Reviews from

in the past

It's Big Spelunky! That's a good thing round these parts. Much steeper difficulty curve though.

Update: I'd enjoy this game more if the first area wasn't as randomly difficult as it is. Honestly a little down on it.

Don't think I will EVER 'finish' this game down to sheer lack of skill but holy heck what a joy ride. Truly satisfying discovering mechanics and unique interactions and feeling yourself 'get better' all the time. Has its share of cheap deaths and frustrating stretches, but really what game with this kind of procedural generation doesn't? Worth mentioning that the multiplayer co-op has been fantastic for connecting with family members that I can't see but I understand that many people still don't have access to this feature on PC which is really sad! Here's hoping it won't be too much longer. Co-op does make the game easier in some aspects but comes with its own caveats that makes it almost as dangerous as any solo run.

Edited to reflect the fact that as of (23/03/2021) I have actually "finished" the game solo. It's one of the hardest video game accomplishments I've made by a long shot - it did definitely feel like some runs were just terrible luck at work - but when the platforming really clicks and you get into the flow of the game it's pure magic. I've played maybe 70-80 hours in co-op and another 20-30 solo and I can see either having their own advantage but there's much to say about this game as a communal experience. Much of my progress was made in the company of friends, sharing what we'd discovered with each other or playing online in co-op and figuring out new worlds together and I think the deliberately opaque details of much of Spelunky really lends itself to that kind of discussion. An experience to treasure if you've got people around you who will enjoy it with you.

Spelunky 2 made a nearly perfect game into a perfect one, it adds a lot more to the game and is a true masterpiece.

El rey de los roguelike ha vuelto y es mas potente que nunca. En realidad jugablemente no ha cambiado casi nada, porque no le hace falta, es mas contenido extra (Y cuando digo extra digo MUCHO CONTENIDO)

I get why people get this game, but I do not get it.

same as spelunky 1 but just better in every way. an absolute blast to play, loaded with cool and interesting lore, hard as nails the game will literally just kill you and call you an idiot sometimes.

Spelunky was a weird one for me, as someone who hadn't played a more classic roguelike, i had previously watched a lot of it on twitch and played my first roguelikes in Hades and Spire before deciding to pick it up.
The thing is, Spelunky 2 gameplay is great, the platforming here is impressive and rewards good play, you are constantly having to jump and use the space to your advantage, so in that way, was a nice fit.
But, this is still a rogulike, so if you die you will restart from the beginning, and that would be fine, however the first area is really hard, like the hardest in any game i've ever seen, and is not just "fair stuff", you can die for a million reasons, the rate of which the death was your fault is like 50/50.
With that in mind, is hard to move on in the game without going well at the beginning, you ended up without itens and dying again, so that is kinda frustating.
i'm shelving this, i made it through first boss and to stage 4, but i've had enough of going throw those moles and sandshrews again and again, for now, i'll say it's great gameplay, but is realy hard, so it's up to you to say.

it's really good, i never beat it but it's still great

Muito dificil mas é otimo rs

boring. Gonna go play destiny

Extremely fun game great mechanics lovable characters just all around a really good game

Ok, I'll admit it. It's incredibly fun

You'd think I'd have learned my lesson with Spelunky 1. Instead, I bought this basically day 1. It still feels slippery to control, and that put me off pretty quickly. I have the same issues as I have with the first game. It's too unwieldy and doesn't handle difficulty in a way I enjoy. Otherwise, it's pretty good. I wish I could get past my issues with it.

I've been having an absolute blast playing through this game. Multiplayer released just over a week ago now as well and that is just as phenomenal. I've got over 100 hours on Spelunky HD and I've played almost just as much on the 2009 release of the very original. I have to say that this is the best release of the game. For entry level players, you might as well pick this one up. The other two are fun as hell but this is absolutely the best way to play Spelunky now.

There is so much content. Even the very base ending of the game will take hours (I haven't even beaten the base game single player yet). And after that there is so much to do anyway. I literally found out about more stuff in this game YESTERDAY.

It is almost a masterpiece. Unfortunately multiplayer still isn't in the best situation. Playing with friends is easy enough but you have to get used to lower FPS, and also you can't unlock new characters if you are with friends, which is probably my biggest gripe.

Despite all of that though, it's brilliant. Check it out!

very refreshing in a world where character progression is locked behind unlocks and skill trees. an improvement to spelunky 1 in almost every way.

Evolves on Spelunky HD's ideas in tons of creative ways. Super fun to play and (attempt) to master, all the new levels and mechanics and everything are great. It is punishingly difficult though, even more so than the original, and my one genuine gripe with the game would be that sometimes the level generation can give you a level that's actually just bad, which isn't something that really happened in Spelunky HD. I suppose the more sprawling, complex levels leave more room for bad generation, compared to the more simple levels of the last game. Still, a whole lot of fun, and one that I'm sure I'll still be coming back to for the forseeable future.

Not a fan of the cosmic ocean at all, there are some strange challenge issues, and the generation in this game just feels plain worse than spelunky 1. That being said, everything else about the game is a major improvement.

Worst rouguelike I've ever played
Platforming sucks
Levels are so lackluster
Could not bear it for more than an hour.

I beat the standard ending & the sunken city one. This game makes a lot of improvements on the original but I think it's less consistent, and it feels affected a lot more by RNG. There are some parts that can be really obnoxious with generation, like the volcana drill often having lava or setpieces under it, requiring you to either wait for lava to drain for a minute, anger the shopkeepers, or ruin your kali points. It's pretty great but it's more frustrating than the original

perfected perfection. shame FUUUUCKKKINNNNG GAME AWARDS didnt nominate this for anything

Somehow follows up on the excellence of Spelunky HD. A little less fundamentally solid than HD but a lot more content with the branching paths.

Enjoyable as my first entry into the series. I think I watched too much of the game on youtube, so I kinda got bored of it. Gonna let it sit for a bit and come back to it.

Im not much of a Spelunky guy. I did play quite a bit of the first one, and this one just seems like that again, but more. Just not too into the care I have to use to play this game.

The multiplayer Duck-game esque arena mode in this is cool though.

This review contains spoilers

made it to the sunken city yesterday and immediately threw the run because of a misinput. that’s spelunky!!!!!

Muy buena música. Muy buena dirección artística. Diseño de niveles generado proceduralmente que hace cada run diferente e interesante. Mecánicas de juego increibles, siendo estas muy simples pero con una capacidad de expansión enorme, y ofreciéndo al jugador un gran margen de aprendizaje y masterización. Aún y todos estos puntos positivos he acabado abandonando el juego antes de terminar la historia principal por su alta dificultad.

En definitiva me ha parecido un muy buen juego y he pasado unas cuantas horas divertidas con él pero ha acabado volviéndose más frustrante que divertido, se lo dejo a quién tenga ganas de perder años de vida :)

This game thoroughly beat me up, yet I loved every second of it.
I quit playing it for a while because progressing in this game felt a little slow, but that's not the game's fault - it's mine.