Reviews from

in the past

É um jogo interessante, tem uma trilha que é diferente e te prende, a história em si é simples mas consegue te manter seguindo em frente, só a gameplay que depois de um certo tempo se torna um pouco chatinha.

in this game, you are a roomba

the story All Our Asias tells is both fantastic and real, and places itself in the real world in a way most games are afraid to. on the other hand, i found a lot of the time spent with it sort of boring. either way, i now want to play all of han-tani's work

Really intriguing in terms of premise and look! Not necessarily a mind blowing narrative, but definitely worth thinking through and taking your time with :)

A quick narrative game that tells an interesting and thought-provoking story about identity. It's neat, free, and it won't take you long, like an hour and 30 minutes top, so give it a go if you're curious

A very interesting, strange, ethereal piece of speculative autofiction. I think the nature of its narrative has some particular synchronicities and some conflicts with the experience of actually playing through it. The interface it uses, an mix of buttons and screens that call to mind old computers, feels necessary to construct a stronger fourth wall than gaming typically has. The aesthetic too, calling back to the earliest kinds of 3D graphics, adds to that separation a bit. There’s so much distance here, between everyone and everything involved in this story — and maybe that’s the point.

Interesting story told through a great aesthetic. I don't think it really blew my mind, though.

What a beautiful game, even if it's rough around the edges and almost feels like a prototype for Anodyne 2. Just so beautiful

The problem with experimental visual novel-esque games like this is that theyre often just trying to make a 3D comic - the mechanics are obstacles in the way of making audio visual dioramas and are not part of the storytelling in any meaningful sense. The dev is a professor and teaches classes with projects like this and yet does not think thoughtfully about the most unique element of the medium.

A bit slow at times, but a meditative ambience. Interesting story, no real challenges to focus on. Good if you're looking for something a little more involved than a twine game.

An interesting walking---er, "hover" sim, even though it's very much a personal story I did find the game's overall message to be an interesting one and even understandable from an outsider's perspective and the dream world/dying memory vibes were on point. Short and sweet + it's free.

I'll be honest that I don't really know how to "review" narrative-games like this so I'll just say play it, it's like an hour long.


Very unique game that cleverly uses the video game medium to tell a personal story with dreamlike and evocative elements. I really appreciate games of this type, very short and designed as a very direct form of expression by individual authors who know how to create and open up a personal space for others to explore, and I think a lot can be learned on a human level from the kind of connection that can be established with works of this type.

It's okay. The environments look cool and it can be fun to explore and go through the areas, but the plot starts to feel confused as it goes from learning about your father in his memories to things involving Japanese politics and cultural identity which left me confused and didn't really care about by the end. It's a decent game but it's not the best from this studio.