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Comix Zone es un beat ‘em up de 16 bits lanzado para PC y Sega Megadrive que presenta un estilo visual y un planteamiento originales. Este título, lanzado por Sega en 1995, destaca por su innovadora premisa que transporta a los jugadores dentro de las páginas de un cómic, ofreciendo una experiencia única y envolvente.

La jugabilidad de Comix Zone es sólida y satisfactoria que ofrece un control preciso y receptivo, permitiendo a los jugadores ejecutar una pequeña variedad de combos de forma fluida que se complementan con un pequeño sistema de inventario que almacena objetos útiles que se pueden usar a lo largo de la partida. Además, el juego incorpora pequeños puzzles en algunas viñetas, añadiendo variedad y desafío a la experiencia de juego típico de su género y de la época. A lo largo de las viñetas del cómic, los jugadores deben abrirse camino a través de hordas de enemigos con movimientos únicos que se coordinan entre sí para atacar al jugador, también contarán con un posicionamiento estratégico que obstaculizará el paso del jugador a través de las viñetas. El juego goza de gran rejugabilidad, ya que en múltiples ocasiones al pasar de una viñeta otra se ofrece elegir entre dos posibles rutas por lo que incita a volver a jugar para descubrir todas las rutas posibles. También consigue una run única para cada partida o jugador con todas las combinaciones posibles de rutas.

Una de las características más destacadas de Comix Zone es su innovador enfoque visual. El juego utiliza un estilo de arte único que simula el aspecto de un cómic en movimiento, con viñetas, bocadillos y efectos visuales que dan la sensación de estar jugando dentro de un libro de historietas. Esta estética distintiva añade una capa adicional de inmersión a la experiencia de juego y contribuye en gran medida al atractivo general de este.

La banda sonora de Comix Zone también merece reconocimiento, con pistas que complementan perfectamente la acción del juego y añaden al ambiente general. Las melodías rockeras y dinámicas contribuyen a aumentar la intensidad de los combates y mantienen el dinamismo de la acción.

En cuanto a la trama, Los jugadores asumen el papel de Sketch Turner, un dibujante de cómics atrapado dentro de su propio tebeo. La premisa de un dibujante atrapado dentro de su propia creación añade un elemento de metaficción interesante, y la narrativa se desarrolla de manera dinámica a lo largo del juego, la historia se va moldeando conforme Sketch avanza por el cómic alterando su historia y la de su obra.

En conclusión, Comix Zone es un título imprescindible para los amantes de los juegos de acción y los cómics. Con su innovador estilo visual, su sólida jugabilidad y su trama dinámica ofrece una experiencia de juego única y memorable que sigue siendo relevante incluso después de tres décadas desde su lanzamiento.

Nowadays, Comix Zone is only remembered for the beautiful visuals, which is a shame, since the gameplay is way deeper than whats on the surface.

At its core, this game is as much about item management as it is about beating enemies up. There's Roadkill, which can you find items on certain screens, help you fight enemies, and pull switches you cant get to. There are also the bombs, which can blow up structures that you would have to lose damage trying to destroy, and the medicine, which replenishes half your HP.

Take your time with Comix Zone, don't brute-force through it and learn the puzzles and moves. You'll find a truly unique game that hasn't gotten enough love.

fuck that ending though. fuck you mean "until"????

The cheap damage mechanics suck but to me, this is a perfect game and one that captures the beauty of the sega genesis console. The level design and dialogue are fantastic!!

El apartado artistico y musical es excelente, las mecanicas son unicas y la jugabilidad muy buena.

so funny that one tiny thing can change an entire game cough cough taking damage when punching something cough


Look, one day I'll play this game with the patch applied that makes it so that you don't take damage from punching boxes and other objects that contain items. What an insane way to artificially increase the difficulty.

a jornada pelo mega drive não poderia começar melhor, mitada suprema

Jesus Christ why is this so hard???

A primeira coisa que recomendo nesse jogo, baixe uma versão mod que arrume o que a SEGA estragou propositalmente nesse game (dificuldade artificial e uma série de outras coisas) no meu caso joguei a versão calcium kid, dito isso, esse game é bom pelo seu diferencial de design, pela soundtrack, pela gameplay muito bem feita, fica a ideia de um dia fazerem um remaster ou remake deste game.

Hidden gem! What a cool concept!!!

I don’t understand how we didn’t get more games in this series or at least like this. Theirs was such a neat concept. Wish Turner didn’t lose life by punching items. While getting better at the game, it did stink to die trying to advance.

A very challenging game that could use continues or extra lives. Fun gameplay, great graphics, and fantastic stage design makes this still one of the best games on the Genesis.

Rating: 5.9/10 - Bad

I really like the presentation, the sprite work and the animations but that's about it. The combat doesn't feel very good and the enemy design never goes above the "ok" line.

got this randomly from a frined cuz they knew I had a GBA, kicked my fkn ASS when i was kid but somehow managed 2 beat it. good game but otherwise unfair

The game looks great i get it but one life? No continues? c'mon man...

Zerei o jogo e que sensação boa! Eu vi ele pela primeira vez num CD de Play 2 que eu tinha um monte de jogo do Sonic e da uns da SEGA e Comix Zone era um deles, eu não passava da segunda fase era criança e não tinha capacidade de jogar esse jogo dificil. Agora em 2024 mais de 10 anos depois eu finalmente zerei esse jogo da minha infância que sempre achei massa mas muito dificil. Joguei ele pelo Sega Mega Drive Classics na Steam e foi um parto passar de certas fases, o jogo é bem bonito pra época é um jogasso pra resumir o que fode é dificuldade absurda dele, se não fosse os saves que eu marquei seria impossivel passar da segunda fase sem morrer 1 vez. Enfim vale a pena pra quem gosta de jogo antigo e desafiador. (8/10)

Kudos to the developers for making one of the most original games avaiable on Mega Drive/Genesis.

On one hand (the one holding the pencil) this game is GORGEOUS. Not only some of the best graphics on the Sega Genesis, but some of the best graphics in a 2D game I've seen! It really does feel like a playable comic book, and the animations don't cheap out either as this is some of the most fluid 16-bit movement you'll get, on par with the Genesis Aladdin's animations easily. There's also humorous speechbubbles and you even see your playtime when you pause.

Unfortunately on the other hand (the one holding the controller) the gameplay is still fine but the combat feels mashy despite the wide range of skills Sketch has access to. But maybe that's just me being bad. What isn't me being bad is the game's obtuseness with what you're supposed to do at times. A lot of the solutions involve using your rat friend but the game won't tell you that beforehand, and just knowing about Rat isn't enough in some situations, one I remember was a switch for a lava platform that was so confusing I just damage boosted past the puzzle.

I think if Comix Zone ironed out its gameplay a bit, it would have been far more successful, but as-is it's simply a hidden solid title to play from the Sega Genesis library, and a recommend for anyone who loves sprite animations and gorgeous sprite work in general.

Pros: Great gameplay. Astonishing art direction and one of the greatest soundtracks in videogame history.

Cons: Too short, too hard.

I love it.

this is one of those games i really wanted to like because i love the style with the game having you go through a comic book and it doesnt even play that poorly, but god it was just difficult as fuck and im thinking about how punching doors and boxes made you lose hp, why???? i just think about this every time i slightly consider going back and it just makes me really not want. i remember getting as far as level two and even though i had learned this game was really short i put it down at the time and thought id just try and go back sometime, not sure if thats gonna happen though, at least not for a while

Comix Zone is a half hour long game that purposefully sets up traps that you can't see coming/react to in time so that you have to keep replaying until you get it right. Conceptually, it's great, with the comic book inspired graphics. Definitely one of the best looking Genesis titles.

This game is known for its difficulty, but it honestly isn't very hard. Once you grind out the game enough and find the best paths to take, there is no challenge left. If I ever replay it, I will struggle minimally since I know all that traps that lie ahead. It was definitely designed this way because of how short the game is, and probably to counter the rental market at the time.

Visually appealing if short and easy beat-em-up. Points for original concept, fighting between the shifting panels of a comic book. Not much variety between enemies, but nice to look at with plenty of humour.

Bs difficulty, very clever use of the graphical style

Bueno, pero esta culero la inconsistencia del juego en darte otra vida

Never beat it and never will, but it was pretty damn cool

Доволі складна, але дуже стильна та цікава гра, котра страждає на хворобу більшості старих ігор: має несправедливо важку складність. Поки ви не будете знати наперед що вас очікує - ви будете попадати в пастки на самому початку панелі, будете хапати по дупці від неочікуваних прийомів ворогів і т.д.. Також ви втрачаєте очки здоров'я при лупцьуванні перешкод (що інколи треба робити): залізо, дерево, чи камінь - не важливо, вам буде боляче що б ви не лупасили.

Мені гра сподобалась, вона стильна та дуже класно промальована, особливо вода дуже круто виглядає. Проблеми зі складністю для мене вирішила можливість перемотки на сучасних пристроях, як наприклад, на Nintendo switch.

Декілька порад від мене:
- В першу чергу навчіться блокувати, протягом гри дуже допоможе. В мене навіть виходило блокувати вибухи.
- Комбінуйте різні види атак.
- Не забувайте діставати вашого пацючка на кожній панелі, щоб він знайшов вам щось корисне, але будьте обережні, інколи він може знайти і не самі приємні сюрпризи.
- Як переходите з панелі на панель - будьте готові до пасток.

This is the coolest game held back by just the dumbest shit like obscenely scarce health items and straight up bonkers amount of unfair traps. It's super short, but like there's a taste of something truly special. Sadly, it's full potential never realized.
The game consists of cool comic stylings, shallow combat, and being RELENTLESSLY MURDERED by literally fucking everything. Bro you can take damage punching metal. What the F U C K. Are we not playing as a wish fulfillment ponytailed asshole why is he getting jabroni'd by the game's environment on top of being constantly jumped by enemies and overwhelming stage hazards.

They want you to like die, and you will no matter how skilled you are. The continues are...out of the question. So you will have to start the whole game over if you get fucked up, so you will. There is nothing you can do about it. It is VERY hard to beat this game legitimately. I had to look up the ending. It turns out he's an incel. Shocking.

btw swinging from panel to panel is SO FUCKING COOL.

Premissa ótima, gráficos maravilhosos, mas a dificuldade chega a ser injusta.

A very stylish and creative beat 'em up that puts-up one Hell of a challenge not to be taken lightly. One of the most overlooked games for the Genesis.

would be an easy 8 if not for the absurd difficulty cause everything about this game is cool as hell