Reviews from

in the past

naughty dog loves giving buff laura bailey rights and i'm not mad about it

Finally finished my old playthrough of the game. Dunno why I dropped it, it’s classic Uncharted fun with some different faces. Wouldn’t mind another Chloe/Nadine/Sam game in the future.

A short, standalone adventure that succeeds on the strength of its characters.

One of the strongest entries in the Uncharted franchise and really fun to play, the story is really well written and the characters are very likable proven over the fact this game made me like a character (Nadine) I otherwise hated in Uncharted 4. Uncharted 4 is my favourite entry in the series and this comes in at a very close second.

I played this at a time that I was getting tired of Naughty Dogs approach to game making.

And this game didn't help those sour thoughts.

It's just more uncharted, plain and simple. for better or worse.

Better than every Uncharted game except for 4.

Jogo muito bom! Estava com saudades da Chloe e Nadine teve sua redenção fazendo com que eu gostasse mais da personagem. Gráficos muito bonitos passei horas no modo fotografia

Platinum trophy earned, including completion on Crushing difficulty. Naughty Dog pull off another stunner with The Lost Legacy - while the central mechanics don't deviate much from the previous Uncharted games, that's not really a bad thing and The Lost Legacy presents a compelling story and character relationship dynamics between Chloe and Nadine, previously only secondary characters in the series. The game's fairly short length leads to a tight, well-paced experience, with a good balance between exploration and combat and, without any specific spoilers, the final chapter brings perhaps the most impressive set-piece encounter that the series has been to date. This will definitely be up right there among my favourite games of the year so far!

The "lady sequel" for the Uncharted series. It has some nice new gameplay mechanics, but nothing really extraordinary after UC4.

Not quite as good as base Uncharted 4, but it still stands alone as its own worthwhile game experience.

I genuinely enjoyed this as a spin-off and it made both Chloe and Nadine a lot more fleshed out and interesting

Also a really cool villian and sets

Muy continuista peero también muy disfrutable. Gráficamente sorprende que sea un juego de 2017 y en cuando a historia me provoca muchos deja vus con el resto de juegos de la saga, pero al menos profundiza algo más en personajes hasta ahora secundarios

Very good spinoff, not too long, not too short, got the scale, one of the series' best villains imo and the characters bonding is nice

BROKE: Uncharted 5 with Sam
WOKE: Uncharted 5 with Chloe

It could be argued that Lost Legacy is the best Uncharted game. It's a hyper-focused, bite-sized adventure that's the perfect palette cleanser after Uncharted 4.

The game expands upon the open-ended level design, the combat arenas feel varied, and the dialogue is as charming as ever before.

It's actually super refreshing to experience an Uncharted game from a different perspective. As much as I love Nathan, I definitely don't any more of him in my life and having both Nadine and Chloe openly talk some shit on him was great.

well feminism got the best of all of us neil suck m dick neil

my absolute favorite from the series

uncharted series are all amazing games

No esperaba gran cosa siendo una expansión y llegando después del buen cierre del 4, pero me ha sorprendido lo bien que han conseguido que dos personajes como Chloe y Nadine encajen de una manera tan natural. El argumento sigue sin ser nada del otro mundo y me revienta lo fácil que es saltarse los coleccionables, pero si a partir de ahora la protagonista fuera Chloe en supuestos nuevos Uncharted, no tendría ninguna queja.

Set a strong foundation but felt too short and more as reusing of old assets then a proper sequel

Uma sequência/talvez spin-off da saga Uncharted, com uma história simples mas que ainda assim consegue prender o jogador, conta com aquela ação digna da saga e claro muito humor e temos o Sam de oclinhos (rip oclinhos). É curto, mas da pra se divertir numa tarde onde não se tem nada pra fazer.

Honestly, thought the game started off pretty good. Then it really slowed up in the middle to the point where I had to push myself to play. That last 2 chapters were fun as hell though. Easily carried the whole game. I'll probably give it 7.2 out of 10 for what it's worth.

Great for what it is but it didn't have Nate or Sully (the best parts of the Uncharted franchise)

Kind of just expands on Uncharted 4, could've been a DLC.

Le tenía muchísimas ganas al Uncharted de señoras porque era el último que me quedaba por jugar y porque es de señoras, y vaya señoras están hechas y que buenas amigas son

An Uncharted game on a smaller scale, but that doesn’t mean smaller sights or reduced gameplay. This is the most refined combat in Uncharted so far.

Instead of playing as Nathan Drake, you take the role of Chloe Frazer as she looks to find an ancient relic (and possibly stop a warlord) in India. It starts off as you would expect, with some fun linear segments, but then you get to the main chunk of the game, which takes place in a massive beautiful landscape where you can choose the order that you complete the missions in.

This more open structure fits the uncharted style very well, and includes a large optional side mission to find some extra treasure. At the same time, this doesn’t fall into the repetitive nature of some open worlds as it’s only a portion of the game – with more traditional Uncharted sections both before and after. The mixture of styles works really well and makes Lost Legacy feel more like a full Uncharted experience than the “budget” title it was sold as.