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as a league of legends player and someone who plays way too many turn based RPGs this game was manufactured for me so its really good

Good RPG, unexpectedly Illaoi is the best character in the game.

Existem RPGs de turno melhores e que valem mais o seu tempo. Mas se tu é fã do lolzinho vale a pena dar uma experimentada. Não é ruim, só deixa a desejar de certa forma, esperava mais. As interações e a história são muito agradáveis, exploração é bem ruim assim como o quão pouco orgânico o mundo é. Os NPCs não mudam de diálogo de acordo com o seu personagem e isso pode gerar algumas coisas meio estranhas e tirar o sentido de algumas falas/conversas quebrando sua imersão. O sistema de Rotas é muito legal e sinceramente a melhor coisa da parte da mecânica, o que preocupa já que existem muitos sistemas.

Takes the things that makes turn-based RPGs great and puts them in a single package. Even with this though, its story and character do little early on to draw you in to entice you to keep playing. The aesthetic and animation are top-notch, they give it a unique feel. The addition of a Speed and Power lane along with effects occurring at certain points in the ATB are interesting. However, it can sometimes feel that you are fighting the ATB gauge rather than the actual creatures in the encounter. They've done a really good job to make every character fit a different use, which can make it a difficult choice who to put in your party. I had quite a few crashes but nothing that sets back progress too much. Due to the limited array of locations, there isn't a lot of variety in the places you visit.

Me parece flipante que de todas las putas empresas haya sido una IP de Riot la que me ha traido un juego con las sensibilidades tan marcadas de "seis chavales de distintas culturas acaban haciendose una gran familia para reventar a dios" tan propia de un JRPG.

La mayor baza del mundo de LoL es el tremendo carisma que chorrean sus personajes y aquí han pisado el acelerador, haciendo que choquen o que se desarrollen más (este juego ha hecho que me guste Illaoi) aunque me da mucha pena que los mejores eventos se los guarden para eventos del lol que acaban siendo una cosa super triste. Me hubiera gustado reventar a Viego con los centinelas de la luz en una secuela, pero Airship Syndicate ahora está con otra mierda distinta.

Cool game, fuck riot

PD: El diseño de Miss Fortune y Ahri son hot af, holy shit Joe Madureira que manitas que tienes.

Devo admitir que o jogo começa bem zzz mas vai ficando muito bom fora os personagens bem escritos pela riot deixando os dialogos e a historia muito boa (Braum melhor de todos) trilha sonora absurda mas é um jogo pra quem curte rpg por turno

Foi maravilhoso reecontrar os personagens do LOL em um jogo de turnos, o futuro para mim e o league, vai ser assim, investimento da riot em outros tipos de jogos vai ser maravilhoso, querendo ou nao fiquei bem apegado aos personagens do jogo original.

Platina bem tranquila, só tomar cuidado com um perdivel de bestiario, eles podiam ter caprichado na dificuldade tambem, depois de adquirir um certo level e a equipe Ahri, Yasuo e Braum fica tudo muito fácil.

Legends Of Runeterra turned me into a league lore simp. Anything I can get my hands on, that isn't main game league is pretty great in my opinion. This story does NOT disappoint, I was thoroughly invested from start to finish. Mostly in the stories of Miss Fortune and Illaoi which I think were intentionally at the forefront, but the other characters get good moments too.

Gameplay was surprisingly really fun too!

Por fin, el inmenso lore de League of Legends toma forma singleplayer en una obra coral, donde cada protagonista aporta algo diferente (con mayor o peor acierto) al mismo conflicto: La amenaza de las Islas de la Sombra.

Con apariciones estelares de otros personajes del juego y cameos menores, menciones a otros personajes y pistas al Universo de Runeterra, Ruined King se conforma con un juego para fans del LoL pero que, en realidad, cualquier entusiasta del rol por turnos puede disfrutar.

No es un RPG larguísimo pero da para unas cuantas decenas de horas a nada que te pares a explorar y a explotar el sistema de combate. Es un sistema complejo y sólido, pero que en pocos momentos, algún boss si acaso, te exige prestar atención a todas las mecánicas que se van añadiendo.

Tiene todo lo que se le puede pedir a un juego de rol y lo que hace bien, lo hace muy bien. No me ha gustado mucho que en muchos momentos la historia no termine de cumplir. Dan mucha anticipación a cosas que al final son un poco "meh" pero claro, dependerá de si el personaje central de ese momento es tu favorito en el LoL. Si es así, entonces disfrutarás x4.

En realidad esto me ha hecho desear que esta historia se trasladase a una serie de animación como la de Arcane más que una secuela pura y dura...

This is what the Ruination event should have been.
It is an amazing RPG game with great character interactions and an awesome addition to LoL's lore, but the lack of Yorick is unforgivable.
Btw, Joe Mad's art is amazing.

Es un WRPG sólido, los personajes y la historia son muy buenos si te mola el lol, el combate es interesante, el mundo está bien construido y cumple en cuanto a contenido opcional. Empecé el juego en veterano, y me ha parecido facilongo hasta llegar al jefe final, que me ha parecido un puto coñazo e injusto, así que me lo he pasado en normal. Hay más problemas, 2 de los 6 personajes jugables están un poco por llamar la atención, ya que sus arcos no están realmente relacionados con la historia principal; el juego tiene bastantes bugs, me he encontrado stuck en varias partes del mapeado, se me ha bugueado mucho la interfaz en combates y las barras de vida no se actualizan solas, lo que hace que tenga que actuar a ciegas sin saber cuánta vida tienen mis personajes. Mi mayor problema sobre todo es que las batallas se hacen muy largas e incluso tienen varias oleadas por la putísima cara. Ta bien si te gusta el lol pero si lo quieres jugar porque te molan los RPGS hay experiencias mejores.

darksiders genesis mas com o rei desnutrido

Fun story, fun mechanics, fun characters. Visually very nice to look at and good optimization. Very artsy landscapes and cutscenes. Definitely enjoyed that. The long walks to merchants, side quests, loot etc. were too much sometimes. Finished the main story, but am not motivated to 100% side quests or collectibles cause the travel can be really slow. League lore enjoyers get a nice treat and turn based strategy lovers have a decent game with a good amount of theorycrafting and building.

All around, nothing groundbreaking but I enjoyed it alot. Definitely worth to pick it up, especially on a sale.

bom jogo, melhor q o lol normal

awesome turn-based rpg. its combat system calls for a lot of strategic thought, and finding good character and move combos was a ton of fun. also, I really like the league universe but do not really enjoy league, so this was the perfect way to experience the world in a more enjoyable and meaningful way.

Jogo de lol que é muito melhor que lol

The game has been surprisingly amazing so far.
JRPG inspired structure and combat, but with a western flare - which is apparent from all the Quality of Life put into the JRPG formula, as Japan stick heavily to the old traditional way, but in this case, Airship Syndicate have made everything more convenient to intake, battles have a lot of mechanics that incentivise you to plan ahead instead for just the given turn unlike most JRPGs.
Strong narrative and extremely well realized environment, also beautiful and super cinematic sound design and top notch soundtrack. It's amazing that this is a product somehow remotely connected to League.

Even if you don't like League of Legends or haven't even played it, it's a perfect standalone title and a worthwhile RPG to try.

this holds up really good for being a riot ip game, and is one of the few turn based games i like. i think the lane system works really well and the large cast encouraging you to change your team around really adds to it. pyke is a lot overtuned if you go for a DoT build so keep that in mind.

Coge las bases del fantástico Battle Chasers: Nightwar y las transporta al universo LoL con una frescura inusitada.

- El sistema de mejoras, completamente alterable a lo largo de toda la aventura y con profundidad suficiente para crear muchas builds y sinergias distintas.
- Aunque a la historia principal le falte profundidad, el interés lo sostienen unos protagonistas con mucho carisma, gran diseño gráfico y un doblaje sobresaliente.
- Sus mazmorras están bien diseñadas, con muchos recovecos, puzzles e interesantes escritos diseminados por ellas.

- Demasiados combates consistentes en repetir ataques básicos una y otra vez.
- La dificultad disminuye demasiado rápido, especialmente con algunas habilidades de personajes mal balanceadas (Fortune puede carrilearse el juego si quiere).
- Algunos problemas de rendimiento, glitches y bugs, aunque nada que rompa demasiado el juego.

Amazing, love the redesigns of specifically Ahri and Miss Fortune. Gameplay is satisfying, amazing animation. Braum is best boy <3

I lost the interest on turn-based RPGs a long time ago, but I'm surprised Ruined King re-ignited it again. It's fast pace and stratigic style of gameplay made the genre a lot of fun to me, also the lore is magnificent. I'm only giving 4 stars because Riot Games/Forge keeps contradicting themselves in the story as a whole.

I love the direction they took with the gameplay and characters. Need to come back to finish this.

Quite enjoyable all the way through, loved the environments and the music, there's a lot of attention to detail and that's always nice. Combat is surprisingly deep (as can be).

It does have a lot of small bugs, nothing gamebreaking, at least for me, but just mild annoyances

Great if you love the lore, not sure how well it works if you dont.

A truly special game. I don't care about League of Legends, but I care about these characters. The gameplay is fun, both familiar and interestingly new, and the music is absolutely stellar.

great rpg with an amazing battle system and a stellar artstyle, only thing holding this game back for me is how long some random encounters can take, especially during the end with how frequent they can be.

Sí, este juego tiene bugs. Sí, este juego tiene demasiadas peleas y un sistema de experiencia que a veces gratifica poco


Este juego ha hecho que me guste Yasuo. Eso lo convierte en GOTY.

A bloated but largely enjoyable experience.

When boiled down to its combat mechanics, Ruined King does a great job at adding depth to the tried and tested turn-based combat. As the game progresses however, it fails to add anything new or exciting to the gameplay, meaning the many MANY combat encounters during the game's dungeons can start to become a little repetitive. This, combined with the somewhat scuffed dificulty curve, means you can pretty much autopilot your way through much of the second half of the game. Despite not having random encounters per say, the enemies run fast enough and have a wide enough hitbox that dodging any combat in the game is pretty tough.

Many of the environments start out as exciting places to explore, with lots of nooks and crannies offering minor but satisfying items of loot. By late-game, however, there is simply not enough variety. The game takes place between two main settings: Bilgewater, the scuzzy pirate town by the sea, and the Shadow Isles, which is basically one giant haunted island. Within each of these zones, outside of a few isolated rooms, it really felt like you were trawling through the same spots over and over.

This lack of identity, as well as the slightly complex layout of some zones (not in a bad way), meant that checking the map was a constant necessity. Most of this game's UI is hidden behind at least 2 menus, meaning constantly opening up the pause, fiddling around for a while, closing, and then immediately needing to reopen after you inevitively forget which exit you need to take, or that you needed to enchant an item you just equipped, or blah blah blah. This really did weigh down the general experience of the game. More hotkeys would have massively sped up navigation and equipment management.

Maybe this was a me-problem, but I found one team comp much more playable than any other, meaning I stuck with it for most of the second half of the game. This, compounded with the fact that the game's final act feels like it lasts for about half the game, especially when we keep getting little minor distractions as we're on our way to the final boss, really dragged the experience out for me.

I definitely liked this game, but I find it a lot more interesting to talk about what I didn't like than what I did. It's a gorgeous game, especially when we get the comic animation style during story events - genuinely wow moments. And the story itself is strong, and your band of characters are a really diverse group. They're all well written, with nice motivation to help the story trundle along. Plus it's always nice to see some of your favourite characters in a different genre and some creative license. And I really mean it when I say the combat is good, I just wish it required mastering to beat the game.

Remove some of the padding, speed the menus and UI up across the board, and this is easily a 4-star experience for me.

As someone not familiar at all with LoL lore, I really enjoyed this game. I'm sure there were nuggets I missed, but everything was well told and the cutscenes were very well done.

I thought the champions had good variety in playstyle. The systems were all well fleshed out and felt meaningful. Loved the art style, and loved all the storytelling elements sprinkled throughout the game.

Some downsides were I felt the settings felt a bit repetitive. Lots of "temples" and generally drab dungeon areas. Also felt that, even on Heroic, you always outpaced the game in terms of difficulty. Could've scaled a bit harder. Also felt the "5 quest tracking" limitation felt silly, and some quests didn't track well on the map when trying to figure out where to go next.

All in all a great experience, and hopefully there's another similar game to come!