Reviews from

in the past

The most attractive character in gaming after Sonic the Hedgehog.

plays like butt old. would have played it more if i didnt die without saving

the beginning of big protag boobs

the one tomb raider classic game that you can probably play entirely without checking the internet on what to do. beautiful level design, only thing thats missing is lara's iconic braid physics.

La primera aventura de la Señorita Croft por alla en el 96, con una atmosfera como pocos juegos para su epoca y con una representación de las plataformas mas verosímil a nivel de ambiente como kinestetico.

El gameplay puede ser algo cuadrado para estándares actuales, pero el juego permite que el jugador se tome el tiempo necesario para calcular los saltos y superar a los desafíos sin llevarlo de la mano, una joya la verdad.

cult classic, but not the game for me.

Un clásico de los juegos de acción en 3D, grandioso diseño de niveles y muchos secretos por descubrir. Pasan los años y sigue siendo tan bueno como antes.

Not many games like this anymore. Everything is blocky and made of cubes and pyramids, but it doesn't hold your hand is one of the most satisfying games to finish knowing you did it without a guide.

13yo thought this should have gotten a higher score

Recently completed it on stream so I may be viewing it favourably but the game is great. By modern standards its lacking a lot, especially in its gunplay.

The sense of exploration, the music, secrets and atmosphere come together to create a great experience filled with challenging puzzles, memorable moments and locales.

The shooting is really my only criticism, as well as the boss fights. They are a bit too simplistic and easily kite-able.

The way how you can get soft locked and ganked over and over again is problematic. But that might be a skill issue with not preserving meds.

Overall a great template for the modern adventure/puzzle game.

My memory of this is like a fever dream but I watched my uncle play this annnnd I wasn’t interested. But at that time, the graphics were cool. I’m pretty sure my uncle got it though for two blocky reasons.

slowly realizing that this game is actually just 3d prince of persia was VERY cool.
shoutouts to the remastered team for picking up on this, calling the doppelganger fight achievement "be like prince" was a nice touch.
wish all the versions kept the save crystals from the psx version, i think the game would've been more engaging that way, as opposed to being able to save whenever you want.
some levels are a bit off, the hitscan and later enemy design isn't very good, but it's still a good experience.

Was very impressive, aged like deep fried dog shit

very proud to say i own an original copy. big revolution. apart from the fact that i got stuck at random places for hours just because of shitty textures. more than deserves a remake

While not as well polished or mechanically rich as it's later sequels, this game is still masterful at what it does and worthy of the fond nostalgic praise it garners.

Retrospective Video -

While theres a lot to like about the first Tomb Raider, the game really does show its age in both the control department and the level designs. Theres certainly still charm here and while you can certainly see how this game started up such a smash hit franchise, the more dated elements make it a difficult thing to play for anyone but Lara Croft superfans.

It's a popular franchise but I just could not get into the archaic controls and rough graphics that honestly don't even seem great for the time period.

aklımda iyi kalmış ama gerçekten çok oldu tekrar oynamayalı

I only breifly played the original Tomb Raider back in the day for just a bit, as back then I only really delved deep into TR2. Now going back to it with the 2024 Remaster Collection, I can give a much more time forward look at it. The core fundementals of the game play still show in spades. The tight level design really does show in many of the levels and it's expertly crafted prescion platforming does stand apart even like 30 years later. The remaster does a fantastic job with it's updated visuals to keep the intended look of the game while ironing out some outdated polygons and it was a fantastic design choice to be able to switch between updated visuals and the original look with a simple button press. I was constantly switching back and forth between them. The original graphics while super dated does have a nostalgia window completly unique to the graphics of that time period that you don't see too often anymore. New control method's exist for players who refuse to adopt the original controls. Normally this wouldn't annoy me so much but the game is so expertly designed in almost precise grid that the original controls are what defines the gameplay to begin with. I will never complain about more options in a game though and certainly not for a remaster but I do encourage people to try to the original controls.

Having said all that playing Tomb Raider in 2024 the game as much fun as it has been to relive and experiance comes with equal parts of frustrations and design choices that I do not miss. Tomb Raider has really reminded me of a time when some of the biggest hurdles of early 3D gaming lies entirley in the camera. Tomb Raider is a platformer that requires precise jumps and timing and I am constantly trying to battle the camera to be able to see where I am running or going. So many times the camera is centered on Lara's chest or facing directly at her giving me no indication on where my feet are positioned in comparison to where I am looking to jump too. The remaster does try to incorparate a modern style camera flick, but it just doesn't work much of the time and it never stays in place and always seems to snap back to the original view point. Most of the games in this era had button held fixed first person viewpoint to help get a better look at surroundings to which this game has as well. This is sometimes your only way to view whats around you but when you let go of that button it will snap back to that original view. I completly understand this was the norm of the day and experiancing it again after 30 years of modern gaming will certainly irk anybody who goes back but I can't say I entirely can blame the game for the time period it was in.

I also am just not a fan of it's saving system. Whether that be the crystals or unlimited saves. I played TR on the PC back in the day so I'm used to unlimited savings as it is for this series. TR is a game that has a lot of traps and tight jumps that a lot of the time leads to instant deaths. I don't know if it's just modern gaming that has made this more annoying to me know more than anything but I do remember feeling like this back in the day but I feel like the game encourages save scumming. It felt like I was playing on a emulator and was constantly refreshing my save. Because let me tell you, if your going into this game blind for the first time you will die a lot. I mean a lot. There are no checkpoints, even between finishing levels it's all manual saves. You die you go back to your previous save no matter what. It's been quite some time where I have to constatnly remind myself to keep saving becuase I would play do a large amount of stuff then die and have to constantly keep replaying sections over and over again. It's built into my DNA at this point that saving is for quiting my play session or after finishing a level. It took a lot of mindpower to keep myself saving constantly. I always wanna complete sections before savings and I would constantly die and hate myself for not saving. I play a lot of old games but this game really tested my patience when it comes to this. Also towards the end of the game the enemies just are constantly swarming you bum rushing into you and it's extremely hard to deal with. The enemy design at the end was really frustrating.

The level and map design are always these games biggest strenghts and weaknesses. For the most part the games are sharply desigened and are great at rewarding exploration. Their are numerous secrets and things to collect that reward keen eyed players. Platforming feels really great when you get in the groove and still to this day the precise prescion required to make jumps or traverse feels unique even to this day. This is not auto jumping of Uncharted or the reboot franchise for sure that a lot of people are used to for sure. There are few levels in the game that I really was impressed with it's layout and structure. Although we equal amount of priase does come with caveats as well for me. There are some levels where I really couldn't not figure out what to do or where to go. Whether that be an alcove that is just out of view of the camera or a room hidden in the mess of graphic blocks that is hard to see or seeing the door in the distance and just not knowing how the heck do you get over there? One thing to note about the remaster is with the updated look they have taken some liberites to changing how the stage looks and that can be a hamper when traversing the level. Keys are especially hard to see and are so small and blend in to the background. I've skipped numerous keys in stages that were in plain sight, spending so much time looking around only to switch back to the original graphics mode and see a bright key right out in the open. That and having modern lighting in the remastered graphics can some times leave the stages to look rather dark making it hard to naviage compared to how always bright the original mode looks. Also Remasterd graphics sometimes add ceiling and open light sources that were not there in the original and sometimes it takes me a second to realize that those are not areas I can reach and were just added in for atmosphere. Switching between OG and Remaster graphics was fun but almost a straight up gameplay mechanic needed if playing soley in Remastered.

Overall playing Tomb Raider was very nostalgic because it really did show it's warts and all that is totally 100% because of it's era in gaming and while I found it overall frustrating to go back to, I did admire it's design choices and what it accomplished and can see why other games tryied to mimick it's style.

un juego fantastico que marco una epoca.

The only game I have for swag Saturn other than virtual fighter

vamos concordar que a gameplay tanque dos primeiros tomb raider é uma porqueira, principalmente hoje em dia.
mas ainda sim, isso não ofusca a qualidade do jogo.
puzzles extremamente desafiantes e únicos
e a ost é bem marcante, apesar de tocar poucas vezes

I played this game at a glacial pace, but overall I think it's pretty charasmatic and had some interesting ideas about what a 3D platformer should be.

Great story, cool game mechanics.
Good beginning of the franchise.

Back in 1996 my brother and I invented a holiday called Children's Day because it was unfair that mam had Mother's Day and dad had Father's Day and they said "but every day is Children's Day!" and we said they should get us presents every day then and they said okay you can have one Children's Day and long story short we got Tomb Raider for Children's Day.