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in the past

what if half life 1 tram ride was a survival crafter

What would happen if Gordon Freeman never showd up at Black Mesa, and the facility's staff were left alone?

Abiotic Factor is a masterpiece. I've been generally opposed to the survival craft genre — I believe it is largely made up of anti-game mechanics, that is to say, the player is actively punished for engaging with its system, and overall lacking depth beyond convulated mechanics. However, this game revolutionizes the genre by meticulous perfection and purpose. Everything works, and it works well. Not only that, virtually everything has purpose to some extent or another, beyond the odd easter egg or decoration, and you are never punished for exploring, progressing, crafting, and so on.

While fighting off aliens, cosmic horrors, and deranged soldiers in a fallen apart office space, the game somehow pulls off being comfy. There is something deeply relaxing about scavenging for office supplies like paper and staplers while being chased by horrors beyond one's imagination.

Lastly, the story and the way it's told is great. The perfect mix of dialogue, audiologs, text, and more to tell a really interesting story about Definitely-Not-Black-Mesa.

You'd be stupid to not play this.

A good direction for a survival game

It has all your survival game tropes (hunger, thirst, sleeping, even shitting) but with the twist of gating your progression through the labyrinth style environment by following plot objectives. Most the time, you will find the objectives being "go to the new area and farm a new resource that was not available to you previously" which can be quite boring, but thinking strategically about how to transport all those supplies more efficiently is what this game takes full advantage of. You are given multiple methods of transportation, but mixed in with multi-base building, you can find a strategy that worked perfectly with one group of friends, but then an even more efficient location to base with the next group.

The game is early access, so I played all the available content, and I probably wouldn't return until they added a substantial amount of new content or outright finished the game. Polish is nice, but would not warrant a replay in its current state.

Medium. No significant story or content spoilers. This review is content-accurate as of 5/17/24, this game is currently in early access. This review focuses more on technical details for those interested in playing. I did not progress past the Manufacturing sector whilst writing this review, but I won't touch on it in this review.

For anyone looking to play the game, I recommend looking at some settings to tinker with. First of all, the game defaults to using TSR at a 25% resolution scaling factor. This doesn't look terrible, but it can increase the frequency of visual artifacts that some players may find distracting. Turning this up should alleviate many issues you could get from scaling, but will reduce performance. I do recommend using TSR since it does look very, very good for an upscaler. I would not recommend FSR over TSR, and I do not believe DLSS is an option in this game as of now.

If you're running an older graphics card, or a graphics card that is a little weaker, I would recommend turning the Global Illumination, Shadows and Reflections settings down, as the "Epic" setting uses UE5's Lumen technology to produce an effect that is not much different from ray-tracing, only in software. I am unsure if this game uses any hardware accelerated ray-tracing, but I think it is a software implementation. Regardless, these settings should affect your performance the most, aside from resolution scaling. Some people have reported a method to help optimize lighting even further by tinkering with engine.ini files, but I did not do this.

On my setup, I can achieve a stable 120-165 frames per second using Epic on all settings at 75% (of 1440p) resolution scaling. I am using an RX 6800 and a Ryzen 9 5900x with 32gb of RAM. Some users have reported stutters occuring between some locations, but I have not experienced any. Overall, this game runs well, but older systems may struggle with some effects.

Abiotic Factor defied my expectations, even knowing I was to expect a survival game within a setting that intentionally calls back to the Black Mesa facilities of Half-Life. Everything from the enemies, to the character design, and the setting which is an underground research facility within a red-colored rocky locale. Saying that Abiotic Factor is taking a lot of inspiration from Half-Life would be a significant understatement. This makes it incredibly fun for someone like me, someone who does quite enjoy the franchise, to play something like this, it has a sort of comfortable vibe despite everything going on. The visual makeup of the game retains a similar (albeit higher) level of detail that the original Half-Life games in terms of textures, but is otherwise using fairly advanced lighting technology that I think looks really good overall.

The game begins with you creating a character. Don't try to get it perfect! You can change your character's appearance any time you want after this tutorial, which sees you being driven to the facility, situated in the middle of nowhere. Once you talk to the security guard, and get your badge, you're then walked through basic mechanics, things you will essentially be doing for much of, if not, the entire game. This tutorial is nice and short, and I think covers enough ground to get you situated into the rest of the game.

Upon completion of the tutorial you're brought to the main menu, and are able to start a new game. There appear to be a lot of elements you can change to make it easier or harder or maybe just different, which is nice. Once making a new save, you are asked to select a "job" and then follow up with traits and points you can allocate for traits, much like Project Zomboid. This seems quite generous, and it is, but a couple of things is that you absolutely must take Wrinkly Brainmeat, which increases your XP gains by 20%, and if you're playing in multiplayer, I think specializing is good. 20% XP gain doesn't sound like much, but some traits that you want to level up as much as possible can take a very long time, and any time saved on that can be a lifesaver. You can have friends specialize in things such as cooking, or combat, so on and so forth, to make the experience more dynamic for everyone playing. It's best to do this with the jobs at your disposal. Dying in this game (at least with default settings)

Starting a game, you may notice a couple of red flags. Your very first task is to talk to a scientist and get your first objective. Why would an open-ended survival game have you getting objectives to complete? Thankfully, these objectives don't necessarily have to be completed within a linear fashion, and, although direct, I feel that this functions in a similar way to The Forest, in which these objectives are simply allowing the player to open the world up to them in segments, and are not the hallmarks of a linear story progression. Regardless, right around the time you craft your first Energy Brick, the game will open up quite substantially, allowing you the freedom to explore the facility, talk to more NPCs, discover new things, and set up your living space for the time being. As in any survival game, you must pay attention to your human needs. Many of these are straightforward, gotta eat, sleep, drink, and in this game you also occasionally need to use the restroom with a little minigame attached to it. Fun! Lastly, you are encouraged to enter the Portal Worlds (one time required, at least), which are worlds that have a complete setting change, and differs in many ways!

I do feel that, at the moment, some of these elements of the game feel more like an afterthought than a mechanic that is engaging. For example, the Strength stat gives you the bonus of being able to properly wield heavy weapons, by carrying over capacity. Grinding this stat was incredibly frustrating, forcing me to run around very encumbered, not being able to collect as many resources as I'd like, in order to use a few weapons. I think that having this upgrade would make more sense for a separate stat or a separate method of upgrading, but some of these bonuses feel somewhat random. Another aspect I feel wears the game down a bit is the awkward combat, a couple of enemies (notably the Peccary) almost have instant attacks that occur, and can be punishing without feeling like a player would have deserved it. This continues to occur with many later enemies, but I think it is at least helped by the fact that you can get much better defensive equipment.

Abiotic Factor is a really fun time. I fully expected this game to be a mostly-joke title, but I found myself a game that I am enjoying and will continue to do so until I have seeped out everything I can out of it. While this game does have a couple issues, I think they could get ironed out by release. Single player is fun, but multiplayer is even more fun. I recommend this game to anyone, or any group, looking for a silly little survival game where you roleplay as HL1 scientists doing... whatever it is they do.

Stumble upon this game a year back when I played the first play-test, I was already interested but then, the demo appeared a few months later and I was absolutely hooked. Now that it's finally here I'm finally glad to see it was worth the wait.
Not everyday you get a interesting/creative take on the survival-craft genre that's a mix of Half-Life 1, SCP Foundation and tiny bit of cosmic horror into the mix that brings out the nerd out of people (literally) that love this kind of stuff (myself included).

It is a bit on the pseudo-linear side of things that has you constantly progress through each zone as you build bases in order to fight out the "experimental lab-grown" horrors that await you during the day (and mostly night) but you'll be left with many tools/options at your disposal, and you'll need it. You're a nerd with nothing but your brain power to get you out of sticky situations. Right off the bat, the game will point out how laughably weak and feeble you are and only through progression your character will start to adapt to their surroundings, the more you do the same activity (like using a gun, your accuracy will improve the more you shoot it). Do know, if you choose to backtrack at previous locations you'll be happy to known your old bases will still be there. Adhere you go alone or with friends, with MANY tweakable options to shape how (difficult) you want to play, the game is insanely fun and although it's a early access game, you'll find yourself with a hefty amount of content to go through.

Based on the actions, passion and commitment the creator/devs has for Abiotic Factor, it seems like they're in it for the long haul for this game's development given, the fact they're pretty adamant on receiving feedback and bug reports through their community server/in-game reports and issuing hot-fixes shortly after. It's a nice sight to see devs that are close in tune with their community. Personally, I don't mind the price and current state this game is in. I say, give this game a try, it's really fun.

150+ hours in and there's one thing I can safely say about this game that's misleading....
It's missing a horror tag in the game's description. T-T

Extremely cozy game. Obviously Half-Life 1 inspired. What if you played the scientist team and had to survive with your wits instead of your inexplicably amazing way with guns?

I'm generally anti-survival-crafter because they mostly seem to be about stripping the environment of trees and rocks and shit and building an extremely ugly-looking box house. This game recontextualizes that behavior into strip-mining an office complex to build little hovel-apartments to support your work exploring each zone. As a result it feels like the intermediary period between the start of the cascade and when you as Gordon Freeman run into some scientist guy huddled in a corner behind a makeshift barricade going "please help me!!!"

The other thing I super love about it is that so much of your time is about exploring a specific path until that path eventually loops back into the main "unlocked" part of your run. There's five billion shortcuts per area, all bespoke, all uncovered by digging through every nook and cranny. It's extremely rewarding to just wander around and get lost and follow some arbitrary path because it'll give you resources AND open up new parts of the level.

Brilliant stuff. Palworld could never.

Amazing game, so fun, I can't wait for more updates. Will be playing as soon as new content drops.

I love when indie devs know how to actually make videogames

Abiotic Factor is an exciting addition to survival games, seamlessly blending scientific research with intense, clever gameplay. From the moment you immerse yourself in its wonderfully crafted world, you encounter a fascinating and immersive environment, drawing you into its complex story and very packed environment.

The game's graphics are nothing short of stunning. Every detail, from the lush, diverse ecosystems to the meticulously crafted lab environments, showcases the developers' commitment to creating a visually engaging experience. The dynamic lighting further enhance the realism, making you feel as though you are truly navigating through a living, breathing Facility. The sound design, with its subtle environmental cues and hauntingly beautiful soundtrack, perfectly complements the visual elements, adding an extra layer of immersion that keeps you on the edge of your seat.

Abiotic Factor excels in its gameplay mechanics, presenting a great stability among exploration, aid control, and survival tactics. The crafting is intuitive yet deep, allowing you to create a wide array of tools and gadget crucial to your survival. The game's strategic elements require you to think critically in each decision you need to take, whether it’s handling your assets, planning expeditions, or defending against the myriad threats you come upon.

The science aspect of the game is particularly interesting. As you unlock the mysteries of the world around you, you are encouraged to do research, explore discoveries and overcome challenges with your knowledge. This educational style not only adds depth to the gameplay but is incredibly useful as you progress.

The story of Abiotic Factor is well-woven and keeps you engaged from start to finish. The characters you meet along the journey are well developed, each with their own backstory and personalities that add layers to the overall story. The story unfolds through carefully crafted events, ensuring that you are always invested in the outcome.

The multiplayer aspect of Abiotic Factor is a standout feature, providing a cohesive experience that optimizes replayability. Tackling the game’s challenges together with friends adds a whole new dimension to the gameplay. The coop mechanics are well-implemented, requiring effective communication and teamwork, resulting in an incredibly satisfying experience for many players.

Abiotic Factor is a masterpiece of survival games (i mean it). It combines stylistic graphics, an immersive sound design, exciting gameplay mechanics, and a compelling story to create a compelling and highly rewarding experience Whether you are a fan of survival games or you’re new to the genre, Abiotic Factor promises hours of amazing play that will keep you coming back for more. This game is a must have and sets a new standard for what a survival game can do and i can't wait to get back into the game once the summer update comes out.

𝟕,𝟒/𝟏𝟎📜 (𝐄𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐲 𝐀𝐜𝐜𝐞𝐬𝐬)
«𝘈 𝘳𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘦𝘹𝘢𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦 𝘰𝘧 𝘢 `𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮 𝘨𝘢𝘮𝘦` 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘵𝘳𝘶𝘦, 𝘣𝘶𝘵 𝘴𝘰 𝘧𝘢𝘳 𝘰𝘯𝘭𝘺 𝘤𝘰𝘯𝘤𝘦𝘱𝘵𝘶𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 - 𝘐 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦 𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘺 𝘢𝘤𝘤𝘦𝘴𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘦𝘭𝘱 𝘳𝘦𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘮𝘦𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘪𝘤𝘴, 𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥𝘴, 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘣𝘦𝘴𝘵 𝘮𝘶𝘭𝘵𝘪𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘹 𝘪𝘯 𝘢 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘷𝘪𝘷𝘢𝘭 𝘸𝘳𝘢𝘱»

I don't know much about survival games, I’ve only played a couple of them, and I won’t pretend to be an expert and won`t try to compare to other games, the main thing I want to convey with my review is that we have a real dream game here,
I think you already understand that in spirit and general style this is a parody game, and so far unique in its own way, although every enemy,
Moreover, this game is a reference not only to Half-Life, there is far more than one world, the game promises a whole multiverse journey,
In my opinion, any self-respecting gamer should turn his attention to "Abiotic Factor", especially since it`s also a rare good co-op game (up to 6 people) for you and your friends, then I will try to describe the main points of the gameplay and tell , what worked, and what's not so good yet,

When I first saw the demo at one of the Steam festivals,I actually thought this was the first co-op immersive simulator (like System Shock), albeit an ordinary survival game, but in a closed space - this in itself is quite unique, and a little disorienting for the player wtf I’m in Black Mesa, I need to go further, but they don’t give straightforward instructions,
So, in reality, all the main tasks are quite linear, you need to craft some item, and you can definitely craft it if you poke all the items on the map, something else is dropped by dismembering defeated NPCs with a knife, and already opened recipes can be shared with players around.. oh, exactly, you will not get access to the recipe until you play a mini-game - guess what it should be crafted from from the proposed options, but you don’t have to think much there, you just poke at random until everything matches, I don’t think anyone thinks.
And another very important point on the topic, there are sockets scattered throughout all the locations to which you can connect a workbench, because without it you won’t be able to craft any complex devices, you can also connect a refrigerator, stove, etc., but it’s not clear why the sockets are almost on Every step of the way, even in the most desolate corners, you may think that one socket is not enough, but a pilot splitter will quickly become available to you - and from one you will have essentially an infinite number of sockets in one place, the only thing that there is mobile equipment - these are portable traps with a saw (yes, again like in HL2) or electricity, which you can connect near the battle site and lure the enemy to them, and this also makes it possible to build yourself a base right in any place of the game (an upgraded workbench, btw takes things for crafting from the nearest loot boxes). And the sockets don’t always work, they decided to take this idea further, adding the time of day, at night we have a “blackout” - a complete power outage, accordingly, we need more lighting, and robotic guards come out to hunt, but you can still use the workbench, if you remember to charge the battery, you can connect devices to it like a power outlet. And there are also rechargeable tools, like a flashlight or a vacuum cleaner for "headcrabs", and they require special stations, which are also scattered throughout the game, but, alas, not so often, and you can forget where you left your "fire hammer", while wandering around another floor.

The complex itself has many shortcuts, and.. let's just say that the significant area of ​​action is quite mobile, you can clear all locations, but it`s like in any open world, new doors open from all sides, and you still have to go through the same places 100 times, but only if you craft keys for transportation hubs (yes, there are trolleys here) and key cards of the required access level. There is already transport here, the very first one is a chair) and loaders, while in the early version there is no point in discussing this, well, it exists, dot, there are big roads for it, but there are no sections where it is directly needed, you have to run on foot every time that's OK too. The same goes for the plot, there is a lot of graphomania in the notes, but this is all a conditional plot, it`s not reflected in the story mission in any way, and I didn`t notice anything unique that I had not read in other games about experiments. Gardening in the game seems to be also basic, but differs only in the cultivation of alien plants that emit neon lighting. The platforming in the game is not as crooked as in "Raft", it is just more tricky, we have alien trampolines and makeshift bridges, and usually getting to the top is not difficult.
And it’s also difficult to talk about the crooked impact of weapons, definitely don’t come here for a shooter, I didn’t have any problems with firearms, it’s nice to shoot from the hip, for example, but to reach a powerful one you need to upgrade your accuracy almost the entire game, but shooting from an handmade weapon, of course, was very painful, but visually a disk shooter, or a crossbow that shoots ballpoint pens is cool,
Moreover, there is another funny concept included here, we are not the heroic Gordon Freeman, our characters are ordinary scientists, and they feel like that! Like elderly but very inventive grandfathers, at skill level 1, your sight will wobble even on a target 2 meters away from you, in hand-to-hand combat with “chair legs” we also barely hit, and our legs break even from falling from a high ledge at 1 meter, not to mention other “survival” things like you have to sleep and poop here, the second is very rare, but if you can’t stand it, or step into dirty water, your poisoning level will increase and you will transfer the curse to your teammates, periodically vomiting in all directions (btw enemies can also be infected with vomit). In general, it’s a pretty hardcore game, you won’t be able to just roll into someone else’s server without experience, teammate can only revive you once, if you don’t use a syringe first aid kit (portable healing suitcase is the best), then the second time you’ll die, and oh shit here wee go again, you will have to go after your loot, Although there are very conditional things, e.g. everything except a high-quality firearm can be repaired with Duct Tape! Ye, Scotch solves all problems, this resource lying around on every corner, and there is also currency in the form of money, it doesn`t take up space in the inventory, and allows you to buy food or drinks at the nearest vending machines (the supply is endless) if you can't bear it.
It's a shame that there is no specific co-op interaction with teammates, other than transferring something or healing, you can only choose a "conditional class", when you first join someone's world, you can give yourself a little more power, or take a faster cooking skill, and you can also optionally apply negative effects to yourself, and take additional useful skills due to this, but this doesn`t greatly affect the game, there is passive upgrading depending on your actions, like the more you run, the greater the sprint skill, and you will still get what you need,
But the main “hardcore” disadvantage of early access so far is the number of enemies, every skirmish even with a small annoying jumper, even if you have normal weapons, is a small test, and running away is also not so easy, living creatures can chase you right up to your base (therefore it is better to build in a hard-to-reach place, but sometimes there will still be “raids”), they respawn as soon as you leave the sector for 10 minutes, sometimes different types of enemies bump into each other, but they are very “locked” on you, and they are not slowed down by your shots in any way (except for the initial vortigaunt for some reason), although "Grounded" game also did the same, thus they probably artificially lengthen farming times in survival games,
Although there is already plenty of content here, about 40-50 hours, and now... to the most interesting, to the cherry on the cake, what personally interested me most - portals to other worlds, these are linear levels in which there is a dangerous environment from which we can exit at any time through a return portal, or we can collect all the “story” components, or switch all the levers, and unlock the portal at the other end, leading back to the base, but to a previously inaccessible area ,or to a previously unavailable crafting component,
So, the first world is absolutely gorgeous, it also refers to a world-famous game, about the same years as HL, introduces a little stealth, and it’s simply surprising, because at first I didn’t know what to expect from the game, but the next dimensions already made me disappointed, while there are 6 of them, they can hardly be called references to other games (well, if you don’t take into account the SCP section from the ordinary world), there is nothing interesting in their gameplay, just such basic ideas of worlds (and regular Xen is also there), which spoils the “dream gaming” a little, I thought that the developers were ready for experiments - so do something crazy in the portals, aren’t there really enough well-known franchises? it would have helped the PR of the game a lot, everyone would be clipping Tik Toks: "I ended up in Kojima’s “Metal Gear” in survival game or something like that".. But it turned out that other worlds are just a small addition to the main gameplay.

If you look at the road map of the project, there are “Napoleonic” plans with a dozen more different compartments-laboratories (including an underwater one),
The concept of an endless secret research base itself is very cool - I don’t argue, I was inspired by it myself, but along with this comes "monotony".. sooner or later these endless corridors get boring, no matter how cool you do everything technically, in 2024 even “Black Mesa” is boring to play, while “Abiotic” still lacks visual uniqueness and elaboration, a parody is a parody, but it must have some of its own unforgettable charm, so I have slight concerns about the full version; It would be better to concentrate not in quantity, but in quality, releasing all the creative energy into crazy multiverse worlds, although they also promise quite a few of them, but someone is the opposite will appreciate the current approach of the developers for the plenty of “farming” content, which is difficult to argue with, future plans are impressive,
By the way, in the current initial version the game is still wildly crooked, there is not enough smoothness in the mechanics (I already wrote about weapons), there are many bugs and connection problems,
For example, last year’s co-op “The Outlast Trials” from a richer studio came out almost finished, and right away it was very cool, everything polished - it was a thrill, I was surprised by the early access and thought what else could be improved, but in the end nothing radical changed) But now, on the contrary, I look at the “Abiotic Factor” and its future updates with caution, because I see enormous potential, but we need more madness, developers, don’t be afraid, you don’t have some super rich daddy-publisher, you are most likely doing what brings you pleasure, nothing is holding you back, go beyond all sorts of boundaries, add things to the game that “sterile” large studios would never do, experiment while you are in early access so as not to miss the opportunity to make a masterpiece for all time, although for me personally the game is already significant..

p.s. The original avatar of the game, which was before the release, was much more stylish, although it was very reminiscent of HL, but so what.
p.p.s. I wonder if the Stalker stealing things is a reference to the game "Chernobylite"?

😊 𝗦𝘂𝗯 𝘁𝗼 𝗺𝘆 𝗦𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗺`𝘀 𝗖𝘂𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗼𝗿`𝘀 𝗽𝗮𝗴𝗲:
Я не разбираюсь в играх жанра "выживание", прошёл всего пару штук, и не буду строить из себя эксперта и пытаться сравнивать, главное, что я хочу передать своим обзором - что тут у нас прям dream game (игра мечты),
Думаю вы уже поняли, что по духу и общему стилю это - игра-пародия, причём пока что уникальная в своём роде, хотя каждый противник, и даже их последовательность, подчистую копируются из знаменитой игры Valve,
При этом это игра-отсылка не только на Халф-лайф, тут далеко не один мир, игра обещает целое мультивселенское путешествие,
По моему мнению, любой уважающий себя гей мер должен обратить своё внимание на "Abiotic Factor", тем более, что это ещё и редкая годная кооп игра (до 6 человек) для вас и ваших друзьяшек, дальше я постараюсь описать основные моменты геймплея и расскажу, что получилось, а что ещё не очень,

В общем, когда я только увидел демку на одном из фестивалей Steam, я вообще подумал, что это кооперативный иммёрсив сим (типо Систем Шока), хотя и обычный выживач, но в закрытом пространстве - это уже само по себе достаточно уникально и немного дезориентирует игрока чзх я в Блек Мезе, надо пройти дальше, но прямолинейных инструкций не дают,
Так вот, на деле же все основные задания вполне линейные, вам надо скрафтить какой-то предмет, а скрафтить вы точно сможете, если перетыкаете все предметы на карте, почти за каждый ещё ранее не найденный предмет у вас появляются новые идеи рецептов, ещё что-то дропается путём расчленения поверженных NPC ножичком, а уже открытыми рецептами можно делиться с игроками вокруг.. а точняк, вы не получите доступ к рецепту, пока не сыграете в мини-игру - угадай, из чего из предложенного оно собирается, но там можно особо не думать, просто рандомно тыкаете, пока всё не совпадёт, я думаю никто и не думает.
И ещё очень важный момент по теме, по всем локациям раскиданы розетки, к которым вы можете подключить верстак, ведь без него вы не скрафтите какие-то сложные рецепты, также можно подключать холодильник, плиту, и прочее, но непонятно зачем розетки прям почти на каждом шагу, даже в самых пустынных уголках, вы можете подумать, что 1-ой не хватит, но вам быстро станет доступен пилот-разветвитель - и из одной у вас получится по сути бесконечное кол-во розеток в одном месте, единственное, что есть из мобильного снаряжения - это переносные ловушки с пилой (да, опять как в Халф-лайф 2) или электричеством, которые вы можете подключить рядом с местом сражения и заманить к ним врага, ну и также это даёт возможность построить себе базу прям в любом месте игры (прокачанный верстак, кстати, подтягивает вещи из ваших рядом лежащих ящиков с лутом). Розетки работают не всегда, тут решили пойти с этой идеей дальше, добавили время суток, ночью у нас "блекаут" - полное отключение электрчиества, соответственно, нужно больше освещения, и на охоту выходят роботы-стражи, но пользоваться верстаком вы всё равно сможете, если будете не забывать заряжать аккумулятор, подключая к нему приборы, как к розетке, И есть ещё заряжаемые инструменты, типо фонарика или пылесоса для "хэдкрабов", но для них нужны специальных станции, которые тоже раскиданы по всей игре, но, увы, не так часто, и можно забыть, где ты оставил свой "огненный молот", пока бродишь по другому этажу.

Сам же "блекмезовый" комплекс имеет множество шорткатов и.. скажем так, значимая область действий достаточно подвижная, вы можете зачистить все локации, но по сути это как и в любом опен ворлде, новые двери открываются со всех сторон, и вам всё равно надо будет проходить по тем же местам по 100 раз, только если вы ключи транспортных узлов (да, тут есть вагонетки) и ключ-карты нужного уровня скрафтите ещё. Уже присутствует транспорт, самый первый - это стул) ну и машины погрузочных работ, пока в ранней версии обсуждать это нет смысла, ну транспорт есть и есть, для него есть большие дороги, но нету секций, где он прям необходим, пешочком каждый раз бегать тоже норм. Тоже самое о сюжете, очень много графомании в записках, но это всё условный сюжет, он никак не отражается в заданиях, а чего-то уникального, чего бы я не читал в других играх про эксперименты я не заметил. Садоводство в игре вроде тоже базовое, ну отличается только выращиванием инопланетных растений, излучающих неоновую подсветку. Платформинг в игре не такой кривой, как в "Raft", он просто более хитрый, у нас есть инопланетные батуты и самодельные мосты, и обычно забраться куда-то наверх не составляет труда. И также сложно пока обсуждать кривоватый импакт от оружия, за шутером сюда точно не ходите, с огнестрелом у меня не было проблем, приятно стрелять от бедра, например, но до мощных пушек надо чуть ли не всю игру точность прокачивать, а вот обычными "самопалками" стрелять, конечно, было очень больно, но визуально, дискострел, или арбалет, стреляющий шариковыми ручками - это прикольно,
Причём тут заложена ещё одна забавная концепция, мы не героический Гордон Фримен, наши персонажи - обычные учёные, и, они так и ощущаются! Как пожилые но очень изобретательные деды, на 1 уровне навыков ваш прицел будет шатать даже на цели, находящейся в 2 метрах от вас, в рукопашке "ножками от стульев" мы бьём тоже еле-еле, а наши ножки ломаются даже от падения с уступа высотой в 1 метр, не говоря уже о других "выживальных" вещах типо тут надо спать и какать, второе очень редко, но если вы не стерпите, или ступанёте в грязную водичку, у вас вырастет уровень отравления и вы будете переносить проклятие на своих тиммейтов, периодически блюя во все стороны (кстати врагов также можно заразить блевотой). В общем, достаточно хардкорная тема, просто так вкатиться в чужую катку без опыта не получится, у вас ещё всего 1 шанс поднимания напарником, если не используете шприц-аптечку (самая имба - это переносной хил-чемодан), то второй раз вы уже умрёте окончательно и ah shit here we go again.. придётся пёхать за своим лутом, хотя есть и очень условные штуки, например, всё, что угодно, кроме находибильного огнестрела, можно чинить Изолентой! Да да, скотч универсальное средство ремонта буквально, и валяется ресурс на каждом углу, а ещё есть валюта в виде денег, она не занимает места в инвентаре, и позволяет купить еды или напитков в ближайшем вендинговом автомате (запас бексонечен), если вам невмоготу.
Обидно, что нет какого-то конкретного кооп-взаимодействия с тиммейтами, кроме как передачи чего-то или лечения, можно только выбрать "условный класс", когда вы в первый раз присоединяетесь в чей-то мир, вы можете чуть больше себе силы, или более быстрый навык готовки взять, а также опционально можно навесить на себя негативные эффекты, и ещё дополнительных полезных навыков взять за счёт этого, но это не сильно вляиет на игру, тут пассивная прокачка в зависимости от ваших действий, типо - чем больше бегаете, тем больше навык спринта, и вы всё равно докачаете то, что вам будет необходимо,
Но вот главный "хардкорный" минус раннего доступа пока что, это - количество врагов, каждая стычка даже с мелким бесячим прыгуном, даже если у вас норм оружие - это небольшое испытание, а убежать тоже не так то просто, живность может преследовать вас вплоть до вашей базы (поэтому лучше стройте её в недоступном месте, но даже так иногда будут "рейды"), они переспауниваются, как только вы уйдёте из сектора на 10 минут, иногда разные типы врагов наталкиваются друг на друга, но на вас "lock" у них очень сильный, и их никак не затормаживают ваши выстрелы (кроме начального вортигона почемут), хотя и "Grounded" так делала, тем самым, наверное, искусственно в выживалках растягивают время фарма,
Хотя контента тут уже предостаточно, часов на 40-50, и сейчас.. к самому интересному, к вишенке на торте, что лично меня больше всего интересовало - Порталы в другие миры, они представляют из себя линейные уровни, в которых присутствует по-разному опасная среда, из которых мы можем в любой момент выйти обратным порталом, а можем собрать все "сюжетные" компоненты, или переключить все рычаги, и разблокировать портал на другом конце, ведущий обратно на базу, но в раннее недоступную область, или к ранее недоступному компоненту Крафта,
Так вот, первый мир прям шикарен, также отсылается на всемирно известную игру, примерно тех же лет, что и Халфа, вводит немного стелса, и вообще удивляет, я же ещё не знал поначалу, чего ждать от игры, но вот последующие измерения меня уже разочаровали, пока их тут 6, отсылками на другие игры их можно назвать только с огромной натяжкой (ну если не брать в расчёт SCP-секцию из обычного мира), геймплейно интересного в них ничего нет, просто такие базовые идеи мирков (и обычный Xen тоже есть), что немного портит "дрим геймность", я думал, что разрабы готовы к экспериментам - так сделайте в порталах что-то безумное, неужели мало известных франшиз? Это бы и пиару игры очень сильно помогло, все бы тик токи снимали: я попал там в кодзимовский "Метал гир" в выживаче или тип того.. а получилось лишь просто небольшое разнообразие основного геймплея,

Если вы посмотрите на дорожную карту проекта, то там "наполеоновские" планы с ещё десятком разнообразных отсеков-лабораторий (включая подводную), Сам по себе Концепт бесконечной секретной исследовательской базы очень крут - не спорю, сам ей вдохновлялся, но прицепом идёт и однообразие, рано или поздно эти бесконечные коридоры вгоняют в уныние, как бы круто вы всё технически не сделали, в 2024 году даже в "Black Mesa" играть скучно, в "Абиотике" же пока и визуальной уникальности и проработанности не хватает, пародия пародией, но должен быть свой запоминающейся шарм какой-то, поэтому у меня небольшие опасения по поводу полной версии, лучше бы сконцентрировались не в количество, а в качество, пустив всю творческую энергетику в безумные мультивселенские миры, хотя их тоже обещают не мало, но кто-то наоборот оценит текущий подход разрабов за обилие "фармильного" контента, с чем сложно спорить, будущие планы впечатляют,
Кстати, в текущей то первоначальной версии игра ещё дико кривая, не хватает плавности в механиках (про оружие уже писал), много багов и проблем с соединением,
Например, прошлогодний кооперативчик "The Outlast Trials" от более богатой студии выходил уже почти законченным, и там прям сразу очень круто всё доработанно было - кайф, я удивлялся раннему доступу и гадал что же ещё будет, в итоге - ничего кардинально и не добавили) А вот на "Абиотик Фактор" и его будушие апдейты я наоборот смотрю настороженно, ибо вижу огроменный потенциал, нужно больше безумия, разрабы, не бойтесь, у вас не какой-то супер богатый папочка-издатель, вы делаете, скорее всего то, от чего кайфуете, вас ничего не сдерживает, выйдите за всевозможные рамки, добавьте в игру такие вещи, которые бы никогда не сделали "стерильные" крупные студии, экспериментируйте, пока вы в раннем доступе, чтобы не профукать возможность сделать шедевр на все времена, хотя одной из самых значимых игр этого года лично для меня вам уже удалось стать.

p.s. Оригинальная аватарка игры, которая была до релиза, была гораздо стилёвее, хоть и сильно выезжала на Халфе ну и что.
p.p.s. Интересно, а Сталкер ворующий вещи, является ли отсылкой к игре "Chernobylite"?

😊 Поддержка подпиской:

Best survival game I've played in a long time! I love the linear progression over random everything 24/7, the plot is pretty cool, lots of unique ideas, and just refreshing to play overall.

There's some stuff that gets a little repetitive and inconvenient, but hopefully it improves with time over the year. If they stick to their roadmap and have it done at the end of the year they'll be legends

I've had a great time with this up to the current end, should it stick the landing it could very well be one of the top dogs of the survival-crafting genre in my opinion. What is currently there feels very polished, unique, and enjoyable so far.

I like how the game handles general area progression, but I do think it might be nice to make it ever so slightly less linear. Maybe make one point where you branch off into two areas or something along those lines? I also think that even for an early access title, it ends rather abruptly. That said, the atmosphere is really awesome and the level variety is top-tier.

While I like the crafting ideas system and think it gives something unique to the game, I think the recipes could stand to be be spread out a bit more instead of coming in batches like they do currently. Not a huge thing, but I think it would make that side of the progression feel a little more even.

My biggest issue (aside from various technical issues that I have to imagine will be fixed over time) is that it could use a combat update. A complete rework would be great, but what's already there isn't the worst, so even just adding to and polishing the feel of that would probably be okay. That's really the only core element of the game that feels specifically "early", so I'm interested to see what they do with this in the future.

I also feel like while the later chapters have some cool ideas, they are ultimately weaker than the top half of the current content. There are also some strange little things here and there, like a lot of the recipes requiring potatoes, but I guess they took potato farming out because it was causing issues? So you have like, maybe 10 potatoes across the whole game to work with as of writing. Will surely be fixed, but like... maybe make them a higher fridge spawn until then?

If you're on the fence, it's probably worth giving a go! Seems really promising, I had plenty of fun and I can't wait to see how it shapes up over time.

(Last updated as of 5/20/2024)

Definitely one of the more interesting Surival-y craft-y games out there, gives me more Immersive Sim vibes - in a good way. Since this is Early Access we'll see how this pans out, but I can definitely recommend it single player, too.

wow this has really grown since the free update. i went out to explore & found a wild area .. i don't want to spoil but if you like half life & older games.. you should give this a try!