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in a lot of the best most polished indie platformers, there's a trend of chasing CHALLENGE above all else

this is not one of those games, and i think that's great

straightforward levels where most of the difficulty comes in just being willing to explore different paths to find the hidden collectibles, and it never really asks a lot of you, but the movement is smooth and has great flow and is just a joy, and in terms of presentation it's got this almost oppressively silly attitude to every angle, and it's just... fun

it's a fun game

Adventure pals is an action side scrolling adventure game with RPG elements leading to a unexpected surprise. The RPG elements being that you level up you character while having a wacky and interesting story to be told. As you level up, you can customise you upgrades.
You traverse each world with a Giraffe and a Rock, you meet some interesting characters that mostly guide you to the next level to collect a story's main item. An example is a farmer wants you to find his wife in a level. When you meet his wife, you will know the wacky nature of the story. The story doesn't end there. You also have a huge overarching story of saving your dad becoming a hotdog.
The game is simple having a low to moderate difficulty and contains collectables. Depending on the collectable it can give you new costumes or stickers to add to your book. Each level took on average between 15-20mins (levels get larger as you progress). After a while, I saw each level as an episode from a kids cartoon. From there, I can see the genius of what they were going for; story, adventure, collect, resolution with a nemeses cursing you. You can even see each world as a season to the show.
The game has 5 worlds and each world will introduce a new mechanics keeping it fresh and enriched. Enemies are diverse and just as silly as the rest of the game. The lore and the graphics are well suited to the game. Some minor issues I encountered are:
- Some performance issues, such as the last area had some stutters, nothing major but was jarring
- The level design branches off to different directions and choosing the wrong path to get a collectable, can result in back tracking which is annoying.
- The final collectables were annoying to find and unsure what I was missing.
- The game feels unfinished as some of the artwork in the conclusion of the game seems rough
Being a quarter of the price of a Mario game, it took me about 11 hours to finish, which includes exploring and mucking around which is encouraged. I 100%'ed the game and recommend for kids 5-11 for sure

This game just proves that you can't trust fish

it was mid, a little buggy, but cute! i didnt end up finishing it but found it fine.

Es un plataformas ligero donde ir pegandole a todo lo que se mueve acompañado de tu jirafa tontita y tu piedra mascota. Los diálogos no están nada mal para ser lo que es, un juego donde hacer un poco el tonto. Osea, después de saltar puedes planear haciendo que la jirafa mueva la lengua como un helicóptero, creo que eso deja claro el tono del juego.

Se maneja mucho mejor de lo que parece, siendo muy cómodo incluso en los combates tontunos que hay, si bien a veces estando todo tan recargado de color y con tantas cosas que explotan da igual lo bien que se mueva, no sabrás bien donde estás. Por suerte si consigues todos los coleccionables de cada nivel (cosa bastante fácil), tendrás acceso a sombreros para ti o tu piedra mascota que te ayudarán a identificar donde estas. Mi favorito es llevar la pecera encima y la piedra con un traje de gatito azul eléctrico.

Los niveles están muy bien construidos pese a todo, no se me han hecho cansinos en ningún momento, y la tonteria de que haya animalitos a los que puedes matar por una mísera moneda me encanta. No es necesario, pero ahí están, huyendo de ti al verte. Lo mismo podría pasar con el jefe final, con el que de repente la cosa sube mucho sin motivo. Osea, yo me lo he cargado soltándole todas las bombas que tenía de golpe, porque madre mía el cambio. No es una obra maestra precisamente, pero está entretenido.

It's solidly modern and for kids but alas that also means I have no nostalgia for it.

beat this years ago good game still tho

This would be a good game to play with very small children who are bad at video games. I played this with my wife and we liked it for a while until we realised every level was basically the same and there were a lot of them. we ccomplained and said it was shit and then saw we spent less than one pound on it. so it's good really

The Adventure Pals is a silly humored action platformer with charming graphics and art style.

The controls are tight, responsive. It handled nicely on the Deck and I didn't notice any issues. You can play it in short sessions. There are 5 large, unique zones to explore; each with their own creative levels, goofy NCPs, enemies, and collectibles. I'm not one to play many action platformers with combat. The difficulty felt just right. Nothing too easy or overly frustrating.

Only negatives I found were fairly minor/personal. When you are in an area with many enemies, it was difficult to see what exactly was going on. Sometimes I was hit so fast, I was dead immediately because I couldn't tell what to avoid. Couple times, I was stun locked to death. One world is based underwater. As video game rules state, the underwater zone is the worst. Bummer that it's true here. It has slower momentum than the rest of the game. Otherwise, a really fun experience!

The Adventure Pals is a level-based platformer with some half-hearted combat thrown in. The movement controls surprisingly well and you have some new platforming mechanics every so often to keep things fresh, like trampolines, ziplines and slippery surfaces. Unfortunately though, it just drags on too long and I ran out of patience by the end.

A sweet-hearted (if a little too 'LOL so random' for my taste) game that overstays its welcome just a bit.

as inspirações na Behemoth são óbvias mas falta Algo que os criadores de Castle Crashers têm e aqui, não

A somewhat forgettable platformer adventure in the art style of a 2016 viral cute cartoon. I've played so many narrative games before starting this that I wasn't sure if I was allowed to kill all the animals in here. Still, it's got some fun boss fights, side quests and generally lots of things to do.

Very good platform game with a variety of level design. Love the level up system and the worlds. Had a lot of fun with this. It's not the most challenging thing but has a level pitched just right for everybody to enjoy. Collectibles are everywhere. Fully recommend this if you want a short game to get stuck in to, 100% was great as well!

Felt like it dragged on but had some good points.

Fun platformer game that has cute art style. I really enjoyed the fighting, jumping around and the BOMBS! Some parts were very hard, like the final battle, but it took only a few deaths to get the hang of it.

If you decide to get this game, I would suggest using a controller, as the game is definitely made for that.

baby's first metroidvania. fun and harmless but definitely not something you'd be THAT impressed over

No es un mal juego. De verdad.

Todo apunta hacia una demografía infantil y, bajo ese prisma, es una buena forma de que un niño intente entrar en el mundo de las plataformas. El problema es que el argumento es un poco -demasiado- absurdo, quizás hasta para un niño, sin mencionar la cantidad de mecánicas que están ahí para lograr una especie de "efecto Sonic" (mucha velocidad en pantalla con pocos botones apretados) que hacen que todos los niveles se transformen en paseos por el campo y anulen (en muchas ocasiones) cualquier tipo de desafio. Sin mencionar que su estilo de arte quizás... pasó un poco de moda hace unos años.

Aun así, se nota el esfuerzo que hay detrás de todo esto. Los diálogos, las batallas contra jefes, algunos enemigos, las animaciones, etc, dan cuenta de un ingenio y dedicación por parte de los desarrolladores.

Lamentablemente, no te pierdes de nada si pasas esto por alto.

I got about halfway through this game. It has a cute art style and a very silly sense of humor that reminded me somewhat of Adventure Time. The dialogue can be cute and funny, but I was a little annoyed by all of the references and fourth wall breaks.

Every level pretty much feels the same and I can't think of any that stood out to me. Each world only has one song that plays during levels. Most "new" enemies in a new world are just reskins of ones you've seen before. Everything is far too zoomed out and it's difficult to see what's happening. There were times I was killed by nearly microscopic enemies. The game feels a lot like a browser game, which I later learned is because this series started with a browser game called Super Adventure Pals.

I quickly grew tired of trying to look for collectibles in each level because they're annoying to look for. You will come across forks in your path - one will lead to a collectible and one just leads closer to the exit. It is almost never clear which is which, and this leads to a lot of annoying backtracking.

The combat is mostly mashing one button. There are also enemies you can kill by jumping on them, but their hitboxes are too strict - you will take damage if you are just a little bit too far off to the side. I do like that killing enemies gives you experience, and you get to choose from one of three upgrades when you level up. It gives you incentive to fight enemies instead of ignoring them.

Overall, this is a cute and decent platformer, but it's flawed and doesn't introduce enough new content to keep it interesting. I've grown bored with it. I think I would have appreciated it more as a kid.