Reviews from

in the past

I wish they advertised this more as a martial arts fighting game rather than a Dark Souls game, cause that really sells it short when the customization in combat and love for martial arts is what really shines.

I'm unfortunate to find this game after the time when the playerbase was at it's peak. I'm having a lot of fun working with different styles and customizing movesets, the game really shines with it's online PvP.
Though grinding for new moves through blocking a specific attack multiple times or using a style ability against it gets really boring, I wish it was faster and less of a time waster.

Can't wait to play Sifu

Had an incredible potential, its downfall was simply the MMO/souls format. Put simply, it turns it into a huge pain in the ass very quickly. It has a brilliant combat mechanics but surrounds it with a bunch of cliché garbage. It could have been a sensation as a traditional linear single player game.

It did the fighting style gameplay better then For Honor but once you beat it ones and play some multiplayer matches after it becomes boring real fast. (Very exited for Sifu though!)

Joguei bem pouco, mas achei muito bom

Badass concept, but not very playable in 2021. After a short campaign in a barebones open world, there's little to do but duel players who have been playing the game for four years and have the full moveset unlocked.

Bem interessante, mas o combate n clicou cmg msm dps de umas 6 horas, e tive problemas com netcode.

Far more unique than it is enjoyable. Very unique though!

after an hour i literally rather be doing anything else

Interessantíssimo, gameplay com muito potencial, pena que morreu.

Kung-Fu Dark Souls, should be getting a lot more love...

A post-apocalyptic medieval world filled with people just hanging around waiting to fight you as you make your way around and to the top of a mysterious tower.

But you want to fight these folks because its fun - and if you can read their attacks you can learn them for yourself.

Like a true sequel to the SNES "Best of the Best" you then use these learned moves make your own movesets and combos, turning your little jabby masked loser into a roundhousing Chuck Norris.

I'm sure it would suck playing 1:1 against button mashing 13 year olds, but you can have people drop in to help you play co-op story without ever getting invaded by a rolypoly dagger runt too...

-Stili di lotta. La bellezza di Absolver sta nell'assimilare ed apprendere i differenti stili di lotta utilizzabili, lanciarsi alla ricerca dei maestri per impararne di nuovi ed il perfezionamento di essi. Sono molto variegati e personalizzabili, i combattimenti grazie a ciò hanno una dinamicità davvero molto apprezzabile.
-Gameplay. Un altro lato positivo di Absolver è sicuramente il gameplay, in particolar modo la sua natura multiplayer. Il gioco è per buona parte completabile online con gli amici, il bello sta anche nel poterli sfidare a piacimento quando si vuole. Capiterà spesso anche di cimentarsi in combattimenti con estranei sempre tramite l'online.

Non Apprezzato:
-Trama e Longevità. La trama è praticamente inesistente, ci sono giusto 2 o 3 accenni ed in sostanza si va avanti a combattere solo perché è bello, senza essere spinti da un qualsiasi tipo di motivazione. La longevità invece è il vero problema grave del gioco. Non tanto per un discorso di quantitativo di ore, quanto più che altro per quando effettivamente finisce il gioco. Appena Absolver prende la giusta piega che lo rende un gioco decisamente valido (si imparano i nuovi stili di lotta, ci si perfeziona e si iniziano ad incastrare correttamente le prime combo) il gioco finisce, senza climax e con una boss battle davvero anonima. Penso sia probabilmente il gioco che più mi ha lasciato l'amaro in bocca per un finale davvero mal calibrato.

Absolver poteva essere un ottimo indie, dal gameplay le premesse c'erano tutte. Purtroppo la decisione di troncare il gioco (perché la sensazione è proprio che venga troncato) lo rovina completamente e me ne ha lasciato un ricordo prevalentemente negativo. Non lo consiglio.

Infelizmente a campanha consegue ser menor q meu pau e o multiplayer é vazio, quando tem gente, já é cara q tá em níveis absurdos, então sla, a única falha é que a campanha acaba e a lore (n q isso importe masok) é kinda bruh.

Juiced hand to hand combat. Great times

This review contains spoilers

I played this game some time in 2018, so my information may be pretty dated by the time of this review.

Absolver is an interesting game. I found the combat style customization pretty rewarding and the environment, art and sound to be all satisfying enough. The game really felt best when playing a PVP duel; circling, countering and the pace of these fights helps the experience to feel more like a real street brawl than a fighting game.

My main complaint with the game was the lack of depth. I felt myself approaching the end of content trees in the short time I played it, though that may be different now.

I would recommend this game to people who appreciate unique PVP combat found in games like the Souls series and For Honor.

Absolver is a oddly fascinating game and it definitely has its moments. I really like the art style used, and the game overall is solid. Combat is kinda wack but not to clunky in the face of other aspects of the game. The most fascinating part of Absolver has to be the world around the player, and how it works.