Reviews from

in the past

Not much to say, same as the others. Great, but difficult

Great Star Wars platformer and the best of the SUPER series. I enjoyed the many playable characters with different abilities.

This was an okay game. It was much easier than the previous two and I was expecting another fun challenge.

Difficulty is always the first thing that comes to my mind when thinking about these games... but if you can get past that, and are a big OT Star Wars fan, these are still worth a play.

Some great set pieces as you play through the movie. I really enjoyed the vehicle sections, including the last Death Star escape section. Back in the mid-90's, it was truly something incredible to behold . Same goes for the snowspeeder section in the previous game (Mode 7 in all its glory).

Only played the gameboy port of this as a kid, which I had a lot of fun with even if I found it super hard. Played the SNES version as an adult and things made a lot more sense, although it was still darn tough

This is hands down the best of the Super Star Wars games. Its level design is the perfect blend of challenging and rewarding, its gameplay is finely tuned to a T, its superFX chip missions are the best (with the exception of the Endor speeder bikes mission that one just sucks), and oh my god; this is honestly one of the best looking SNES games I've ever seen, the fight with the Rancor looks amazing not even just for SNES standers.
Is the game still ball bustly hard- yeah a little
Does the first level still the worst level of the game- once again yeah it is.
Regardless If you were to ask me which one to get into I'd say start with this one.

Much like the last two, this game takes liberties to try and add more levels than you could get normally, however, it was still a lot of fun and they seemed to have scaled back the difficulty a little to make it challenging, but also fun!

You have some fun choice of characters, including Leia as the a Bounty Hunter, Leia in her slave outfit, Wicket the Ewok (played by Warwick Davis, who I've been watching recently in the Leprechaun movies) and the usual cast which is a lot of fun.

Certainly an improvement on the last game and the frustrations there had been observed, though not only was the last bosses in this fairly easy, but the most frustrating and annoying bit was the level with the escape from the Death Star as crashes slow you down and the fire from the explosion will catch up and fry you before you can recover much!

This was certainly a lot of fun and highly recommend anyone giving this game a go if you're a fan of platformers and Star Wars games.

Gameplay + Stream

Thought I'd never make it out of the Death Star's endless asshole.

The only one of these SW SNES games that I actually finished. What a classic!

I've reviewed the first two Super Star Wars games and I don't really have anything particularly unique to say about this one. It's not like each entry in this series brought with it any spectacular changes, and I think whatever your feelings are on one will generally apply to the others.

That said, it does feel like Jedi has a lot more blind jumps, especially in the first level. Just constantly making leaps of faith and hoping you don't drop into a pit or directly on top of an enemy (who will probably be unfazed by this and murder you immediately.) The last few levels are also Super Star Wars at its most brutal. I feel these games are so aggressively difficult that it tends to make it hard to perceive the difficulty curve, but Jedi's finale is especially agonizing.

No funny anecdote to share on this one, I think? Uhhh... I liked the two Ewoks movies as a kid. That's not really funny though, just sad.

Great game like the other two, not much to say about it as it plays just like them and is faithful to the movie. I really hated that death star part at the end though. So frustrating.

Great visuals that really evoke the look and feel of Star Wars, coupled with equally well done sound design. The action platforming is also solid, but the difficulty in each of the three games is just obnoxious and feels like it exists solely to extend the length of the games.

Played on Jedi difficulty. I DID IT!!! I BEAT THE TRILOGY! MY GOD IT WAS SO DAMN HARD!

This is easily the best of the trilogy, the tightest combat, tightest platforming, best level design, best characters, best bosses, best variety, you name it, this game is the best at it.

This is definitely the easiest of the three Super Star Wars games, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. The game is still very difficult, but it's difficult for the right reasons most of the time, whereas its predecessors were difficult cause of straight up bullshit. This game still has some bullshit but it's dialed down considerably.

You can play as jedi master Luke, Han, Chewbacca, bounter hunter Leia, slave Leia, rebel Leia, and Wicket the Ewok (lol). Luke is definitely the most fun character but some sections just straight up require you play as someone else to be able to beat them. Luke has a lot of force abilities and it generally is the same as Super Empire.

The bosses are far better than the first two because most of the bosses are ACTUALLY FROM THE FILMS! There are some random ass bosses but generally it's actually stuff from the movies.

There is a good chunk of variety in this game, the mode-7 is at its peak here. Though the speeder bike section sucks tbh. And the finale is quite possibly the hardest bit of all the games, it is insane, it put me in a trance to beat it. The amount of relief and accomplishment I felt when I got through it on my 1 millionth try was great.

The level design is much more thought-out and smart, though there were like two levels that just felt like a messy maze. Still, huge improvement from the first two games.

Seriously, the finale of this game is absolutely ridiculous. You have to beat Vader, beat the Emperor, then escape from the death star exploding, and that is insanely hard. It's a first person bit and my god man, it was just crazy.

If you want to play a Super Star Wars game or just a Star Wars platformer, this is easily the best pick. It's far more accessible than the last two yet brings a ton of challenge and excitement, it's actually fun and hard, whereas the last two were just annoying. I'd 100% recommend this game.

(See all my Star Wars Rankings and reviews on my profile here, the list is titled "Star Wars Ranked.")

PC gamers had the excellent X-Wing/TIE-Fighter and Dark Forces games. SNES-kids had the totally fine Super Star Wars games. They were absolutely better than nothing (and definitely more enjoyable than earlier NES, Atari, and C64 SW-games). But still, it feels like the memory of playing these games is so much better than the actual time spent playing them.

What I'm trying to say (without stepping on too many toes, since the series regularly pops up on "best of"-lists) is that, yeah, they haven't aged all that great.

SSW: ROTJ is the most enjoyable of the bunch, for sure. Its "easy"-mode is an actual "easy"-mode which makes finishing the game doable. The controls hold up, the graphics are great, and the music is... well, you know what it is. "Imperial March", "March of The Ewoks", "Into the Trap" et cetera.

There are several unwelcome holdovers from previous games as well. Some you just have to chalk up as this being an almost 30-year-old game at this point. Yeah, pushbacks from damage were a thing back in the day. They were as annoying then, as they are now. Deal with it. And sure, several of the levels are way too long and mazelike and would have benefitted from a map screen.

But holy moly. Were enemies that take a million hits, and respawn instantly, really necessary? I know I said that clearing the game is doable, but good lord is it the wrong kind of frustrating at times. On the easiest setting, that is. I really can't see anyone doing it on the hardest without cheat codes. As with all things retro, I'm sure there's a try-hard just waiting to say "weeeeeell accccshhhhuuuaaaalllllyyyy...". Why would you, though?

Despite it's issues this is easily the best of the Super Star Wars Trilogy (and the only one I actually managed to finish). The constant enemy spam has been toned down a lot and the overall level design isn't so heavily reliant on bullshit, although it's still there at times. Having all the force powers from the beginning is a welcome addition, and it seems like they've tried to make all the characters a little more distinct, which is a nice change as well. The biggest problem for me personally is that the levels can still be kind of confusing to navigate at times like they were in Empire. On top of that, the game really ended on a sour note, as the Emperor fight and the final trench run were incredibly frustrating. Still, I had more fun with this one than I expected.

The easiest of the Super Star Wars trilogy and the one I've spent the most time with (more so because it's based on my favorite movie of the Original Trilogy).

Generally speaking it's a little better and more thought out than the previous two, but just like both of them it really takes a second to get going, and the final stage in particular is very incredibly bad. Like probably the worst level in all three games. No idea what they were thinking.

That aside, it's a good one. Quality wise, the whole trilogy is quite consistent, but I'm not sure which one I would recommend if any. I would say this one because it's the most polished and it's not as psychotically hard as Super Empire Strikes Back, but there's also that last level... Maybe if you're really curious about them, you could try all three and decide your favorite on your own, but you'd really have to brace yourself.