Reviews from

in the past

You can't fool me, this is just S1E2 of Love, Death, and Robots except we're the cat and the world is full of robots.

Great game though! Really enjoyed it all and I didn't think it was too short like some people were complaining about. It's not outstanding in any particular way, but it's a fun well-rounded adventure!

Also, there's an extended Back to the Future reference, so that's epic.

it's a whimsical, dystopian heroes' journey that also acts as a cute cat simulator.
the way they advertised the game it seemed something inspirsed by "goat simulator"-esque games targetting reddit users who find these games entertaining, "BatChest this is just like my cat! meow :3". but upon playing it goes beyond what i expected.
there are some beautiful moments in this game that felt almost like journey. gameplay through observation and little to zero dialogue is something i love and very particular of that i couldn't help but be impressed, but this is however short lived and suddenly you're given the ability to talk, and felt so betrayed :( .
the cyberpunk world is facinating to say the least. gameplay and puzzle solving is organic and encourages exploration, with a hint system if you ever get lost. the game design is polished finely and feels invisible at times that puzzles felt rewarding to solve. i just wish maybe the visual communication was more concise, instead of having to rely on hud pop ups to solve puzzles (i tried playing without a hud and the game became impossible, it just becomes "what piece am i missing").
along with the mystery filled story, meticulous attention to the small details, engaging and fun side content and collectables, immersive and subtle chimes and the clean yet busy feeling artstyle all work together to create a solid, intriguing experience.
it's a cute little game that i had plenty of fun with. +1 for meow button during in-game cutscenes

loved being a cat in a post-apocalyptic robot world but was a little disappointed with the ending

um prato de comida que não te oferece coisas exarcebadas para comer, mas te deixa satisfeito e não te estufa por comer demais, incrível

was interesting, started getting creepy and that was cool, but then stopped playing after the creepy eyes part and forgot to start playing again, I also don't own it so it's really just up to my friend if we keep playing it

I think Stray is a great game. It is a refreshing idea with a nice story behind it, beautiful visuals, and chill music. And most importantly you play as a cat!

I didn't finish it but I think I'm not gone do that is just get to boring after a while I watch the game on YouTube and was okay but not the best game (If this game somehow got GOTY i was gone die so hard)

The gameplay is pretty standard, the game is not a 3d platformer, you just press a button and the cat jumps, there are some stealth sessions that are pretty ok. The game is carried by the visuals and the art direction which is simply amazing, the game is good but it was very overated

muito divertido!!! sem contar a ambientação magnífica que o jogo proporciona

You play as a cat. What else can I say?

I’m going to be real with y’all, this is no where near game of the year.

This whole game feels unbelievably clunky over it’s extremely short 5-6 hour runtime. Not a game I see myself ever returning to in order to platinum. The haptics were sparing, and the overall gameplay could be incredibly frustrating.

The novelty of being a cat wares off after about 2-3 hours in, and the whole storylines charm becomes null/void. If I had paid $40 for this rather than playing it free with PS Plus I would have been upset.

Seria bem melhor se fosse um dog caramelo perdido nas ruas do Brasil.

un juego que prometía bastante desde su anuncio, sin embargo, no logro cumplir las expectativas, una jugabilidad que pasado las primeras 3 horas comienza a ser monótona y aburrida, su única gracia es ser un gato, nada más que eso.

Short and sweet. Didn’t expect the sombre subplot, but still done with charm and humour mixed in. Positively surprised.

damn i like cats too guys but not like THAT

gra i fabula kul ale gameplay jest czasami nudny

Fini une première fois sans avoir récolté tous les souvenirs le 8 décembre. Refait une nouvelle partie en ayant complété tous les souvenirs (et donc le jeu à 100%) le 9. Seconde partie à 4h51mn.

Adoro como os robos tratam o gato como se fosse um ser comum e nao da forma q o ser humano trata como um bixo inferior, pois robôs nao tem ego pra se acharem superiores,enfim tudo nesse jogo é lindo, simbolico e artistico

Out of all the indie games that came out in 2022, Stray was the title that took the internet by storm for obvious reasons. You can play as a cat and interact with the environment by doing the typical things a normal cat would do. Now I'm not a cat person by any means, but I liked my experience of what the game has to offer

You play as an orange stray cat. After falling off a broken pipe, you are plunged into a decaying cybercity populated by robots, machines, and mutant bacteria, where humans ceased to exist. Little later on, you'll encounter B-12, a little drone buddy to assist you on your journey of setting out in returning to the surface. It's simple, but I think that's all you need for a game like this

Speaking of simple, Stray is a third-person adventure game involving basic platforming and an emphasis on puzzle-solving. The platforming can be done with the press of a button when near specific platforms and ledges, while the puzzles are more so moving stuff around and messing with the NPCs. The puzzles themselves for the most part are short and aren't that complex to figure out, but that's not a bad thing. With a game like Stray having puzzles that are short but give off a little challenge and making it accessible to newcomers is a W in my book

That said, I do have a few issues with the game. The first problem I have with the game is that it feels rushed near the end. I'm not going to get into spoilers, but when you get to the final area of the game, there are barely any puzzles to solve. It's just that one door you need to open in order to get access to the room that'll open up the city and trigger the ending for this orange stray. I have no problem with short games at all, but the endgame feels underdeveloped

The other issue I have is the game not letting us do more of the things cats do in everyday life. Let me explain, everyone's first thoughts when they watched the trailer is something like "oh cool, we can experience what it's like to be a cat." Yes, that is there, and that's the highlight of the game, however, the rest of the game consists of the robot citizens that I mentioned earlier. I don't hate them, I just wish we have some more moments in the story where we can be disconnected from the robots for a bit and freely wander and do the cat things the game promises, like at the beginning of the whole game

Stray is a decent indie game while also being the best video game where we play as a cat. As I've mentioned before, the game is not long at all; it should take you around 4-6 hours to beat, and there is a bit of replayability for people who love the game or completionists like myself. I recommend this to anyone who loves cats and wants a more shorter experience. I like the game, but I strongly disagree with this being the Best Indie Game of 2022 or a GOTY nominee at The Game Awards. I think there are a lot of indie games that year that deserve that spot in my opinion

"omg try this new game we made. you literally play a cat!"

that's cool! can't wait to run and roam around the streets and mess with the people passing by!

"yeah... except we don't have humans in this game. it's apocalyptic so we only have robots... oh, and aliens!

uhh... okay??? still, can't wait to play it and run around and jump on things!

"oh no you don't have that kind of freedom. we control what you can or can't do throughout the game."

what do you mean? like I can't easily jump on things?


Sí. Ya sé que llego tarde a la fiesta pero no me importa.

Visualmente Stray es INCREÍBLE. No dejé de tomar fotos a cada rato.
El dieño sonoro es increíble y la música también muy ad hoc.

La historia es buena y creo que el mensaje tiene una crítica reflexiva importante.

El único pero que le voy a poner es la cantidad de clipping que encontré. Chance un parche que mejore las colisiones vendría bien (aunque puede ser que el pasado de lanza sea yo).

¿Lo recomiendo? Yep!

Short and sweet. Good cast of characters, although the titled stray cat obviously take the first place. I feel like a few side quests in the two bigger sections of the map would've been nice: nothing lengthy or complex, just compact storylines to get us to interact more with some of the robots.

For those who're going after the platinum, beware: "Can’t Cat-ch Me" is one of the most frustrating, rage-inducing trophies you'll find in an otherwise charming game.

Loved the atmosphere and relatively low-key gameplay. Plot sort of dropped on the floor half-way through, but picked up near the end.