Reviews from

in the past

primary reason why dillon "deezus" downing is THE gaming sex icon

This game taught me determination and persistence

Turn back before it is too late. You cannot defeat God himself, it is futile to even try.

hahaha....silly old bear......

I have been playing the christopher robin level from 4 pm to 3 am i hope he falls into the saw heroin pit I FUCKING WON.

there is no god here, only me

If I could bring any fictional character in existence it would be the shit eating cunt Owl just so I could throw baseballs at him until he dies and then serve him to my children

never in my life did I think the hardest game ever made would be a WINNIE-THE-POOH BASEBALL FLASH GAME but yet here we are

Not a good game but you feel like a legend when you complete it.

Though not particularly fun, "Winnie the Pooh's Home Run Derby" is unironically one of the most difficult games I've ever played. I've spent many nights trying to conquer it to no avail. Maybe some day.

I played all the way up to christopher robin without ever realizing there was an upgrade system. all that pain and for what AND FOR WHAT

I showed this game to multiple of my friends and they were never the same afterwards. They will never be able to sleep soundly at night without that music haunting their dreams.

I managed to stand up to the Devil's face, laugh at him than spat on his shoes, getting 40 home runs and freeing myself from his Hell.

The halcyon days of psychotic browser game design, one of the underground meme games. No, you didn't beat Christopher Robin, stop lying.

Llegué hasta el búho. Tristemente tuve que elegir entre conservar mi cordura o mi orgullo, y la primera vale más que la segunda. ¿Cuál era mi objetivo siquiera? Soy sólo un ser humano, ¿Cuál es siquiera el propósito de intentar desafiar a Dios? Vivimos en un universo infinito donde no somos más que una partícula en una mancha de polvo en un rincon arbitrario del universo, como humanos tenemos limitaciones, y una de ellas es nuestra incapacidad de equipararnos, entender y comunicarnos con seres divinos.

Pero a veces intentamos vencer nuestras limitaciones, por más impenetrables que puedan parecer. ¿Con qué fin? Ninguno, quizás. ¿Los propósitos existen como tal? ¿Tienen un peso inherente? Al final del día eventualmente nuestros cuerpos se van a pudrir y tendremos que enfrentarnos a lo que sea que haya tras el horizonte, y no sé qué es lo que podamos llevarnos al otro mundo. Pero tenemos un ego que, en nuestro corto paso por esta danza cósmica que llamamos vida, pide ser alimentado constantemente, y es lo esperable de un humano corriente y sano el no estar conforme con su vida y sus condiciones y querer algo más. Quizás este algo sea simplemente una luz a la distancia, inalcanzable a nuestra mano, pero ella nos llama. Ésta se aleja cada vez más, y nosotros cada vez con más fuerza intentamos agarrarla con el brazo.

A veces esa luz se ve como una pelota de beisbol.

what the fuck is this bro I cant even beat Eeyore

This is the 10th circle of hell. There are no refs. There are no fans. There is only Christopher Robin and his toys, you being one of them.

This is a game that was not created by human hands but by hatred itself. You could even say that this game defines the very concept of hatred. If you care at all for your safety please steer clear from this demonic game, nothing good will come from it.

playing this game decides whether or not you're a big baby or a man, defeating Christopher Robin determines if you truly are God himself

I love how adobe flash art scales. Gives everything made in it a kinda timeless look.