honestly didn't think I get such an outstanding fighting game experience on the little Neo Geo Pocket, but here The Match of The Millennium is to tell me exactly that it is what it says on the box. There is so much love and dedication to this game, and it's sources of material. From the various character sprites to mini games to it's music, this game shines above and beyond the library of Neo Geo Pocket.

Nearly every character in this game has their own soundtrack, additional super moves to unlock, and unique introductions to other characters. To say that this game has personality is honestly underselling it. While understandably the idea of locked super moves and secret characters has been a hot button issue with fighting games; the way The Match of The Millennium does it in an Unobtrusive way. You unlock fighters through beating arcade mode, and on various difficulties you unlock more blocks that are blocking said new character to be added to the roster. In addition, everything you do gets you a certain amount of money to spend on various goodies, most of which being super moves. In addition to arcade and versus mode, you can play the SNK Vs. Capcom Olympic mode to get more money to spend. What makes Olympic so interesting tho is that instead of regular fighting game stuff, we also get a variety of mini games to play featuring characters from either company. While each game may have varying amount difficulty, there is honestly enough here to at least charm a player to play it.

I don't want to be selling the fighting for this game short though as it more than holds up it's own compared to other Neo Geo Pocket games. Heck, I'd even argue that The Match of The Millennium is such a well done fighter that it gives plenty of console games a run for it's money. The controls are just so responsive, they kept everything simple, and in a lot of ways plays better than some other versus fighter games. You're honestly just going to be getting a lot fast paced fighting akin to street fighter II rather than the touch of death comboing the likes of Marvel vs. Capcom tend to have. While both types of fighting are a blast to play, it was clear why they made the game the way they did, and honestly I feel is a good showcase of how simple is sometimes better.

SNK did an amazing job with The Match of The Millennium. If there is any game that convinced me the power of the Neo Geo Pocket, it be this game. While I doubt we will ever see a rise of the Neo Geo, I'm at least thankful for making such a simple robust versus fighting game that has uddles of charm like The Match of The Millennium does. If you haven't had the chance to play this game, and consider yourself a fan of fighting games, don't miss out on this one.

why the fuck is this on the neo geo pocket make another CVS dickheads

best portable fighter until the gba came out

game goes incredibly hard. roster is great and mechanically its solid. the only problems I have are that 2 buttons aint enough for a fighter and unlocking characters is an RNG crapshoot. The switch port not only has local multiplayer but also made unlocking characters easier, which makes that version my personal rec. Play this game, its probably the best handheld fighting game ever made.

I want to play this so bad in a Neo Geo Pocket

too sunburnt on vacation to do much else at the moment, so i figured i'd download a whole bunch of pocket color fighting games and they're all a blast. just happened to beat the story mode on this one first (with guile, ken, and terry). such an extremely solid fighting game for a handheld. admittedly i'm playing on my laptop keyboard so special moves are a bit difficult to pull off, but it's a fun time nonetheless. i think im gonna dive more into handheld systems

I am kinda obsessed with the sprites in this game

One of the best portable fighting games I've ever played. Characters have the exact same inputs as their original games. The music consists of excellent chip tune renditions of classic character themes. All while having plenty of extra modes that don't involve fighting, but rather cute fun mini games!

I genuinely think that this is one of the best fighting games ever made.

The PC / Switch ports having local multiplayer is a godsend. I had so much fun playing this even in singleplayer sessions, but I can finally play it locally and show people why I love this game so much. Three fighting styles, three options for team composition, and every character has a mesh of some of the best moves they've ever had spanning their series' history. Very difficult game NOT to love, with just how flexible and immediately gratifying its gameplay is.

Unlocking things in the original version of the game was wack, though.

Despite the hardware limitations (both in terms of technology with limitations in graphics and in terms of actual hardware with only two buttons available for attacks) SNK vs. Capcom: The Match of the Millennium is a solid classic handheld game featuring a crossover of fighters representing two of the most well known fighting houses in Capcom and SNK.

Sprites and animations are well done and are faithful to the characters. Gameplay is slightly hindered by the availability of only two attacking buttons but the game does use a tap/hold mechanic to switch between light and strong attacks that worked decently well.

Updated PC version of the game has modern QoL features such as rewind, digital instruction manual, etc.

SNK vs Capcom: Match of the Millennium é melhor do que eu lembrava. Lembro de ter jogado esse aqui num consolezinho chinês de múltiplos emuladores que pertence ao meu tio em 2019, e decidi revisitá-lo recentemente por curiosidade. Pra um jogo de luta portátil (do Neo Geo Pocket Color pra ser mais específico), ele surpreende na qualidade. A apresentação é boa pro portátil, com os personagens adotando um estilo mais chibi in-game que é bem charmoso, além de ter animações bem feitinhas e as músicas terem se saído relativamente bem. O combate também impressiona pra um game desse calibre, com comandos responsivos que fluem bem, escolhas entre 3 estilos de jogabilidade que emulam SF Alpha, KOF 94 e KOF 96 (ou extra e advanced mode pros KOFeiros do 97 e 98) e montar os seus times como duplas de tag team, trios à la KOF ou só 1 personagem sozinho. Ele também tem um conteúdo decente pra um jogo desse calibre, pois além do versus e arcade, o modo olímpiada traz variedade com os survivals e minigames baseados nas propriedas das 2 empresas. Como nada é perfeito, SvC tem alguns problemas. Devido ao Neo Geo Pocket Color ter só 2 botões, os golpes ficaram um pouco compremetidos, só tendo 1 pra soco e 1 pra chute, com a força deles sendo determinada que você aperta, até consegui acostumar, mas alguns personagens não se beneficiam com esse esquema. O jogo tem personagens secretos, nos quais são liberados ao completar o arcade fazendo o good ending, mas se você receberá ou não, é aleatório e isso deixa o processo cansativo. O último problema meu é a tradução, e não me refiro as frases dos personagens, mas sim aos termos usados nas configurações, que são vagos e não explicam nada, além de que o modo de treino ser chamado de Sparring ao invés de Training não ajuda em nada. SNK vs Capcom é uma surpresa bem-vinda, trazendo um combate satisfatório, conteúdo o suficiente, uma boa seleção de personagens e consegue ser até mais completo do que muitos jogos de luta lançados em consoles de mesa dessa época e o seu status de portátil não faz tanta diferença na sua qualidade.