Reviews from

in the past

this is the greatest game of all time

Short but fun. (You can beat the game in 1 hour)

a estética é linda infelizmente derrubada por uma gameplay fraca e tediosa com comandos deslizantes e ruins no geral
e tem mais um negocinho jogar isso em hardware oficial
esse jogo fica em 480p
ou seja nem as cutscenes que tinham tudo pra serem lindas
são destruidas pela qualidade baixissima que foram deixadas no jogo
e por ultimo localização porca que nem retirar os textos em japonês tira parece que foi feita as pressas(devido ao orçamento do jogo não duvido que realmente foi)
infelizmente muito potencial desperdiçado em um jogo ruim

Wanted to play this for a really long time and lowkey loved it. It defo isn't perfect, has frame rate issues in certain stages, but THE VIBEEEES!!! The only thing I'm mad about with this, is that we lack some tracks from the soundtrack on YouTube. And I take that personally, because the song right before the ending goes way too fucking hard and it is nowhere to be found on the internet.

The god damn animation in this drives me crazy. There is a shot where Ranko shoots her dad from a hotel window and the camera pans around her in 180° , before she slightly adjusts her violin-sniper, pulls out the fucking bow, rocks it on the strings and head-shots the guy. I was about to collect my jaw from the floor, but no, this game doesn't play and so he disintegrated into Mahjong pieces and the blood on the wall behind him was a fucking art piece.

Exactly what I mean with this game goes so fucking hard that you can overlook the sometimes a little stiff control scheme. It's fine and really fun, once you get the hang of it.
Even during gameplay do enemies explode in particle effects, chain their explosions into each other and fill your entire screen with graffiti-esque sticker designs.
Ranko Tsukigime's Longest Day is unstoppable, has the perfect length at about 50 minutes and still captivates me hours after completion. Play this, if you manage to grab a copy. Not even mad I payed as much as I did to get one honestly and it's also a blue-ray with the other 4 short peace films? I got my money worth for SURE!

This project has multiple elements I hate at once - aesthetics of group student art projects, shallow anime clichés with no substance beneath their veneer, and gameplay of Sonic the Hedgehog.

Ranko Tsukigime's Longest Day is one part of Short Peace, a multimedia collaboration that includes 4 short animated productions. The listing on the PS3's digital store includes a download of the movies to the system as part of the purchase, and they are the highlight of the package. Clocking in at a little over an hour, the four stories are disconnected in style and stories, but are all engaging. Possessions, the first of the set, was nominated for Best Animated Short at the 86th Academy Awards.

By comparison, Ranko Tsukigime's Longest Day feels like an embarrassment to be included in the same branding. Although its plot starts with the premise of a girl donning an evening gown to assassin snipe her father, that is a red herring. Quickly the game devolves into literal incoherence, introducing and dropping characters and scenarios by the minute. Every scenario exists as an excuse to draw something cool, whether its high school girls, dragons, yakuza bosses, sentai heroes, or luchador wrestlers. Such hollow, meaningless noise made me wince once I recognized that this was game design as pop-art portfolio exhibition, with no desire for meaning. I don't know what to make of the opening cutscenes having PSA ticker tape at the bottom of the screen apologizing that the gameplay hadn't started yet, because while I at first thought it a cheeky joke, by the end I felt like I had not been adequately prepared for how completely the "story" elements had wasted my time.

Speaking about the gameplay, it is pure left-to-right Sonic the Hedgehog running with boss fight mini-games. That is, the game is about running fast and gaining speed, and then putting obstacles in your way to stop you from doing so and have a bad time. You have no health bar, but instead are attempting to outrun an instant-death force chasing you from the left. Defeat enough enemies to charge a meter that can repel this instant death force temporarily. Each level is less than 2 minutes to run through, and 3 of the ten levels are boss fights, making the game fairly short and easy to finish, the only connection it has to the bundled animated shorts.

To the game's credit, there is an interesting mechanic where hit enemies explode into abstract art that can chain explosions upon other enemies that, in some circumstances, can create spears of exploded art that get stuck in walls, allowing you to jump on them to reach new paths and collectibles. Visually, this effect is fantastic, and if you play through the game completely skipping all the cutscenes, I think you'll have an ok time. The perspective of the camera is just fish-eyed enough that you'll bump your head trying some of the trickier platforming sections. I say trickier, but they'd be simple in another game that had more responsive controls and more finely tuned physics.

In my rating system, 2 stars represents an average, C rank game. I award Ranko Tsukigime's Longest Day a D rank with 1 star. As a multimedia project, it adds nothing to the superior films. As a standalone story, it is too worthless to warrant critically tearing apart. As an aesthetic, it is passable in the gameplay segments, but can get down-right ugly, (in ways that are obviously on purpose, (but still ugly)). As a game, I could only recommend it to people who really, really love Sonic the Hedgehog games and art projects that exist entirely for their own sake. But absolutely do not spend money on this.

This review contains spoilers

This Suda51 game has a Megamind dance party ending

I live for this shit. Finding the wild unexplainable nuggets in the corners of console libraries and game developer portfolios. This is such a confounding wonderful and honestly beautiful object, even tho it’s barely anything substantially.

Very strange game. Never really played anything like it before, theres so much anime stuff going on and by the end i got confused. Love how the cutscenes switch artstyles and theres some weird and goofy moments where theyre self aware of how weird this game is. Gameplay wise its a very simple runner game. The levels are cool and theres lots of replayability with getting all the secrets. Its very short and feels like it'd be perfect as a mobile game. Overall a fun little time waster with lots of replay value.

The story of Ranko Tsukigime, a high-school girl/assassin on a quest to kill her dad is very over-the-top. The anime cutscenes that bookend the platforming segments are lavishly animated, filled with all kinds of violence, fan service, power-of-female-friendship bonding bits, etc. It's honestly a tonally in line with what I've come to understand is Grasshopper Manufacturer's house-style.

Extravagant visuals & gonzo attitude carry the shallow platforming. Despite the rocky performance (it's a Unity game on the PS3 after all), the controls are responsive and the sense of speed is nice. Ranko has a projectile that cost meter, which can be refilled slowly or by hitting a chain of enemies.

The biggest issue is level-design; platforming is kept a bit too simplistic, even with Ranko's ability to wall jump and slide. The challenge mostly coming from the pursuer mechanic (if the people pursuing Ranko catch up to her, game over). The pursuers act as a sort of dynamic timer, forcing a hard restart of a level if a player can't optimize a specific segment. Much like in the 2D Sonic games, there are multiple paths through a level, but unlike Sonic the levels don't feel radically different depending on the part you're in.

Conceptually having to manage a meter-based projectile and speedy platforming is a slam-dunk, in practice the platforming never really takes advantage of all the mechanics on offer. A number of one-off stages (boss fights, a bullet hell segment) are nice distractions. Overall the game is mostly a roller-coaster ride.

The game is bundled with the anime compilation Short Peace, which actually had a theatrical run in the US & Japan. The film is comprised of 4 short films, each being very distinct in setting, tone, and story. I personally enjoyed the films more than the game.

Overall an intriguing PSN Store curiosity, and an obscure gem of a game.

may not be the most polished thing around but the sheer idea of producing something like this in any way is inherently endearing to me and the wow of it all helps me look past the rather dull game play segments which i wish carried it's mishmash experimental nature further into being a favorite. however i am happy with this and would gladly play anything that even vaguely approached the idea of making a game in this way at all

this game puts you in the mindset of just cutting through the bullshit, living in the moment and just having mindless fun and then hits you with That cutscene at the end and it just makes you go :)

one of those games that makes me feel like everyone working on it had a blast and that's always a good feeling

One of the stranger and unique collaborations in media released alongside a anthology anime film of the same name that includes a short by Katsuhiro Otomo (of Akira fame). Short Peace is a neat little action platformer albeit pretty simple given its short runtime of just over an hour long, but your mainly playing for the story written by Suda51 and the wildly blazing presentation where every cutscene is constantly changing styles.

A Wild ride!, While the runner style gameplay isn't addictive nor that fun for me personally, it's short enough not to become bothersome in long run and the interesting boss battles and scenarios make up bulk of the experience later...
The storytelling is on par with 2013's Killer is dead although personally some moments came bit flat voice acting wise and needed perhaps another take.
This segment is more concerning with localization but I wished there was option to adjust subtitles to remove black boxes or lower the transparency, and often the subtitles aren't timed correctly with the voices unfortunately.

This game still earns my recommendation for any suda51 fan or even gamers who are more curious on obscure side of things, just don't pay too much for a physical copy xd

what the fuck
that was based
i dont even need to write a review here, the games like an hour long
just play the thing for yourself and see what i mean

she do be super sonic racing though

It might've been Ranko's longest day but this shit is over in like 2 hours lmao.

I don't even know how to review this one honestly

Decided to play this to experience yet another Suda 51 game and actually bought the physical PS3 copy (not released in the Americas). This is a companion piece for an anime series collection for Short Peace.

The gameplay is fast-paced and has plenty of action, as well as excellent cutscenes and art direction featuring a modern Japanese setting. With that being said, the gameplay gets old fairly quickly despite the short nature of the game.

The game that came with the Short Peace collection. Each cutscene is directed by different people and the game by Suda 51 so the tone shifts wildly. I can't tell if it's lampooning anime trash or celebrating it. Game part sucks though.

This would go so hard on

Full Review:
The strangest thing on the Playstation Store. It lacks coherence, cohesion, and consistency, it is the most experience.

O poeta é um fingidor. Finge tão completamente. Que chega a fingir que é dor. A dor que deveras sente.

Suda definitely made this game on acid.

Glad I finally checked this little thing out, what a cool experience. The cutscenes are energetic and well-directed/performed, the platforming is fun albeit shallow - it's basically one of those runner-type games, and overall the game is a visual treat. It definitely has that Suda51 style to it. Admittedly, this is a game built more out of novelty and style than depth, but that's perfectly OK in my opinion since it's only hour long. Jump in, get a nonstop stream of fresh ideas, and jump out. And it comes with a bunch of short films too.