Reviews from

in the past

it's a whimsical, dystopian heroes' journey that also acts as a cute cat simulator.
the way they advertised the game it seemed something inspirsed by "goat simulator"-esque games targetting reddit users who find these games entertaining, "BatChest this is just like my cat! meow :3". but upon playing it goes beyond what i expected.
there are some beautiful moments in this game that felt almost like journey. gameplay through observation and little to zero dialogue is something i love and very particular of that i couldn't help but be impressed, but this is however short lived and suddenly you're given the ability to talk, and felt so betrayed :( .
the cyberpunk world is facinating to say the least. gameplay and puzzle solving is organic and encourages exploration, with a hint system if you ever get lost. the game design is polished finely and feels invisible at times that puzzles felt rewarding to solve. i just wish maybe the visual communication was more concise, instead of having to rely on hud pop ups to solve puzzles (i tried playing without a hud and the game became impossible, it just becomes "what piece am i missing").
along with the mystery filled story, meticulous attention to the small details, engaging and fun side content and collectables, immersive and subtle chimes and the clean yet busy feeling artstyle all work together to create a solid, intriguing experience.
it's a cute little game that i had plenty of fun with. +1 for meow button during in-game cutscenes

pensé que controlaba rollo assassins creed porque se centraría más en la exploración pero no hay nada que explorar (fuera de las hubs)

damn i like cats too guys but not like THAT

divertido juego, walking simulator donde eres un gato

Sí. Ya sé que llego tarde a la fiesta pero no me importa.

Visualmente Stray es INCREÍBLE. No dejé de tomar fotos a cada rato.
El dieño sonoro es increíble y la música también muy ad hoc.

La historia es buena y creo que el mensaje tiene una crítica reflexiva importante.

El único pero que le voy a poner es la cantidad de clipping que encontré. Chance un parche que mejore las colisiones vendría bien (aunque puede ser que el pasado de lanza sea yo).

¿Lo recomiendo? Yep!

You play as a cat. What else can I say?

Its a game where you get to play as a cat, what more do I need to say? Its a simple, enjoyable game with nice visual set pieces and a decent little story. If you need something elaborate it might not be for you, but if you're in the mood to spend a few hours running through a well designed world helping out various object headed robots as a kitty you'll probably enjoy it.

Kitty game/10

it was fun. Kitty game. good that it was short

Nem bom nem ruim apenas jogo do gato.

I think Stray is a simple game (Although visually amazing) I would have liked them to play more with the idea of being a cat, similar to how near the end they tell us what to do without using words, because well, we are a cat and what shines are that moments, the "Chosen one" stuff is quite boring

Muy entretenido y con unas mecánicas muy interesantes. Me encajaba una secuela sin problema.

I don't care if the protagonist is another 40 year old straight white man. Give me the dedicated meow button in every game. Now.

You can't fool me, this is just S1E2 of Love, Death, and Robots except we're the cat and the world is full of robots.

Great game though! Really enjoyed it all and I didn't think it was too short like some people were complaining about. It's not outstanding in any particular way, but it's a fun well-rounded adventure!

Also, there's an extended Back to the Future reference, so that's epic.

Seria bem melhor se fosse um dog caramelo perdido nas ruas do Brasil.

loved being a cat in a post-apocalyptic robot world but was a little disappointed with the ending

I didn't finish it but I think I'm not gone do that is just get to boring after a while I watch the game on YouTube and was okay but not the best game (If this game somehow got GOTY i was gone die so hard)

Honestly, this game just wasn't for me. Played about a third of it or a little more and wasn't interested in playing anymore. As visually interesting as the game is, I did not find it all that engaging.

Um jogo curto, com mecânicas simples e uma historia futurista, bem pouco explorada. Dá a impressão de ser mais um tech demo indie do que um jogo completo.

Short and sweet. Good cast of characters, although the titled stray cat obviously take the first place. I feel like a few side quests in the two bigger sections of the map would've been nice: nothing lengthy or complex, just compact storylines to get us to interact more with some of the robots.

For those who're going after the platinum, beware: "Can’t Cat-ch Me" is one of the most frustrating, rage-inducing trophies you'll find in an otherwise charming game.

A delightful puzzle platforming adventure that doesn't overstay its welcome. A great palate cleanser after playing longer, more challenging titles (I played this after finishing Elden Ring). Plus, it has a dedicated meow button!

Perfect game. It was so cute and I really enjoyed it.
I decided to Platinum it - but I nearly gave up while trying to finish level "Can't CAT-CH me". It took me at least 30 tries to finish it after watching several youtube videos. Then I went to speed play the game under 2 hours and that was a breeze walk.

Se você é uma pessoa apaixonada por felinos (como eu), o jogo Stray já te conquistará de primeira com movimentos e comportamentos iguais à um gato (seu personagem), possibilitando arranhar carpetes e portas, ronronar, pular em lugares altos e passar por pequenas frestas, até mesmo jogar objetos no chão, e, claro, miar.

O gráfico é espetacularmente lindo e bem trabalhado, e quando pensar que já viu tudo, ainda pode dar zoom e reparar que esse jogo não deixa passar nenhum detalhe.

O conceito distópico de Stray nos leva à diferentes emoções, que variam de forma suave ao passar das fases, e, também, nos apresenta personagens que interagem de maneira objetiva e bem caracterizada como robôs. É fácil se apegar aos personagens que vem e vão, a maior parte, com suas histórias contadas e, que muitas vzes acrescentam em relação à historia ou a sua propria visão e conclusões sobre ela.
Os cenários são todos interativos e bem divertidos de se explorar.

Em questão de jogabilidade, é um jogo simples e sem muitas dificuldades de comandos. Em grande parte, analisar os cenários, resolver alguns puzzles simples, e, de vez em quando pensar como um próprio gatinho é o necessário para chegar ao seu objetivo.

É incrível a maneira como a historia do jogo te possibilita teorizar e imaginar diversos cenários para tais situações apresentadas.

Stray é um jogo tranquilo e fácil de jogar até para aqueles que não jogam com frequência (o meu caso) ou que começaram no mundos dos jogos recentemente.

Loved the atmosphere and relatively low-key gameplay. Plot sort of dropped on the floor half-way through, but picked up near the end.

This review contains spoilers

Such mixed feelings for this game... Don't get me wrong I loved the gameplay and atmosphere in this game but I definitely expected a little more. The ending especially left me feeling empty and with many questions. I was on the last chapter of the game and it didn't even know I was based on how the story was going... Also I hate how this cat never had a reunion with his family, his friend died, and how we didnt get to see the robots reactions for seeing the world being open and in their face essentially. I will say the game is stunning and I loved exploring the different parts of the cities and interacting with the other robot citizens. Would I recommend this? Maybe on sale honestly but full price not really worth it imo.