Reviews from

in the past

Neat concept, but if you played one song you kinda played them all.

its kinda cool to have it autogenerate stuff but i wasnt that interested by it. just play osu or sumn unless you like the style

Tried it but I didn't enjoy the game modes as much as the first game, and I also couldn't figure out why the controls didn't feel as responsive as the first one.

I've had so much fun with this game but it really is a shell of it's former self thanks for the dev slowly breaking it more and more with each update.
Still fun to return to and play through a few random songs sometimes.

Fun game if you'd like to play your music

visually a good improvement over the original, but lacks a lot of polish in generating charts and also in some visual styles (particularly mystical) can have the track run into the background environment, blocking the actual chart you're trying to play.

Looks prettier. When it had the play music from YouTube feature this game was a great improvement, but since it was removed I just find myself playing the first one out of nostalgia. This one does have a couple more fun modes though.

Checked this out again because it was just updated with new game modes, including a shmup one. Instantly went from hyped to deflated upon starting this up again and remembering that it's essentially a glorified visualizer - after all, AI generated randomization doesn't hold a candle to curated challenges that actually make sense to the human ear. Wonder if this will be the catalyst for me finally downloading Clone Hero...

Edit, 2 hours later: it was, in fact, the catalyst for exactly that.

Audiosurf 2 is barebones in terms of its presentation and features. Whether or not you'll enjoy it will depend on how much you like music. If you absolutely love your music and just want a fancy excuse to listen to it, Audiosurf 2 is (still) one of the best options on the market. If you're looking for something with more complexity, a game like Crypt of the Necrodancer or the recently released Soundfall are fun alternatives.

There was also the whole controversy about the developer stripping support for YouTube's API over undisclosed matters. Given what happened with many Discord music bots that used YouTube's API, it seems almost prescient, and I wouldn't be surprised if something eerily similar happened. You can still technically mod it back into the game, but here's where I have to be upfront with you:

it's a nice feature, but it was kind of janky even when it was officially supported. You have to keep the video in the corner of your screen, which can get very distracting if what you're watching is a music video and feels pointless if it's not. The kinds of videos you're allowed to use are never specified, so the best thing about playing a rhythm game set to a YouTube video (I.E., giggling as you slowly move to the beat of an ASMR video or an old meme) never delivers itself with consistency. In terms of playing to music, it mostly works at finding what you're looking for, but it's only ever guaranteed if you're looking for something with many views. Other than that, it works, I guess. If you ask me, I think it would be neat to have a sequel to this that does the exact same thing that Beat Hazard 2 did (instead of capturing audio from a specific source, it just records whatever is on your desktop and charts it). It might be a little janky, but it's a fantastic compromise that deserves to be in a much more interesting game.

play to jams. jam to jams. could use more nuance but this is mixtape simulator and its good at that so what can you do

not really reactive to the music but it's fine 2

Beautiful game!
I used to make my own beats and stick em in here to whizz through -is that lame?

Fun little game with a ton of new features.

Audiosurf 2 is an improved version of the first game with some new shiny visuals, many more modes to play and a built in track list.

I really liked this second Audiosurf game. It just offers so much more than its predecessor. Although the game is mostly the same as the first game, there are some unique new modes. Some are all right, others are great.

You now got a dude on a long board, riding the waves of music, making super jumps at certain peaks, you got a obstacle course mode in which certain nodes are walls that you need to slide under or jump over and, of course, all the classic modes from the first game. It offers a lot of new variation, although I mainly sticked with the classic modes.

In terms of graphics, the environment and light effects in the background look stunning. It really adds depth to the tracks you are surfing and the nice solid black in them let the colors pop out. Your little ship also received a small upgrade. The blocks are now oval balls instead of the rectangular blocks from the first game. Although fine, I preferred the use of rectangles over the round shapes.

Instead of grey blocks, that you need to banish to the bottom of your que to make them disappear, you now need to avoid distortion spikes that do not have a lasting effect on your playing grid. It is a nice upgrade from the first game and looks a lot easier. However, your punishment for riding over them is a screeching sound in your headset that screws up the song for a moment, something that you want to avoid obviously.

The sound effects are a little overwhelming, one of the reasons I (and I think many others) turned them off immediately so you could focus on the music that you are surfing.

Speaking of the music, off course you can still add your own tracks, like the first game, but Audiosurf 2 features a big build in track list with a lot of unique artist and tracks that I did not know before. When I tried them, I immediately fell in love with Ensnare and its tracks and a lot of other gems that I discovered this way. It is just surprising to discover how many great build in music tracks this game provides right from the start.

Although I really like the new music Audiosurf 2 comes with, I still hoped that there could be some way or integration with Spotify in the future or in Audiosurf 3. It would make life so much easier.

Audiosurf 2 is just a great game and the best “music surfing” one, in a series of many. It is simple but effective and in this installment, it just offers so much more than the first game, especially with the low price in mind.

I would definitely recommend this game.

Sadly, Audiosurf 2 never caught on with me like its predecessor did; yes, the graphical effects are much improved, but the new modes simply don't jive that well with me. There are other complaints (like the clunky UI), but I fear those may be obsolete because they were formed while the game was in Early Access. It's quite possible that the game has improved since then; if so, this whole review may too be irrelevant.

I am also not good at this game.

Get blasted, install Spektrum Flashy Plus from the Steam Workshop, and play through all of Vision Creation Newsun 👍

you put your own music in the game and boom your have your own rythm game. it's very cool.

I remember not liking this compared to the original but that was when it just came out. Maybe I should revisit

You'll have fun playing Aphex Twin on this.

only better than audiosurf 1 because it has more content.

mod support is great too.

RIP using youtube videos as your audio source.

It's not bad but it doesn't offer enough compared to Audiosurf to justify its existence.

Fun to play with your favorite songs. AI is kinda ass.

this game was incredible until they removed the youtube functionality