Reviews from

in the past

The first game but more together in general and even more solid. The music got even better with this one. Also with the introduction of manuals finding a specific line means less in general. A very fun 2 hours.


Com uma trilha sonora maravilhosa pra embalar o gameplay, ainda assim não me apeguei a esse jogo.

Definitivamente não é meu estilo de jogo.

Damn near perfect skating game. Tremendous follow up to the first game.

Jamás pensé que uno de los mejores juegos que jugaría en mi vida sería uno de hacer skate protagonizado por un hombre llamado Antonio Halcón.

Manuals allow your combos to go on longer and there are even better maps than 1 like School. It's getting there.

Tony Hawk's games were amazing in how it implemented addictive gameplay with wierd circumstances, and it reminds me of the GTA universe in how the characters are potrayed or acting.

Haven't played this since I was a kid but I went FERAL for this game, shit was soooo fun I rented it every got damn weekend

I didn't play this one as much as the first but it was still a blast to play and it had Spider-Man!

Pretty sure I almost failed elementary because of this one.

Had this on the gba idk what else to say I think it was bad

Pros: Skater 2... hehe. This game is wicked. After the first Tony Hawk Pro Skater, this sequel must have been the fully realized version that the devs wanted all along, as they went all out, bigger better. More customization options, more characters, more modes, a great level editor, more stages and cool gimmicks in them to grind on or do tricks off of, they're all designed so well! Like little playgrounds you can spend hours and hours in, trying to keep a combo chain going pulling off tricks, as if you're on one continuous ride. Tony Hawk Pro Skater gameplay is addicting, it's the best of the best. Just enough real world inspiration and basis, but then it knows, like NBA Jam before it, how to extrapolate for the world of video games, and get a little nuts, go a little crazy, get silly. And the craziest thing of all that I remember loving to bits in this game, was unlocking Spider-Man as a playable character, who had their own web based skater tricks they could perform. Man, that shit was cool. Hell, this game was even awesome on the Game Boy Advance! Still had 3D characters even, just a fixed isometric viewpoint, in a way, I kinda prefer that version just for how impressive it was for a launch GBA game! The music is also great, well, if you're playing on anything but the Nintendo versions, heh, but y'know, I'm a fan of instrumentals myself, so I like them either which way you cut it!

Cons: The FMV and music is lacking on N64, even with just instrumentals, the song list was shrunk down to only 6... dang. But they did make up for it with an extra stage. And gameplay is great, it's king.

What it means to me: I remember mostly playing this game on the Dreamcast of all places, creating courses, swingin' and skating as Spider-Man, it was the version to play. Well, next to the GBA version, which I probably most definitely played the most of, considering it was on the go.

An utter masterpiece and would still be in my Top 5 games of all time if Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2 hadn't released as a perfect game that eclipsed even the original version.

esse jogo me ajudou a superar o fato de que eu era um skatista medíocre mas tudo bem porque no videogame eu era muito foda

Quality = 4 / 5
Gameplay = 4 / 5
Story = 3 / 5
Soundtrack = 5 / 5
Pacing = 4 / 5
Enjoyability = 3 / 5
Challenge = 3 / 5

Overall = 3.25 / 5

The gameplay additions and levels where a definite step up from THPS1.

Still probably the best overall entry

Hat zusammen mit Spielen wie Need for Speed oder Burnout maßgebend meinen Musikgeschmack geprägt und war einfach auch sonst ein starkes Tony Hawk.

Dass Tony Hawk 2 einfach genial war wurde mir wieder klar als ich das Remake von 1 + 2 gespielt habe und einfach 50% meiner Zeit nur im Hangar Level gespielt habe, weil ich so gute Erinnerungen aus meiner Kindheit daran habe.

Just one of the most fun games ever made, the later levels kinda suck tho.

A reall fun arcade skate boarding game. If you played the first one, it’s more of the same. Collect SKATE, get tapes, get points, do tricks. You can me your own skater and the soundtrack is great. The game takes you to cool locations based on real world places. It’s a fun game and sequel.

lo que no entiendo es si al final tony hawk sabia que le estaba persiguiendo la policia secreta o no