Reviews from

in the past

Played through a few characters lately. This is probably my most replayed in the series cause it's really easy just to turn on my psp and play this game for a bit.

There's a reason this game is the most iconic in the series. Sure, I think later games are better, but I do give this game so much credit for what it did to the series. It feels like the most balanced in the series, the most grounded. Sure I may prefer the games with the revert, but with the revert the series feels more... idk... gamey? Without it I feel like there's more skill involved, not to mention this game just feels amazing to play and holds up remarkably well, even when compared to the remake (which is also spectacular). The first game was great, but this is where the series truly became the powerhouse it was.

My first Tony Hawks game and to this day one of my favorite games in the series, which I still pick up from time to time. I have to admit that as a nerdy young boy, I had very little contact with the skater scene. Like for so many fellow gamer kids from that era, the skater subculture was just a bit too cool for me back then. So it was all the more surprising to me how much I enjoyed not only the game itself, but also the whole skater vibe around it. I had an incredibly good time playing Tony Hawks. I have to emphasize that I played exclusively with a mouse and keyboard back I managed to achieve anything in that game without a gamepad is beyond me today.

Overall, I'd just like to say that Tony Hawks 2 will always have a special place in my heart. Yes, there were later installments in the series that I enjoyed more, but this is where my love for these games began.

the game is cool but the sound track is the type of music that plays in a 13 year old boys head when his mom orders a pizza and mozarella sticks.

Mesmo desconsiderando a nostalgia que a trilha sonora traz, é um jogaço. As fases são maiores e mais complexas que no jogo anterior, e a adição do Manual torna o Street bem mais interessante do que no primeiro jogo.
Acho que nessa versão de Dreamcast poderiam ter caprichado mais no visual dos personagens, mas ei, o Spider-Man ainda está aqui. As fases, em compensação, são bem superiores à versão de PS1, bem mais detalhadas e com um draw distance muito superior, fazendo jus ao hardware.

big improvement over the original. not nearly as good as 3 though

GBA Version Score: 4/5

You'd think that a GBA port of THPS2 would suck, but Vicarious Visions did the absolute best they could in making this as close to the original game as they could on a portable. And it delivers! Most of the levels are here and preserved pretty well, and the 3D gameplay is replaced with a 2.5D isometric style view. It can be hard to gauge where collectibles or gaps are at times, but for the most part it works! I like the soundtrack here, made up of all original little fun loops. And most importantly, this game feels almost EXACTLY the same control wise as the console version, which is unbelievable. Highly recommend this to people who love the series and want to experience a different take on it.

THPS2 should be lauded for being ultra popular game focused on expression and not competition

LIGHTS OUT! GUERRILLA RADIO! Trilha Sonora, tenho nem palavras. Mesmo sem algumas coisas que foram adicionadas nas continuações, esse jogo ainda é bem divertido e tem uma coisa ou outra melhor que o remake, bem pouco mas tem.

Review covers THPS1+2 on PS5 I never thought I'd be a fan of skating games till I played this recently. I played THP2 on PS1 as a kid and had a little fun with it but in the end I didn't understand what to really do besides jump off ramps and grind rails.

Coming back to this game made me realise how this THPS can be so fun (and why it is so critically acclaimed). It's so addictive to string as many combos together as you can to get a high score. Great fun game that I will always come back to every now and then.

THPS is one of my favorite series of all-time, and while 2 felt great when it released, in retrospect they were still ironing out some of the kinks. This doesn't feel nearly as good to play as the PS2 games or the remaster.

Even without Superman on the soundtrack, it still is able to surpass the original

An improved sequel, but not enough so to make that much of a difference. The manual added here helps a lot to chaining together stuff, but it's not quite enough of its own. The parks are also still not quite there, plus I'm still not huge on the two minute run limitations, plus the visual and sound performance continued to not be great on the ol' N64. It's a game that felt good to skate in and was pretty cool, but still overall was somewhat lacking.

"The whole game is the good part of the game."
- videogamedunkey

My favorite Tony Hawk game. Everything about it, from the music, to the distinct levels, playable skaters / custom skater, to the level editor - I loved it all.

Tony Hawk and his games inspired many 90's kids to pick up a board. A definite cultural influence for many growing up back then.

A great game at the time, but THPS3 and THAW improved so much on the formula that it's hard to come back to a time before Reverts. Playing this game now is like going back to Pop-Tarts after you've had a Toaster Strudel.

Tony Hawk 1 was a good and groundbreaking game in its own right, but in the eyes of history, it's more or less just the alley-oop pass setting up the backboard-shattering slam dunk that is THPS2.

The list of major and minor improvements made to the framework of the original is almost absurdly long, resulting in a tight, polished, and overwhelmingly addictive experience. Most improved is probably the level design, transforming the sometimes disjointed (or, worse, linear) experiences from THPS into dense playgrounds that are a joy to just roll through and explore - especially for the first time, as you design lines in your head, theorize about possible gaps, and wonder, "how the hell am I going to get up there?". It's completely evident that these guys had just as much fun making the areas as you have playing in them. And it's also clear that all of the big additions to the core game - createable characters, creatable skate parks(!!!), earning money for new stats and tricks, the implementation of the manual which blows the entire gameplay wide open - were things they had in their head from the last one but couldn't implement. This was almost certainly the game they wanted to make in the first place.

The secrets are numerous. The replayability is infinite. The soundtrack ... is beyond perfect. The art makes the PS1's grainy graphics sing. I've got a couple stray gripes - about it feeling like it needs one more grand finale level, or wishing the unlockables structure was less grindy - but they mostly feel dumb in the face of such era-defining quality.

One of the most impressive iterative sequels ever. 1 loaded the bases; 2 was the grand slam.

this game was a constant companion for at least 3 years of my youth. the time I tried to learn skatin in real life, i was trying to perfect insane and unrealistic combos ingame. a milestone.

You don't even need to like skateboarding to enjoy this game. Absolute classic, this game does everything right. Good gameplay, memorable stages, good soundtrack and is challenging in the right level. Must play in anyday in anytime.

Had so awesome time playin' this with friends back in the day. The Spider-Man cheat was hilarious...

Somehow just a few basic additions made this game so much better than its predecessors. All the levels here are more interesting and replayable than Pro Skater 1, and the competitions are less frustrating as well (doesn’t mean they’re not hard at times, they’re just more fun). With added manuals, wall rides, better upgrades and specials, this game is a vast improvement and is definitely a timeless classic.

The first game I 100%. my ankle still remembers when I tried to push the skateboarding adventure IRL.

Я поражён тем, как околоспортивную игру сделали люто комплексной и скиллозависимой. Глубина механик и потенциал для совершенствования запределен. Хоть франшиза и является нишевой, поиграть в Про Скейтер должен каждый. Это гениальные игры.

Millionth replay. Had time to kill before a gig in Bristol so ducked into NQ64 game bar and finished this. Love that place.

Jugar a esto es sencillamente placentero. Es pillar un skate y ponerte a bailar por sus escenarios encadenando todo tipo de tricks a tu manera y superando algunos retos mientras tanto, pudiendo hasta completar varios a la vez en una sola partida. No necesita más, es increíble.

Nost-algia... Learned me to try skateboard... Only learned a tiny little bit, haven't tried it in many many years...

é a mesma coisa do primeiro só que com algumas manobras a mais e novas pistas obviamente né, mas se eu reclamei q não consegui avançar no 1 nesse então piorou
a primeira fase já quer que tu faça praticamente tudo pra liberar a próxima, n aguentei e dropei msm pq não é pra mim
só dou a msm nota do primeiro pq esse ainda tem um espaço pra CRIAR suas próorias fases, e isso sim me tomou um bom tempo e tirou boas risadas kkkkkk


It adds the manual which does little to nothing until later in the franchise and create a park which is a really cool feature. The gameplay is still janky but fun and the soundtrack is just as good if not better. The levels are the biggest improvement with both the design and how many goals are available.

Levels Ranked:
School II
Venice Beach
The Bullring