Reviews from

in the past

I was surprised by this! It's good! Real good. I got burned out and need to finish it later, but it's worth checking out if you like puzzle action adventures in the vein of Zelda.

Not bad, not much to it though

Pretty bare-bones, got bored quick.

Way more puzzles than I expected which was a welcome surprise. Post-game exploration feels awesome.

I can see what the author was going for, and it's very impressive that he managed so much with so little help, but by the end I wasn't enjoying this much.

The combat's really weak, and only really serves to drip out currency and put you off when you're trying to work out what he wants you to do. Puzzles seem to have only one solution of most of the time and by the end it's just 'make things change colour'. Signposting isn't very good, and the lack of a map is annoying given how samey many of the areas look; this led to times where I solved something and just felt stupid and annoyed. It's very easy to miss important powerups like the one that lets you destroy weaker enemy spawn points. My sense of direction isn't amazing so I genuinely had trouble remembering how to go between places. There's no fast travel system but there are unlockable jump pads which have you soar between areas - an impressive bit of scale as you fly right up into the sky, and can see most of the world in one go, but frustrating to actually use as it's not clear where they lead.

But it's still a 3 because I really like the idea and for the first few hours it really was very enjoyable. The lack of a map, poor signposting and the fact that puzzles pretty much all seemed to have just the one solution may have dampened things towards the end, but when it was a bit more linear I was having a lot of fun. Looking at what the dev is saying about how he wants the second game to go, it really could go either way - particularly in regards to what he wants from the map. If what he means is 'you have to mark it all up yourself but we still count what you've picked up' then great - all I wanted was to know what I wasn't able to pick up earlier, and preferably have some idea of how much of an area I'd cleared, but if it's like the one ingame now where it's just an unlabelled picture with some lines on it showing transporter routes then that would just be aggravating.

Oh yeah, there's humour in there too but it really didn't work for me as it's all just 'thing look like thing you know but in game instead'. Catchy end theme though, shame I had no idea what the lyrics were as they were all in German.

Silly fun with great puzzles, but the combat is bloody awful.

Had some fun moments, but nothing exceptional that made it worth coming back to.

Completed with 100% in-game progression, all achievements unlocked. This was a wonderful surprise. Supraland blends gameplay elements from classic franchises including Super Mario, Metroid, Zelda, Minecraft and Portal, presenting players with a 3D open world to explore, solving puzzles from a first-person perspective to progress, collecting new equipment and upgrades to expand your means of interactivity, with a smattering of simplistic combat to break up the puzzles. Rarely are the puzzles too obscure to solve, judged just right for satisfaction, but there's good support from the forum community with tips for those who occasionally find themselves getting stuck.

Graphics are fairly simple (the player and NPCs are all stylised stick-people, for example), but more in a charming way rather than being a negative, and fit quite nicely with the game's theme of taking place in a miniaturised world, with everyday objects such as scissors, erasers and chairs being obstacles to navigate

Very impressively, this was developed pretty much just by a single person - and who now continues to interact actively with the community in the Steam forums and on Discord, with responsive updates/patches to the game to improve the experience - and plans now for a sequel, which I very much look forward to!

Fun puzzle-oriented 3D Metroidvania. I appreciate the comedic value of the story. The combat feels weird, because enemies are super threatening at the start but once you get good weapons they're just small inconveniences. I do like the extra mechanics to help with 100% completion.

Un gran descubrimiento por sorpresa, con puzzles que pueden ser complejos pero manejables, un aspecto visual muy agradable

It's not the size of your open world, it's how you use it. Supraland showcases that perfectly with excellent puzzles in one of the best designed Metroidvanias I've seen. Great context clues, secrets around every corner and a creative list of gadgets really test you mind. Once you find one solution that in turn becomes a mechanic for later puzzles. It all really flows together seemlessly.

However, I do wish combat had either been more defined or left out of this adventue completely. I never really enjoyed it and avoiding it is next to impossible. It's a pretty big flaw, but thankfully one that doesn't bring down the adventure too much.

This is a really meaty game. Completionists will have a blast solving everything here and I look forward to checking out other games in this series. I would recommend Supraland to anyone who is interested in a good brain buster.

Kind of disappointed, it's more of a tech demo. A boring tech demo at that.

Super Mario 64 HD Remake (Unreal Engine 4) (DEMO)

Supraland is a brilliant game that slipped past pretty much everyone. Truly the definition of underrated. It's one of the best puzzle games I've played in a long while and it pretty much nails everything it goes for.

- I wasn't expecting this to be such a long game. It took me 11 hours just to beat it at around 50% completion.
- The abilities you unlock are incredibly unique and each of them supplies you with a plethora of potential puzzles to solve.
- While I've already mentioned puzzles twice, I can't express enough how awesome, creative and challenging these puzzles are. It's the main bulk of the game and I would put it up there with portal for the best puzzle games out there.
- The world is great. Being tiny allows for such creative level and world design.
- Secrets are everywhere. You'll think you are breaking the game and yet there is always a chest sitting there. It's actually insane how many secrets there are. Exploration has never been better in a metroidvania.
- The soundtrack as a whole was pretty descent but some tracks just blew me away.
- Writing is hit or miss, however it did make me laugh a couple of times.

- This game has awful optimisation. I really appreciate that the devs are still fixing it to this day however it still isn't excusable. My pc isn't powerful but I shouldn't have to set my resolution scaling to 50 just to run close to 30fps.
- The combat isn't great. Luckily there isn't that much of it. Enemies respawn often which is quite annoying.
- I wish that the movement was a little better. Precision platforming is quite finicky.
- It's sometimes a bit unclear on where to go or how to solve a puzzle. For people who don't like metroidvanias, this may not be for you.
- There are a few rough edges. Nothing game breaking but it could be more polished. Really high up areas have wack hitboxes.

The community are also really nice. I had to look up a couple of puzzle's solutions and the comments tried really hard to not completely spoil the puzzle. They just push you in the right direction. Overall, this game is a must buy. I don't know much about the DLC but I'd start off just buying the base game. I got it on offer however it is worth full price.


a big surprise, it really does deliver on its promise of Metroid+Portal. it has some really good puzzles, and the acquisition of new powers for puzzle solving lends itself to great pacing. the humor will be hit-or-miss for some people, and when i played it i would have appreciated a map (it has one now!). the combat is also a bit lacking. but beyond those aspects, the game is really well executed!

A 3D metroidvania with a fun cartoony style and a huge amount of engaging exploration. Highly recommend giving Supraland a go.

Cute game with interesting ideas, neat puzzles that don't get too repetitive over time and funny dialogues.
Started playing the game with little to no expectations and got surprised about how fun this game turned out to be.
Can only suggest to give it a shot.

fun adventure game with some painfully dated references for a game that came out in 2019 and imo starts to lose direction in the latter half but again, still very fun

I enjoy the playing supraland.

Jump, stomp and shoot your way into a semi palatable puzzle simulator.

An absolutely charming game.

The wit and humor in the dialogue does a lot to sell the charm, and the colorful, vibrant, and varied world does the rest.

This game makes you think! There is a new puzzle pretty much every "room" (this game is basically open world, but there are regions, hubs within regions, and sub-areas). I actually had to look up a guide on the few occasions I wasn't able to find the solution myself.

And the coolest part? This game is a metroidvania! Item- and ability-based progression? Check. Interconnected world with unlockable paths to make traversal faster? Check. Ability gating? Check-ish? A map? Check!

I haven't quite 100%'d the main game, but I am very much looking forward to play Crash.

Got stuck and gave up. I wanna finish it eventually

Um ótimo jogo de puzzle para quem gosta de se aventurar e descobrir segredos, ele também é lotado de referências

Ein 3D Metroidvania mit starkem Fokus auf Rätsel. Die Welt und die Story sind witzig. Die Kämpfe haben sich nicht wirklich gut angefühlt. Bekannt Fähigkeiten in einem 3D Setting anzuwenden, sind schon eine Herausforderung für sich. Jedoch gab es keinen Zeitpunkt, an dem es sich schwammig angefühlt hat. Die Präzision der Steuerung hat mich sehr überrascht. Ein weiteres Manko neben den Kämpfen ist das Upgrade System. Viele Upgrades sind nur durch Kaufen erhältlich. Dadurch muss man für die Upgrade unweigerlich etwas grinden. Eigentlich mag ich ja Maps, die nicht vorgeben, wo Gegenstände versteckt sind. In dem Spiel hat mir es dennoch gefehlt. Im Gegensatz zu 2D Metroidvanias ist man nicht gezwungen, das Gebiet weiträumig für ein verstecktes Item abzusuchen. Allerdings ist diese Feature eher für Perfektionisten relevant. Für mich war es nach der Story zu Ende. Auch wenn ich in den ersten Stunden überraschend viel Spaß hatte, war ungefähr das letzte Drittel eher nervig als spaßig. Zu viele Gegner, später mehr von den stärkeren Gegnern, Rätsel werden komplexer und undurchschaubarer und einige der Rätsel ähneln sich stark. Alles in allem hatte ich eine gute Zeit mit dem Spiel und werde mir den Nachfolger auch anschauen.